import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import router from './router' import {VERSION} from './version.json' // Register the modal import Modal from './components/modal/modal' // Add CSS import './styles/vikunja.scss' // Notifications import Notifications from 'vue-notification' // Icons import {library} from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' import { faAlignLeft, faAngleRight, faBars, faCalendar, faCalendarWeek, faCheck, faCheckDouble, faChevronDown, faCloudDownloadAlt, faCloudUploadAlt, faCog, faEllipsisV, faExclamation, faFillDrip, faFilter, faHistory, faKeyboard, faLayerGroup, faList, faListOl, faLock, faPaperclip, faPaste, faPen, faPencilAlt, faPercent, faPlus, faPowerOff, faSearch, faSignOutAlt, faSort, faSortUp, faStar as faStarSolid, faTachometerAlt, faTags, faTasks, faTh, faTimes, faTrashAlt, faUser, faUsers, } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons' import {faCalendarAlt, faClock, faComments, faSave, faStar, faTimesCircle} from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons' import {FontAwesomeIcon} from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome' // Tooltip import VTooltip from 'v-tooltip' // PWA import './registerServiceWorker' // Shortcuts import vueShortkey from 'vue-shortkey' // Mixins import message from './message' import {format, formatDistance} from 'date-fns' import {colorIsDark} from './helpers/colorIsDark' import {setTitle} from './helpers/setTitle' // Vuex import {store} from './store'`Vikunja frontend version ${VERSION}`) // Check if we have an api url in local storage and use it if that's the case const apiUrlFromStorage = localStorage.getItem('API_URL') if (apiUrlFromStorage !== null) { window.API_URL = apiUrlFromStorage } // Make sure the api url does not contain a / at the end if (window.API_URL.substr(window.API_URL.length - 1, window.API_URL.length) === '/') { window.API_URL = window.API_URL.substr(0, window.API_URL.length - 1) } Vue.component('modal', Modal) Vue.config.productionTip = false Vue.use(Notifications) library.add(faSignOutAlt) library.add(faPlus) library.add(faListOl) library.add(faTasks) library.add(faCog) library.add(faAngleRight) library.add(faLayerGroup) library.add(faTrashAlt) library.add(faUsers) library.add(faUser) library.add(faLock) library.add(faPen) library.add(faTimes) library.add(faTachometerAlt) library.add(faCalendar) library.add(faTimesCircle) library.add(faBars) library.add(faPowerOff) library.add(faCalendarWeek) library.add(faCalendarAlt) library.add(faExclamation) library.add(faTags) library.add(faChevronDown) library.add(faCheck) library.add(faPaste) library.add(faPencilAlt) library.add(faCloudDownloadAlt) library.add(faCloudUploadAlt) library.add(faPercent) library.add(faStar) library.add(faAlignLeft) library.add(faPaperclip) library.add(faClock) library.add(faHistory) library.add(faSearch) library.add(faCheckDouble) library.add(faComments) library.add(faTh) library.add(faSort) library.add(faSortUp) library.add(faList) library.add(faEllipsisV) library.add(faFilter) library.add(faFillDrip) library.add(faKeyboard) library.add(faSave) library.add(faStarSolid) Vue.component('icon', FontAwesomeIcon) Vue.use(VTooltip, {defaultHtml: false}) Vue.use(vueShortkey) import focus from '@/directives/focus' Vue.directive('focus', focus) Vue.mixin({ methods: { formatDateSince: date => { if (typeof date === 'string') { date = new Date(date) } const currentDate = new Date() let formatted = '' if (date > currentDate) { formatted += 'in ' } formatted += formatDistance(date, currentDate) if (date < currentDate) { formatted += ' ago' } return formatted }, formatDate: date => { if (typeof date === 'string') { date = new Date(date) } return date ? format(date, 'PPPPpppp') : '' }, error: (e, context, actions = []) => message.error(e, context, actions), success: (s, context, actions = []) => message.success(s, context, actions), colorIsDark: colorIsDark, setTitle: setTitle, }, }) new Vue({ router, store, render: h => h(App), }).$mount('#app')