diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json b/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json index 2faf837e..a7a4ee30 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja wird geladen…", - "errorOccured": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Bitte überprüfe, ob die API-Url stimmt.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "Es wurde keine API-Url konfiguriert. Bitte stelle unten eine ein:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Alternativ kannst du auch diesen QR-Code scannen:", "passcode": "Code", "passcodePlaceholder": "Ein von deiner TOTP-App generierter code", - "setupSuccess": "Du hast die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung erfolgreich eingerichtet!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Bitte gib dein Passwort ein", "disable": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung deaktivieren", "confirmSuccess": "TOTP wurde verifiziert und ist nun verwendbar.", - "disableSuccess": "Die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json b/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json index 3dd4ffea..38813dec 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja wird geladen…", - "errorOccured": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Bitte überprüfe, ob die API-Url stimmt.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "Es wurde keine API-Url konfiguriert. Bitte stelle unten eine ein:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Alternativ chasch au de QR Code scanne:", "passcode": "Code", "passcodePlaceholder": "En vo dinere Authentifikator App generierte code", - "setupSuccess": "Du hesch erfolgriich dini Zweifaktor Authentifizierig aktiviert!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Bitte gib diis Passwort iih", "disable": "Zweifaktor Authentifizierig uusschalte", "confirmSuccess": "Du hesch erfolgriich dini Zweifaktor Authentifizierig aktiviert und chasch se vo jetzt au benutze!", - "disableSuccess": "Zweifaktor Authentifizierig isch erfolgriich uusgschalte wore." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "Neuer Namespace", "titleRequired": "Bitte gib en Titl ah.", - "explanation": "En Namensruum isch e Gruppe vo Liste, wo du chasch zur Organisation benutze. Tatsächlich sind alli Listene emne Namensruum zuegwise.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "Was isch en Namensruum?", "success": "Namensruum erstellt." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "Du kannst Datumsberechnung verwenden, um nach relativen Daten zu filtern.", "learnhow": "Sieh dir an, wie es funktioniert", "title": "Datumsberechnung", - "intro": "Die Datumsberechnung erlaubt es, relative Daten anzugeben, die bei der Anwendung des Filters von Vikunja aufgelöst werden.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Jeder Ausdruck der Datumsberechnung beginnt mit einem Datumswert, welcher entweder {0} sein kann oder mit {1} endet. Auf diesen Datumswert kann optional ein oder mehrere mathematische Ausdrücke folgen.", "similar": "Diese Ausdrücke ähneln denen von {0} und {1}.", "add1Day": "Einen Tag hinzufügen", @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ }, "navigation": { "title": "Navigation", - "overview": "Die Startseite aufrufen", - "upcoming": "Anstehende Aufgaben aufrufen", - "namespaces": "Namespaces & Listen aufrufen", + "overview": "Navigate to overview", + "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", + "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Labels aufrufen", "teams": "Teams aufrufen" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json b/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json index dd2101b2..535f5c3f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja is loading…", - "errorOccured": "An error occured:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Please check if the api url is correct.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "No API url was configured. Please set one below:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:", "passcode": "Passcode", "passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application", - "setupSuccess": "You've sucessfully set up two factor authentication!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password", "disable": "Disable two factor authentication", "confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!", - "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was sucessfully disabled." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "New namespace", "titleRequired": "Please specify a title.", - "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "What's a namespace?", "success": "The namespace was successfully created." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", "learnhow": "Check out how it works", "title": "Date Math", - "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", "add1Day": "Add one day", @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ }, "navigation": { "title": "Navigation", - "overview": "Navigato to overview", - "upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks", - "namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists", + "overview": "Navigate to overview", + "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", + "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Navigate to labels", "teams": "Navigate to teams" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json b/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json index 5e2eb909..52acc30a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja sta caricando…", - "errorOccured": "Si è verificato un errore:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Controlla se l'URL API è corretto.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "Nessun URL API configurato. Impostane uno qui sotto:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "In alternativa puoi scansionare questo codice QR:", "passcode": "Codice di accesso", "passcodePlaceholder": "Un codice generato dalla tua applicazione TOTP", - "setupSuccess": "Hai impostato con successo l'autenticazione a due fattori!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Inserisci La Tua Password", "disable": "Disabilita l'autenticazione a due fattori", "confirmSuccess": "Hai confermato con successo la tua configurazione totp e puoi usarla da ora in poi!", - "disableSuccess": "L'autenticazione a due fattori è stata disattivata." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "Nuovo namespace", "titleRequired": "Specifica un titolo.", - "explanation": "Un namespace è una raccolta di liste che puoi condividere e che puoi usare per organizzare le tue liste. Infatti, ogni lista appartiene a un namespace.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "Che cos'è un namespace?", "success": "Namespace creato." }, diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json b/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json index cfef11e9..c69217db 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja się ładuje…", - "errorOccured": "Wystąpił błąd:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Sprawdź, czy adres URL interfejsu API jest poprawny.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "Nie skonfigurowano adresu URL interfejsu API. Ustaw go poniżej:" }, @@ -96,23 +96,23 @@ "scanQR": "Możesz również zeskanować ten kod QR:", "passcode": "Kod autoryzacyjny", "passcodePlaceholder": "Kod wygenerowany przez twoją aplikację TOTP", - "setupSuccess": "Udało Ci się skonfigurować uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Wprowadź hasło", "disable": "Wyłącz uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe", "confirmSuccess": "Pomyślnie skonfigurowałeś uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe i od teraz możesz z niego korzystać!", - "disableSuccess": "Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe zostało pomyślnie wyłączone." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", - "howTo": "You can connect Vikunja to CalDAV clients to view and manage all tasks from different clients. Enter this url into your client:", - "more": "More information about CalDAV in Vikunja", - "tokens": "CalDAV Tokens", - "tokensHowTo": "You can use a CalDAV token to use instead of a password to log in the above endpoint.", - "createToken": "Create a token", - "tokenCreated": "Here is your token: {token}", - "wontSeeItAgain": "Write it down, you won't be able to see it again.", - "mustUseToken": "You need to create a CalDAV token if you want to use CalDAV with a third party client. Use the token as the password.", - "usernameIs": "Your username is: {0}" + "howTo": "Możesz połączyć Vikunję z klientami CalDAV, aby przeglądać i zarządzać wszystkimi zadaniami z różnych klientów. Wprowadź ten adres URL do swojego klienta:", + "more": "Więcej informacji o CalDAV w Vikunji", + "tokens": "Tokeny CalDAV", + "tokensHowTo": "Możesz użyć tokenu CalDAV zamiast hasła do logowania się w powyższym punkcie końcowym.", + "createToken": "Utwórz token", + "tokenCreated": "Oto twój token: {token}", + "wontSeeItAgain": "Zapisz to, nie będziesz mógł tego zobaczyć ponownie.", + "mustUseToken": "Musisz utworzyć token CalDAV, jeśli chcesz używać CalDAV z klientem zewnętrznym. Użyj tokena jako hasła.", + "usernameIs": "Twoja nazwa użytkownika to: {0}" }, "avatar": { "title": "Awatar", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "Nowa sekcja", "titleRequired": "Proszę, podaj tytuł.", - "explanation": "Sekcja to zbiór list, które możesz udostępniać i używać do organizowania list. Każda lista należy do jakiejś sekcji.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "Co to jest sekcja?", "success": "Sekcja została pomyślnie utworzona." }, @@ -493,10 +493,10 @@ "hideMenu": "Ukryj menu", "forExample": "Na przykład:", "welcomeBack": "Witaj ponownie!", - "custom": "Custom", + "custom": "Własne", "id": "ID", - "created": "Created at", - "actions": "Actions" + "created": "Utworzono", + "actions": "Akcje" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Resetuj kolor", @@ -537,54 +537,54 @@ "selectPlaceholder": "Kliknij lub naciśnij Enter, aby wybrać" }, "datepickerRange": { - "to": "To", - "from": "From", - "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "to": "Do", + "from": "Od", + "fromto": "{from} do {to}", "ranges": { - "today": "Today", - "thisWeek": "This Week", - "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", - "nextWeek": "Next Week", - "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", - "lastWeek": "Last Week", - "thisMonth": "This Month", - "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", - "nextMonth": "Next Month", - "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", - "lastMonth": "Last Month", - "thisYear": "This Year", - "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + "today": "Dziś", + "thisWeek": "W tym tygodniu", + "restOfThisWeek": "Reszta tego tygodnia", + "nextWeek": "Następny tydzień", + "next7Days": "Następne 7 dni", + "lastWeek": "Zeszły tydzień", + "thisMonth": "Ten Miesiąc", + "restOfThisMonth": "Reszta tego miesiąca", + "nextMonth": "Następny miesiąc", + "next30Days": "Następne 30 dni", + "lastMonth": "Zeszły miesiąc", + "thisYear": "Ten rok", + "restOfThisYear": "Reszta tego roku" } }, "datemathHelp": { - "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", - "learnhow": "Check out how it works", - "title": "Date Math", - "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", - "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", - "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", - "add1Day": "Add one day", - "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", - "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", - "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", - "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "canuse": "Możesz użyć kalkulacji dat do względnego filtrowania dat.", + "learnhow": "Sprawdź jak to działa", + "title": "Kalkulacja daty", + "intro": "Kalkulacja daty pozwala względnie określić daty, które są przetwarzane przez Vikunję w locie, w czasie stosowania filtra.", + "expression": "Każde wyrażenie kalkulacji daty rozpoczyna się datą zakotwiczenia, którą może być {0} lub wyrażeniem daty zakończonym {1}. Po tej dacie zakotwiczenia opcjonalnie może następować jedno lub więcej wyrażeń matematycznych.", + "similar": "Te wyrażenia są podobne do tych dostarczonych przez {0} i {1}.", + "add1Day": "Dodaj jeden dzień", + "minus1Day": "Odejmij jeden dzień", + "roundDay": "Zaokrąglij w dół do najbliższego dnia", + "supportedUnits": "Obsługiwane jednostki czasu to:", + "someExamples": "Kilka przykładów wyrażeń czasowych:", "units": { - "seconds": "Seconds", - "minutes": "Minutes", - "hours": "Hours", - "days": "Days", - "weeks": "Weeks", - "months": "Months", - "years": "Years" + "seconds": "Sekundy", + "minutes": "Minuty", + "hours": "Godziny", + "days": "Dni", + "weeks": "Tygodnie", + "months": "Miesiące", + "years": "Lata" }, "examples": { - "now": "Right now", - "in24h": "In 24h", - "today": "Today at 00:00", - "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", - "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", - "in30Days": "In 30 days", - "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + "now": "Teraz", + "in24h": "Za 24 godziny", + "today": "Dzisiaj o godzinie 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "Początek tego tygodnia o godz. 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "Koniec tego tygodnia", + "in30Days": "Za 30 dni", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus miesiąc o godzinie 00:00 tego dnia" } } }, @@ -603,9 +603,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Bieżące zadania", "titleDates": "Zadania od {from} do {to}", "noDates": "Pokaż zadania bez dat", - "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", - "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", - "select": "Select a date range", + "overdue": "Pokaż zaległe zadania", + "fromuntil": "Zadania od {from} do {until}", + "select": "Wybierz zakres dat", "noTasks": "Brak zadań do wykonania – miłego dnia!" }, "detail": { @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ "deleteText1": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to powiązane zadanie?", "deleteText2": "Tego nie da się cofnąć!", "select": "Wybierz rodzaj powiązanego zadania", - "taskRequired": "Please select a task or enter a new task title.", + "taskRequired": "Wybierz zadanie lub wpisz tytuł nowego zadania.", "kinds": { "subtask": "Podzadanie | Podzadania", "parenttask": "Zadanie nadrzędne | Zadania nadrzędne", diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json b/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json index dd2101b2..535f5c3f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja is loading…", - "errorOccured": "An error occured:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Please check if the api url is correct.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "No API url was configured. Please set one below:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:", "passcode": "Passcode", "passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application", - "setupSuccess": "You've sucessfully set up two factor authentication!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password", "disable": "Disable two factor authentication", "confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!", - "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was sucessfully disabled." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "New namespace", "titleRequired": "Please specify a title.", - "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "What's a namespace?", "success": "The namespace was successfully created." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", "learnhow": "Check out how it works", "title": "Date Math", - "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", "add1Day": "Add one day", @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ }, "navigation": { "title": "Navigation", - "overview": "Navigato to overview", - "upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks", - "namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists", + "overview": "Navigate to overview", + "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", + "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Navigate to labels", "teams": "Navigate to teams" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json b/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json index c9d69501..640ec142 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja está a carregar…", - "errorOccured": "Ocorreu um erro:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Por favor, verifica se o url da api está correto.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "Nenhum URL de API foi configurado. Por favor, define um abaixo:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Como alternativa, podes digitalizar este código QR:", "passcode": "Código", "passcodePlaceholder": "Um código gerado pelo teu aplicativo totp", - "setupSuccess": "Configuraste com sucesso a autenticação de dois fatores!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Por favor, insere a tua palavra-passe", "disable": "Desativar a autenticação de dois fatores", "confirmSuccess": "Confirmaste com sucesso a tua configuração totp e podes utilizá-la de agora em diante!", - "disableSuccess": "A autenticação de dois fatores foi desativada com sucesso." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "Novo espaço", "titleRequired": "Por favor, especifica um título.", - "explanation": "Um espaço é uma coleção de listas que podes partilhar e utilizar para organizar as tuas listas. De facto, cada lista pertence a um espaço.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "O que é um espaço?", "success": "O espaço foi criado com sucesso." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "Podes utilizar cálculo de data para filtrar por datas relativas.", "learnhow": "Vê como funciona", "title": "Cálculo de Data", - "intro": "O cálculo de data permite especificar datas relativas resolvidas em tempo real pelo Vikunja na aplicação do filtro.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Cada expressão de Cálculo de Data inicia com uma data âncora, que tanto pode ser {0}, como uma expressão de data terminada com {1}. Esta data âncora pode ser opcionalmente seguida de uma ou mais expressões matemáticas.", "similar": "Essas expressões são semelhantes às fornecidas por {0} e {1}.", "add1Day": "Adicionar um dia", diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json b/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json index dd2101b2..535f5c3f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja is loading…", - "errorOccured": "An error occured:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Please check if the api url is correct.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "No API url was configured. Please set one below:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:", "passcode": "Passcode", "passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application", - "setupSuccess": "You've sucessfully set up two factor authentication!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password", "disable": "Disable two factor authentication", "confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!", - "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was sucessfully disabled." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "New namespace", "titleRequired": "Please specify a title.", - "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "What's a namespace?", "success": "The namespace was successfully created." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", "learnhow": "Check out how it works", "title": "Date Math", - "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", "add1Day": "Add one day", @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ }, "navigation": { "title": "Navigation", - "overview": "Navigato to overview", - "upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks", - "namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists", + "overview": "Navigate to overview", + "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", + "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Navigate to labels", "teams": "Navigate to teams" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json b/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json index 63220754..d0d64585 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja is loading…", - "errorOccured": "An error occured:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Please check if the api url is correct.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "No API url was configured. Please set one below:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Или ты можешь отсканировать этот QR-код:", "passcode": "Код", "passcodePlaceholder": "Код, который сгенерировал твой приложение TOTP", - "setupSuccess": "У тебя подключена двухфакторная аутентификация.", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Введи свой пароль", "disable": "Отключить двухфакторную аутентификацию", "confirmSuccess": "TOTP настроен и готов к использованию.", - "disableSuccess": "Двухфакторная аутентификация отключена." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "New namespace", "titleRequired": "Укажи название.", - "explanation": "Коллекции списков для совместного использования и организации ваших списков. Фактически, каждый список принадлежит какому-нибудь пространству имён.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "Что такое пространство имён?", "success": "Пространство имён создано." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", "learnhow": "Check out how it works", "title": "Date Math", - "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", "add1Day": "Add one day", @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ }, "navigation": { "title": "Navigation", - "overview": "Navigato to overview", - "upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks", - "namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists", + "overview": "Navigate to overview", + "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", + "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Navigate to labels", "teams": "Navigate to teams" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json b/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json index dd2101b2..535f5c3f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja is loading…", - "errorOccured": "An error occured:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Please check if the api url is correct.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "No API url was configured. Please set one below:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:", "passcode": "Passcode", "passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application", - "setupSuccess": "You've sucessfully set up two factor authentication!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password", "disable": "Disable two factor authentication", "confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!", - "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was sucessfully disabled." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "New namespace", "titleRequired": "Please specify a title.", - "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "What's a namespace?", "success": "The namespace was successfully created." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", "learnhow": "Check out how it works", "title": "Date Math", - "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", "add1Day": "Add one day", @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ }, "navigation": { "title": "Navigation", - "overview": "Navigato to overview", - "upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks", - "namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists", + "overview": "Navigate to overview", + "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", + "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Navigate to labels", "teams": "Navigate to teams" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json b/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json index dd2101b2..535f5c3f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja is loading…", - "errorOccured": "An error occured:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Please check if the api url is correct.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "No API url was configured. Please set one below:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:", "passcode": "Passcode", "passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application", - "setupSuccess": "You've sucessfully set up two factor authentication!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password", "disable": "Disable two factor authentication", "confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!", - "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was sucessfully disabled." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "New namespace", "titleRequired": "Please specify a title.", - "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "What's a namespace?", "success": "The namespace was successfully created." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", "learnhow": "Check out how it works", "title": "Date Math", - "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", "add1Day": "Add one day", @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ }, "navigation": { "title": "Navigation", - "overview": "Navigato to overview", - "upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks", - "namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists", + "overview": "Navigate to overview", + "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", + "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Navigate to labels", "teams": "Navigate to teams" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json b/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json index b068563f..37f1bac6 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja đang tải…", - "errorOccured": "Đã xảy ra lỗi:", + "errorOccured": "An error occurred:", "checkApiUrl": "Vui lòng kiểm tra lại url api.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "Không có url API nào được cấu hình. Hãy đặt một cái:" }, @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ "scanQR": "Ngoài ra, bạn có thể quét mã QR này:", "passcode": "Mã xác thực", "passcodePlaceholder": "Một đoạn mã được tạo bởi ứng dụng TOTP của bạn", - "setupSuccess": "Bạn đã thiết lập xác thực hai lớp thành công!", + "setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!", "enterPassword": "Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu", "disable": "Tắt xác thực 2 lớp", "confirmSuccess": "Bạn đã xác nhận thành công thiết lập TOTP của mình và có thể sử dụng nó từ bây giờ!", - "disableSuccess": "Xác thực hai lớp đã bị vô hiệu hóa thành công." + "disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ "create": { "title": "Góc làm việc mới", "titleRequired": "Hãy đặt một tiêu đề.", - "explanation": "Góc làm việc là một tập hợp các danh sách mà bạn có thể chia sẻ và sử dụng để sắp xếp các danh sách của mình. Trên thực tế, mọi danh sách đều thuộc về một góc làm việc.", + "explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.", "tooltip": "Góc làm việc là gì?", "success": "Góc làm việc đã được tạo." }, @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "canuse": "Bạn có thể sử dụng biểu thức tính ngày để lọc những ngày liên quan.", "learnhow": "Xem cách hoạt động", "title": "Tính Ngày", - "intro": "Tính Ngày cho phép bạn xác định những ngày liên quan được xử lý bởi Vikunja khi áp dụng bộ lọc.", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", "expression": "Mỗi Biểu thức tính ngày bắt đầu bằng một ngày cố định, có thể là {0}, hoặc kết thúc bằng {1}. Ngày cố định này có thể được theo sau bởi một hoặc nhiều biểu thức toán học.", "similar": "Những biểu thức này tương tự như những biểu thức được cung cấp bởi {0} và {1}.", "add1Day": "Thêm một ngày", @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ }, "navigation": { "title": "Điều hướng", - "overview": "Điều hướng đến trang tổng quan", - "upcoming": "Điều hướng đến công việc sắp tới", - "namespaces": "Điều hướng đến Không gian làm việc & danh sách", + "overview": "Navigate to overview", + "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", + "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Điều hướng đến nhãn", "teams": "Điều hướng đến Team" }