package models // IsAdmin returns whether the user has admin rights on the list or not func (l *List) IsAdmin(user *User) bool { // Owners are always admins if l.Owner.ID == user.ID { return true } // Check Team rights // aka "is the user in a team which has admin rights?" // TODO // Check Namespace rights // TODO // Check individual rights // TODO return false } // CanWrite return whether the user can write on that list or not func (l *List) CanWrite(user *User) bool { // Owners always have write access if l.Owner.ID == user.ID { return true } // Admins always have write access if l.IsAdmin(user) { return true } // Check Namespace rights // TODO // TODO find a way to prioritize: what happens if a user has namespace write access but is not in that list? // Check Team rights // TODO // Check individual rights // TODO return false } // CanRead checks if a user has read access to a list func (l *List) CanRead(user *User) bool { // Owners always have read access if l.Owner.ID == user.ID { return true } // Admins always have read access if l.IsAdmin(user) { return true } // Check Namespace rights exists, _ := x.Select("list.*"). Table("namespaces"). Join("INNER", "list", "list.namespace_id ="). Join("INNER", "team_namespaces", "team_namespaces.namespace_id ="). Join("INNER", "team_members", "team_members.team_id = team_namespaces.team_id"). Where("team_members.user_id = ?", user.ID). And(" = ?", l.ID). Get(&List{}) if exists { return true } // Check Team rights // TODO // Check individual rights // TODO return false } // CanDelete checks if the user can delete a list func (l *List) CanDelete(doer *User) bool { list, _ := GetListByID(l.ID) return list.IsAdmin(doer) } // CanUpdate checks if the user can update a list func (l *List) CanUpdate(doer *User) bool { list, _ := GetListByID(l.ID) return list.CanWrite(doer) } // CanCreate checks if the user can update a list func (l *List) CanCreate(doer *User) bool { // A user can create a list if he has write access to the namespace n, _ := GetNamespaceByID(l.NamespaceID) return n.CanWrite(doer) }