2019-02-17 19:53:04 +00:00
baseurl: https://vikunja.io/docs/
title: Vikunja
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description: The to-do app to organize your life
author: The Vikunja Authors
website: https://vikunja.io
2020-06-18 18:33:30 +02:00
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plausibleURL: https://analytics.kolaente.de
2019-02-17 19:53:04 +00:00
- name: Home
url: https://vikunja.io/en/
weight: 10
- name: Features
url: https://vikunja.io/en/features
weight: 20
- name: Download
url: https://vikunja.io/en/download
weight: 30
- name: Docs
url: https://vikunja.io/docs
weight: 40
- name: Code
url: https://code.vikunja.io/
weight: 50
2020-04-24 13:00:29 +02:00
- name: Community
url: https://community.vikunja.io/
weight: 60