--- date: "2019-02-12:00:00+02:00" title: "Build from sources" draft: false type: "doc" menu: sidebar: parent: "setup" --- # Build Vikunja from source Vikunja being a go application, has no other dependencies than go itself. All libraries are bundeled inside the repo in the `vendor/` folder, so all it boils down to are these steps: 1. Make sure [Go](https://golang.org/doc/install) is properly installed on your system. You'll need at least Go `1.9`. 2. Make sure [Mage](https://magefile) is properly installed on your system. 3. Clone the repo with `git clone https://code.vikunja.io/api` 3. Run `mage build:build` in the source of this repo. This will build a binary in the root of the repo which will be able to run on your system. *Note:* Static ressources such as email templates are built into the binary. For these to work, you may need to run `mage build:generate` before building the vikunja binary. When builing entirely with `mage`, you dont need to do this, `mage build:generate` will be run automatically when running `mage build:build`. # Build for different architectures To build for other platforms and architectures than the one you're currently on, simply run `mage release:release` or `mage release:{linux|windows|darwin}`. More options are available, please refer to the [magefile docs]({{< ref "../development/mage.md">}}) for more details.