package lint /* Parallelism Runner implements parallel processing of packages by spawning one goroutine per package in the dependency graph, without any semaphores. Each goroutine initially waits on the completion of all of its dependencies, thus establishing correct order of processing. Once all dependencies finish processing, the goroutine will load the package from export data or source – this loading is guarded by a semaphore, sized according to the number of CPU cores. This way, we only have as many packages occupying memory and CPU resources as there are actual cores to process them. This combination of unbounded goroutines but bounded package loading means that if we have many parallel, independent subgraphs, they will all execute in parallel, while not wasting resources for long linear chains or trying to process more subgraphs in parallel than the system can handle. */ import ( "bytes" "encoding/gob" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "go/ast" "go/token" "go/types" "reflect" "regexp" "runtime" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // If enabled, abuse of the go/analysis API will lead to panics const sanityCheck = true // OPT(dh): for a dependency tree A->B->C->D, if we have cached data // for B, there should be no need to load C and D individually. Go's // export data for B contains all the data we need on types, and our // fact cache could store the union of B, C and D in B. // // This may change unused's behavior, however, as it may observe fewer // interfaces from transitive dependencies. type Package struct { dependents uint64 *packages.Package Imports []*Package initial bool fromSource bool hash string done chan struct{} resultsMu sync.Mutex // results maps analyzer IDs to analyzer results results []*result cfg *config.Config gen map[string]facts.Generator problems []Problem ignores []Ignore errs []error // these slices are indexed by analysis facts []map[types.Object][]analysis.Fact pkgFacts [][]analysis.Fact canClearTypes bool } func (pkg *Package) decUse() { atomic.AddUint64(&pkg.dependents, ^uint64(0)) if atomic.LoadUint64(&pkg.dependents) == 0 { // nobody depends on this package anymore if pkg.canClearTypes { pkg.Types = nil } pkg.facts = nil pkg.pkgFacts = nil for _, imp := range pkg.Imports { imp.decUse() } } } type result struct { v interface{} err error ready chan struct{} } type Runner struct { ld loader.Loader cache *cache.Cache analyzerIDs analyzerIDs // limits parallelism of loading packages loadSem chan struct{} goVersion int stats *Stats } type analyzerIDs struct { m map[*analysis.Analyzer]int } func (ids analyzerIDs) get(a *analysis.Analyzer) int { id, ok := ids.m[a] if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("no analyzer ID for %s", a.Name)) } return id } type Fact struct { Path string Fact analysis.Fact } type analysisAction struct { analyzer *analysis.Analyzer analyzerID int pkg *Package newPackageFacts []analysis.Fact problems []Problem pkgFacts map[*types.Package][]analysis.Fact } func (ac *analysisAction) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s @ %s", ac.analyzer, ac.pkg) } func (ac *analysisAction) allObjectFacts() []analysis.ObjectFact { out := make([]analysis.ObjectFact, 0, len(ac.pkg.facts[ac.analyzerID])) for obj, facts := range ac.pkg.facts[ac.analyzerID] { for _, fact := range facts { out = append(out, analysis.ObjectFact{ Object: obj, Fact: fact, }) } } return out } func (ac *analysisAction) allPackageFacts() []analysis.PackageFact { out := make([]analysis.PackageFact, 0, len(ac.pkgFacts)) for pkg, facts := range ac.pkgFacts { for _, fact := range facts { out = append(out, analysis.PackageFact{ Package: pkg, Fact: fact, }) } } return out } func (ac *analysisAction) importObjectFact(obj types.Object, fact analysis.Fact) bool { if sanityCheck && len(ac.analyzer.FactTypes) == 0 { panic("analysis doesn't export any facts") } for _, f := range ac.pkg.facts[ac.analyzerID][obj] { if reflect.TypeOf(f) == reflect.TypeOf(fact) { reflect.ValueOf(fact).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(f).Elem()) return true } } return false } func (ac *analysisAction) importPackageFact(pkg *types.Package, fact analysis.Fact) bool { if sanityCheck && len(ac.analyzer.FactTypes) == 0 { panic("analysis doesn't export any facts") } for _, f := range ac.pkgFacts[pkg] { if reflect.TypeOf(f) == reflect.TypeOf(fact) { reflect.ValueOf(fact).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(f).Elem()) return true } } return false } func (ac *analysisAction) exportObjectFact(obj types.Object, fact analysis.Fact) { if sanityCheck && len(ac.analyzer.FactTypes) == 0 { panic("analysis doesn't export any facts") } ac.pkg.facts[ac.analyzerID][obj] = append(ac.pkg.facts[ac.analyzerID][obj], fact) } func (ac *analysisAction) exportPackageFact(fact analysis.Fact) { if sanityCheck && len(ac.analyzer.FactTypes) == 0 { panic("analysis doesn't export any facts") } ac.pkgFacts[ac.pkg.Types] = append(ac.pkgFacts[ac.pkg.Types], fact) ac.newPackageFacts = append(ac.newPackageFacts, fact) } func (ac *analysisAction) report(pass *analysis.Pass, d analysis.Diagnostic) { p := Problem{ Pos: DisplayPosition(pass.Fset, d.Pos), End: DisplayPosition(pass.Fset, d.End), Message: d.Message, Check: pass.Analyzer.Name, } ac.problems = append(ac.problems, p) } func (r *Runner) runAnalysis(ac *analysisAction) (ret interface{}, err error) { ac.pkg.resultsMu.Lock() res := ac.pkg.results[r.analyzerIDs.get(ac.analyzer)] if res != nil { ac.pkg.resultsMu.Unlock() <-res.ready return res.v, res.err } else { res = &result{ ready: make(chan struct{}), } ac.pkg.results[r.analyzerIDs.get(ac.analyzer)] = res ac.pkg.resultsMu.Unlock() defer func() { res.v = ret res.err = err close(res.ready) }() pass := new(analysis.Pass) *pass = analysis.Pass{ Analyzer: ac.analyzer, Fset: ac.pkg.Fset, Files: ac.pkg.Syntax, // type information may be nil or may be populated. if it is // nil, it will get populated later. Pkg: ac.pkg.Types, TypesInfo: ac.pkg.TypesInfo, TypesSizes: ac.pkg.TypesSizes, ResultOf: map[*analysis.Analyzer]interface{}{}, ImportObjectFact: ac.importObjectFact, ImportPackageFact: ac.importPackageFact, ExportObjectFact: ac.exportObjectFact, ExportPackageFact: ac.exportPackageFact, Report: func(d analysis.Diagnostic) {, d) }, AllObjectFacts: ac.allObjectFacts, AllPackageFacts: ac.allPackageFacts, } if !ac.pkg.initial { // Don't report problems in dependencies pass.Report = func(analysis.Diagnostic) {} } return r.runAnalysisUser(pass, ac) } } func (r *Runner) loadCachedFacts(a *analysis.Analyzer, pkg *Package) ([]Fact, bool) { if len(a.FactTypes) == 0 { return nil, true } var facts []Fact // Look in the cache for facts aID, err := passActionID(pkg, a) if err != nil { return nil, false } aID = cache.Subkey(aID, "facts") b, _, err := r.cache.GetBytes(aID) if err != nil { // No cached facts, analyse this package like a user-provided one, but ignore diagnostics return nil, false } if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(b)).Decode(&facts); err != nil { // Cached facts are broken, analyse this package like a user-provided one, but ignore diagnostics return nil, false } return facts, true } type dependencyError struct { dep string err error } func (err dependencyError) nested() dependencyError { if o, ok := err.err.(dependencyError); ok { return o.nested() } return err } func (err dependencyError) Error() string { if o, ok := err.err.(dependencyError); ok { return o.Error() } return fmt.Sprintf("error running dependency %s: %s", err.dep, err.err) } func (r *Runner) makeAnalysisAction(a *analysis.Analyzer, pkg *Package) *analysisAction { aid := r.analyzerIDs.get(a) ac := &analysisAction{ analyzer: a, analyzerID: aid, pkg: pkg, } if len(a.FactTypes) == 0 { return ac } // Merge all package facts of dependencies ac.pkgFacts = map[*types.Package][]analysis.Fact{} seen := map[*Package]struct{}{} var dfs func(*Package) dfs = func(pkg *Package) { if _, ok := seen[pkg]; ok { return } seen[pkg] = struct{}{} s := pkg.pkgFacts[aid] ac.pkgFacts[pkg.Types] = s[0:len(s):len(s)] for _, imp := range pkg.Imports { dfs(imp) } } dfs(pkg) return ac } // analyzes that we always want to run, even if they're not being run // explicitly or as dependencies. these are necessary for the inner // workings of the runner. var injectedAnalyses = []*analysis.Analyzer{facts.Generated, config.Analyzer} func (r *Runner) runAnalysisUser(pass *analysis.Pass, ac *analysisAction) (interface{}, error) { if !ac.pkg.fromSource { panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: %s was not loaded from source", ac.pkg)) } // User-provided package, analyse it // First analyze it with dependencies for _, req := range ac.analyzer.Requires { acReq := r.makeAnalysisAction(req, ac.pkg) ret, err := r.runAnalysis(acReq) if err != nil { // We couldn't run a dependency, no point in going on return nil, dependencyError{req.Name, err} } pass.ResultOf[req] = ret } // Then with this analyzer ret, err := ac.analyzer.Run(pass) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(ac.analyzer.FactTypes) > 0 { // Merge new facts into the package and persist them. var facts []Fact for _, fact := range ac.newPackageFacts { id := r.analyzerIDs.get(ac.analyzer) ac.pkg.pkgFacts[id] = append(ac.pkg.pkgFacts[id], fact) facts = append(facts, Fact{"", fact}) } for obj, afacts := range ac.pkg.facts[ac.analyzerID] { if obj.Pkg() != ac.pkg.Package.Types { continue } path, err := objectpath.For(obj) if err != nil { continue } for _, fact := range afacts { facts = append(facts, Fact{string(path), fact}) } } buf := &bytes.Buffer{} if err := gob.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(facts); err != nil { return nil, err } aID, err := passActionID(ac.pkg, ac.analyzer) if err != nil { return nil, err } aID = cache.Subkey(aID, "facts") if err := r.cache.PutBytes(aID, buf.Bytes()); err != nil { return nil, err } } return ret, nil } func NewRunner(stats *Stats) (*Runner, error) { cache, err := cache.Default() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Runner{ cache: cache, stats: stats, }, nil } // Run loads packages corresponding to patterns and analyses them with // analyzers. It returns the loaded packages, which contain reported // diagnostics as well as extracted ignore directives. // // Note that diagnostics have not been filtered at this point yet, to // accomodate cumulative analyzes that require additional steps to // produce diagnostics. func (r *Runner) Run(cfg *packages.Config, patterns []string, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer, hasCumulative bool) ([]*Package, error) { r.analyzerIDs = analyzerIDs{m: map[*analysis.Analyzer]int{}} id := 0 seen := map[*analysis.Analyzer]struct{}{} var dfs func(a *analysis.Analyzer) dfs = func(a *analysis.Analyzer) { if _, ok := seen[a]; ok { return } seen[a] = struct{}{} r.analyzerIDs.m[a] = id id++ for _, f := range a.FactTypes { gob.Register(f) } for _, req := range a.Requires { dfs(req) } } for _, a := range analyzers { if v := a.Flags.Lookup("go"); v != nil { v.Value.Set(fmt.Sprintf("1.%d", r.goVersion)) } dfs(a) } for _, a := range injectedAnalyses { dfs(a) } var dcfg packages.Config if cfg != nil { dcfg = *cfg } atomic.StoreUint32(&r.stats.State, StateGraph) initialPkgs, err := r.ld.Graph(dcfg, patterns...) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer r.cache.Trim() var allPkgs []*Package m := map[*packages.Package]*Package{} packages.Visit(initialPkgs, nil, func(l *packages.Package) { m[l] = &Package{ Package: l, results: make([]*result, len(r.analyzerIDs.m)), facts: make([]map[types.Object][]analysis.Fact, len(r.analyzerIDs.m)), pkgFacts: make([][]analysis.Fact, len(r.analyzerIDs.m)), done: make(chan struct{}), // every package needs itself dependents: 1, canClearTypes: !hasCumulative, } allPkgs = append(allPkgs, m[l]) for i := range m[l].facts { m[l].facts[i] = map[types.Object][]analysis.Fact{} } for _, err := range l.Errors { m[l].errs = append(m[l].errs, err) } for _, v := range l.Imports { m[v].dependents++ m[l].Imports = append(m[l].Imports, m[v]) } m[l].hash, err = packageHash(m[l]) if err != nil { m[l].errs = append(m[l].errs, err) } }) pkgs := make([]*Package, len(initialPkgs)) for i, l := range initialPkgs { pkgs[i] = m[l] pkgs[i].initial = true } atomic.StoreUint32(&r.stats.InitialPackages, uint32(len(initialPkgs))) atomic.StoreUint32(&r.stats.TotalPackages, uint32(len(allPkgs))) atomic.StoreUint32(&r.stats.State, StateProcessing) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(allPkgs)) r.loadSem = make(chan struct{}, runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)) atomic.StoreUint32(&r.stats.TotalWorkers, uint32(cap(r.loadSem))) for _, pkg := range allPkgs { pkg := pkg go func() { r.processPkg(pkg, analyzers) if pkg.initial { atomic.AddUint32(&r.stats.ProcessedInitialPackages, 1) } atomic.AddUint32(&r.stats.Problems, uint32(len(pkg.problems))) wg.Done() }() } wg.Wait() return pkgs, nil } var posRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.+?):(\d+)(?::(\d+)?)?`) func parsePos(pos string) (token.Position, int, error) { if pos == "-" || pos == "" { return token.Position{}, 0, nil } parts := posRe.FindStringSubmatch(pos) if parts == nil { return token.Position{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("malformed position %q", pos) } file := parts[1] line, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[2]) col, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[3]) return token.Position{ Filename: file, Line: line, Column: col, }, len(parts[0]), nil } // loadPkg loads a Go package. If the package is in the set of initial // packages, it will be loaded from source, otherwise it will be // loaded from export data. In the case that the package was loaded // from export data, cached facts will also be loaded. // // Currently, only cached facts for this package will be loaded, not // for any of its dependencies. func (r *Runner) loadPkg(pkg *Package, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) error { if pkg.Types != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: %s has already been loaded", pkg.Package)) } // Load type information if pkg.initial { // Load package from source pkg.fromSource = true return r.ld.LoadFromSource(pkg.Package) } // Load package from export data if err := r.ld.LoadFromExport(pkg.Package); err != nil { // We asked Go to give us up to date export data, yet // we can't load it. There must be something wrong. // // Attempt loading from source. This should fail (because // otherwise there would be export data); we just want to // get the compile errors. If loading from source succeeds // we discard the result, anyway. Otherwise we'll fail // when trying to reload from export data later. // // FIXME(dh): we no longer reload from export data, so // theoretically we should be able to continue pkg.fromSource = true if err := r.ld.LoadFromSource(pkg.Package); err != nil { return err } // Make sure this package can't be imported successfully pkg.Package.Errors = append(pkg.Package.Errors, packages.Error{ Pos: "-", Msg: fmt.Sprintf("could not load export data: %s", err), Kind: packages.ParseError, }) return fmt.Errorf("could not load export data: %s", err) } failed := false seen := make([]bool, len(r.analyzerIDs.m)) var dfs func(*analysis.Analyzer) dfs = func(a *analysis.Analyzer) { if seen[r.analyzerIDs.get(a)] { return } seen[r.analyzerIDs.get(a)] = true if len(a.FactTypes) > 0 { facts, ok := r.loadCachedFacts(a, pkg) if !ok { failed = true return } for _, f := range facts { if f.Path == "" { // This is a package fact pkg.pkgFacts[r.analyzerIDs.get(a)] = append(pkg.pkgFacts[r.analyzerIDs.get(a)], f.Fact) continue } obj, err := objectpath.Object(pkg.Types, objectpath.Path(f.Path)) if err != nil { // Be lenient about these errors. For example, when // analysing io/ioutil from source, we may get a fact // for methods on the devNull type, and objectpath // will happily create a path for them. However, when // we later load io/ioutil from export data, the path // no longer resolves. // // If an exported type embeds the unexported type, // then (part of) the unexported type will become part // of the type information and our path will resolve // again. continue } pkg.facts[r.analyzerIDs.get(a)][obj] = append(pkg.facts[r.analyzerIDs.get(a)][obj], f.Fact) } } for _, req := range a.Requires { dfs(req) } } for _, a := range analyzers { dfs(a) } if failed { pkg.fromSource = true // XXX we added facts to the maps, we need to get rid of those return r.ld.LoadFromSource(pkg.Package) } return nil } type analysisError struct { analyzer *analysis.Analyzer pkg *Package err error } func (err analysisError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("error running analyzer %s on %s: %s", err.analyzer, err.pkg, err.err) } // processPkg processes a package. This involves loading the package, // either from export data or from source. For packages loaded from // source, the provides analyzers will be run on the package. func (r *Runner) processPkg(pkg *Package, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) { defer func() { // Clear information we no longer need. Make sure to do this // when returning from processPkg so that we clear // dependencies, not just initial packages. pkg.TypesInfo = nil pkg.Syntax = nil pkg.results = nil atomic.AddUint32(&r.stats.ProcessedPackages, 1) pkg.decUse() close(pkg.done) }() // Ensure all packages have the generated map and config. This is // required by interna of the runner. Analyses that themselves // make use of either have an explicit dependency so that other // runners work correctly, too. analyzers = append(analyzers[0:len(analyzers):len(analyzers)], injectedAnalyses...) if len(pkg.errs) != 0 { return } for _, imp := range pkg.Imports { <-imp.done if len(imp.errs) > 0 { if imp.initial { // Don't print the error of the dependency since it's // an initial package and we're already printing the // error. pkg.errs = append(pkg.errs, fmt.Errorf("could not analyze dependency %s of %s", imp, pkg)) } else { var s string for _, err := range imp.errs { s += "\n\t" + err.Error() } pkg.errs = append(pkg.errs, fmt.Errorf("could not analyze dependency %s of %s: %s", imp, pkg, s)) } return } } if pkg.PkgPath == "unsafe" { pkg.Types = types.Unsafe return } r.loadSem <- struct{}{} atomic.AddUint32(&r.stats.ActiveWorkers, 1) defer func() { <-r.loadSem atomic.AddUint32(&r.stats.ActiveWorkers, ^uint32(0)) }() if err := r.loadPkg(pkg, analyzers); err != nil { pkg.errs = append(pkg.errs, err) return } // A package's object facts is the union of all of its dependencies. for _, imp := range pkg.Imports { for ai, m := range imp.facts { for obj, facts := range m { pkg.facts[ai][obj] = facts[0:len(facts):len(facts)] } } } if !pkg.fromSource { // Nothing left to do for the package. return } // Run analyses on initial packages and those missing facts var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(analyzers)) errs := make([]error, len(analyzers)) var acs []*analysisAction for i, a := range analyzers { i := i a := a ac := r.makeAnalysisAction(a, pkg) acs = append(acs, ac) go func() { defer wg.Done() // Only initial packages and packages with missing // facts will have been loaded from source. if pkg.initial || r.hasFacts(a) { if _, err := r.runAnalysis(ac); err != nil { errs[i] = analysisError{a, pkg, err} return } } }() } wg.Wait() depErrors := map[dependencyError]int{} for _, err := range errs { if err == nil { continue } switch err := err.(type) { case analysisError: switch err := err.err.(type) { case dependencyError: depErrors[err.nested()]++ default: pkg.errs = append(pkg.errs, err) } default: pkg.errs = append(pkg.errs, err) } } for err, count := range depErrors { pkg.errs = append(pkg.errs, fmt.Errorf("could not run %s@%s, preventing %d analyzers from running: %s", err.dep, pkg, count, err.err)) } // We can't process ignores at this point because `unused` needs // to see more than one package to make its decision. ignores, problems := parseDirectives(pkg.Package) pkg.ignores = append(pkg.ignores, ignores...) pkg.problems = append(pkg.problems, problems...) for _, ac := range acs { pkg.problems = append(pkg.problems, ac.problems...) } if pkg.initial { // Only initial packages have these analyzers run, and only // initial packages need these. if pkg.results[r.analyzerIDs.get(config.Analyzer)].v != nil { pkg.cfg = pkg.results[r.analyzerIDs.get(config.Analyzer)].v.(*config.Config) } pkg.gen = pkg.results[r.analyzerIDs.get(facts.Generated)].v.(map[string]facts.Generator) } // In a previous version of the code, we would throw away all type // information and reload it from export data. That was // nonsensical. The *types.Package doesn't keep any information // live that export data wouldn't also. We only need to discard // the AST and the TypesInfo maps; that happens after we return // from processPkg. } // hasFacts reports whether an analysis exports any facts. An analysis // that has a transitive dependency that exports facts is considered // to be exporting facts. func (r *Runner) hasFacts(a *analysis.Analyzer) bool { ret := false seen := make([]bool, len(r.analyzerIDs.m)) var dfs func(*analysis.Analyzer) dfs = func(a *analysis.Analyzer) { if seen[r.analyzerIDs.get(a)] { return } seen[r.analyzerIDs.get(a)] = true if len(a.FactTypes) > 0 { ret = true } for _, req := range a.Requires { if ret { break } dfs(req) } } dfs(a) return ret } func parseDirective(s string) (cmd string, args []string) { if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "//lint:") { return "", nil } s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, "//lint:") fields := strings.Split(s, " ") return fields[0], fields[1:] } // parseDirectives extracts all linter directives from the source // files of the package. Malformed directives are returned as problems. func parseDirectives(pkg *packages.Package) ([]Ignore, []Problem) { var ignores []Ignore var problems []Problem for _, f := range pkg.Syntax { found := false commentLoop: for _, cg := range f.Comments { for _, c := range cg.List { if strings.Contains(c.Text, "//lint:") { found = true break commentLoop } } } if !found { continue } cm := ast.NewCommentMap(pkg.Fset, f, f.Comments) for node, cgs := range cm { for _, cg := range cgs { for _, c := range cg.List { if !strings.HasPrefix(c.Text, "//lint:") { continue } cmd, args := parseDirective(c.Text) switch cmd { case "ignore", "file-ignore": if len(args) < 2 { p := Problem{ Pos: DisplayPosition(pkg.Fset, c.Pos()), Message: "malformed linter directive; missing the required reason field?", Severity: Error, Check: "compile", } problems = append(problems, p) continue } default: // unknown directive, ignore continue } checks := strings.Split(args[0], ",") pos := DisplayPosition(pkg.Fset, node.Pos()) var ig Ignore switch cmd { case "ignore": ig = &LineIgnore{ File: pos.Filename, Line: pos.Line, Checks: checks, Pos: c.Pos(), } case "file-ignore": ig = &FileIgnore{ File: pos.Filename, Checks: checks, } } ignores = append(ignores, ig) } } } } return ignores, problems } // packageHash computes a package's hash. The hash is based on all Go // files that make up the package, as well as the hashes of imported // packages. func packageHash(pkg *Package) (string, error) { key := cache.NewHash("package hash") fmt.Fprintf(key, "pkgpath %s\n", pkg.PkgPath) for _, f := range pkg.CompiledGoFiles { h, err := cache.FileHash(f) if err != nil { return "", err } fmt.Fprintf(key, "file %s %x\n", f, h) } imps := make([]*Package, len(pkg.Imports)) copy(imps, pkg.Imports) sort.Slice(imps, func(i, j int) bool { return imps[i].PkgPath < imps[j].PkgPath }) for _, dep := range imps { if dep.PkgPath == "unsafe" { continue } fmt.Fprintf(key, "import %s %s\n", dep.PkgPath, dep.hash) } h := key.Sum() return hex.EncodeToString(h[:]), nil } // passActionID computes an ActionID for an analysis pass. func passActionID(pkg *Package, analyzer *analysis.Analyzer) (cache.ActionID, error) { key := cache.NewHash("action ID") fmt.Fprintf(key, "pkgpath %s\n", pkg.PkgPath) fmt.Fprintf(key, "pkghash %s\n", pkg.hash) fmt.Fprintf(key, "analyzer %s\n", analyzer.Name) return key.Sum(), nil }