konrad 08205008e7 Migrate all timestamps to real iso dates ()
Fix query param name

Add option to include null results when filtering

Always set db time to gmt

Fix null filter

Fix timezone setting for todoist parsing

Fix timezone setting for wunderlist parsing

Fix import

Fix caldav reminder parsing

Use timezone from config

Add error and test for invalid filter values

Fix integration tests

Remove task collection date hack

Fix task filter

Fix lint

Fix tests and fixtures for date timezone stuff

Properly set timezone

Change fixtures time zone to gmt

Set db timezone

Set created and updated timestamps for all fixtures

Fix lint

Fix test fixtures

Fix misspell

Fix test fixtures

Partially fix tests

Remove timeutil package

Remove adding _unix suffix hack

Remove _unix suffix

Move all timeutil.TimeStamp to time.Time

Remove all Unix suffixes in field names

Add better error messages when running migrations

Make sure to not migrate 0 unix timestamps to 1970 iso dates

Add migration script for sqlite

Add converting sqlite values

Convert 0 unix timestamps to null in postgres

Convert 0 to null in timestamps

Automatically rename _unix suffix

Add all tables and columns for migration

Fix sql migration query for mysql

Fail with an error if trying to use an unsupported dbms

Co-authored-by: kolaente <>
2020-06-27 17:04:01 +00:00

368 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright2018-2020 Vikunja and contriubtors. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of Vikunja.
// Vikunja is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Vikunja is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Vikunja. If not, see <>.
package user
import (
// Login Object to recive user credentials in JSON format
type Login struct {
// The username used to log in.
Username string `json:"username"`
// The password for the user.
Password string `json:"password"`
// The totp passcode of a user. Only needs to be provided when enabled.
TOTPPasscode string `json:"totp_passcode"`
// User holds information about an user
type User struct {
// The unique, numeric id of this user.
ID int64 `xorm:"int(11) autoincr not null unique pk" json:"id"`
// The username of the user. Is always unique.
Username string `xorm:"varchar(250) not null unique" json:"username" valid:"length(1|250)" minLength:"3" maxLength:"250"`
Password string `xorm:"varchar(250) not null" json:"-"`
// The user's email address.
Email string `xorm:"varchar(250) null" json:"email,omitempty" valid:"email,length(0|250)" maxLength:"250"`
IsActive bool `xorm:"null" json:"-"`
PasswordResetToken string `xorm:"varchar(450) null" json:"-"`
EmailConfirmToken string `xorm:"varchar(450) null" json:"-"`
// A timestamp when this task was created. You cannot change this value.
Created time.Time `xorm:"created not null" json:"created"`
// A timestamp when this task was last updated. You cannot change this value.
Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated not null" json:"updated"`
web.Auth `xorm:"-" json:"-"`
// GetID implements the Auth interface
func (u *User) GetID() int64 {
return u.ID
// TableName returns the table name for users
func (User) TableName() string {
return "users"
// GetFromAuth returns a user object from a web.Auth object and returns an error if the underlying type
// is not a user object
func GetFromAuth(a web.Auth) (*User, error) {
u, is := a.(*User)
if !is {
return &User{}, fmt.Errorf("user is not user element, is %s", reflect.TypeOf(a))
return u, nil
// APIUserPassword represents a user object without timestamps and a json password field.
type APIUserPassword struct {
// The unique, numeric id of this user.
ID int64 `json:"id"`
// The username of the username. Is always unique.
Username string `json:"username" valid:"length(3|250)" minLength:"3" maxLength:"250"`
// The user's password in clear text. Only used when registering the user.
Password string `json:"password" valid:"length(8|250)" minLength:"8" maxLength:"250"`
// The user's email address
Email string `json:"email" valid:"email,length(0|250)" maxLength:"250"`
// APIFormat formats an API User into a normal user struct
func (apiUser *APIUserPassword) APIFormat() *User {
return &User{
ID: apiUser.ID,
Username: apiUser.Username,
Password: apiUser.Password,
Email: apiUser.Email,
// GetUserByID gets informations about a user by its ID
func GetUserByID(id int64) (user *User, err error) {
// Apparently xorm does otherwise look for all users but return only one, which leads to returing one even if the ID is 0
if id < 1 {
return &User{}, ErrUserDoesNotExist{}
return GetUser(&User{ID: id})
// GetUserByUsername gets a user from its user name. This is an extra function to be able to add an extra error check.
func GetUserByUsername(username string) (user *User, err error) {
if username == "" {
return &User{}, ErrUserDoesNotExist{}
return GetUser(&User{Username: username})
// GetUser gets a user object
func GetUser(user *User) (userOut *User, err error) {
return getUser(user, false)
// GetUserWithEmail returns a user object with email
func GetUserWithEmail(user *User) (userOut *User, err error) {
return getUser(user, true)
// getUser is a small helper function to avoid having duplicated code for almost the same use case
func getUser(user *User, withEmail bool) (userOut *User, err error) {
userOut = &User{} // To prevent a panic if user is nil
*userOut = *user
exists, err := x.Get(userOut)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !exists {
return &User{}, ErrUserDoesNotExist{UserID: user.ID}
if !withEmail {
userOut.Email = ""
return userOut, err
// CheckUserCredentials checks user credentials
func CheckUserCredentials(u *Login) (*User, error) {
// Check if we have any credentials
if u.Password == "" || u.Username == "" {
return &User{}, ErrNoUsernamePassword{}
// Check if the user exists
user, err := GetUserByUsername(u.Username)
if err != nil {
// hashing the password takes a long time, so we hash something to not make it clear if the username was wrong
_, _ = bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(u.Username), 14)
return &User{}, ErrWrongUsernameOrPassword{}
// User is invalid if it needs to verify its email address
if !user.IsActive {
return &User{}, ErrEmailNotConfirmed{UserID: user.ID}
// Check the users password
err = CheckUserPassword(user, u.Password)
if err != nil {
return &User{}, err
return user, nil
// CheckUserPassword checks and verifies a user's password. The user object needs to contain the hashed password from the database.
func CheckUserPassword(user *User, password string) error {
err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(user.Password), []byte(password))
if err != nil {
if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
return ErrWrongUsernameOrPassword{}
return err
return nil
// GetCurrentUser returns the current user based on its jwt token
func GetCurrentUser(c echo.Context) (user *User, err error) {
jwtinf := c.Get("user").(*jwt.Token)
claims := jwtinf.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
return GetUserFromClaims(claims)
// GetUserFromClaims Returns a new user from jwt claims
func GetUserFromClaims(claims jwt.MapClaims) (user *User, err error) {
userID, ok := claims["id"].(float64)
if !ok {
return user, ErrCouldNotGetUserID{}
user = &User{
ID: int64(userID),
Email: claims["email"].(string),
Username: claims["username"].(string),
// CreateUser creates a new user and inserts it into the database
func CreateUser(user *User) (newUser *User, err error) {
newUser = user
// Check if we have all needed informations
if newUser.Password == "" || newUser.Username == "" || newUser.Email == "" {
return &User{}, ErrNoUsernamePassword{}
// Check if the user already existst with that username
exists := true
_, err = GetUserByUsername(newUser.Username)
if err != nil {
if IsErrUserDoesNotExist(err) {
exists = false
} else {
return &User{}, err
if exists {
return &User{}, ErrUsernameExists{newUser.ID, newUser.Username}
// Check if the user already existst with that email
exists = true
_, err = GetUser(&User{Email: newUser.Email})
if err != nil {
if IsErrUserDoesNotExist(err) {
exists = false
} else {
return &User{}, err
if exists {
return &User{}, ErrUserEmailExists{newUser.ID, newUser.Email}
// Hash the password
newUser.Password, err = hashPassword(user.Password)
if err != nil {
return &User{}, err
newUser.IsActive = true
if config.MailerEnabled.GetBool() {
// The new user should not be activated until it confirms his mail address
newUser.IsActive = false
// Generate a confirm token
newUser.EmailConfirmToken = utils.MakeRandomString(60)
// Insert it
_, err = x.Insert(newUser)
if err != nil {
return &User{}, err
// Update the metrics
metrics.UpdateCount(1, metrics.ActiveUsersKey)
// Get the full new User
newUserOut, err := GetUser(newUser)
if err != nil {
return &User{}, err
// Dont send a mail if we're testing
if !config.MailerEnabled.GetBool() {
return newUserOut, err
// Send the user a mail with a link to confirm the mail
data := map[string]interface{}{
"User": newUserOut,
"IsNew": true,
mail.SendMailWithTemplate(user.Email, newUserOut.Username+" + Vikunja = <3", "confirm-email", data)
return newUserOut, err
// HashPassword hashes a password
func hashPassword(password string) (string, error) {
bytes, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), 11)
return string(bytes), err
// UpdateUser updates a user
func UpdateUser(user *User) (updatedUser *User, err error) {
// Check if it exists
theUser, err := GetUserByID(user.ID)
if err != nil {
return &User{}, err
// Check if we have at least a username
if user.Username == "" {
//return User{}, ErrNoUsername{user.ID}
user.Username = theUser.Username // Dont change the username if we dont have one
user.Password = theUser.Password // set the password to the one in the database to not accedently resetting it
// Update it
_, err = x.ID(user.ID).Update(user)
if err != nil {
return &User{}, err
// Get the newly updated user
updatedUser, err = GetUserByID(user.ID)
if err != nil {
return &User{}, err
return updatedUser, err
// UpdateUserPassword updates the password of a user
func UpdateUserPassword(user *User, newPassword string) (err error) {
if newPassword == "" {
return ErrEmptyNewPassword{}
// Get all user details
theUser, err := GetUserByID(user.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Hash the new password and set it
hashed, err := hashPassword(newPassword)
if err != nil {
return err
theUser.Password = hashed
// Update it
_, err = x.ID(user.ID).Update(theUser)
if err != nil {
return err
return err