
182 lines
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// Vikunja is a todo-list application to facilitate your life.
// Copyright 2018 Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package models
import (
// CreateUser creates a new user and inserts it into the database
func CreateUser(user User) (newUser User, err error) {
newUser = user
// Check if we have all needed informations
if newUser.Password == "" || newUser.Username == "" || newUser.Email == "" {
return User{}, ErrNoUsernamePassword{}
// Check if the user already existst with that username
exists := true
existingUser, err := GetUser(User{Username: newUser.Username})
if err != nil {
if IsErrUserDoesNotExist(err) {
exists = false
} else {
return User{}, err
if exists {
return User{}, ErrUsernameExists{newUser.ID, newUser.Username}
// Check if the user already existst with that email
exists = true
existingUser, err = GetUser(User{Email: newUser.Email})
if err != nil {
if IsErrUserDoesNotExist(err) {
exists = false
} else {
return User{}, err
if exists {
return User{}, ErrUserEmailExists{existingUser.ID, existingUser.Email}
// Hash the password
newUser.Password, err = hashPassword(user.Password)
if err != nil {
return User{}, err
newUser.IsActive = true
if viper.GetBool("mailer.enabled") {
// The new user should not be activated until it confirms his mail address
newUser.IsActive = false
// Generate a confirm token
newUser.EmailConfirmToken = utils.MakeRandomString(400)
// Insert it
_, err = x.Insert(newUser)
if err != nil {
return User{}, err
// Update the metrics
metrics.UpdateCount(1, metrics.ActiveUsersKey)
// Get the full new User
newUserOut, err := GetUser(newUser)
if err != nil {
return User{}, err
// Create the user's namespace
newN := &Namespace{Name: newUserOut.Username, Description: newUserOut.Username + "'s namespace.", Owner: newUserOut}
err = newN.Create(&newUserOut)
if err != nil {
return User{}, err
// Dont send a mail if we're testing
if !viper.GetBool("mailer.enabled") {
return newUserOut, err
// Send the user a mail with a link to confirm the mail
data := map[string]interface{}{
"User": newUserOut,
mail.SendMailWithTemplate(user.Email, newUserOut.Username+" + Vikunja = <3", "confirm-email", data)
return newUserOut, err
// HashPassword hashes a password
func hashPassword(password string) (string, error) {
bytes, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), 14)
return string(bytes), err
// UpdateUser updates a user
func UpdateUser(user User) (updatedUser User, err error) {
// Check if it exists
theUser, err := GetUserByID(user.ID)
if err != nil {
return User{}, err
// Check if we have at least a username
if user.Username == "" {
//return User{}, ErrNoUsername{user.ID}
user.Username = theUser.Username // Dont change the username if we dont have one
user.Password = theUser.Password // set the password to the one in the database to not accedently resetting it
// Update it
_, err = x.Id(user.ID).Update(user)
if err != nil {
return User{}, err
// Get the newly updated user
updatedUser, err = GetUserByID(user.ID)
if err != nil {
return User{}, err
return updatedUser, err
// UpdateUserPassword updates the password of a user
func UpdateUserPassword(user *User, newPassword string) (err error) {
if newPassword == "" {
return ErrEmptyNewPassword{}
// Get all user details
theUser, err := GetUserByID(user.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Hash the new password and set it
hashed, err := hashPassword(newPassword)
if err != nil {
return err
theUser.Password = hashed
// Update it
_, err = x.Id(user.ID).Update(theUser)
if err != nil {
return err
return err