package pattern import ( "fmt" "go/ast" "go/token" "go/types" "reflect" "" ) var tokensByString = map[string]Token{ "INT": Token(token.INT), "FLOAT": Token(token.FLOAT), "IMAG": Token(token.IMAG), "CHAR": Token(token.CHAR), "STRING": Token(token.STRING), "+": Token(token.ADD), "-": Token(token.SUB), "*": Token(token.MUL), "/": Token(token.QUO), "%": Token(token.REM), "&": Token(token.AND), "|": Token(token.OR), "^": Token(token.XOR), "<<": Token(token.SHL), ">>": Token(token.SHR), "&^": Token(token.AND_NOT), "+=": Token(token.ADD_ASSIGN), "-=": Token(token.SUB_ASSIGN), "*=": Token(token.MUL_ASSIGN), "/=": Token(token.QUO_ASSIGN), "%=": Token(token.REM_ASSIGN), "&=": Token(token.AND_ASSIGN), "|=": Token(token.OR_ASSIGN), "^=": Token(token.XOR_ASSIGN), "<<=": Token(token.SHL_ASSIGN), ">>=": Token(token.SHR_ASSIGN), "&^=": Token(token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN), "&&": Token(token.LAND), "||": Token(token.LOR), "<-": Token(token.ARROW), "++": Token(token.INC), "--": Token(token.DEC), "==": Token(token.EQL), "<": Token(token.LSS), ">": Token(token.GTR), "=": Token(token.ASSIGN), "!": Token(token.NOT), "!=": Token(token.NEQ), "<=": Token(token.LEQ), ">=": Token(token.GEQ), ":=": Token(token.DEFINE), "...": Token(token.ELLIPSIS), "IMPORT": Token(token.IMPORT), "VAR": Token(token.VAR), "TYPE": Token(token.TYPE), "CONST": Token(token.CONST), } func maybeToken(node Node) (Node, bool) { if node, ok := node.(String); ok { if tok, ok := tokensByString[string(node)]; ok { return tok, true } return node, false } return node, false } func isNil(v interface{}) bool { if v == nil { return true } if _, ok := v.(Nil); ok { return true } return false } type matcher interface { Match(*Matcher, interface{}) (interface{}, bool) } type State = map[string]interface{} type Matcher struct { TypesInfo *types.Info State State } func (m *Matcher) fork() *Matcher { state := make(State, len(m.State)) for k, v := range m.State { state[k] = v } return &Matcher{ TypesInfo: m.TypesInfo, State: state, } } func (m *Matcher) merge(mc *Matcher) { m.State = mc.State } func (m *Matcher) Match(a Node, b ast.Node) bool { m.State = State{} _, ok := match(m, a, b) return ok } func Match(a Node, b ast.Node) (*Matcher, bool) { m := &Matcher{} ret := m.Match(a, b) return m, ret } // Match two items, which may be (Node, AST) or (AST, AST) func match(m *Matcher, l, r interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { if _, ok := r.(Node); ok { panic("Node mustn't be on right side of match") } switch l := l.(type) { case *ast.ParenExpr: return match(m, l.X, r) case *ast.ExprStmt: return match(m, l.X, r) case *ast.DeclStmt: return match(m, l.Decl, r) case *ast.LabeledStmt: return match(m, l.Stmt, r) case *ast.BlockStmt: return match(m, l.List, r) case *ast.FieldList: return match(m, l.List, r) } switch r := r.(type) { case *ast.ParenExpr: return match(m, l, r.X) case *ast.ExprStmt: return match(m, l, r.X) case *ast.DeclStmt: return match(m, l, r.Decl) case *ast.LabeledStmt: return match(m, l, r.Stmt) case *ast.BlockStmt: if r == nil { return match(m, l, nil) } return match(m, l, r.List) case *ast.FieldList: if r == nil { return match(m, l, nil) } return match(m, l, r.List) case *ast.BasicLit: if r == nil { return match(m, l, nil) } } if l, ok := l.(matcher); ok { return l.Match(m, r) } if l, ok := l.(Node); ok { // Matching of pattern with concrete value return matchNodeAST(m, l, r) } if l == nil || r == nil { return nil, l == r } { ln, ok1 := l.(ast.Node) rn, ok2 := r.(ast.Node) if ok1 && ok2 { return matchAST(m, ln, rn) } } { obj, ok := l.(types.Object) if ok { switch r := r.(type) { case *ast.Ident: return obj, obj == m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(r) case *ast.SelectorExpr: return obj, obj == m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(r.Sel) default: return obj, false } } } { ln, ok1 := l.([]ast.Expr) rn, ok2 := r.([]ast.Expr) if ok1 || ok2 { if ok1 && !ok2 { rn = []ast.Expr{r.(ast.Expr)} } else if !ok1 && ok2 { ln = []ast.Expr{l.(ast.Expr)} } if len(ln) != len(rn) { return nil, false } for i, ll := range ln { if _, ok := match(m, ll, rn[i]); !ok { return nil, false } } return r, true } } { ln, ok1 := l.([]ast.Stmt) rn, ok2 := r.([]ast.Stmt) if ok1 || ok2 { if ok1 && !ok2 { rn = []ast.Stmt{r.(ast.Stmt)} } else if !ok1 && ok2 { ln = []ast.Stmt{l.(ast.Stmt)} } if len(ln) != len(rn) { return nil, false } for i, ll := range ln { if _, ok := match(m, ll, rn[i]); !ok { return nil, false } } return r, true } } panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported comparison: %T and %T", l, r)) } // Match a Node with an AST node func matchNodeAST(m *Matcher, a Node, b interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { switch b := b.(type) { case []ast.Stmt: // 'a' is not a List or we'd be using its Match // implementation. if len(b) != 1 { return nil, false } return match(m, a, b[0]) case []ast.Expr: // 'a' is not a List or we'd be using its Match // implementation. if len(b) != 1 { return nil, false } return match(m, a, b[0]) case ast.Node: ra := reflect.ValueOf(a) rb := reflect.ValueOf(b).Elem() if ra.Type().Name() != rb.Type().Name() { return nil, false } for i := 0; i < ra.NumField(); i++ { af := ra.Field(i) fieldName := ra.Type().Field(i).Name bf := rb.FieldByName(fieldName) if (bf == reflect.Value{}) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: could not find field %s in type %t when comparing with %T", fieldName, b, a)) } ai := af.Interface() bi := bf.Interface() if ai == nil { return b, bi == nil } if _, ok := match(m, ai.(Node), bi); !ok { return b, false } } return b, true case nil: return nil, a == Nil{} default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled type %T", b)) } } // Match two AST nodes func matchAST(m *Matcher, a, b ast.Node) (interface{}, bool) { ra := reflect.ValueOf(a) rb := reflect.ValueOf(b) if ra.Type() != rb.Type() { return nil, false } if ra.IsNil() || rb.IsNil() { return rb, ra.IsNil() == rb.IsNil() } ra = ra.Elem() rb = rb.Elem() for i := 0; i < ra.NumField(); i++ { af := ra.Field(i) bf := rb.Field(i) if af.Type() == rtTokPos || af.Type() == rtObject || af.Type() == rtCommentGroup { continue } switch af.Kind() { case reflect.Slice: if af.Len() != bf.Len() { return nil, false } for j := 0; j < af.Len(); j++ { if _, ok := match(m, af.Index(j).Interface().(ast.Node), bf.Index(j).Interface().(ast.Node)); !ok { return nil, false } } case reflect.String: if af.String() != bf.String() { return nil, false } case reflect.Int: if af.Int() != bf.Int() { return nil, false } case reflect.Bool: if af.Bool() != bf.Bool() { return nil, false } case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface: if _, ok := match(m, af.Interface(), bf.Interface()); !ok { return nil, false } default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: unhandled kind %s (%T)", af.Kind(), af.Interface())) } } return b, true } func (b Binding) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { if isNil(b.Node) { v, ok := m.State[b.Name] if ok { // Recall value return match(m, v, node) } // Matching anything b.Node = Any{} } // Store value if _, ok := m.State[b.Name]; ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("binding already created: %s", b.Name)) } new, ret := match(m, b.Node, node) if ret { m.State[b.Name] = new } return new, ret } func (Any) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { return node, true } func (l List) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { v := reflect.ValueOf(node) if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice { if isNil(l.Head) { return node, v.Len() == 0 } if v.Len() == 0 { return nil, false } // OPT(dh): don't check the entire tail if head didn't match _, ok1 := match(m, l.Head, v.Index(0).Interface()) _, ok2 := match(m, l.Tail, v.Slice(1, v.Len()).Interface()) return node, ok1 && ok2 } // Our empty list does not equal an untyped Go nil. This way, we can // tell apart an if with no else and an if with an empty else. return nil, false } func (s String) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { switch o := node.(type) { case token.Token: if tok, ok := maybeToken(s); ok { return match(m, tok, node) } return nil, false case string: return o, string(s) == o default: return nil, false } } func (tok Token) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { o, ok := node.(token.Token) if !ok { return nil, false } return o, token.Token(tok) == o } func (Nil) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { return nil, isNil(node) } func (builtin Builtin) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { ident, ok := node.(*ast.Ident) if !ok { return nil, false } obj := m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(ident) if obj != types.Universe.Lookup(ident.Name) { return nil, false } return match(m, builtin.Name, ident.Name) } func (obj Object) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { ident, ok := node.(*ast.Ident) if !ok { return nil, false } id := m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(ident) _, ok = match(m, obj.Name, ident.Name) return id, ok } func (fn Function) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { var name string var obj types.Object switch node := node.(type) { case *ast.Ident: obj = m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(node) switch obj := obj.(type) { case *types.Func: name = lint.FuncName(obj) case *types.Builtin: name = obj.Name() default: return nil, false } case *ast.SelectorExpr: var ok bool obj, ok = m.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(node.Sel).(*types.Func) if !ok { return nil, false } name = lint.FuncName(obj.(*types.Func)) default: return nil, false } _, ok := match(m, fn.Name, name) return obj, ok } func (or Or) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { for _, opt := range or.Nodes { mc := m.fork() if ret, ok := match(mc, opt, node); ok { m.merge(mc) return ret, true } } return nil, false } func (not Not) Match(m *Matcher, node interface{}) (interface{}, bool) { _, ok := match(m, not.Node, node) if ok { return nil, false } return node, true } var ( // Types of fields in go/ast structs that we want to skip rtTokPos = reflect.TypeOf(token.Pos(0)) rtObject = reflect.TypeOf((*ast.Object)(nil)) rtCommentGroup = reflect.TypeOf((*ast.CommentGroup)(nil)) ) var ( _ matcher = Binding{} _ matcher = Any{} _ matcher = List{} _ matcher = String("") _ matcher = Token(0) _ matcher = Nil{} _ matcher = Builtin{} _ matcher = Object{} _ matcher = Function{} _ matcher = Or{} _ matcher = Not{} )