diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json b/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json index a1f78652..d9fc5dc1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Das Team chüble", "text1": "Bischder sicher, dasst wetsch da Team mit allne Mitglieder lösche?", - "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "Alle Teammitglieder verlieren den Zugriff auf Listen und Namespaces, die mit diesem Team geteilt sind. Dies KANN NICHT Rückgängig gemacht werden!", "success": "Da Team isch erfolgriich g'chüblet wore." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Benutzer usem Team entferne", "text1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de Benutzer usm Team werfe wetsch?", - "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "Diese:r Benutzer:in verliert den Zugriff auf alle Listen und Namespaces auf die dieses Team Zugriff hat. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!", "success": "Benutzer erfolgriich usegworfe." } }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json b/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json index 4d12ba09..824e19fb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Delete the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?", - "text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The team was successfully deleted." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Remove a user from the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?", - "text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team." } }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json b/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json index a6240028..2e2caadc 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Supprimer l’équipe", "text1": "Supprimer cette équipe et tous ses membres ?", - "text2": "Tous les membres de l’équipe perdront l’accès aux listes et aux espaces de noms partagés avec cette équipe. Ceci ne peut pas être annulé !", + "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "Équipe supprimée." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Retirer un·e utilisateur·rice de l’équipe", "text1": "Retirer cette personne de l’équipe ?", - "text2": "La personne perdra accès à toutes les listes et espaces de noms auxquels cette équipe a accès. Ceci ne peut pas être annulé !", + "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "Utilisateur·rice retiré·e de l’équipe." } }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json b/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json index 4d12ba09..824e19fb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Delete the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?", - "text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The team was successfully deleted." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Remove a user from the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?", - "text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team." } }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json b/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json index 4d12ba09..824e19fb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Delete the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?", - "text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The team was successfully deleted." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Remove a user from the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?", - "text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team." } }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json b/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json index 4d12ba09..824e19fb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Delete the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?", - "text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The team was successfully deleted." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Remove a user from the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?", - "text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team." } }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json b/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json index 4d12ba09..824e19fb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Delete the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?", - "text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The team was successfully deleted." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Remove a user from the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?", - "text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team." } }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json b/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json index 4d12ba09..824e19fb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Delete the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?", - "text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The team was successfully deleted." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Remove a user from the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?", - "text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", + "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team." } }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json b/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json index 1ee342e8..b936a5b9 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json @@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ "delete": { "header": "Удалить команду", "text1": "Удалить эту команду вместе с участниками?", - "text2": "Все участники команды потеряют доступ к спискам и пространствам имён, которыми поделились с этой командой. Это действие отменить НЕЛЬЗЯ!", + "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "Команда удалена." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Удалить пользователя из команды", "text1": "Удалить этого пользователя из команды?", - "text2": "Пользователь потеряет доступ ко всем спискам и пространствам имён, к котором есть доступ у команды. Это действие отменить нельзя!", + "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "Пользователь удалён из команды." } },