2021-11-13 19:49:02 +00:00
import {store} from '@/store'
const API_DEFAULT_PORT = '3456'
export const ERROR_NO_API_URL = 'noApiUrlProvided'
const updateConfig = () => store.dispatch('config/update')
export const checkAndSetApiUrl = (url: string): Promise<string> => {
2021-11-16 22:34:08 +01:00
if(url.startsWith('/')) {
url = window.location.host + url
2021-11-13 19:49:02 +00:00
// Check if the url has an http prefix
if (
!url.startsWith('http://') &&
) {
url = `http://${url}`
const urlToCheck: URL = new URL(url)
const origUrlToCheck = urlToCheck
const oldUrl = window.API_URL
window.API_URL = urlToCheck.toString()
// Check if the api is reachable at the provided url
return updateConfig()
.catch(e => {
// Check if it is reachable at /api/v1 and http
if (
!urlToCheck.pathname.endsWith('/api/v1') &&
) {
urlToCheck.pathname = `${urlToCheck.pathname}api/v1`
window.API_URL = urlToCheck.toString()
return updateConfig()
throw e
.catch(e => {
// Check if it has a port and if not check if it is reachable at https
if (urlToCheck.protocol === 'http:') {
urlToCheck.protocol = 'https:'
window.API_URL = urlToCheck.toString()
return updateConfig()
throw e
.catch(e => {
// Check if it is reachable at /api/v1 and https
urlToCheck.pathname = origUrlToCheck.pathname
if (
!urlToCheck.pathname.endsWith('/api/v1') &&
) {
urlToCheck.pathname = `${urlToCheck.pathname}api/v1`
window.API_URL = urlToCheck.toString()
return updateConfig()
throw e
.catch(e => {
// Check if it is reachable at port API_DEFAULT_PORT and https
if (urlToCheck.port !== API_DEFAULT_PORT) {
urlToCheck.protocol = 'https:'
urlToCheck.port = API_DEFAULT_PORT
window.API_URL = urlToCheck.toString()
return updateConfig()
throw e
.catch(e => {
// Check if it is reachable at :API_DEFAULT_PORT and /api/v1 and https
urlToCheck.pathname = origUrlToCheck.pathname
if (
!urlToCheck.pathname.endsWith('/api/v1') &&
) {
urlToCheck.pathname = `${urlToCheck.pathname}api/v1`
window.API_URL = urlToCheck.toString()
return updateConfig()
throw e
.catch(e => {
// Check if it is reachable at port API_DEFAULT_PORT and http
if (urlToCheck.port !== API_DEFAULT_PORT) {
urlToCheck.protocol = 'http:'
urlToCheck.port = API_DEFAULT_PORT
window.API_URL = urlToCheck.toString()
return updateConfig()
throw e
.catch(e => {
// Check if it is reachable at :API_DEFAULT_PORT and /api/v1 and http
urlToCheck.pathname = origUrlToCheck.pathname
if (
!urlToCheck.pathname.endsWith('/api/v1') &&
) {
urlToCheck.pathname = `${urlToCheck.pathname}api/v1`
window.API_URL = urlToCheck.toString()
return updateConfig()
throw e
.catch(e => {
window.API_URL = oldUrl
throw e
.then(r => {
if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('API_URL', window.API_URL)
return window.API_URL
throw new Error(ERROR_NO_API_URL)