import type { Module } from 'vuex' import NamespaceService from '../../services/namespace' import {setLoading} from '@/store/helper' import {createNewIndexer} from '@/indexes' import type {NamespaceState, RootStoreState} from '@/store/types' import type {INamespace} from '@/modelTypes/INamespace' import type {IList} from '@/modelTypes/IList' import {useListStore} from '@/stores/lists' const {add, remove, search, update} = createNewIndexer('namespaces', ['title', 'description']) const namespacesStore : Module = { namespaced: true, state: () => ({ namespaces: [], }), mutations: { namespaces(state, namespaces: INamespace[]) { state.namespaces = namespaces namespaces.forEach(n => { add(n) }) }, setNamespaceById(state, namespace: INamespace) { const namespaceIndex = state.namespaces.findIndex(n => === if (namespaceIndex === -1) { return } if (!namespace.lists || namespace.lists.length === 0) { namespace.lists = state.namespaces[namespaceIndex].lists } state.namespaces[namespaceIndex] = namespace update(namespace) }, setListInNamespaceById(state, list: IList) { for (const n in state.namespaces) { // We don't have the namespace id on the list which means we need to loop over all lists until we find it. // FIXME: Not ideal at all - we should fix that at the api level. if (state.namespaces[n].id === list.namespaceId) { for (const l in state.namespaces[n].lists) { if (state.namespaces[n].lists[l].id === { const namespace = state.namespaces[n] namespace.lists[l] = list state.namespaces[n] = namespace return } } } } }, addNamespace(state, namespace: INamespace) { state.namespaces.push(namespace) add(namespace) }, removeNamespaceById(state, namespaceId: INamespace['id']) { for (const n in state.namespaces) { if (state.namespaces[n].id === namespaceId) { remove(state.namespaces[n]) state.namespaces.splice(n, 1) return } } }, addListToNamespace(state, list: IList) { for (const n in state.namespaces) { if (state.namespaces[n].id === list.namespaceId) { state.namespaces[n].lists.push(list) return } } }, removeListFromNamespaceById(state, list: IList) { for (const n in state.namespaces) { // We don't have the namespace id on the list which means we need to loop over all lists until we find it. // FIXME: Not ideal at all - we should fix that at the api level. if (state.namespaces[n].id === list.namespaceId) { for (const l in state.namespaces[n].lists) { if (state.namespaces[n].lists[l].id === { state.namespaces[n].lists.splice(l, 1) return } } } } }, }, getters: { getListAndNamespaceById: (state) => (listId: IList['id'], ignorePseudoNamespaces = false) => { for (const n in state.namespaces) { if (ignorePseudoNamespaces && state.namespaces[n].id < 0) { continue } for (const l in state.namespaces[n].lists) { if (state.namespaces[n].lists[l].id === listId) { return { list: state.namespaces[n].lists[l], namespace: state.namespaces[n], } } } } return null }, getNamespaceById: (state) => (namespaceId: INamespace['id']) => { return state.namespaces.find(({id}) => id == namespaceId) || null }, searchNamespace: (state, getters) => (query: string) => { return search(query) ?.filter(value => value > 0) .map(getters.getNamespaceById) .filter(n => n !== null) || [] }, }, actions: { async loadNamespaces(ctx) { const cancel = setLoading(ctx, 'namespaces') const namespaceService = new NamespaceService() try { // We always load all namespaces and filter them on the frontend const namespaces = await namespaceService.getAll({}, {is_archived: true}) ctx.commit('namespaces', namespaces) // Put all lists in the list state const lists = namespaces.flatMap(({lists}) => lists) const listStore = useListStore() listStore.setLists(lists) return namespaces } finally { cancel() } }, loadNamespacesIfFavoritesDontExist(ctx) { // The first or second namespace should be the one holding all favorites if (ctx.state.namespaces[0].id !== -2 && ctx.state.namespaces[1]?.id !== -2) { return ctx.dispatch('loadNamespaces') } }, removeFavoritesNamespaceIfEmpty(ctx) { if (ctx.state.namespaces[0].id === -2 && ctx.state.namespaces[0].lists.length === 0) { ctx.state.namespaces.splice(0, 1) } }, async deleteNamespace(ctx, namespace: INamespace) { const cancel = setLoading(ctx, 'namespaces') const namespaceService = new NamespaceService() try { const response = await namespaceService.delete(namespace) ctx.commit('removeNamespaceById', return response } finally { cancel() } }, async createNamespace(ctx, namespace: INamespace) { const cancel = setLoading(ctx, 'namespaces') const namespaceService = new NamespaceService() try { const createdNamespace = await namespaceService.create(namespace) ctx.commit('addNamespace', createdNamespace) return createdNamespace } finally { cancel() } }, }, } export default namespacesStore