2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
// Vikunja is a to-do list application to facilitate your life.
// Copyright 2018-2020 Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package todoist
import (
// Migration is the todoist migration struct
type Migration struct {
Code string ` json:"code" `
type apiTokenResponse struct {
AccessToken string ` json:"access_token" `
TokenType string ` json:"token_type" `
type label struct {
ID int ` json:"id" `
Name string ` json:"name" `
Color int ` json:"color" `
ItemOrder int ` json:"item_order" `
IsDeleted int ` json:"is_deleted" `
IsFavorite int ` json:"is_favorite" `
type project struct {
ID int ` json:"id" `
LegacyID int ` json:"legacy_id" `
Name string ` json:"name" `
Color int ` json:"color" `
ParentID int ` json:"parent_id" `
ChildOrder int ` json:"child_order" `
Collapsed int ` json:"collapsed" `
Shared bool ` json:"shared" `
LegacyParentID int ` json:"legacy_parent_id" `
SyncID int ` json:"sync_id" `
IsDeleted int ` json:"is_deleted" `
IsArchived int ` json:"is_archived" `
IsFavorite int ` json:"is_favorite" `
type dueDate struct {
Date string ` json:"date" `
Timezone interface { } ` json:"timezone" `
String string ` json:"string" `
Lang string ` json:"lang" `
IsRecurring bool ` json:"is_recurring" `
type item struct {
ID int ` json:"id" `
LegacyID int ` json:"legacy_id" `
UserID int ` json:"user_id" `
ProjectID int ` json:"project_id" `
LegacyProjectID int ` json:"legacy_project_id" `
Content string ` json:"content" `
Priority int ` json:"priority" `
Due * dueDate ` json:"due" `
ParentID int ` json:"parent_id" `
LegacyParentID int ` json:"legacy_parent_id" `
ChildOrder int ` json:"child_order" `
SectionID int ` json:"section_id" `
DayOrder int ` json:"day_order" `
Collapsed int ` json:"collapsed" `
Children interface { } ` json:"children" `
Labels [ ] int ` json:"labels" `
AddedByUID int ` json:"added_by_uid" `
AssignedByUID int ` json:"assigned_by_uid" `
ResponsibleUID int ` json:"responsible_uid" `
Checked int ` json:"checked" `
InHistory int ` json:"in_history" `
IsDeleted int ` json:"is_deleted" `
DateAdded time . Time ` json:"date_added" `
HasMoreNotes bool ` json:"has_more_notes" `
DateCompleted time . Time ` json:"date_completed" `
type fileAttachment struct {
FileType string ` json:"file_type" `
FileName string ` json:"file_name" `
FileSize int ` json:"file_size" `
FileURL string ` json:"file_url" `
UploadState string ` json:"upload_state" `
type note struct {
ID int ` json:"id" `
LegacyID int ` json:"legacy_id" `
PostedUID int ` json:"posted_uid" `
ProjectID int ` json:"project_id" `
LegacyProjectID int ` json:"legacy_project_id" `
ItemID int ` json:"item_id" `
LegacyItemID int ` json:"legacy_item_id" `
Content string ` json:"content" `
FileAttachment * fileAttachment ` json:"file_attachment" `
UidsToNotify [ ] int ` json:"uids_to_notify" `
IsDeleted int ` json:"is_deleted" `
Posted time . Time ` json:"posted" `
type projectNote struct {
Content string ` json:"content" `
FileAttachment * fileAttachment ` json:"file_attachment" `
ID int64 ` json:"id" `
IsDeleted int ` json:"is_deleted" `
Posted time . Time ` json:"posted" `
PostedUID int ` json:"posted_uid" `
ProjectID int ` json:"project_id" `
UidsToNotify [ ] int ` json:"uids_to_notify" `
type reminder struct {
ID int ` json:"id" `
NotifyUID int ` json:"notify_uid" `
ItemID int ` json:"item_id" `
Service string ` json:"service" `
Type string ` json:"type" `
Due * dueDate ` json:"due" `
MmOffset int ` json:"mm_offset" `
IsDeleted int ` json:"is_deleted" `
type sync struct {
Projects [ ] * project ` json:"projects" `
Items [ ] * item ` json:"items" `
Labels [ ] * label ` json:"labels" `
Notes [ ] * note ` json:"notes" `
ProjectNotes [ ] * projectNote ` json:"project_notes" `
Reminders [ ] * reminder ` json:"reminders" `
var todoistColors = map [ int ] string { }
func init ( ) {
todoistColors = make ( map [ int ] string , 19 )
// The todoists colors are static, taken from https://developer.todoist.com/sync/v8/#colors
todoistColors = map [ int ] string {
30 : "b8256f" ,
31 : "db4035" ,
32 : "ff9933" ,
33 : "fad000" ,
34 : "afb83b" ,
35 : "7ecc49" ,
36 : "299438" ,
37 : "6accbc" ,
38 : "158fad" ,
39 : "14aaf5" ,
40 : "96c3eb" ,
41 : "4073ff" ,
42 : "884dff" ,
43 : "af38eb" ,
44 : "eb96eb" ,
45 : "e05194" ,
46 : "ff8d85" ,
47 : "808080" ,
48 : "b8b8b8" ,
49 : "ccac93" ,
// Name is used to get the name of the todoist migration - we're using the docs here to annotate the status route.
// @Summary Get migration status
// @Description Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again.
// @tags migration
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Success 200 {object} migration.Status "The migration status"
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"
// @Router /migration/todoist/status [get]
func ( m * Migration ) Name ( ) string {
return "todoist"
// AuthURL returns the url users need to authenticate against
// @Summary Get the auth url from todoist
// @Description Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from todoist to Vikunja.
// @tags migration
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Success 200 {object} handler.AuthURL "The auth url."
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"
// @Router /migration/todoist/auth [get]
func ( m * Migration ) AuthURL ( ) string {
return "https://todoist.com/oauth/authorize" +
"?client_id=" + config . MigrationTodoistClientID . GetString ( ) +
"&scope=data:read" +
"&state=" + utils . MakeRandomString ( 32 )
func doPost ( url string , form url . Values ) ( resp * http . Response , err error ) {
req , err := http . NewRequest ( "POST" , url , strings . NewReader ( form . Encode ( ) ) )
if err != nil {
req . Header . Add ( "Content-Type" , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
hc := http . Client { }
return hc . Do ( req )
func convertTodoistToVikunja ( sync * sync ) ( fullVikunjaHierachie [ ] * models . NamespaceWithLists , err error ) {
newNamespace := & models . NamespaceWithLists {
Namespace : models . Namespace {
Title : "Migrated from todoist" ,
} ,
// A map for all vikunja lists with the project id they're coming from as key
lists := make ( map [ int ] * models . List , len ( sync . Projects ) )
// A map for all vikunja tasks with the todoist task id as key to find them easily and add more data
tasks := make ( map [ int ] * models . Task , len ( sync . Items ) )
// A map for all vikunja labels with the todoist id as key to find them easier
labels := make ( map [ int ] * models . Label , len ( sync . Labels ) )
for _ , p := range sync . Projects {
list := & models . List {
Title : p . Name ,
HexColor : todoistColors [ p . Color ] ,
IsArchived : p . IsArchived == 1 ,
lists [ p . ID ] = list
newNamespace . Lists = append ( newNamespace . Lists , list )
for _ , label := range sync . Labels {
labels [ label . ID ] = & models . Label {
Title : label . Name ,
HexColor : todoistColors [ label . Color ] ,
for _ , i := range sync . Items {
task := & models . Task {
Title : i . Content ,
2020-06-27 17:04:01 +00:00
Created : i . DateAdded . In ( config . GetTimeZone ( ) ) ,
2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
Done : i . Checked == 1 ,
// Only try to parse the task done at date if the task is actually done
// Sometimes weired things happen if we try to parse nil dates.
if task . Done {
2020-06-27 17:04:01 +00:00
task . DoneAt = i . DateCompleted . In ( config . GetTimeZone ( ) )
2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
// Todoist priorities only range from 1 (lowest) and max 4 (highest), so we need to make slight adjustments
if i . Priority > 1 {
task . Priority = int64 ( i . Priority )
// Put the due date together
if i . Due != nil {
2020-07-05 20:49:29 +02:00
dueDate , err := time . Parse ( "2006-01-02" , i . Due . Date )
2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
if err != nil {
return nil , err
2020-06-27 17:04:01 +00:00
task . DueDate = dueDate . In ( config . GetTimeZone ( ) )
2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
// Put all labels together from earlier
for _ , lID := range i . Labels {
task . Labels = append ( task . Labels , labels [ lID ] )
tasks [ i . ID ] = task
lists [ i . ProjectID ] . Tasks = append ( lists [ i . ProjectID ] . Tasks , task )
// If the parenId of a task is not 0, create a task relation
// We're looping again here to make sure we have seem all tasks before and have them in our map
for _ , i := range sync . Items {
if i . ParentID == 0 {
// Prevent all those nil errors
if tasks [ i . ParentID ] . RelatedTasks == nil {
tasks [ i . ParentID ] . RelatedTasks = make ( models . RelatedTaskMap )
tasks [ i . ParentID ] . RelatedTasks [ models . RelationKindSubtask ] = append ( tasks [ i . ParentID ] . RelatedTasks [ models . RelationKindSubtask ] , tasks [ i . ID ] )
// Task Notes -> Task Descriptions
for _ , n := range sync . Notes {
if tasks [ n . ItemID ] . Description != "" {
tasks [ n . ItemID ] . Description += "\n"
tasks [ n . ItemID ] . Description += n . Content
if n . FileAttachment == nil {
// Download the attachment and put it in the file
resp , err := http . Get ( n . FileAttachment . FileURL )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
defer resp . Body . Close ( )
buf := & bytes . Buffer { }
_ , err = buf . ReadFrom ( resp . Body )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
tasks [ n . ItemID ] . Attachments = append ( tasks [ n . ItemID ] . Attachments , & models . TaskAttachment {
File : & files . File {
2020-06-27 17:04:01 +00:00
Name : n . FileAttachment . FileName ,
Mime : n . FileAttachment . FileType ,
Size : uint64 ( n . FileAttachment . FileSize ) ,
Created : n . Posted ,
2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
// We directly pass the file contents here to have a way to link the attachment to the file later.
// Because we don't have an ID for our task at this point of the migration, we cannot just throw all
// attachments in a slice and do the work of downloading and properly storing them later.
FileContent : buf . Bytes ( ) ,
} ,
2020-06-27 17:04:01 +00:00
Created : n . Posted ,
2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
} )
// Project Notes -> List Descriptions
for _ , pn := range sync . ProjectNotes {
if lists [ pn . ProjectID ] . Description != "" {
lists [ pn . ProjectID ] . Description += "\n"
lists [ pn . ProjectID ] . Description += pn . Content
// Reminders -> vikunja reminders
for _ , r := range sync . Reminders {
if r . Due == nil {
2020-07-05 20:49:29 +02:00
var err error
var date time . Time
date , err = time . Parse ( "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" , r . Due . Date )
if err != nil {
date , err = time . Parse ( "2006-01-02T15:04:05" , r . Due . Date )
if err != nil {
date , err = time . Parse ( "2006-01-02" , r . Due . Date )
2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
if err != nil {
return nil , err
2020-06-27 17:04:01 +00:00
tasks [ r . ItemID ] . Reminders = append ( tasks [ r . ItemID ] . Reminders , date . In ( config . GetTimeZone ( ) ) )
2020-05-23 20:50:54 +00:00
return [ ] * models . NamespaceWithLists {
newNamespace ,
} , err
func getAccessTokenFromAuthToken ( authToken string ) ( accessToken string , err error ) {
form := url . Values {
"client_id" : [ ] string { config . MigrationTodoistClientID . GetString ( ) } ,
"client_secret" : [ ] string { config . MigrationTodoistClientSecret . GetString ( ) } ,
"code" : [ ] string { authToken } ,
"redirect_uri" : [ ] string { config . MigrationTodoistRedirectURL . GetString ( ) } ,
resp , err := doPost ( "https://todoist.com/oauth/access_token" , form )
if err != nil {
if resp . StatusCode > 399 {
buf := & bytes . Buffer { }
_ , _ = buf . ReadFrom ( resp . Body )
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "got http status %d while trying to get token, error was %s" , resp . StatusCode , buf . String ( ) )
token := & apiTokenResponse { }
err = json . NewDecoder ( resp . Body ) . Decode ( token )
return token . AccessToken , err
// Migrate gets all tasks from todoist for a user and puts them into vikunja
// @Summary Migrate all lists, tasks etc. from todoist
// @Description Migrates all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from todoist to vikunja.
// @tags migration
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Param migrationCode body todoist.Migration true "The auth code previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/todoist/auth."
// @Success 200 {object} models.Message "A message telling you everything was migrated successfully."
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"
// @Router /migration/todoist/migrate [post]
func ( m * Migration ) Migrate ( u * user . User ) ( err error ) {
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Starting migration for user %d" , u . ID )
// 0. Get an api token from the obtained auth token
token , err := getAccessTokenFromAuthToken ( m . Code )
if err != nil {
if token == "" {
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Could not get token" )
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Got user token for user %d" , u . ID )
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Getting todoist data for user %d" , u . ID )
// Get everything with the sync api
form := url . Values {
"token" : [ ] string { token } ,
"sync_token" : [ ] string { "*" } ,
"resource_types" : [ ] string { "[\"all\"]" } ,
resp , err := doPost ( "https://api.todoist.com/sync/v8/sync" , form )
if err != nil {
syncResponse := & sync { }
err = json . NewDecoder ( resp . Body ) . Decode ( syncResponse )
if err != nil {
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Got all todoist user data for user %d" , u . ID )
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Start converting data for user %d" , u . ID )
fullVikunjaHierachie , err := convertTodoistToVikunja ( syncResponse )
if err != nil {
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Done converting data for user %d" , u . ID )
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Start inserting data for user %d" , u . ID )
err = migration . InsertFromStructure ( fullVikunjaHierachie , u )
if err != nil {
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Done inserting data for user %d" , u . ID )
log . Debugf ( "[Todoist Migration] Todoist migration done for user %d" , u . ID )
return nil