• Joined on 2022-09-05
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flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

  • fd769509af fix double render of actions for all in finance

2024-02-22 21:34:01 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

  • caa5adbfe2 fix ordergroup create & ordergroup deleted for real destroy finances view

2024-02-22 21:06:15 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

  • fc46281de8 fix toggle_all sepa_exported when only one is downloaded

2024-01-04 11:47:17 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

  • 24c25b5278 fix xhr and javascript problems for group orderinvoice modal

2023-12-11 18:19:25 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

2023-12-11 13:43:31 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

2023-11-28 16:53:22 +01:00

flip reopened issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#66

Move GroupOrderInvoice functionality to plugin

2023-11-28 16:50:09 +01:00

flip closed issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#66

Move GroupOrderInvoice functionality to plugin

2023-11-28 16:50:03 +01:00

flip commented on issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#66

Move GroupOrderInvoice functionality to plugin

lösung für deface fnden. deface kann nicht mit embedded javascript umgehen, da erb converter die klammern nicht versteht...

2023-11-28 16:50:03 +01:00

flip commented on issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#67

Lastschrifteinzug für invoices branch

todo: lösung für deface fnden. deface kann nicht mit embedded javascript umgehen, da erb converter die klammern nicht versteht...

2023-11-28 16:49:50 +01:00

flip commented on issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#67

Lastschrifteinzug für invoices branch

Leerzeichen wird in Bestellgruppe bearbeiten beimSpeichern von Iban und Bic automatisch entfernt Ajax request statt html request für download aller XML Ajax request lädt nun auch die tabelle…

2023-11-28 16:47:46 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

  • f98d083647 move to ajax function for every direct debit xml download

2023-11-28 16:39:43 +01:00

flip closed issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#67

Lastschrifteinzug für invoices branch

2023-11-19 12:16:01 +01:00

flip commented on issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#67

Lastschrifteinzug für invoices branch

Es gibt in den Administration >> Enstellungen >> Finanzen weitere Konfigurationen, die wichtig für die Anwendung sind: ![Screenshot from 2023-11-18 16-12-01.png](/attachments/76288233-2eaa-49f9-92…

2023-11-19 12:16:01 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

2023-11-19 12:05:01 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

  • 06aa20ad0f fix ajax not adding onclick listener when loading dynamically

2023-11-17 18:15:17 +01:00

flip pushed to automatic_group_order_invoice at Foodsoft/foodsoft

  • 90c5450525 changing view for group_order_invoices

2023-11-17 15:54:06 +01:00

flip commented on issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#67

Lastschrifteinzug für invoices branch

Gem kann: Direct Debit Initiation (pain.008.003.02, pain.008.002.02 and pain.008.001.02) Davon ist **nur noch** pain.008.001.02 gültig:

2023-11-08 11:55:35 +01:00

flip commented on issue Foodsoft/foodsoft#67

Lastschrifteinzug für invoices branch

Beim über die Spezifikationfliegen ist folgendes aufgefallen: Fehlende Datenbankfelder - Mandatsreferenz (muss für jede Bestellgruppe von admin eingegeben werden) - Gläubiger-Identifikation…

2023-11-07 17:09:44 +01:00

flip pushed tag 2023-10-20 to Foodsoft/foodsoft

2023-11-03 11:27:51 +01:00