2018-06-12 18:17:21 +02:00
package models
2018-07-10 14:02:23 +02:00
// Delete implements the delete method of CRUDable
2018-11-12 15:46:35 +00:00
// @Summary Deletes a list
// @Description Delets a list
// @tags list
// @Produce json
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Param id path int true "List ID"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Message "The list was successfully deleted."
// @Failure 400 {object} models.HTTPError "Invalid list object provided."
// @Failure 403 {object} models.HTTPError "The user does not have access to the list"
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal error"
// @Router /lists/{id} [delete]
2018-07-18 08:15:38 +02:00
func (l *List) Delete() (err error) {
2018-06-12 18:17:21 +02:00
// Check if the list exists
2018-10-06 13:05:29 +02:00
if err = l.GetSimpleByID(); err != nil {
2018-07-10 13:27:25 +02:00
2018-06-12 18:17:21 +02:00
// Delete the list
2018-07-18 08:15:38 +02:00
_, err = x.ID(l.ID).Delete(&List{})
2018-06-12 18:17:21 +02:00
if err != nil {
2018-08-30 08:09:17 +02:00
// Delete all todotasks on that list
_, err = x.Where("list_id = ?", l.ID).Delete(&ListTask{})
2018-06-12 18:17:21 +02:00