package swag import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "go/ast" goparser "go/parser" "go/token" "net/http" "os" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" ) // Operation describes a single API operation on a path. // For more information: type Operation struct { HTTPMethod string Path string spec.Operation parser *Parser } var mimeTypeAliases = map[string]string{ "json": "application/json", "xml": "text/xml", "plain": "text/plain", "html": "text/html", "mpfd": "multipart/form-data", "x-www-form-urlencoded": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "json-api": "application/vnd.api+json", "json-stream": "application/x-json-stream", "octet-stream": "application/octet-stream", "png": "image/png", "jpeg": "image/jpeg", "gif": "image/gif", } var mimeTypePattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[^/]+/[^/]+$") // NewOperation creates a new Operation with default properties. // map[int]Response func NewOperation() *Operation { return &Operation{ HTTPMethod: "get", Operation: spec.Operation{ OperationProps: spec.OperationProps{}, }, } } // ParseComment parses comment for given comment string and returns error if error occurs. func (operation *Operation) ParseComment(comment string, astFile *ast.File) error { commentLine := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimLeft(comment, "//")) if len(commentLine) == 0 { return nil } attribute := strings.Fields(commentLine)[0] lineRemainder := strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) lowerAttribute := strings.ToLower(attribute) var err error switch lowerAttribute { case "@description": operation.ParseDescriptionComment(lineRemainder) case "@summary": operation.Summary = lineRemainder case "@id": operation.ID = lineRemainder case "@tags": operation.ParseTagsComment(lineRemainder) case "@accept": err = operation.ParseAcceptComment(lineRemainder) case "@produce": err = operation.ParseProduceComment(lineRemainder) case "@param": err = operation.ParseParamComment(lineRemainder, astFile) case "@success", "@failure": err = operation.ParseResponseComment(lineRemainder, astFile) case "@header": err = operation.ParseResponseHeaderComment(lineRemainder, astFile) case "@router": err = operation.ParseRouterComment(lineRemainder) case "@security": err = operation.ParseSecurityComment(lineRemainder) case "@deprecated": operation.Deprecate() default: err = operation.ParseMetadata(attribute, lowerAttribute, lineRemainder) } return err } // ParseDescriptionComment godoc func (operation *Operation) ParseDescriptionComment(lineRemainder string) { if operation.Description == "" { operation.Description = lineRemainder return } operation.Description += "\n" + lineRemainder } // ParseMetadata godoc func (operation *Operation) ParseMetadata(attribute, lowerAttribute, lineRemainder string) error { // parsing specific meta data extensions if strings.HasPrefix(lowerAttribute, "@x-") { if len(lineRemainder) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("annotation %s need a value", attribute) } var valueJSON interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(lineRemainder), &valueJSON); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("annotation %s need a valid json value", attribute) } operation.Operation.AddExtension(attribute[1:], valueJSON) // Trim "@" at head } return nil } var paramPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(\S+)[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]+([\S.]+)[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]+"([^"]+)"`) // ParseParamComment parses params return []string of param properties // E.g. @Param queryText formData string true "The email for login" // [param name] [paramType] [data type] [is mandatory?] [Comment] // E.g. @Param some_id path int true "Some ID" func (operation *Operation) ParseParamComment(commentLine string, astFile *ast.File) error { matches := paramPattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine) if len(matches) != 6 { return fmt.Errorf("missing required param comment parameters \"%s\"", commentLine) } name := matches[1] paramType := matches[2] refType := TransToValidSchemeType(matches[3]) // Detect refType objectType := "object" if strings.HasPrefix(refType, "[]") == true { objectType = "array" refType = strings.TrimPrefix(refType, "[]") } else if IsPrimitiveType(refType) || paramType == "formData" && refType == "file" { objectType = "primitive" } requiredText := strings.ToLower(matches[4]) required := requiredText == "true" || requiredText == "required" description := matches[5] param := createParameter(paramType, description, name, refType, required) switch paramType { case "path", "header", "formData": switch objectType { case "array", "object": return fmt.Errorf("%s is not supported type for %s", refType, paramType) } case "query": switch objectType { case "array": if !IsPrimitiveType(refType) { return fmt.Errorf("%s is not supported array type for %s", refType, paramType) } param.SimpleSchema.Type = "array" param.SimpleSchema.Items = &spec.Items{ SimpleSchema: spec.SimpleSchema{ Type: refType, }, } case "object": return fmt.Errorf("%s is not supported type for %s", refType, paramType) } case "body": switch objectType { case "primitive": param.Schema.Type = spec.StringOrArray{refType} case "array": param.Schema.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{ Schema: &spec.Schema{ SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{}, }, } // Arrau of Primitive or Object if IsPrimitiveType(refType) { param.Schema.Items.Schema.Type = spec.StringOrArray{refType} } else { if err := operation.registerSchemaType(refType, astFile); err != nil { return err } param.Schema.Items.Schema.Ref = spec.Ref{Ref: jsonreference.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + refType)} } case "object": if err := operation.registerSchemaType(refType, astFile); err != nil { return err } param.Schema.Type = spec.StringOrArray{objectType} param.Schema.Ref = spec.Ref{ Ref: jsonreference.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + refType), } } default: return fmt.Errorf("%s is not supported paramType", paramType) } if err := operation.parseAndExtractionParamAttribute(commentLine, refType, ¶m); err != nil { return err } operation.Operation.Parameters = append(operation.Operation.Parameters, param) return nil } func (operation *Operation) registerSchemaType(schemaType string, astFile *ast.File) error { refSplit := strings.Split(schemaType, ".") if len(refSplit) != 2 { return nil } pkgName := refSplit[0] typeName := refSplit[1] if typeSpec, ok := operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName]; ok { operation.parser.registerTypes[schemaType] = typeSpec return nil } var typeSpec *ast.TypeSpec if astFile == nil { return fmt.Errorf("can not register schema type: %q reason: astFile == nil", schemaType) } for _, imp := range astFile.Imports { if imp.Name != nil && imp.Name.Name == pkgName { // the import had an alias that matched break } impPath := strings.Replace(imp.Path.Value, `"`, ``, -1) if strings.HasSuffix(impPath, "/"+pkgName) { var err error typeSpec, err = findTypeDef(impPath, typeName) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can not find type def: %q error: %s", schemaType, err) } break } } if typeSpec == nil { return fmt.Errorf("can not find schema type: %q", schemaType) } if _, ok := operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName]; !ok { operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName] = make(map[string]*ast.TypeSpec) } operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName] = typeSpec operation.parser.registerTypes[schemaType] = typeSpec return nil } var regexAttributes = map[string]*regexp.Regexp{ // for Enums(A, B) "enums": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)enums\(.*\)`), // for Minimum(0) "maxinum": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)maxinum\(.*\)`), // for Maximum(0) "mininum": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)mininum\(.*\)`), // for Maximum(0) "default": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)default\(.*\)`), // for minlength(0) "minlength": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)minlength\(.*\)`), // for maxlength(0) "maxlength": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)maxlength\(.*\)`), // for format(email) "format": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)format\(.*\)`), } func (operation *Operation) parseAndExtractionParamAttribute(commentLine, schemaType string, param *spec.Parameter) error { schemaType = TransToValidSchemeType(schemaType) for attrKey, re := range regexAttributes { attr, err := findAttr(re, commentLine) if err != nil { continue } switch attrKey { case "enums": err := setEnumParam(attr, schemaType, param) if err != nil { return err } case "maxinum": n, err := setNumberParam(attrKey, schemaType, attr, commentLine) if err != nil { return err } param.Maximum = &n case "mininum": n, err := setNumberParam(attrKey, schemaType, attr, commentLine) if err != nil { return err } param.Minimum = &n case "default": value, err := defineType(schemaType, attr) if err != nil { return nil } param.Default = value case "maxlength": n, err := setStringParam(attrKey, schemaType, attr, commentLine) if err != nil { return err } param.MaxLength = &n case "minlength": n, err := setStringParam(attrKey, schemaType, attr, commentLine) if err != nil { return err } param.MinLength = &n case "format": param.Format = attr } } return nil } func findAttr(re *regexp.Regexp, commentLine string) (string, error) { attr := re.FindString(commentLine) l := strings.Index(attr, "(") r := strings.Index(attr, ")") if l == -1 || r == -1 { return "", fmt.Errorf("can not find regex=%s, comment=%s", re.String(), commentLine) } return strings.TrimSpace(attr[l+1 : r]), nil } func setStringParam(name, schemaType, attr, commentLine string) (int64, error) { if schemaType != "string" { return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", name, commentLine, schemaType) } n, err := strconv.ParseInt(attr, 10, 64) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is allow only a number got=%s", name, attr) } return n, nil } func setNumberParam(name, schemaType, attr, commentLine string) (float64, error) { if schemaType != "integer" && schemaType != "number" { return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", name, commentLine, schemaType) } n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(attr, 64) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("maximum is allow only a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, attr) } return n, nil } func setEnumParam(attr, schemaType string, param *spec.Parameter) error { for _, e := range strings.Split(attr, ",") { e = strings.TrimSpace(e) value, err := defineType(schemaType, e) if err != nil { return err } param.Enum = append(param.Enum, value) } return nil } // defineType enum value define the type (object and array unsupported) func defineType(schemaType string, value string) (interface{}, error) { schemaType = TransToValidSchemeType(schemaType) switch schemaType { case "string": return value, nil case "number": v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("enum value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", value, schemaType, err) } return v, nil case "integer": v, err := strconv.Atoi(value) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("enum value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", value, schemaType, err) } return v, nil case "boolean": v, err := strconv.ParseBool(value) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("enum value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", value, schemaType, err) } return v, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is unsupported type in enum value", schemaType) } } // ParseTagsComment parses comment for given `tag` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseTagsComment(commentLine string) { tags := strings.Split(commentLine, ",") for _, tag := range tags { operation.Tags = append(operation.Tags, strings.TrimSpace(tag)) } } // ParseAcceptComment parses comment for given `accept` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseAcceptComment(commentLine string) error { return parseMimeTypeList(commentLine, &operation.Consumes, "%v accept type can't be accepted") } // ParseProduceComment parses comment for given `produce` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseProduceComment(commentLine string) error { return parseMimeTypeList(commentLine, &operation.Produces, "%v produce type can't be accepted") } // parseMimeTypeList parses a list of MIME Types for a comment like // `produce` (`Content-Type:` response header) or // `accept` (`Accept:` request header) func parseMimeTypeList(mimeTypeList string, typeList *[]string, format string) error { mimeTypes := strings.Split(mimeTypeList, ",") for _, typeName := range mimeTypes { if mimeTypePattern.MatchString(typeName) { *typeList = append(*typeList, typeName) continue } if aliasMimeType, ok := mimeTypeAliases[typeName]; ok { *typeList = append(*typeList, aliasMimeType) continue } return fmt.Errorf(format, typeName) } return nil } var routerPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`([\w\.\/\-{}\+]+)[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)`) // ParseRouterComment parses comment for gived `router` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseRouterComment(commentLine string) error { var matches []string if matches = routerPattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 3 { return fmt.Errorf("can not parse router comment \"%s\"", commentLine) } path := matches[1] httpMethod := matches[2] operation.Path = path operation.HTTPMethod = strings.ToUpper(httpMethod) return nil } // ParseSecurityComment parses comment for gived `security` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseSecurityComment(commentLine string) error { securitySource := commentLine[strings.Index(commentLine, "@Security")+1:] l := strings.Index(securitySource, "[") r := strings.Index(securitySource, "]") // exists scope if !(l == -1 && r == -1) { scopes := securitySource[l+1 : r] s := []string{} for _, scope := range strings.Split(scopes, ",") { scope = strings.TrimSpace(scope) s = append(s, scope) } securityKey := securitySource[0:l] securityMap := map[string][]string{} securityMap[securityKey] = append(securityMap[securityKey], s...) operation.Security = append(operation.Security, securityMap) } else { securityKey := strings.TrimSpace(securitySource) securityMap := map[string][]string{} securityMap[securityKey] = []string{} operation.Security = append(operation.Security, securityMap) } return nil } // findTypeDef attempts to find the *ast.TypeSpec for a specific type given the // type's name and the package's import path // TODO: improve finding external pkg func findTypeDef(importPath, typeName string) (*ast.TypeSpec, error) { cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return nil, err } conf := loader.Config{ ParserMode: goparser.SpuriousErrors, Cwd: cwd, } conf.Import(importPath) lprog, err := conf.Load() if err != nil { return nil, err } // If the pkg is vendored, the actual pkg path is going to resemble // something like "{importPath}/vendor/{importPath}" for k := range lprog.AllPackages { realPkgPath := k.Path() if strings.Contains(realPkgPath, "vendor/"+importPath) { importPath = realPkgPath } } pkgInfo := lprog.Package(importPath) if pkgInfo == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("package was nil") } // TODO: possibly cache pkgInfo since it's an expensive operation for i := range pkgInfo.Files { for _, astDeclaration := range pkgInfo.Files[i].Decls { if generalDeclaration, ok := astDeclaration.(*ast.GenDecl); ok && generalDeclaration.Tok == token.TYPE { for _, astSpec := range generalDeclaration.Specs { if typeSpec, ok := astSpec.(*ast.TypeSpec); ok { if typeSpec.Name.String() == typeName { return typeSpec, nil } } } } } } return nil, fmt.Errorf("type spec not found") } var responsePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`([\d]+)[\s]+([\w\{\}]+)[\s]+([\w\-\.\/]+)[^"]*(.*)?`) // ParseResponseComment parses comment for given `response` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseResponseComment(commentLine string, astFile *ast.File) error { var matches []string if matches = responsePattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 5 { err := operation.ParseEmptyResponseComment(commentLine) if err != nil { return operation.ParseEmptyResponseOnly(commentLine) } return err } response := spec.Response{} code, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) responseDescription := strings.Trim(matches[4], "\"") if responseDescription == "" { responseDescription = http.StatusText(code) } response.Description = responseDescription schemaType := strings.Trim(matches[2], "{}") refType := matches[3] if !IsGolangPrimitiveType(refType) && !strings.Contains(refType, ".") { currentPkgName := astFile.Name.String() refType = currentPkgName + "." + refType } if operation.parser != nil { // checking refType has existing in 'TypeDefinitions' if err := operation.registerSchemaType(refType, astFile); err != nil { return err } } // so we have to know all type in app response.Schema = &spec.Schema{SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{Type: []string{schemaType}}} if schemaType == "object" { response.Schema.SchemaProps = spec.SchemaProps{} response.Schema.Ref = spec.Ref{ Ref: jsonreference.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + refType), } } if schemaType == "array" { refType = TransToValidSchemeType(refType) if IsPrimitiveType(refType) { response.Schema.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{ Schema: &spec.Schema{ SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ Type: spec.StringOrArray{refType}, }, }, } } else { response.Schema.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{ Schema: &spec.Schema{ SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ Ref: spec.Ref{Ref: jsonreference.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + refType)}, }, }, } } } if operation.Responses == nil { operation.Responses = &spec.Responses{ ResponsesProps: spec.ResponsesProps{ StatusCodeResponses: make(map[int]spec.Response), }, } } operation.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] = response return nil } // ParseResponseHeaderComment parses comment for gived `response header` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseResponseHeaderComment(commentLine string, astFile *ast.File) error { var matches []string if matches = responsePattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 5 { return fmt.Errorf("can not parse response comment \"%s\"", commentLine) } response := spec.Response{} code, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) responseDescription := strings.Trim(matches[4], "\"") if responseDescription == "" { responseDescription = http.StatusText(code) } response.Description = responseDescription schemaType := strings.Trim(matches[2], "{}") refType := matches[3] if operation.Responses == nil { operation.Responses = &spec.Responses{ ResponsesProps: spec.ResponsesProps{ StatusCodeResponses: make(map[int]spec.Response), }, } } response, responseExist := operation.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] if responseExist { header := spec.Header{} header.Description = responseDescription header.Type = schemaType if response.Headers == nil { response.Headers = make(map[string]spec.Header) } response.Headers[refType] = header operation.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] = response } return nil } var emptyResponsePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`([\d]+)[\s]+"(.*)"`) // ParseEmptyResponseComment parse only comment out status code and description,eg: @Success 200 "it's ok" func (operation *Operation) ParseEmptyResponseComment(commentLine string) error { var matches []string if matches = emptyResponsePattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 3 { return fmt.Errorf("can not parse response comment \"%s\"", commentLine) } response := spec.Response{} code, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) response.Description = strings.Trim(matches[2], "") if operation.Responses == nil { operation.Responses = &spec.Responses{ ResponsesProps: spec.ResponsesProps{ StatusCodeResponses: make(map[int]spec.Response), }, } } operation.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] = response return nil } //ParseEmptyResponseOnly parse only comment out status code ,eg: @Success 200 func (operation *Operation) ParseEmptyResponseOnly(commentLine string) error { response := spec.Response{} code, err := strconv.Atoi(commentLine) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can not parse response comment \"%s\"", commentLine) } if operation.Responses == nil { operation.Responses = &spec.Responses{ ResponsesProps: spec.ResponsesProps{ StatusCodeResponses: make(map[int]spec.Response), }, } } operation.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] = response return nil } // createParameter returns swagger spec.Parameter for gived paramType, description, paramName, schemaType, required func createParameter(paramType, description, paramName, schemaType string, required bool) spec.Parameter { // //five possible parameter types. query, path, body, header, form paramProps := spec.ParamProps{ Name: paramName, Description: description, Required: required, In: paramType, } if paramType == "body" { paramProps.Schema = &spec.Schema{ SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ Type: []string{schemaType}, }, } parameter := spec.Parameter{ ParamProps: paramProps, } return parameter } parameter := spec.Parameter{ ParamProps: paramProps, SimpleSchema: spec.SimpleSchema{ Type: schemaType, }, } return parameter }