
272 lines
6.4 KiB

package sentry
import (
// ================================
// Modules Integration
// ================================
type modulesIntegration struct {
once sync.Once
modules map[string]string
func (mi *modulesIntegration) Name() string {
return "Modules"
func (mi *modulesIntegration) SetupOnce(client *Client) {
func (mi *modulesIntegration) processor(event *Event, hint *EventHint) *Event {
if len(event.Modules) == 0 {
mi.once.Do(func() {
info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo()
if !ok {
Logger.Print("The Modules integration is not available in binaries built without module support.")
mi.modules = extractModules(info)
event.Modules = mi.modules
return event
func extractModules(info *debug.BuildInfo) map[string]string {
modules := map[string]string{
info.Main.Path: info.Main.Version,
for _, dep := range info.Deps {
ver := dep.Version
if dep.Replace != nil {
ver += fmt.Sprintf(" => %s %s", dep.Replace.Path, dep.Replace.Version)
modules[dep.Path] = strings.TrimSuffix(ver, " ")
return modules
// ================================
// Environment Integration
// ================================
type environmentIntegration struct{}
func (ei *environmentIntegration) Name() string {
return "Environment"
func (ei *environmentIntegration) SetupOnce(client *Client) {
func (ei *environmentIntegration) processor(event *Event, hint *EventHint) *Event {
if event.Contexts == nil {
event.Contexts = make(map[string]interface{})
event.Contexts["device"] = map[string]interface{}{
"arch": runtime.GOARCH,
"num_cpu": runtime.NumCPU(),
event.Contexts["os"] = map[string]interface{}{
"name": runtime.GOOS,
event.Contexts["runtime"] = map[string]interface{}{
"name": "go",
"version": runtime.Version(),
"go_numroutines": runtime.NumGoroutine(),
"go_maxprocs": runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0),
"go_numcgocalls": runtime.NumCgoCall(),
return event
// ================================
// Ignore Errors Integration
// ================================
type ignoreErrorsIntegration struct {
ignoreErrors []*regexp.Regexp
func (iei *ignoreErrorsIntegration) Name() string {
return "IgnoreErrors"
func (iei *ignoreErrorsIntegration) SetupOnce(client *Client) {
iei.ignoreErrors = transformStringsIntoRegexps(client.Options().IgnoreErrors)
func (iei *ignoreErrorsIntegration) processor(event *Event, hint *EventHint) *Event {
suspects := getIgnoreErrorsSuspects(event)
for _, suspect := range suspects {
for _, pattern := range iei.ignoreErrors {
if pattern.Match([]byte(suspect)) {
Logger.Printf("Event dropped due to being matched by `IgnoreErrors` option."+
"| Value matched: %s | Filter used: %s", suspect, pattern)
return nil
return event
func transformStringsIntoRegexps(strings []string) []*regexp.Regexp {
var exprs []*regexp.Regexp
for _, s := range strings {
r, err := regexp.Compile(s)
if err == nil {
exprs = append(exprs, r)
return exprs
func getIgnoreErrorsSuspects(event *Event) []string {
suspects := []string{}
if event.Message != "" {
suspects = append(suspects, event.Message)
for _, ex := range event.Exception {
suspects = append(suspects, ex.Type)
suspects = append(suspects, ex.Value)
return suspects
// ================================
// Contextify Frames Integration
// ================================
type contextifyFramesIntegration struct {
sr sourceReader
contextLines int
cachedLocations sync.Map
func (cfi *contextifyFramesIntegration) Name() string {
return "ContextifyFrames"
func (cfi *contextifyFramesIntegration) SetupOnce(client *Client) { = newSourceReader()
cfi.contextLines = 5
func (cfi *contextifyFramesIntegration) processor(event *Event, hint *EventHint) *Event {
// Range over all exceptions
for _, ex := range event.Exception {
// If it has no stacktrace, just bail out
if ex.Stacktrace == nil {
// If it does, it should have frames, so try to contextify them
ex.Stacktrace.Frames = cfi.contextify(ex.Stacktrace.Frames)
// Range over all threads
for _, th := range event.Threads {
// If it has no stacktrace, just bail out
if th.Stacktrace == nil {
// If it does, it should have frames, so try to contextify them
th.Stacktrace.Frames = cfi.contextify(th.Stacktrace.Frames)
return event
func (cfi *contextifyFramesIntegration) contextify(frames []Frame) []Frame {
contextifiedFrames := make([]Frame, 0, len(frames))
for _, frame := range frames {
if !frame.InApp {
contextifiedFrames = append(contextifiedFrames, frame)
var path string
if cachedPath, ok := cfi.cachedLocations.Load(frame.AbsPath); ok {
if p, ok := cachedPath.(string); ok {
path = p
} else {
// Optimize for happy path here
if fileExists(frame.AbsPath) {
path = frame.AbsPath
} else {
path = cfi.findNearbySourceCodeLocation(frame.AbsPath)
if path == "" {
contextifiedFrames = append(contextifiedFrames, frame)
lines, contextLine :=, frame.Lineno, cfi.contextLines)
contextifiedFrames = append(contextifiedFrames, cfi.addContextLinesToFrame(frame, lines, contextLine))
return contextifiedFrames
func (cfi *contextifyFramesIntegration) findNearbySourceCodeLocation(originalPath string) string {
trimmedPath := strings.TrimPrefix(originalPath, "/")
components := strings.Split(trimmedPath, "/")
for len(components) > 0 {
components = components[1:]
possibleLocation := strings.Join(components, "/")
if fileExists(possibleLocation) {
cfi.cachedLocations.Store(originalPath, possibleLocation)
return possibleLocation
cfi.cachedLocations.Store(originalPath, "")
return ""
func (cfi *contextifyFramesIntegration) addContextLinesToFrame(frame Frame, lines [][]byte, contextLine int) Frame {
for i, line := range lines {
switch {
case i < contextLine:
frame.PreContext = append(frame.PreContext, string(line))
case i == contextLine:
frame.ContextLine = string(line)
frame.PostContext = append(frame.PostContext, string(line))
return frame