package caldav import ( "" "strconv" "time" ) // Event holds a single caldav event type Event struct { Summary string Description string UID string Alarms []Alarm TimestampUnix int64 StartUnix int64 EndUnix int64 } // Alarm holds infos about an alarm from a caldav event type Alarm struct { TimeUnix int64 Description string } // Config is the caldav calendar config type Config struct { Name string ProdID string } // ParseEvents parses an array of caldav events and gives them back as string func ParseEvents(config *Config, events []*Event) (caldavevents string) { caldavevents += `BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT4H X-WR-CALNAME:` + config.Name + ` PRODID:-//` + config.ProdID + `//EN` for _, e := range events { if e.UID == "" { e.UID = makeCalDavTimeFromUnixTime(e.TimestampUnix) + utils.Sha256(e.Summary) } caldavevents += ` BEGIN:VEVENT UID:` + e.UID + ` SUMMARY:` + e.Summary + ` DESCRIPTION:` + e.Description + ` DTSTAMP:` + makeCalDavTimeFromUnixTime(e.TimestampUnix) + ` DTSTART:` + makeCalDavTimeFromUnixTime(e.StartUnix) + ` DTEND:` + makeCalDavTimeFromUnixTime(e.EndUnix) for _, a := range e.Alarms { if a.Description == "" { a.Description = e.Summary } caldavevents += ` BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:` + calcAlarmDateFromReminder(e.StartUnix, a.TimeUnix) + ` ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:` + a.Description + ` END:VALARM` } caldavevents += ` END:VEVENT` } caldavevents += ` END:VCALENDAR` // Need a line break return } func makeCalDavTimeFromUnixTime(unixtime int64) (caldavtime string) { tm := time.Unix(unixtime, 0) return tm.Format("20060102T150405") } func calcAlarmDateFromReminder(eventStartUnix, reminderUnix int64) (alarmTime string) { if eventStartUnix > reminderUnix { alarmTime += `-` } alarmTime += `PT` diff := eventStartUnix - reminderUnix if diff < 0 { // Make it positive diff = diff * -1 } alarmTime += strconv.Itoa(int(diff/60)) + "M" return }