workspace: base: /srv/app clone: git: image: plugins/git depth: 50 tags: true build: image: node pull: true group: build-static commands: - npm install - npm run lint - npm run build when: event: [push, tag, pull_request] static: image: karalabe/xgo-latest:latest pull: true commands: - cd dist - zip -r ../ * - cd .. when: event: [tag, push] # Push the releases to our pseudo-s3-bucket release: image: plugins/s3:1 pull: true secrets: [ aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key ] bucket: vikunja endpoint: path_style: true source: target: /${DRONE_TAG##v} when: event: [ tag ] release: image: plugins/s3:1 pull: true secrets: [ aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key ] bucket: vikunja endpoint: path_style: true source: target: /master when: event: [ push ] branch: [ master ]