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2018-11-03 16:05:45 +01:00
package v1
import (
// Caldav returns a caldav-readable format with all tasks
// @Summary CalDAV-readable format with all tasks as calendar events.
// @Description Returns a calDAV-parsable format with all tasks as calendar events. Only returns tasks with a due date. Also creates reminders when the task has one.
// @tags task
// @Produce text/plain
// @Security BasicAuth
// @Success 200 {string} string "The caldav events."
// @Failure 403 {string} string "Unauthorized."
// @Router /tasks/caldav [get]
2018-11-03 16:05:45 +01:00
func Caldav(c echo.Context) error {
// Request basic auth
user, pass, ok := c.Request().BasicAuth()
// Check credentials
creds := &models.UserLogin{
Username: user,
Password: pass,
u, err := models.CheckUserCredentials(creds)
if !ok || err != nil {
c.Response().Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Vikunja cal"`)
return c.String(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Unauthorized.")
// Get all tasks for that user
tasks, err := models.GetTasksByUser("", &u, -1)
2018-11-03 16:05:45 +01:00
if err != nil {
return crud.HandleHTTPError(err)
hour := int64(time.Hour.Seconds())
var caldavTasks []*caldav.Event
for _, t := range tasks {
if t.DueDateUnix != 0 {
event := &caldav.Event{
Summary: t.Text,
Description: t.Description,
UID: "",
TimestampUnix: t.Updated,
StartUnix: t.DueDateUnix,
EndUnix: t.DueDateUnix + hour,
if t.ReminderUnix != 0 {
event.Alarms = append(event.Alarms, caldav.Alarm{TimeUnix: t.ReminderUnix})
caldavTasks = append(caldavTasks, event)
caldavConfig := &caldav.Config{
Name: "Vikunja Calendar for " + u.Username,
ProdID: "Vikunja Todo App",
return c.String(http.StatusOK, caldav.ParseEvents(caldavConfig, caldavTasks))