const calculateTop = (coords, tooltip) => { // Bottom tooltip use the exact inverse calculation compared to the default. if (tooltip.classList.contains('bottom')) { return + tooltip.offsetHeight + 5 } // The top position of the tooltip is the coordinates of the bound element - the height of the tooltip - // 5px spacing for the arrow (which is exactly 5px high) return - tooltip.offsetHeight - 5 } const calculateArrowTop = (top, tooltip) => { if (tooltip.classList.contains('bottom')) { return `${top - 5}px` // 5px arrow height } return `${top + tooltip.offsetHeight}px` } // This global object holds all created tooltip elements (and their arrows) using the element they were created for as // key. This allows us to find the tooltip elements if the element the tooltip was created for is unbound so that // we can remove the tooltip element. const createdTooltips = {} export default { inserted: (el, {value, modifiers}) => { // First, we create the tooltip and arrow elements const tooltip = document.createElement('div') = 'fixed' tooltip.innerText = value tooltip.classList.add('tooltip') const arrow = document.createElement('div') arrow.classList.add('tooltip-arrow') = 'fixed' if (typeof modifiers.bottom !== 'undefined') { tooltip.classList.add('bottom') arrow.classList.add('bottom') } // We don't append the element until hovering over it because that's the most reliable way to determine // where the parent elemtent is located at the time the user hovers over it. el.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { // Appending the element right away because we can only calculate the height of the element if it is // already in the DOM. document.body.appendChild(tooltip) document.body.appendChild(arrow) const coords = el.getBoundingClientRect() const top = calculateTop(coords, tooltip) // The left position of the tooltip is calculated so that the middle point of the tooltip // (where the arrow will be) is the middle of the bound element const left = coords.left - (tooltip.offsetWidth / 2) + (el.offsetWidth / 2) // Now setting all the values = `${top}px` = `${coords.left}px` = `${left}px` = `${left + (tooltip.offsetWidth / 2) - (arrow.offsetWidth / 2)}px` = calculateArrowTop(top, tooltip) // And finally make it visible to the user. This will also trigger a nice fade-in animation through // css transitions tooltip.classList.add('visible') arrow.classList.add('visible') }) el.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { tooltip.classList.remove('visible') arrow.classList.remove('visible') }) createdTooltips[el] = { tooltip: tooltip, arrow: arrow, } }, unbind: el => { if (typeof createdTooltips[el] !== 'undefined') { createdTooltips[el].tooltip.remove() createdTooltips[el].arrow.remove() } }, }