import { ref, watch, computed } from 'vue' import { useRoute } from 'vue-router' import TaskCollectionService from '@/services/taskCollection' // FIXME: merge with DEFAULT_PARAMS in filters.vue export const getDefaultParams = () => ({ sort_by: ['position', 'id'], order_by: ['asc', 'desc'], filter_by: ['done'], filter_value: ['false'], filter_comparator: ['equals'], filter_concat: 'and', }) /** * This mixin provides a base set of methods and properties to get tasks on a list. */ export function useTaskList(initTasks) { const taskCollectionService = ref(new TaskCollectionService()) const loading = computed(() => taskCollectionService.value.loading) const totalPages = computed(() => taskCollectionService.value.totalPages) const tasks = ref([]) const currentPage = ref(0) const loadedList = ref(null) const searchTerm = ref('') const showTaskFilter = ref(false) const params = ref({...getDefaultParams()}) const route = useRoute() async function loadTasks( page = 1, search = '', loadParams = { ...params.value }, forceLoading = false, ) { // Because this function is triggered every time on topNavigation, we're putting a condition here to only load it when we actually want to show tasks // FIXME: This is a bit hacky -> Cleanup. if ( !== 'list.list' && !== 'list.table' && !forceLoading ) { return } if (search !== '') { loadParams.s = search } const list = {listId: parseInt(route.params.listId)} const currentList = { id: list.listId, params: loadParams, search, page, } if ( JSON.stringify(currentList) === JSON.stringify(loadedList.value) && !forceLoading ) { return } tasks.value = [] tasks.value = await taskCollectionService.value.getAll(list, loadParams, page) currentPage.value = page loadedList.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentList)) return tasks.value } async function loadTasksForPage(query) { const { page, search } = query initTasks(params) return await loadTasks( // The page parameter can be undefined, in the case where the user loads a new list from the side bar menu typeof page === 'undefined' ? 1 : Number(page), search, params.value, ) } async function loadTasksOnSavedFilter() { if ( typeof route.params.listId !== 'undefined' && parseInt(route.params.listId) < 0 ) { await loadTasks(1, '', null, true) } } function initTaskList() { // Only listen for query path changes watch(() => route.query, loadTasksForPage, { immediate: true }) watch(() => route.path, loadTasksOnSavedFilter) } return { tasks, initTaskList, loading, totalPages, currentPage, showTaskFilter, loadTasks, searchTerm, params, } }