Refactor getting all namespaces
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 311 additions and 194 deletions
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ type NamespaceWithLists struct {
Lists []*List `xorm:"-" json:"lists"`
Lists []*List `xorm:"-" json:"lists"`
func makeNamespaceSliceFromMap(namespaces map[int64]*NamespaceWithLists, userMap map[int64]*user.User, subscriptions map[int64]*Subscription) []*NamespaceWithLists {
func makeNamespaceSlice(namespaces map[int64]*NamespaceWithLists, userMap map[int64]*user.User, subscriptions map[int64]*Subscription) []*NamespaceWithLists {
all := make([]*NamespaceWithLists, 0, len(namespaces))
all := make([]*NamespaceWithLists, 0, len(namespaces))
for _, n := range namespaces {
for _, n := range namespaces {
n.Owner = userMap[n.OwnerID]
n.Owner = userMap[n.OwnerID]
@ -195,6 +195,254 @@ func makeNamespaceSliceFromMap(namespaces map[int64]*NamespaceWithLists, userMap
return all
return all
func getNamespaceFilterCond(search string) (filterCond builder.Cond) {
filterCond = &builder.Like{"namespaces.title", "%" + search + "%"}
if search == "" {
vals := strings.Split(search, ",")
if len(vals) == 0 {
ids := []int64{}
for _, val := range vals {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Namespace search string part '%s' is not a number: %s", val, err)
ids = append(ids, v)
if len(ids) > 0 {
filterCond = builder.In("", ids)
func getNamespaceArchivedCond(archived bool) builder.Cond {
// Adding a 1=1 condition by default here because xorm always needs a condition and cannot handle nil conditions
var isArchivedCond builder.Cond = builder.Eq{"1": 1}
if !archived {
isArchivedCond = builder.And(
builder.Eq{"namespaces.is_archived": false},
return isArchivedCond
func getNamespacesWithLists(s *xorm.Session, namespaces *map[int64]*NamespaceWithLists, search string, isArchived bool, page, perPage int, userID int64) (numberOfTotalItems int64, err error) {
isArchivedCond := getNamespaceArchivedCond(isArchived)
filterCond := getNamespaceFilterCond(search)
limit, start := getLimitFromPageIndex(page, perPage)
query := s.Select("namespaces.*").
Join("LEFT", "team_namespaces", " = team_namespaces.namespace_id").
Join("LEFT", "team_members", "team_members.team_id = team_namespaces.team_id").
Join("LEFT", "users_namespace", "users_namespace.namespace_id =").
Where("team_members.user_id = ?", userID).
Or("namespaces.owner_id = ?", userID).
Or("users_namespace.user_id = ?", userID).
if limit > 0 {
query = query.Limit(limit, start)
err = query.Find(namespaces)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
numberOfTotalItems, err = s.
Join("LEFT", "team_namespaces", " = team_namespaces.namespace_id").
Join("LEFT", "team_members", "team_members.team_id = team_namespaces.team_id").
Join("LEFT", "users_namespace", "users_namespace.namespace_id =").
Where("team_members.user_id = ?", userID).
Or("namespaces.owner_id = ?", userID).
Or("users_namespace.user_id = ?", userID).
And("namespaces.is_archived = false").
return numberOfTotalItems, err
func getNamespaceOwnerIDs(namespaces map[int64]*NamespaceWithLists) (namespaceIDs, ownerIDs []int64) {
for _, nsp := range namespaces {
namespaceIDs = append(namespaceIDs, nsp.ID)
ownerIDs = append(ownerIDs, nsp.OwnerID)
func getNamespaceSubscriptions(s *xorm.Session, namespaceIDs []int64, userID int64) (map[int64]*Subscription, error) {
subscriptions := []*Subscription{}
err := s.
Where("entity_type = ? AND user_id = ?", SubscriptionEntityNamespace, userID).
In("entity_id", namespaceIDs).
if err != nil {
return nil, err
subscriptionsMap := make(map[int64]*Subscription)
for _, sub := range subscriptions {
sub.Entity = sub.EntityType.String()
subscriptionsMap[sub.EntityID] = sub
return subscriptionsMap, err
func getListsForNamespaces(s *xorm.Session, namespaceIDs []int64, archived bool) ([]*List, error) {
lists := []*List{}
listQuery := s.
In("namespace_id", namespaceIDs)
if !archived {
listQuery.And("is_archived = false")
err := listQuery.Find(&lists)
return lists, err
func getSharedListsInNamespace(s *xorm.Session, archived bool, doer *user.User) (sharedListsNamespace *NamespaceWithLists, err error) {
// Create our pseudo namespace to hold the shared lists
sharedListsPseudonamespace := SharedListsPseudoNamespace
sharedListsPseudonamespace.Owner = doer
sharedListsNamespace = &NamespaceWithLists{
// Get all lists individually shared with our user (not via a namespace)
individualLists := []*List{}
iListQuery := s.Select("l.*").
Join("LEFT", []string{"team_list", "tl"}, " = tl.list_id").
Join("LEFT", []string{"team_members", "tm"}, "tm.team_id = tl.team_id").
Join("LEFT", []string{"users_list", "ul"}, "ul.list_id =").
builder.Eq{"tm.user_id": doer.ID},
builder.Neq{"l.owner_id": doer.ID},
builder.Eq{"ul.user_id": doer.ID},
builder.Neq{"l.owner_id": doer.ID},
if !archived {
iListQuery.And("l.is_archived = false")
err = iListQuery.Find(&individualLists)
if err != nil {
// Make the namespace -1 so we now later which one it was
// + Append it to all lists we already have
for _, l := range individualLists {
l.NamespaceID = sharedListsNamespace.ID
sharedListsNamespace.Lists = individualLists
// Remove the sharedListsPseudonamespace if we don't have any shared lists
if len(individualLists) == 0 {
sharedListsNamespace = nil
func getFavoriteLists(s *xorm.Session, lists []*List, namespaceIDs []int64, doer *user.User) (favoriteNamespace *NamespaceWithLists, err error) {
// Create our pseudo namespace with favorite lists
pseudoFavoriteNamespace := FavoritesPseudoNamespace
pseudoFavoriteNamespace.Owner = doer
favoriteNamespace = &NamespaceWithLists{
Namespace: pseudoFavoriteNamespace,
Lists: []*List{{}},
*favoriteNamespace.Lists[0] = FavoritesPseudoList // Copying the list to be able to modify it later
for _, list := range lists {
if !list.IsFavorite {
favoriteNamespace.Lists = append(favoriteNamespace.Lists, list)
// Check if we have any favorites or favorited lists and remove the favorites namespace from the list if not
var favoriteCount int64
favoriteCount, err = s.
Join("INNER", "list", "tasks.list_id =").
Join("INNER", "namespaces", "list.namespace_id =").
Where(builder.And(builder.Eq{"tasks.is_favorite": true}, builder.In("", namespaceIDs))).
if err != nil {
// If we don't have any favorites in the favorites pseudo list, remove that pseudo list from the namespace
if favoriteCount == 0 {
for in, l := range favoriteNamespace.Lists {
if l.ID == FavoritesPseudoList.ID {
favoriteNamespace.Lists = append(favoriteNamespace.Lists[:in], favoriteNamespace.Lists[in+1:]...)
// If we don't have any favorites in the namespace, remove it
if len(favoriteNamespace.Lists) == 0 {
return nil, nil
func getSavedFilters(s *xorm.Session, doer *user.User) (savedFiltersNamespace *NamespaceWithLists, err error) {
savedFilters, err := getSavedFiltersForUser(s, doer)
if err != nil {
if len(savedFilters) == 0 {
return nil, nil
savedFiltersPseudoNamespace := SavedFiltersPseudoNamespace
savedFiltersPseudoNamespace.Owner = doer
savedFiltersNamespace = &NamespaceWithLists{
Namespace: savedFiltersPseudoNamespace,
Lists: make([]*List, 0, len(savedFilters)),
for _, filter := range savedFilters {
savedFiltersNamespace.Lists = append(savedFiltersNamespace.Lists, &List{
ID: getListIDFromSavedFilterID(filter.ID),
Title: filter.Title,
Description: filter.Description,
Created: filter.Created,
Updated: filter.Updated,
Owner: doer,
// ReadAll gets all namespaces a user has access to
// ReadAll gets all namespaces a user has access to
// @Summary Get all namespaces a user has access to
// @Summary Get all namespaces a user has access to
// @Description Returns all namespaces a user has access to.
// @Description Returns all namespaces a user has access to.
@ -228,110 +476,30 @@ func (n *Namespace) ReadAll(s *xorm.Session, a web.Auth, search string, page int
return nil, 0, 0, err
return nil, 0, 0, err
// Adding a 1=1 condition by default here because xorm always needs a condition and cannot handle nil conditions
numberOfTotalItems, err = getNamespacesWithLists(s, &namespaces, search, n.IsArchived, page, perPage, doer.ID)
var isArchivedCond builder.Cond = builder.Eq{"1": 1}
if !n.IsArchived {
isArchivedCond = builder.And(
builder.Eq{"namespaces.is_archived": false},
var filterCond builder.Cond = &builder.Like{"namespaces.title", "%" + search + "%"}
vals := strings.Split(search, ",")
ids := []int64{}
for _, val := range vals {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Namespace search string part '%s' is not a number: %s", val, err)
ids = append(ids, v)
if len(ids) > 0 {
filterCond = builder.In("", ids)
limit, start := getLimitFromPageIndex(page, perPage)
query := s.Select("namespaces.*").
Join("LEFT", "team_namespaces", " = team_namespaces.namespace_id").
Join("LEFT", "team_members", "team_members.team_id = team_namespaces.team_id").
Join("LEFT", "users_namespace", "users_namespace.namespace_id =").
Where("team_members.user_id = ?", doer.ID).
Or("namespaces.owner_id = ?", doer.ID).
Or("users_namespace.user_id = ?", doer.ID).
if limit > 0 {
query = query.Limit(limit, start)
err = query.Find(&namespaces)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return nil, 0, 0, err
numberOfTotalItems, err = s.
namespaceIDs, ownerIDs := getNamespaceOwnerIDs(namespaces)
Join("LEFT", "team_namespaces", " = team_namespaces.namespace_id").
subscriptionsMap, err := getNamespaceSubscriptions(s, namespaceIDs, doer.ID)
Join("LEFT", "team_members", "team_members.team_id = team_namespaces.team_id").
Join("LEFT", "users_namespace", "users_namespace.namespace_id =").
Where("team_members.user_id = ?", doer.ID).
Or("namespaces.owner_id = ?", doer.ID).
Or("users_namespace.user_id = ?", doer.ID).
And("namespaces.is_archived = false").
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return nil, 0, 0, err
// Make a list of namespace ids
ownerMap, err := user.GetUsersByIDs(s, ownerIDs)
var namespaceids []int64
var userIDs []int64
for _, nsp := range namespaces {
namespaceids = append(namespaceids, nsp.ID)
userIDs = append(userIDs, nsp.OwnerID)
// Get all subscriptions
subscriptions := []*Subscription{}
err = s.
Where("entity_type = ? AND user_id = ?", SubscriptionEntityNamespace, a.GetID()).
In("entity_id", namespaceids).
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
subscriptionsMap := make(map[int64]*Subscription)
for _, sub := range subscriptions {
sub.Entity = sub.EntityType.String()
subscriptionsMap[sub.EntityID] = sub
// Get all owners
userMap := make(map[int64]*user.User)
err = s.In("id", userIDs).Find(&userMap)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return nil, 0, 0, err
if n.NamespacesOnly {
if n.NamespacesOnly {
all := makeNamespaceSliceFromMap(namespaces, userMap, subscriptionsMap)
all := makeNamespaceSlice(namespaces, ownerMap, subscriptionsMap)
return all, len(all), numberOfTotalItems, nil
return all, len(all), numberOfTotalItems, nil
// Get all lists
// Get all lists
lists := []*List{}
lists, err := getListsForNamespaces(s, namespaceIDs, n.IsArchived)
listQuery := s.
In("namespace_id", namespaceids)
if !n.IsArchived {
listQuery.And("is_archived = false")
err = listQuery.Find(&lists)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return nil, 0, 0, err
@ -339,134 +507,54 @@ func (n *Namespace) ReadAll(s *xorm.Session, a web.Auth, search string, page int
// Shared Lists
// Shared Lists
// Create our pseudo namespace to hold the shared lists
sharedListsNamespace, err := getSharedListsInNamespace(s, n.IsArchived, doer)
sharedListsPseudonamespace := SharedListsPseudoNamespace
sharedListsPseudonamespace.Owner = doer
namespaces[sharedListsPseudonamespace.ID] = &NamespaceWithLists{
// Get all lists individually shared with our user (not via a namespace)
individualLists := []*List{}
iListQuery := s.Select("l.*").
Join("LEFT", []string{"team_list", "tl"}, " = tl.list_id").
Join("LEFT", []string{"team_members", "tm"}, "tm.team_id = tl.team_id").
Join("LEFT", []string{"users_list", "ul"}, "ul.list_id =").
builder.Eq{"tm.user_id": doer.ID},
builder.Neq{"l.owner_id": doer.ID},
builder.Eq{"ul.user_id": doer.ID},
builder.Neq{"l.owner_id": doer.ID},
if !n.IsArchived {
iListQuery.And("l.is_archived = false")
err = iListQuery.Find(&individualLists)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return nil, 0, 0, err
// Make the namespace -1 so we now later which one it was
if sharedListsNamespace != nil {
// + Append it to all lists we already have
namespaces[sharedListsNamespace.ID] = sharedListsNamespace
for _, l := range individualLists {
lists = append(lists, sharedListsNamespace.Lists...)
l.NamespaceID = -1
lists = append(lists, l)
// Remove the sharedListsPseudonamespace if we don't have any shared lists
if len(individualLists) == 0 {
delete(namespaces, sharedListsPseudonamespace.ID)
// More details for the lists
err = addListDetails(s, lists)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
// Favorite lists
// Favorite lists
// Create our pseudo namespace with favorite lists
favoritesNamespace, err := getFavoriteLists(s, lists, namespaceIDs, doer)
pseudoFavoriteNamespace := FavoritesPseudoNamespace
pseudoFavoriteNamespace.Owner = doer
namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID] = &NamespaceWithLists{
Namespace: pseudoFavoriteNamespace,
Lists: []*List{{}},
*namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID].Lists[0] = FavoritesPseudoList // Copying the list to be able to modify it later
for _, list := range lists {
if list.IsFavorite {
namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID].Lists = append(namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID].Lists, list)
namespaces[list.NamespaceID].Lists = append(namespaces[list.NamespaceID].Lists, list)
// Check if we have any favorites or favorited lists and remove the favorites namespace from the list if not
var favoriteCount int64
favoriteCount, err = s.
Join("INNER", "list", "tasks.list_id =").
Join("INNER", "namespaces", "list.namespace_id =").
Where(builder.And(builder.Eq{"tasks.is_favorite": true}, builder.In("", namespaceids))).
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return nil, 0, 0, err
// If we don't have any favorites in the favorites pseudo list, remove that pseudo list from the namespace
if favoritesNamespace != nil {
if favoriteCount == 0 {
namespaces[favoritesNamespace.ID] = favoritesNamespace
for in, l := range namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID].Lists {
if l.ID == FavoritesPseudoList.ID {
namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID].Lists = append(namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID].Lists[:in], namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID].Lists[in+1:]...)
// If we don't have any favorites in the namespace, remove it
if len(namespaces[pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID].Lists) == 0 {
delete(namespaces, pseudoFavoriteNamespace.ID)
// Saved Filters
// Saved Filters
savedFilters, err := getSavedFiltersForUser(s, a)
savedFiltersNamespace, err := getSavedFilters(s, doer)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return nil, 0, 0, err
if len(savedFilters) > 0 {
if savedFiltersNamespace != nil {
savedFiltersPseudoNamespace := SavedFiltersPseudoNamespace
namespaces[savedFiltersNamespace.ID] = savedFiltersNamespace
savedFiltersPseudoNamespace.Owner = doer
namespaces[savedFiltersPseudoNamespace.ID] = &NamespaceWithLists{
Namespace: savedFiltersPseudoNamespace,
Lists: make([]*List, 0, len(savedFilters)),
for _, filter := range savedFilters {
namespaces[savedFiltersPseudoNamespace.ID].Lists = append(namespaces[savedFiltersPseudoNamespace.ID].Lists, &List{
ID: getListIDFromSavedFilterID(filter.ID),
Title: filter.Title,
Description: filter.Description,
Created: filter.Created,
Updated: filter.Updated,
Owner: doer,
// Put it all together (and sort it)
// Put it all together
all := makeNamespaceSliceFromMap(namespaces, userMap, subscriptionsMap)
return all, len(all), numberOfTotalItems, nil
err = addListDetails(s, lists)
if err != nil {
for _, list := range lists {
namespaces[list.NamespaceID].Lists = append(namespaces[list.NamespaceID].Lists, list)
all := makeNamespaceSlice(namespaces, ownerMap, subscriptionsMap)
return all, len(all), numberOfTotalItems, err
// Create implements the creation method via the interface
// Create implements the creation method via the interface
@ -198,10 +198,11 @@ func TestNamespace_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
user11 := &user.User{ID: 11}
user11 := &user.User{ID: 11}
user12 := &user.User{ID: 12}
user12 := &user.User{ID: 12}
t.Run("normal", func(t *testing.T) {
s := db.NewSession()
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
defer s.Close()
t.Run("normal", func(t *testing.T) {
n := &Namespace{}
n := &Namespace{}
nn, _, _, err := n.ReadAll(s, user1, "", 1, -1)
nn, _, _, err := n.ReadAll(s, user1, "", 1, -1)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, err)
@ -220,6 +221,10 @@ func TestNamespace_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("namespaces only", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("namespaces only", func(t *testing.T) {
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
n := &Namespace{
n := &Namespace{
NamespacesOnly: true,
NamespacesOnly: true,
@ -234,6 +239,10 @@ func TestNamespace_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("ids only", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("ids only", func(t *testing.T) {
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
n := &Namespace{
n := &Namespace{
NamespacesOnly: true,
NamespacesOnly: true,
@ -246,6 +255,10 @@ func TestNamespace_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, int64(14), namespaces[1].ID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(14), namespaces[1].ID)
t.Run("ids only but ids with other people's namespace", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("ids only but ids with other people's namespace", func(t *testing.T) {
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
n := &Namespace{
n := &Namespace{
NamespacesOnly: true,
NamespacesOnly: true,
@ -257,6 +270,10 @@ func TestNamespace_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), namespaces[0].ID)
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), namespaces[0].ID)
t.Run("archived", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("archived", func(t *testing.T) {
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
n := &Namespace{
n := &Namespace{
IsArchived: true,
IsArchived: true,
@ -270,6 +287,10 @@ func TestNamespace_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, int64(-1), namespaces[2].ID) // The third one should be the one with the shared namespaces
assert.Equal(t, int64(-1), namespaces[2].ID) // The third one should be the one with the shared namespaces
t.Run("no favorites", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("no favorites", func(t *testing.T) {
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
n := &Namespace{}
n := &Namespace{}
nn, _, _, err := n.ReadAll(s, user11, "", 1, -1)
nn, _, _, err := n.ReadAll(s, user11, "", 1, -1)
namespaces := nn.([]*NamespaceWithLists)
namespaces := nn.([]*NamespaceWithLists)
@ -278,6 +299,10 @@ func TestNamespace_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
assert.NotEqual(t, FavoritesPseudoNamespace.ID, namespaces[0].ID)
assert.NotEqual(t, FavoritesPseudoNamespace.ID, namespaces[0].ID)
t.Run("no favorite tasks but namespace", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("no favorite tasks but namespace", func(t *testing.T) {
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
n := &Namespace{}
n := &Namespace{}
nn, _, _, err := n.ReadAll(s, user12, "", 1, -1)
nn, _, _, err := n.ReadAll(s, user12, "", 1, -1)
namespaces := nn.([]*NamespaceWithLists)
namespaces := nn.([]*NamespaceWithLists)
@ -287,6 +312,10 @@ func TestNamespace_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
assert.NotEqual(t, 0, namespaces[0].Lists)
assert.NotEqual(t, 0, namespaces[0].Lists)
t.Run("no saved filters", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("no saved filters", func(t *testing.T) {
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
n := &Namespace{}
n := &Namespace{}
nn, _, _, err := n.ReadAll(s, user11, "", 1, -1)
nn, _, _, err := n.ReadAll(s, user11, "", 1, -1)
namespaces := nn.([]*NamespaceWithLists)
namespaces := nn.([]*NamespaceWithLists)
Add table
Reference in a new issue