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This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Aktuální úkoly", "titleDates": "Úkoly od {from} do {to}", "noDates": "Zobrazit úkoly bez datumu", - "current": "Aktuální úkoly", - "from": "Úkoly od", - "until": "do", - "today": "Dnes", - "nextWeek": "Příští týden", - "nextMonth": "Příští měsíc", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nic na práci - užij si pěkný den!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json b/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json index 5e98c7b5..e0ac223b 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Menü anzeigen", "hideMenu": "Menü ausblenden", "forExample": "Zum Beispiel:", - "welcomeBack": "Willkommen zurück!" + "welcomeBack": "Willkommen zurück!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Farbe zurücksetzen", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Neu erstellen", "selectPlaceholder": "Klicken oder Enter drücken zum Auswählen" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Aktuelle Aufgaben", "titleDates": "Aufgaben von {from} bis {to}", "noDates": "Aufgaben ohne Datum anzeigen", - "current": "Aktuelle Aufgaben", - "from": "Aufgaben von", - "until": "bis", - "today": "Heute", - "nextWeek": "Nächste Woche", - "nextMonth": "Nächster Monat", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nichts zu tun – Einen schönen Tag noch!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json b/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json index 7fab42c3..058abf69 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Menü anzeigen", "hideMenu": "Menü ausblenden", "forExample": "Zum Beispiel:", - "welcomeBack": "Willkommen zurück!" + "welcomeBack": "Willkommen zurück!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Farb zruggsetze", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Neu erstelle", "selectPlaceholder": "Druck uf Enter zum uuswähle" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Momentani Uufgabe", "titleDates": "Uufgabe vo {from} bis {to}", "noDates": "Zeig Uufgabe ohni Datum", - "current": "Momentani Uufgabe", - "from": "Uufgabe vo", - "until": "bis", - "today": "Hütt", - "nextWeek": "Negst Wuchä", - "nextMonth": "Negste Monet", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nichts zu tun – Einen schönen Tag noch!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json b/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json index fbbdc5b7..86f71fc1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Show the menu", "hideMenu": "Hide the menu", "forExample": "For example:", - "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!" + "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Reset Color", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", "selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Current Tasks", "titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}", "noDates": "Show tasks without dates", - "current": "Current tasks", - "from": "Tasks from", - "until": "until", - "today": "Today", - "nextWeek": "Next Week", - "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nothing to do — Have a nice day!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json b/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json index f4a1b652..75944d48 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Afficher le menu", "hideMenu": "Masquer le menu", "forExample": "Par exemple :", - "welcomeBack": "Heureux de vous revoir !" + "welcomeBack": "Heureux de vous revoir !", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Réinitialiser la couleur", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Créer un nouveau", "selectPlaceholder": "Clique ou appuie sur la touche Entrée pour sélectionner" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Tâches actuelles", "titleDates": "Tâches du {from} au {to}", "noDates": "Afficher les tâches sans date", - "current": "Tâches actuelles", - "from": "Tâches du", - "until": "au", - "today": "Aujourd’hui", - "nextWeek": "La semaine prochaine", - "nextMonth": "Le mois prochain", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Rien à faire — Passe une bonne journée !" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json b/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json index 2e0c30e3..4ac4c2a8 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Mostra il menu", "hideMenu": "Nascondi il menù", "forExample": "Ad esempio:", - "welcomeBack": "Bentornato!" + "welcomeBack": "Bentornato!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Ripristina Colore", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Crea nuovo", "selectPlaceholder": "Clicca o premere invio per selezionare" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Attività Attuali", "titleDates": "Attività dal {from} al {to}", "noDates": "Mostra attività senza date", - "current": "Attività attuali", - "from": "Attività dal", - "until": "fino al", - "today": "Oggi", - "nextWeek": "Settimana Prossima", - "nextMonth": "Prossimo Mese", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nessuna attività — Buona giornata!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json b/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json index 8447e03b..1b73a012 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Menu weergeven", "hideMenu": "Menu verbergen", "forExample": "Bijvoorbeeld:", - "welcomeBack": "Welkom terug!" + "welcomeBack": "Welkom terug!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Kleur resetten", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Nieuwe aanmaken", "selectPlaceholder": "Klik of druk op enter om te selecteren" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Huidige taken", "titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}", "noDates": "Taken zonder datums tonen", - "current": "Huidige taken", - "from": "Taken van", - "until": "tot", - "today": "Vandaag", - "nextWeek": "Volgende week", - "nextMonth": "Volgende maand", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nothing to do — Have a nice day!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json b/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json index 4d8bb124..ebca6a1e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Pokaż menu", "hideMenu": "Ukryj menu", "forExample": "Na przykład:", - "welcomeBack": "Witaj ponownie!" + "welcomeBack": "Witaj ponownie!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Resetuj kolor", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Utwórz nowy", "selectPlaceholder": "Kliknij lub naciśnij Enter, aby wybrać" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Bieżące zadania", "titleDates": "Zadania od {from} do {to}", "noDates": "Pokaż zadania bez dat", - "current": "Bieżące zadania", - "from": "Zadania od", - "until": "do", - "today": "Dziś", - "nextWeek": "Następny tydzień", - "nextMonth": "Następny miesiąc", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Brak zadań do wykonania – miłego dnia!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json b/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json index fbbdc5b7..86f71fc1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Show the menu", "hideMenu": "Hide the menu", "forExample": "For example:", - "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!" + "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Reset Color", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", "selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Current Tasks", "titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}", "noDates": "Show tasks without dates", - "current": "Current tasks", - "from": "Tasks from", - "until": "until", - "today": "Today", - "nextWeek": "Next Week", - "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nothing to do — Have a nice day!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json b/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json index 6157ef8b..c48b46af 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Mostra o menu", "hideMenu": "Ocultar o menu", "forExample": "Por exemplo:", - "welcomeBack": "Bem-Vindo de Volta!" + "welcomeBack": "Bem-Vindo de Volta!", + "custom": "Personalizado" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Repor cor", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Criar novo", "selectPlaceholder": "Clica ou pressiona Enter para selecionar" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "Até", + "from": "De", + "fromto": "{from} até {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Hoje", + "thisWeek": "Esta semana", + "restOfThisWeek": "O Resto Desta Semana", + "nextWeek": "Próxima Semana", + "next7Days": "Próximos 7 Dias", + "lastWeek": "Semana Passada", + "thisMonth": "Este Mês", + "restOfThisMonth": "O Resto Deste Mês", + "nextMonth": "Próximo Mês", + "next30Days": "Próximos 30 Dias", + "lastMonth": "Mês Passado", + "thisYear": "Este Ano", + "restOfThisYear": "O Resto Deste Ano" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "Podes utilizar cálculo de data para filtrar por datas relativas.", + "learnhow": "Vê como funciona", + "title": "Cálculo de Data", + "intro": "O cálculo de data permite especificar datas relativas resolvidas em tempo real pelo Vikunja na aplicação do filtro.", + "expression": "Cada expressão de Cálculo de Data inicia com uma data âncora, que tanto pode ser {0}, como uma expressão de data terminada com {1}. Esta data âncora pode ser opcionalmente seguida de uma ou mais expressões matemáticas.", + "similar": "Essas expressões são semelhantes às fornecidas por {0} e {1}.", + "add1Day": "Adicionar um dia", + "minus1Day": "Subtrair um dia", + "roundDay": "Arredondar para baixo para o dia mais próximo", + "supportedUnits": "As unidades de tempo suportadas são:", + "someExamples": "Alguns exemplos de expressões de tempo:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Segundos", + "minutes": "Minutos", + "hours": "Horas", + "days": "Dias", + "weeks": "Semanas", + "months": "Meses", + "years": "Anos" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Agora", + "in24h": "Em 24h", + "today": "Hoje às 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "O início desta semana às 00h00", + "endOfThisWeek": "O fim desta semana", + "in30Days": "Em 30 dias", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} mais um mês às 00:00 desse dia" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Tarefas Atuais", "titleDates": "Tarefas de {from} até {to}", "noDates": "Mostrar tarefas sem datas", - "current": "Tarefas atuais", - "from": "Tarefas de", - "until": "até", - "today": "Hoje", - "nextWeek": "Próxima Semana", - "nextMonth": "Próximo Mês", + "overdue": "Mostrar tarefas em atraso", + "fromuntil": "Tarefas de {from} a {until}", + "select": "Escolha um intervalo de datas", "noTasks": "Nada para fazer — Tem um bom dia!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json b/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json index fbbdc5b7..86f71fc1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Show the menu", "hideMenu": "Hide the menu", "forExample": "For example:", - "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!" + "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Reset Color", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", "selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Current Tasks", "titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}", "noDates": "Show tasks without dates", - "current": "Current tasks", - "from": "Tasks from", - "until": "until", - "today": "Today", - "nextWeek": "Next Week", - "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nothing to do — Have a nice day!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json b/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json index 1a2d0c37..0e446c16 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Show the menu", "hideMenu": "Hide the menu", "forExample": "For example:", - "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!" + "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Сбросить цвет", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Создать", "selectPlaceholder": "Кликните или нажмите Enter для выбора" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Текущие задачи", "titleDates": "Задачи с {from} по {to}", "noDates": "Показать задачи без даты", - "current": "Текущие задачи", - "from": "Задачи с", - "until": "по", - "today": "Сегодня", - "nextWeek": "Неделя", - "nextMonth": "Месяц", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nothing to do — Have a nice day!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json b/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json index fbbdc5b7..86f71fc1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Show the menu", "hideMenu": "Hide the menu", "forExample": "For example:", - "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!" + "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Reset Color", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", "selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Current Tasks", "titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}", "noDates": "Show tasks without dates", - "current": "Current tasks", - "from": "Tasks from", - "until": "until", - "today": "Today", - "nextWeek": "Next Week", - "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nothing to do — Have a nice day!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json b/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json index fbbdc5b7..86f71fc1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Show the menu", "hideMenu": "Hide the menu", "forExample": "For example:", - "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!" + "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back!", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Reset Color", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", "selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Current Tasks", "titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}", "noDates": "Show tasks without dates", - "current": "Current tasks", - "from": "Tasks from", - "until": "until", - "today": "Today", - "nextWeek": "Next Week", - "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Nothing to do — Have a nice day!" }, "detail": { diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json b/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json index d5e10a39..b584fd98 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ "showMenu": "Hiển thị menu", "hideMenu": "Ẩn menu", "forExample": "Ví dụ:", - "welcomeBack": "Mừng quá! Bạn trở lại rồi." + "welcomeBack": "Mừng quá! Bạn trở lại rồi.", + "custom": "Custom" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Đặt lại màu", @@ -524,6 +525,57 @@ "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Tạo mới", "selectPlaceholder": "Nhấp hoặc nhấn enter để chọn" + }, + "datepickerRange": { + "to": "To", + "from": "From", + "fromto": "{from} to {to}", + "ranges": { + "today": "Today", + "thisWeek": "This Week", + "restOfThisWeek": "The Rest of This Week", + "nextWeek": "Next Week", + "next7Days": "Next 7 Days", + "lastWeek": "Last Week", + "thisMonth": "This Month", + "restOfThisMonth": "The Rest of This Month", + "nextMonth": "Next Month", + "next30Days": "Next 30 Days", + "lastMonth": "Last Month", + "thisYear": "This Year", + "restOfThisYear": "The Rest of This Year" + } + }, + "datemathHelp": { + "canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.", + "learnhow": "Check out how it works", + "title": "Date Math", + "intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.", + "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", + "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", + "add1Day": "Add one day", + "minus1Day": "Subtract one day", + "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", + "supportedUnits": "Supported time units are:", + "someExamples": "Some examples of time expressions:", + "units": { + "seconds": "Seconds", + "minutes": "Minutes", + "hours": "Hours", + "days": "Days", + "weeks": "Weeks", + "months": "Months", + "years": "Years" + }, + "examples": { + "now": "Right now", + "in24h": "In 24h", + "today": "Today at 00:00", + "beginningOfThisWeek": "The beginning of this week at 00:00", + "endOfThisWeek": "The end of this week", + "in30Days": "In 30 days", + "datePlusMonth": "{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day" + } } }, "task": { @@ -541,12 +593,9 @@ "titleCurrent": "Công việc hiện tại", "titleDates": "Công việc từ {from} cho đến {to}", "noDates": "Hiển thị công việc không có ngày tháng", - "current": "Công việc hiện tại", - "from": "Công việc từ", - "until": "cho đến", - "today": "Hôm nay", - "nextWeek": "Tuần tới", - "nextMonth": "Tháng tới", + "overdue": "Show overdue tasks", + "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", + "select": "Select a date range", "noTasks": "Hôm nay thảnh thơi — Hãy tận hưởng ngày tuyệt vời!" }, "detail": {