kind: pipeline name: testing trigger: branch: include: - master event: include: - push - pull_request steps: - name: build image: node:13 pull: true group: build-static commands: - yarn --frozen-lockfile - yarn run lint - yarn run build --- kind: pipeline name: release-latest trigger: branch: - master event: - push steps: - name: build image: node:13 pull: true group: build-static commands: - yarn --frozen-lockfile - yarn run lint - echo '{"VERSION": "'$(git describe --tags --always --abbrev=10 | sed 's/-/+/' | sed 's/^v//' | sed 's/-g/-/')'"}' > version.json - yarn run build - sed -i 's/http\:\\/\\/localhost\\:3456\\/api\\/v1/\\/api\\/v1/g' dist/index.html # Override the default api url used for developing - name: static image: kolaente/zip pull: true commands: - cd dist - zip -r ../ * - cd .. depends_on: [ build ] - name: release image: plugins/s3:1 pull: true settings: bucket: vikunja access_key: from_secret: aws_access_key_id secret_key: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key endpoint: path_style: true source: target: /frontend/ depends_on: [ static ] # Build the docker image and push it to docker hub - name: docker image: plugins/docker pull: true settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/frontend auto_tag: true - name: telegram image: appleboy/drone-telegram depends_on: - release - docker settings: token: from_secret: TELEGRAM_TOKEN to: from_secret: TELEGRAM_TO message: > {{repo.owner}}/{{}}: \[{{build.status}}] Build {{build.number}} {{}} pushed to {{commit.branch}} {{commit.sha}}: `{{commit.message}}` Build started at {{datetime build.started "2006-Jan-02T15:04:05Z" "GMT+2"}} finished at {{datetime build.finished "2006-Jan-02T15:04:05Z" "GMT+2"}}. when: status: - success - failure --- kind: pipeline name: release-version trigger: event: - tag steps: - name: build image: node:13 pull: true group: build-static commands: - yarn --frozen-lockfile - yarn run lint - echo '{"VERSION": "'$(git describe --tags --always --abbrev=10 | sed 's/-/+/' | sed 's/^v//' | sed 's/-g/-/')'"}' > version.json - yarn run build - sed -i 's/http\:\\/\\/localhost\\:3456\\/api\\/v1/\\/api\\/v1/g' dist/index.html # Override the default api url used for developing - name: static image: kolaente/zip pull: true commands: - cd dist - zip -r ../vikunja-frontend-${DRONE_TAG##v}.zip * - cd .. depends_on: [ build ] - name: release image: plugins/s3:1 pull: true settings: bucket: vikunja access_key: from_secret: aws_access_key_id secret_key: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key endpoint: path_style: true source: vikunja-frontend-${DRONE_TAG##v}.zip target: /frontend/ depends_on: [ static ] # Build the docker image and push it to docker hub - name: docker image: plugins/docker pull: true settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/frontend auto_tag: true - name: telegram image: appleboy/drone-telegram depends_on: - release - docker settings: token: from_secret: TELEGRAM_TOKEN to: from_secret: TELEGRAM_TO message: > {{repo.owner}}/{{}}: \[{{build.status}}] Build {{build.number}} {{}} pushed to {{commit.branch}} {{commit.sha}}: `{{commit.message}}` Build started at {{datetime build.started "2006-Jan-02T15:04:05Z" "GMT+2"}} finished at {{datetime build.finished "2006-Jan-02T15:04:05Z" "GMT+2"}}. when: status: - success - failure