2019-05-22 17:48:48 +00:00
package handlers
import (
type reportHandler struct {
request *http.Request
response *Response
// See more at RFC4791#section-7.1
func (rh reportHandler) Handle() *Response {
requestBody := readRequestBody(rh.request)
header := headers{rh.request.Header}
urlResource, found, err := global.Storage.GetShallowResource(rh.request.URL.Path)
if !found {
return rh.response.Set(http.StatusNotFound, "")
} else if err != nil {
return rh.response.SetError(err)
// read body string to xml struct
var requestXML reportRootXML
xml.Unmarshal([]byte(requestBody), &requestXML)
// The resources to be reported are fetched by the type of the request. If it is
// a `calendar-multiget`, the resources come based on a set of `hrefs` in the request body.
// If it is a `calendar-query`, the resources are calculated based on set of filters in the request.
var resourcesToReport []reportRes
switch requestXML.XMLName {
resourcesToReport, err = rh.fetchResourcesByList(urlResource, requestXML.Hrefs)
resourcesToReport, err = rh.fetchResourcesByFilters(urlResource, requestXML.Filters)
return rh.response.Set(http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "")
if err != nil {
return rh.response.SetError(err)
multistatus := &multistatusResp{
Minimal: header.IsMinimal(),
// for each href, build the multistatus responses
for _, r := range resourcesToReport {
propstats := multistatus.Propstats(r.resource, requestXML.Prop.Tags)
multistatus.AddResponse(r.href, r.found, propstats)
if multistatus.Minimal {
return rh.response.Set(207, multistatus.ToXML())
type reportPropXML struct {
Tags []xml.Name `xml:",any"`
type reportRootXML struct {
XMLName xml.Name
Prop reportPropXML `xml:"DAV: prop"`
Hrefs []string `xml:"DAV: href"`
Filters reportFilterXML `xml:"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav filter"`
type reportFilterXML struct {
XMLName xml.Name
InnerContent string `xml:",innerxml"`
func (rfXml reportFilterXML) toString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>%s</%s>", rfXml.XMLName.Local, rfXml.InnerContent, rfXml.XMLName.Local)
// Wraps a resource that has to be reported, either fetched by filters or by a list.
// Basically it contains the original requested `href`, the actual `resource` (can be nil)
// and if the `resource` was `found` or not
type reportRes struct {
href string
resource *data.Resource
found bool
// The resources are fetched based on the origin resource and a set of filters.
// If the origin resource is a collection, the filters are checked against each of the collection's resources
// to see if they match. The collection's resources that match the filters are returned. The ones that will be returned
// are the resources that were not found (does not exist) and the ones that matched the filters. The ones that did not
// match the filter will not appear in the response result.
// If the origin resource is not a collection, the function just returns it and ignore any filter processing.
// [See RFC4791#section-7.8]
func (rh reportHandler) fetchResourcesByFilters(origin *data.Resource, filtersXML reportFilterXML) ([]reportRes, error) {
// The list of resources that has to be reported back in the response.
reps := []reportRes{}
if origin.IsCollection() {
filters, _ := data.ParseResourceFilters(filtersXML.toString())
resources, err := global.Storage.GetResourcesByFilters(origin.Path, filters)
if err != nil {
return reps, err
2019-05-24 20:01:59 +02:00
for in, resource := range resources {
reps = append(reps, reportRes{resource.Path, &resources[in], true})
2019-05-22 17:48:48 +00:00
} else {
// the origin resource is not a collection, so returns just that as the result
reps = append(reps, reportRes{origin.Path, origin, true})
return reps, nil
// The hrefs can come from (1) the request URL or (2) from the request body itself.
// If the origin resource from the URL points to a collection (2), we will check the request body
// to get the requested `hrefs` (resource paths). Each requested href has to be related to the collection.
// The ones that are not, we simply ignore them.
// If the resource from the URL is NOT a collection (1) we process the the report only for this resource
// and ignore any othre requested hrefs that might be present in the request body.
// [See RFC4791#section-7.9]
func (rh reportHandler) fetchResourcesByList(origin *data.Resource, requestedPaths []string) ([]reportRes, error) {
reps := []reportRes{}
if origin.IsCollection() {
resources, err := global.Storage.GetResourcesByList(requestedPaths)
if err != nil {
return reps, err
// we put all the resources found in a map path -> resource.
// this will be used later to query which requested resource was found
// or not and mount the response
resourcesMap := make(map[string]*data.Resource)
for _, resource := range resources {
r := resource
resourcesMap[resource.Path] = &r
for _, requestedPath := range requestedPaths {
// if the requested path does not belong to the origin collection, skip
// ('belonging' means that the path's prefix is the same as the collection path)
if !strings.HasPrefix(requestedPath, origin.Path) {
resource, found := resourcesMap[requestedPath]
reps = append(reps, reportRes{requestedPath, resource, found})
} else {
reps = append(reps, reportRes{origin.Path, origin, true})
return reps, nil