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2019-03-31:00:00+01:00 CLI false doc

Command line interface

You can interact with Vikunja using its cli interface. The following commands are available:

If you don't specify a command, the web command will be executed.

All commands use the same standard [config file]({{< ref "../setup/">}}).


Creates a zip file with all vikunja-related files. This includes config, version, all files and the full database.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja dump {{< /highlight >}}


Shows more detailed help about any command.


{{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja help [command] {{< /highlight >}}


Run all database migrations which didn't already run.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja migrate [flags] $ vikunja migrate [command] {{< /highlight >}}

migrate list

Shows a list with all database migrations.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja migrate list {{< /highlight >}}

migrate rollback

Roll migrations back until a certain point.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja migrate rollback [flags]
{{< /highlight >}}


  • -n, --name string: The id of the migration you want to roll back until.


Restores a previously created dump from a zip file, see dump.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja restore {{< /highlight >}}


Sends a test mail using the configured smtp connection.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja testmail {{< /highlight >}}


Bundles a few commands to manage users.

user change-status

Enable or disable a user. Will toggle the current status if no flag (--enable or --disable) is provided.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja user change-status {{< /highlight >}}


  • -d, --disable: Disable the user.
  • -e, --enable: Enable the user.

user create

Create a new user.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja user create {{< /highlight >}}


  • -a, --avatar-provider: The avatar provider of the new user. Optional.
  • -e, --email: The email address of the new user.
  • -p, --password: The password of the new user. You will be asked to enter it if not provided through the flag.
  • -u, --username: The username of the new user.

user list

Shows a list of all users.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja user list {{< /highlight >}}

user reset-password

Reset a users password, either through mailing them a reset link or directly.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja user reset-password {{< /highlight >}}


  • -d, --direct: If provided, reset the password directly instead of sending the user a reset mail.
  • -p, --password: The new password of the user. Only used in combination with --direct. You will be asked to enter it if not provided through the flag.

user update

Update an existing user.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja user update {{< /highlight >}}


  • -a, --avatar-provider: The new avatar provider of the new user.
  • -e, --email: The new email address of the user.
  • -u, --username: The new username of the user.


Prints the version of Vikunja. This is either the semantic version (something like 0.7) or version + git commit hash.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja version
{{< /highlight >}}


Starts Vikunja's REST api server.

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} $ vikunja web
{{< /highlight >}}