* Since s.b. started this already. I changed every string 'Lieferant' to 'Lieferantin' to give note on female existance in this world :-)
71 lines
2.9 KiB
71 lines
2.9 KiB
- title "Artikel von #{@supplier.name}"
// import menu
- unless @supplier.shared_supplier.nil?
.menu{:style => 'width: 16em'}
Zugriff auf externe Datenbank
%li= link_to_function "Suchen/Importieren", "Element.toggle('import')"
%li= link_to "Synchronisieren", sync_supplier_articles_path(@supplier), :method => :post
#change_supplier{:style => "padding:0 0 0.5em 0.7em;"}
%span{:style => "float:left"}
Lieferantin wechseln:
- form_tag do
= select_tag :switch_supplier, |
options_for_select( Supplier.all(:order => 'name').collect {|s| [s.name, url_for(supplier_articles_path(s))] }, |
url_for(supplier_articles_path(@supplier)) ), |
:onchange => "redirectTo(this)", |
:style => "font-size: 0.9em;margin-left:1em;" |
- unless @supplier.shared_supplier.nil?
#import.single_column{:style => "display:none; clear:both"}
%h2 Artikel importieren
#search{:style => "padding-bottom:3em"}
- form_remote_tag :url => shared_supplier_articles_path(@supplier), |
:before => "Element.show('loader')", :success => "Element.hide('loader')", |
:method => :get do |
= text_field_tag :import_query, params['import_query'], :size => 10
= submit_tag "Suchen"
- if @supplier.shared_supplier.lists
Suche in folgenden Listen:
- @supplier.shared_supplier.lists.each do |token, name|
= check_box_tag "lists[#{token}]", "1", true
= name
Nur aus der Region:
= check_box_tag "regional", "1", false
// "import_search_results" will be rendered
= link_to_function "Schließen", "Element.hide('import')"
.single_column{:style => 'width:100%; clear:both'}
%b= remote_link_to "Neuer Artikel", :url => new_supplier_article_path(@supplier)
= link_to "Alle bearbeiten", edit_all_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)
= link_to "Artikel hochladen", upload_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)
= link_to_if @current_user.role_orders?, "Bestellung anlegen", {:controller => 'orders', :action => 'new', :supplier_id => @supplier }
- form_remote_tag :url => supplier_articles_path(@supplier), |
:before => "Element.show('loader')", :success => "Element.hide('loader')", |
:method => :get do |
%label{:for => 'article_name'} Suche im Artikelnamen:
= text_field_tag("query", params['query'], :size => 10 )
= submit_tag "Suchen"
%form{ :action => url_for(update_selected_supplier_articles_path(@supplier)), :method => "post", :id => "articlesInListForm" }
#table= render :partial => 'articles'
#edit_article{:style => "display:none"}