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// Vikunja is a to-do list application to facilitate your life.
// Copyright 2018-2021 Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public Licensee as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public Licensee for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public Licensee
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package models
import (
// ReminderDueNotification represents a ReminderDueNotification notification
type ReminderDueNotification struct {
User *user.User `json:"user"`
Task *Task `json:"task"`
// ToMail returns the mail notification for ReminderDueNotification
func (n *ReminderDueNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
return notifications.NewMail().
Subject(`Reminder for "`+n.Task.Title+`"`).
Greeting("Hi "+n.User.GetName()+",").
Line(`This is a friendly reminder of the task "`+n.Task.Title+`".`).
Action("Open Task", config.ServiceFrontendurl.GetString()+"tasks/"+strconv.FormatInt(n.Task.ID, 10)).
Line("Have a nice day!")
// ToDB returns the ReminderDueNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *ReminderDueNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return nil
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *ReminderDueNotification) Name() string {
return ""
// TaskCommentNotification represents a TaskCommentNotification notification
type TaskCommentNotification struct {
Doer *user.User `json:"doer"`
Task *Task `json:"task"`
Comment *TaskComment `json:"comment"`
Mentioned bool `json:"mentioned"`
func (n *TaskCommentNotification) SubjectID() int64 {
return n.Comment.ID
// ToMail returns the mail notification for TaskCommentNotification
func (n *TaskCommentNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
mail := notifications.NewMail().
subject := "Re: " + n.Task.Title
if n.Mentioned {
subject = n.Doer.GetName() + ` mentioned you in a comment in "` + n.Task.Title + `"`
mail.Line("**" + n.Doer.GetName() + "** mentioned you in a comment:")
lines := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(n.Comment.Comment))
for lines.Scan() {
return mail.
Action("View Task", n.Task.GetFrontendURL())
// ToDB returns the TaskCommentNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *TaskCommentNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return n
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *TaskCommentNotification) Name() string {
return "task.comment"
// TaskAssignedNotification represents a TaskAssignedNotification notification
type TaskAssignedNotification struct {
Doer *user.User `json:"doer"`
Task *Task `json:"task"`
Assignee *user.User `json:"assignee"`
// ToMail returns the mail notification for TaskAssignedNotification
func (n *TaskAssignedNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
return notifications.NewMail().
Subject(n.Task.Title+"("+n.Task.GetFullIdentifier()+")"+" has been assigned to "+n.Assignee.GetName()).
Line(n.Doer.GetName()+" has assigned this task to "+n.Assignee.GetName()+".").
Action("View Task", n.Task.GetFrontendURL())
// ToDB returns the TaskAssignedNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *TaskAssignedNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return n
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *TaskAssignedNotification) Name() string {
return "task.assigned"
// TaskDeletedNotification represents a TaskDeletedNotification notification
type TaskDeletedNotification struct {
Doer *user.User `json:"doer"`
Task *Task `json:"task"`
// ToMail returns the mail notification for TaskDeletedNotification
func (n *TaskDeletedNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
return notifications.NewMail().
Subject(n.Task.Title + "(" + n.Task.GetFullIdentifier() + ")" + " has been delete").
Line(n.Doer.GetName() + " has deleted the task " + n.Task.Title + "(" + n.Task.GetFullIdentifier() + ")")
// ToDB returns the TaskDeletedNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *TaskDeletedNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return n
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *TaskDeletedNotification) Name() string {
return "task.deleted"
// ListCreatedNotification represents a ListCreatedNotification notification
type ListCreatedNotification struct {
Doer *user.User `json:"doer"`
List *List `json:"list"`
// ToMail returns the mail notification for ListCreatedNotification
func (n *ListCreatedNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
return notifications.NewMail().
Subject(n.Doer.GetName()+` created the list "`+n.List.Title+`"`).
Line(n.Doer.GetName()+` created the list "`+n.List.Title+`"`).
Action("View List", config.ServiceFrontendurl.GetString()+"lists/")
// ToDB returns the ListCreatedNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *ListCreatedNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return n
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *ListCreatedNotification) Name() string {
return "list.created"
// TeamMemberAddedNotification represents a TeamMemberAddedNotification notification
type TeamMemberAddedNotification struct {
Member *user.User `json:"member"`
Doer *user.User `json:"doer"`
Team *Team `json:"team"`
// ToMail returns the mail notification for TeamMemberAddedNotification
func (n *TeamMemberAddedNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
return notifications.NewMail().
Subject(n.Doer.GetName()+" added you to the "+n.Team.Name+" team in Vikunja").
Greeting("Hi "+n.Member.GetName()+",").
Line(n.Doer.GetName()+" has just added you to the "+n.Team.Name+" team in Vikunja.").
Action("View Team", config.ServiceFrontendurl.GetString()+"teams/"+strconv.FormatInt(n.Team.ID, 10)+"/edit")
// ToDB returns the TeamMemberAddedNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *TeamMemberAddedNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return n
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *TeamMemberAddedNotification) Name() string {
return "team.member.added"
// UndoneTaskOverdueNotification represents a UndoneTaskOverdueNotification notification
type UndoneTaskOverdueNotification struct {
User *user.User
Task *Task
// ToMail returns the mail notification for UndoneTaskOverdueNotification
func (n *UndoneTaskOverdueNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
until := time.Until(n.Task.DueDate).Round(1*time.Hour) * -1
return notifications.NewMail().
Subject(`Task "`+n.Task.Title+`" is overdue`).
Greeting("Hi "+n.User.GetName()+",").
Line(`This is a friendly reminder of the task "`+n.Task.Title+`" which is overdue since `+utils.HumanizeDuration(until)+` and not yet done.`).
Action("Open Task", config.ServiceFrontendurl.GetString()+"tasks/"+strconv.FormatInt(n.Task.ID, 10)).
Line("Have a nice day!")
// ToDB returns the UndoneTaskOverdueNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *UndoneTaskOverdueNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return nil
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *UndoneTaskOverdueNotification) Name() string {
return "task.undone.overdue"
// UndoneTasksOverdueNotification represents a UndoneTasksOverdueNotification notification
type UndoneTasksOverdueNotification struct {
User *user.User
Tasks map[int64]*Task
// ToMail returns the mail notification for UndoneTasksOverdueNotification
func (n *UndoneTasksOverdueNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
sortedTasks := make([]*Task, 0, len(n.Tasks))
for _, task := range n.Tasks {
sortedTasks = append(sortedTasks, task)
sort.Slice(sortedTasks, func(i, j int) bool {
return sortedTasks[i].DueDate.Before(sortedTasks[j].DueDate)
overdueLine := ""
for _, task := range sortedTasks {
until := time.Until(task.DueDate).Round(1*time.Hour) * -1
overdueLine += `* [` + task.Title + `](` + config.ServiceFrontendurl.GetString() + "tasks/" + strconv.FormatInt(task.ID, 10) + `), overdue since ` + utils.HumanizeDuration(until) + "\n"
return notifications.NewMail().
Subject(`Your overdue tasks`).
Greeting("Hi "+n.User.GetName()+",").
Line("You have the following overdue tasks:").
Action("Open Vikunja", config.ServiceFrontendurl.GetString()).
Line("Have a nice day!")
// ToDB returns the UndoneTasksOverdueNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *UndoneTasksOverdueNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return nil
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *UndoneTasksOverdueNotification) Name() string {
return "task.undone.overdue"
// UserMentionedInTaskNotification represents a UserMentionedInTaskNotification notification
type UserMentionedInTaskNotification struct {
Doer *user.User `json:"doer"`
Task *Task `json:"task"`
IsNew bool `json:"is_new"`
func (n *UserMentionedInTaskNotification) SubjectID() int64 {
return n.Task.ID
// ToMail returns the mail notification for UserMentionedInTaskNotification
func (n *UserMentionedInTaskNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
subject := n.Doer.GetName() + ` mentioned you in a new task "` + n.Task.Title + `"`
if n.IsNew {
subject = n.Doer.GetName() + ` mentioned you in a task "` + n.Task.Title + `"`
mail := notifications.NewMail().
Line("**" + n.Doer.GetName() + "** mentioned you in a task:")
lines := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(n.Task.Description))
for lines.Scan() {
return mail.
Action("View Task", n.Task.GetFrontendURL())
// ToDB returns the UserMentionedInTaskNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *UserMentionedInTaskNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return n
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *UserMentionedInTaskNotification) Name() string {
return "task.mentioned"
// DataExportReadyNotification represents a DataExportReadyNotification notification
type DataExportReadyNotification struct {
User *user.User `json:"user"`
// ToMail returns the mail notification for DataExportReadyNotification
func (n *DataExportReadyNotification) ToMail() *notifications.Mail {
return notifications.NewMail().
Subject("Your Vikunja Data Export is ready").
Greeting("Hi "+n.User.GetName()+",").
Line("Your Vikunja Data Export is ready for you to download. Click the button below to download it:").
Action("Download", config.ServiceFrontendurl.GetString()+"user/export/download").
Line("The download will be available for the next 7 days.").
Line("Have a nice day!")
// ToDB returns the DataExportReadyNotification notification in a format which can be saved in the db
func (n *DataExportReadyNotification) ToDB() interface{} {
return nil
// Name returns the name of the notification
func (n *DataExportReadyNotification) Name() string {
return "data.export.ready"