[skip ci] Updated todo

This commit is contained in:
kolaente 2019-07-16 01:04:19 +02:00
parent 5cc89fd474
commit 4005cd2f32
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: F40E70337AB24C9B

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@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ Sorry for some of them being in German, I'll tranlate them at some point.
* User & Teamright sollte sich für n rechte in einer Funktion testen lassen
* [x] Colors for tasks
* [x] /info endpoint, in dem dann zb die limits und version etc steht
* [x] Bindata for templates
* [x] User struct should have a field for the avatar url (-> gravatar md5 calculated by the backend)
* [ ] Endpoint to get all possible rights with description and code
* [ ] "Performance-Statistik" -> Wie viele Tasks man in bestimmten Zeiträumen so geschafft hat etc
* [ ] IMAP-Integration -> Man schickt eine email an Vikunja und es macht daraus dann nen task -> Achtung missbrauchsmöglichkeiten
@ -130,19 +132,17 @@ Sorry for some of them being in German, I'll tranlate them at some point.
* [ ] Reminders via mail
* [ ] Mgl. zum Accountlöschen haben (so richtig krass mit emailverifiezierung und dass alle Privaten Listen gelöscht werden und man alle geteilten entweder wem übertragen muss oder auf privat stellen)
* [ ] Deprecate /namespaces/{id}/lists in favour of namespace.ReadOne() <-- should also return the lists
* [ ] Bindata for templates
* [ ] `GetUserByID` and the likes should return pointers
* [ ] Colors for lists and namespaces -> Up to the frontend to implement these
* [ ] Some kind of milestones for tasks
* [ ] Create tasks from a text/markdown file (probably frontend only)
* [ ] Debian package should have a service file
* [ ] Downloads should be served via nginx (with theme?), minio should only be used for pushing artifacts.
* [ ] User struct should have a field for the avatar url (-> gravatar md5 calculated by the backend)
* [ ] All `ReadAll` methods should return the number of items per page, the number of items on this page, the total pages and the items
-> Check if there's a way to do that efficently. Maybe only implementing it in the web handler.
* [ ] List stats to see how many tasks are done, how many are there in total, how many people have acces to a list etc
* [ ] Move lists between namespaces
* [ ] Better caldav support
* [ ] Move lists between namespaces -> Extra endpoint
#### Better caldav support
* [x] VTODO
* [x] Fix organizer prop
* [x] Depricate the events thing for now
@ -171,6 +171,11 @@ Sorry for some of them being in German, I'll tranlate them at some point.
* [ ] Tests
* [ ] Check if only needed things are queried from the db when accessing dav (for ex. no need to get all tasks when we act
### Infra
* [ ] Debian package should have a service file
* [ ] Downloads should be served via nginx (with theme?), minio should only be used for pushing artifacts.
### Refactor
* [x] ListTaskRights, sollte überall gleich funktionieren, gibt ja mittlerweile auch eine Methode um liste von nem Task aus zu kriegen oder so
@ -182,8 +187,9 @@ Sorry for some of them being in German, I'll tranlate them at some point.
* [x] When giving a user access to a list/namespace, they should be reffered to by uuid, not numeric id
* [x] Adding users to a team should also use uuid
* [x] Check if the team/user really exist before updating them on lists/namespaces
* [ ] Refactor config handling: Custom type "key" or so which holds the viper const and then mixins on that type to get the values from viper
* [x] Refactor config handling: Custom type "key" or so which holds the viper const and then mixins on that type to get the values from viper
* [ ] Have extra functions for logging to call so it is possible to call `log.Info` instead of `log.Log.Info`
* [ ] Less files, but with some kind of logic
### Linters
@ -212,9 +218,9 @@ Sorry for some of them being in German, I'll tranlate them at some point.
* [ ] Description should be longtext
* [ ] Attachments
* [ ] Related tasks -> settable with a "kind" of relation like blocked, or just related or so
* [ ] Pecent done - For now just a float, may later depend on how many sub tasks are done or so
* [ ] Percent done - For now just a float, may later depend on how many sub tasks are done or so
* [ ] Move tasks between lists
* [ ] "Status" field (customizable statuses)
* [ ] "Status" field for things like "New", "In Progress", "Done", etc (customizable statuses)
#### Events
@ -245,6 +251,8 @@ Sorry for some of them being in German, I'll tranlate them at some point.
### Later
* [ ] Public lists
* [ ] Sorting lists by members, tasks, teams, last modified, etc (all possible fields)
* [ ] Backgrounds for lists -> needs uploading and storing and so on
* [ ] Plugins
* [ ] Rename Namespaces to collections (or spaces?)
@ -267,9 +275,7 @@ Sorry for some of them being in German, I'll tranlate them at some point.
* [ ] 2fa
* [ ] Custom fields for tasks: Templates at List > Namespace > Global level, overwriting each other
* [ ] Task-Templates in namespaces and lists (-> Multiple which are selectable)
* [ ] Sorting lists by members, tasks, teams, last modified, etc (all possible fields)
* [ ] "Favourite lists" -> A user can favourize boards which will then show up in a pseudonamespace
* [ ] Public lists
* [ ] Internal lists -> Only registered users can see the list
* [ ] Rights management for both public and internal lists
* [ ] Add new users via to a list which don't have an account yet, they'd get a link to sign up for vikunja.
@ -297,6 +303,7 @@ Sorry for some of them being in German, I'll tranlate them at some point.
* [ ] Start/End dates
* [ ] Assignees
* [ ] Priorities
* [ ] Status
* [ ] "Smart Lists", filtered lists, saved in some kind of pseudonamespace
* [ ] Global and per list
* [ ] Automate everything "If this event happens, do this"