// Copyright 2015 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package xorm

import (


var (
	mysqlReservedWords = map[string]bool{
		"ADD":               true,
		"ALL":               true,
		"ALTER":             true,
		"ANALYZE":           true,
		"AND":               true,
		"AS":                true,
		"ASC":               true,
		"ASENSITIVE":        true,
		"BEFORE":            true,
		"BETWEEN":           true,
		"BIGINT":            true,
		"BINARY":            true,
		"BLOB":              true,
		"BOTH":              true,
		"BY":                true,
		"CALL":              true,
		"CASCADE":           true,
		"CASE":              true,
		"CHANGE":            true,
		"CHAR":              true,
		"CHARACTER":         true,
		"CHECK":             true,
		"COLLATE":           true,
		"COLUMN":            true,
		"CONDITION":         true,
		"CONNECTION":        true,
		"CONSTRAINT":        true,
		"CONTINUE":          true,
		"CONVERT":           true,
		"CREATE":            true,
		"CROSS":             true,
		"CURRENT_DATE":      true,
		"CURRENT_TIME":      true,
		"CURRENT_USER":      true,
		"CURSOR":            true,
		"DATABASE":          true,
		"DATABASES":         true,
		"DAY_HOUR":          true,
		"DAY_MICROSECOND":   true,
		"DAY_MINUTE":        true,
		"DAY_SECOND":        true,
		"DEC":               true,
		"DECIMAL":           true,
		"DECLARE":           true,
		"DEFAULT":           true,
		"DELAYED":           true,
		"DELETE":            true,
		"DESC":              true,
		"DESCRIBE":          true,
		"DETERMINISTIC":     true,
		"DISTINCT":          true,
		"DISTINCTROW":       true,
		"DIV":               true,
		"DOUBLE":            true,
		"DROP":              true,
		"DUAL":              true,
		"EACH":              true,
		"ELSE":              true,
		"ELSEIF":            true,
		"ENCLOSED":          true,
		"ESCAPED":           true,
		"EXISTS":            true,
		"EXIT":              true,
		"EXPLAIN":           true,
		"FALSE":             true,
		"FETCH":             true,
		"FLOAT":             true,
		"FLOAT4":            true,
		"FLOAT8":            true,
		"FOR":               true,
		"FORCE":             true,
		"FOREIGN":           true,
		"FROM":              true,
		"FULLTEXT":          true,
		"GOTO":              true,
		"GRANT":             true,
		"GROUP":             true,
		"HAVING":            true,
		"HIGH_PRIORITY":     true,
		"HOUR_MINUTE":       true,
		"HOUR_SECOND":       true,
		"IF":                true,
		"IGNORE":            true,
		"IN":                true, "INDEX": true,
		"INFILE": true, "INNER": true, "INOUT": true,
		"INSENSITIVE": true, "INSERT": true, "INT": true,
		"INT1": true, "INT2": true, "INT3": true,
		"INT4": true, "INT8": true, "INTEGER": true,
		"INTERVAL": true, "INTO": true, "IS": true,
		"ITERATE": true, "JOIN": true, "KEY": true,
		"KEYS": true, "KILL": true, "LABEL": true,
		"LEADING": true, "LEAVE": true, "LEFT": true,
		"LIKE": true, "LIMIT": true, "LINEAR": true,
		"LINES": true, "LOAD": true, "LOCALTIME": true,
		"LOCALTIMESTAMP": true, "LOCK": true, "LONG": true,
		"LONGBLOB": true, "LONGTEXT": true, "LOOP": true,
		"LOW_PRIORITY": true, "MATCH": true, "MEDIUMBLOB": true,
		"MEDIUMINT": true, "MEDIUMTEXT": true, "MIDDLEINT": true,
		"MINUTE_MICROSECOND": true, "MINUTE_SECOND": true, "MOD": true,
		"MODIFIES": true, "NATURAL": true, "NOT": true,
		"NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG": true, "NULL": true, "NUMERIC": true,
		"ON	OPTIMIZE": true, "OPTION": true,
		"OPTIONALLY": true, "OR": true, "ORDER": true,
		"OUT": true, "OUTER": true, "OUTFILE": true,
		"PRECISION": true, "PRIMARY": true, "PROCEDURE": true,
		"PURGE": true, "RAID0": true, "RANGE": true,
		"READ": true, "READS": true, "REAL": true,
		"REFERENCES": true, "REGEXP": true, "RELEASE": true,
		"RENAME": true, "REPEAT": true, "REPLACE": true,
		"REQUIRE": true, "RESTRICT": true, "RETURN": true,
		"REVOKE": true, "RIGHT": true, "RLIKE": true,
		"SCHEMA": true, "SCHEMAS": true, "SECOND_MICROSECOND": true,
		"SELECT": true, "SENSITIVE": true, "SEPARATOR": true,
		"SET": true, "SHOW": true, "SMALLINT": true,
		"SPATIAL": true, "SPECIFIC": true, "SQL": true,
		"SQLEXCEPTION": true, "SQLSTATE": true, "SQLWARNING": true,
		"SSL": true, "STARTING": true, "STRAIGHT_JOIN": true,
		"TABLE": true, "TERMINATED": true, "THEN": true,
		"TINYBLOB": true, "TINYINT": true, "TINYTEXT": true,
		"TO": true, "TRAILING": true, "TRIGGER": true,
		"TRUE": true, "UNDO": true, "UNION": true,
		"UNIQUE": true, "UNLOCK": true, "UNSIGNED": true,
		"UPDATE": true, "USAGE": true, "USE": true,
		"USING": true, "UTC_DATE": true, "UTC_TIME": true,
		"UTC_TIMESTAMP": true, "VALUES": true, "VARBINARY": true,
		"VARCHAR":      true,
		"VARYING":      true,
		"WHEN":         true,
		"WHERE":        true,
		"WHILE":        true,
		"WITH":         true,
		"WRITE":        true,
		"X509":         true,
		"XOR":          true,
		"YEAR_MONTH":   true,
		"ZEROFILL":     true,

type mysql struct {
	net               string
	addr              string
	params            map[string]string
	loc               *time.Location
	timeout           time.Duration
	tls               *tls.Config
	allowAllFiles     bool
	allowOldPasswords bool
	clientFoundRows   bool

func (db *mysql) Init(d *core.DB, uri *core.Uri, drivername, dataSourceName string) error {
	return db.Base.Init(d, db, uri, drivername, dataSourceName)

func (db *mysql) SqlType(c *core.Column) string {
	var res string
	switch t := c.SQLType.Name; t {
	case core.Bool:
		res = core.TinyInt
		c.Length = 1
	case core.Serial:
		c.IsAutoIncrement = true
		c.IsPrimaryKey = true
		c.Nullable = false
		res = core.Int
	case core.BigSerial:
		c.IsAutoIncrement = true
		c.IsPrimaryKey = true
		c.Nullable = false
		res = core.BigInt
	case core.Bytea:
		res = core.Blob
	case core.TimeStampz:
		res = core.Char
		c.Length = 64
	case core.Enum: //mysql enum
		res = core.Enum
		res += "("
		opts := ""
		for v := range c.EnumOptions {
			opts += fmt.Sprintf(",'%v'", v)
		res += strings.TrimLeft(opts, ",")
		res += ")"
	case core.Set: //mysql set
		res = core.Set
		res += "("
		opts := ""
		for v := range c.SetOptions {
			opts += fmt.Sprintf(",'%v'", v)
		res += strings.TrimLeft(opts, ",")
		res += ")"
	case core.NVarchar:
		res = core.Varchar
	case core.Uuid:
		res = core.Varchar
		c.Length = 40
	case core.Json:
		res = core.Text
		res = t

	hasLen1 := (c.Length > 0)
	hasLen2 := (c.Length2 > 0)

	if res == core.BigInt && !hasLen1 && !hasLen2 {
		c.Length = 20
		hasLen1 = true

	if hasLen2 {
		res += "(" + strconv.Itoa(c.Length) + "," + strconv.Itoa(c.Length2) + ")"
	} else if hasLen1 {
		res += "(" + strconv.Itoa(c.Length) + ")"
	return res

func (db *mysql) SupportInsertMany() bool {
	return true

func (db *mysql) IsReserved(name string) bool {
	_, ok := mysqlReservedWords[name]
	return ok

func (db *mysql) Quote(name string) string {
	return "`" + name + "`"

func (db *mysql) QuoteStr() string {
	return "`"

func (db *mysql) SupportEngine() bool {
	return true

func (db *mysql) AutoIncrStr() string {

func (db *mysql) SupportCharset() bool {
	return true

func (db *mysql) IndexOnTable() bool {
	return true

func (db *mysql) IndexCheckSql(tableName, idxName string) (string, []interface{}) {
	args := []interface{}{db.DbName, tableName, idxName}
	return sql, args

/*func (db *mysql) ColumnCheckSql(tableName, colName string) (string, []interface{}) {
	args := []interface{}{db.DbName, tableName, colName}
	return sql, args

func (db *mysql) TableCheckSql(tableName string) (string, []interface{}) {
	args := []interface{}{db.DbName, tableName}
	return sql, args

func (db *mysql) GetColumns(tableName string) ([]string, map[string]*core.Column, error) {
	args := []interface{}{db.DbName, tableName}
	db.LogSQL(s, args)

	rows, err := db.DB().Query(s, args...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	defer rows.Close()

	cols := make(map[string]*core.Column)
	colSeq := make([]string, 0)
	for rows.Next() {
		col := new(core.Column)
		col.Indexes = make(map[string]int)

		var columnName, isNullable, colType, colKey, extra, comment string
		var colDefault *string
		err = rows.Scan(&columnName, &isNullable, &colDefault, &colType, &colKey, &extra, &comment)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err
		col.Name = strings.Trim(columnName, "` ")
		col.Comment = comment
		if "YES" == isNullable {
			col.Nullable = true

		if colDefault != nil {
			col.Default = *colDefault
			if col.Default == "" {
				col.DefaultIsEmpty = true

		cts := strings.Split(colType, "(")
		colName := cts[0]
		colType = strings.ToUpper(colName)
		var len1, len2 int
		if len(cts) == 2 {
			idx := strings.Index(cts[1], ")")
			if colType == core.Enum && cts[1][0] == '\'' { //enum
				options := strings.Split(cts[1][0:idx], ",")
				col.EnumOptions = make(map[string]int)
				for k, v := range options {
					v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
					v = strings.Trim(v, "'")
					col.EnumOptions[v] = k
			} else if colType == core.Set && cts[1][0] == '\'' {
				options := strings.Split(cts[1][0:idx], ",")
				col.SetOptions = make(map[string]int)
				for k, v := range options {
					v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
					v = strings.Trim(v, "'")
					col.SetOptions[v] = k
			} else {
				lens := strings.Split(cts[1][0:idx], ",")
				len1, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(lens[0]))
				if err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err
				if len(lens) == 2 {
					len2, err = strconv.Atoi(lens[1])
					if err != nil {
						return nil, nil, err
		if colType == "FLOAT UNSIGNED" {
			colType = "FLOAT"
		col.Length = len1
		col.Length2 = len2
		if _, ok := core.SqlTypes[colType]; ok {
			col.SQLType = core.SQLType{Name: colType, DefaultLength: len1, DefaultLength2: len2}
		} else {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown colType %v", colType)

		if colKey == "PRI" {
			col.IsPrimaryKey = true
		if colKey == "UNI" {

		if extra == "auto_increment" {
			col.IsAutoIncrement = true

		if col.SQLType.IsText() || col.SQLType.IsTime() {
			if col.Default != "" {
				col.Default = "'" + col.Default + "'"
			} else {
				if col.DefaultIsEmpty {
					col.Default = "''"
		cols[col.Name] = col
		colSeq = append(colSeq, col.Name)
	return colSeq, cols, nil

func (db *mysql) GetTables() ([]*core.Table, error) {
	args := []interface{}{db.DbName}
	db.LogSQL(s, args)

	rows, err := db.DB().Query(s, args...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer rows.Close()

	tables := make([]*core.Table, 0)
	for rows.Next() {
		table := core.NewEmptyTable()
		var name, engine, tableRows, comment string
		var autoIncr *string
		err = rows.Scan(&name, &engine, &tableRows, &autoIncr, &comment)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		table.Name = name
		table.Comment = comment
		table.StoreEngine = engine
		tables = append(tables, table)
	return tables, nil

func (db *mysql) GetIndexes(tableName string) (map[string]*core.Index, error) {
	args := []interface{}{db.DbName, tableName}
	db.LogSQL(s, args)

	rows, err := db.DB().Query(s, args...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer rows.Close()

	indexes := make(map[string]*core.Index, 0)
	for rows.Next() {
		var indexType int
		var indexName, colName, nonUnique string
		err = rows.Scan(&indexName, &nonUnique, &colName)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if indexName == "PRIMARY" {

		if "YES" == nonUnique || nonUnique == "1" {
			indexType = core.IndexType
		} else {
			indexType = core.UniqueType

		colName = strings.Trim(colName, "` ")
		var isRegular bool
		if strings.HasPrefix(indexName, "IDX_"+tableName) || strings.HasPrefix(indexName, "UQE_"+tableName) {
			indexName = indexName[5+len(tableName):]
			isRegular = true

		var index *core.Index
		var ok bool
		if index, ok = indexes[indexName]; !ok {
			index = new(core.Index)
			index.IsRegular = isRegular
			index.Type = indexType
			index.Name = indexName
			indexes[indexName] = index
	return indexes, nil

func (db *mysql) Filters() []core.Filter {
	return []core.Filter{&core.IdFilter{}}

type mymysqlDriver struct {

func (p *mymysqlDriver) Parse(driverName, dataSourceName string) (*core.Uri, error) {
	db := &core.Uri{DbType: core.MYSQL}

	pd := strings.SplitN(dataSourceName, "*", 2)
	if len(pd) == 2 {
		// Parse protocol part of URI
		p := strings.SplitN(pd[0], ":", 2)
		if len(p) != 2 {
			return nil, errors.New("Wrong protocol part of URI")
		db.Proto = p[0]
		options := strings.Split(p[1], ",")
		db.Raddr = options[0]
		for _, o := range options[1:] {
			kv := strings.SplitN(o, "=", 2)
			var k, v string
			if len(kv) == 2 {
				k, v = kv[0], kv[1]
			} else {
				k, v = o, "true"
			switch k {
			case "laddr":
				db.Laddr = v
			case "timeout":
				to, err := time.ParseDuration(v)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				db.Timeout = to
				return nil, errors.New("Unknown option: " + k)
		// Remove protocol part
		pd = pd[1:]
	// Parse database part of URI
	dup := strings.SplitN(pd[0], "/", 3)
	if len(dup) != 3 {
		return nil, errors.New("Wrong database part of URI")
	db.DbName = dup[0]
	db.User = dup[1]
	db.Passwd = dup[2]

	return db, nil

type mysqlDriver struct {

func (p *mysqlDriver) Parse(driverName, dataSourceName string) (*core.Uri, error) {
	dsnPattern := regexp.MustCompile(
		`^(?:(?P<user>.*?)(?::(?P<passwd>.*))?@)?` + // [user[:password]@]
			`(?:(?P<net>[^\(]*)(?:\((?P<addr>[^\)]*)\))?)?` + // [net[(addr)]]
			`\/(?P<dbname>.*?)` + // /dbname
			`(?:\?(?P<params>[^\?]*))?$`) // [?param1=value1&paramN=valueN]
	matches := dsnPattern.FindStringSubmatch(dataSourceName)
	//tlsConfigRegister := make(map[string]*tls.Config)
	names := dsnPattern.SubexpNames()

	uri := &core.Uri{DbType: core.MYSQL}

	for i, match := range matches {
		switch names[i] {
		case "dbname":
			uri.DbName = match
		case "params":
			if len(match) > 0 {
				kvs := strings.Split(match, "&")
				for _, kv := range kvs {
					splits := strings.Split(kv, "=")
					if len(splits) == 2 {
						switch splits[0] {
						case "charset":
							uri.Charset = splits[1]

	return uri, nil