konrad 7e9446ea07 Refactor User and DB handling ()
fix copyright date

Add more user tests

More user tests

More user tests

Start refactoring user tests


Fix lint

Fix db fixtures init in tests

Fix models test

Fix loading fixtures

Fix ineffasign

Fix lint

Fix integration tests

Fix init of test engine creation

Fix user related tests

Better handling of creating test enging

Moved all fixtures to db package

Moved all fixtures to db package

Moved user related stuff to seperate package

Co-authored-by: kolaente <>
2020-01-26 17:08:06 +00:00

5.9 KiB

date title draft type menu
2019-02-12:00:00+02:00 Project structure false doc

Project structure

In general, this api repo has the following structure:

  • docker
  • docs
  • pkg
    • caldav
    • cmd
    • config
    • db
      • fixtures
    • files
    • integration
    • log
    • mail
    • metrics
    • migration
    • models
    • modules
      • migration
        • handler
        • wunderlist
    • red
    • routes
      • api/v1
    • static
    • swagger
    • user
    • utils
    • version
  • REST-Tests
  • templates
  • vendor

This document will explain what these mean and what you can find where.

Root level

The root directory is where [the config file]({{< ref "../setup/">}}), [Makefile]({{< ref "">}}), license, drone config, application entry point (main.go) and so on are located.


This directory holds additonal files needed to build and run the docker container, mainly service configuration to properly run Vikunja inside a docker container.


This is where most of the magic happens. Most packages with actual code are located in this folder.


This folder holds a simple caldav implementation which is responsible for returning the caldav feature.


This package contains all cli-related files and functions.

To learn more about how to add a new command, see [the cli docs]({{< ref "">}}).

To learn more about how to use this cli, see [the cli usage docs]({{< ref "../usage/">}}).


This package configures the config. It sets default values and sets up viper and tells it where to look for config files, how to interpret which env variables for config etc.

If you want to add a new config parameter, you should add default value in this package.


This package contains the db connection handling and db fixtures for testing. Each other package gets its db connection object from this package.


This package is responsible for all file-related things. This means it handles saving and retrieving files from the db and the underlying file system.


All integration tests live here. See [integration tests]({{< ref "" >}}#integration-tests) for more details.


Similar to config, this will set up the logging, based on differen logging backends. This init is called in main.go after the config init is done.


This package handles all mail sending. To learn how to send a mail, see [sending emails]({{< ref "../practical-instructions/">}}).


This package handles all metrics which are exposed to the prometheus endpoint. To learn how it works and how to add new metrics, take a look at [how metrics work]({{< ref "../practical-instructions/">}}).


This package handles all migrations. All migrations are stored and executed here.

To learn more, take a look at the [migrations docs]({{< ref "../development/">}}).


This is where most of the magic happens. When adding new features or upgrading existing ones, that most likely happens here.

Because this package is pretty huge, there are several documents and how-to's about it:

  • [Adding a feature]({{< ref "../practical-instructions/">}})
  • [Making calls to the database]({{< ref "../practical-instructions/">}})



See [writing a migrator]({{< ref "" >}}).

red (redis)

This package initializes a connection to a redis server. This inizialization is automatically done at the startup of vikunja.

It also has a function (GetRedis()) which returns a redis client object you can then use in your package to talk to redis.

It uses the go-redis library, please see their configuration on how to use it.


This package defines all routes which are available for vikunja clients to use. To add a new route, see [adding a new route]({{< ref "../practical-instructions/">}}).


This is where all http-handler functions for the api are stored. Every handler function which does not use the standard web handler should live here.


All static files generated by make generate live here.


This is where the [generated]({{< ref "">}} [api docs]({{< ref "../usage/">}}) live. You usually don't need to touch this package.


All user-related things like registration etc. live in this package.


A small package, containing some helper functions:

  • MakeRandomString: Generates a random string of a given length.
  • Sha256: Calculates a sha256 hash from a given string.

See their function definitions for instructions on how to use them.


The single purpouse of this package is to hold the current vikunja version which gets overridden through build flags each time make release or make build is run. It is a seperate package to avoid import cycles with other packages.


Holds all kinds of test files to directly test the api from inside of jetbrains ide's.

These files are currently more an experiment, maybe we will drop them in the future to use something we could integrate in the testing process with drone. Therefore, this has no claim to be complete yet even working, you're free to change whatever is needed to get it working for you.


Holds the email templates used to send plain text and html emails for new user registration and password changes.


All libraries needed to build Vikunja.

We keep all libraries used for Vikunja around in the vendor/ folder to still be able to build the project even if some maintainers take their libraries down like it happened in the past.

When adding a new dependency, make sure to run go mod vendor to put it inside this directory.