2018-12-25 22:41:55 +00:00
2021-12-29 20:36:53 +01:00
<div class="is-max-width-desktop has-text-left ">
2022-02-05 21:14:40 +01:00
<h3 class="mb-2 title">
2021-12-28 23:50:04 +01:00
{{ pageTitle }}
2021-06-23 23:24:57 +00:00
2021-12-29 20:36:53 +01:00
<p v-if="!showAll" class="show-tasks-options">
<datepicker-with-range @dateChanged="setDate"/>
<fancycheckbox @change="setShowNulls" class="mr-2">
2021-12-29 18:06:12 +01:00
{{ $t('task.show.noDates') }}
2021-12-29 18:12:43 +01:00
<fancycheckbox @change="setShowOverdue">
2021-12-29 18:06:12 +01:00
{{ $t('task.show.overdue') }}
2021-12-28 23:50:04 +01:00
2021-08-06 19:25:17 +02:00
<template v-if="!loading && (!tasks || tasks.length === 0) && showNothingToDo">
2021-12-29 20:36:53 +01:00
<h3 class="has-text-centered mt-6">{{ $t('task.show.noTasks') }}</h3>
2022-01-09 16:47:21 +01:00
<LlamaCool class="llama-cool"/>
2018-12-25 22:41:55 +00:00
2021-01-24 13:00:21 +00:00
2021-12-29 20:59:30 +01:00
2021-12-29 20:36:53 +01:00
<div class="p-2">
2021-01-24 13:00:21 +00:00
2021-12-29 17:24:56 +01:00
v-for="t in tasksSorted"
2021-01-24 13:00:21 +00:00
2022-02-05 20:17:34 +01:00
<div v-else :class="{ 'is-loading': loading}" class="spinner"></div>
2018-12-25 22:41:55 +00:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
<script setup lang="ts">
2022-01-09 14:21:33 +01:00
import {dateRanges} from '@/components/date/dateRanges'
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
import SingleTaskInList from '@/components/tasks/partials/singleTaskInList.vue'
2022-01-09 17:27:28 +01:00
import {parseDateOrString} from '@/helpers/time/parseDateOrString'
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
import {mapState, useStore} from 'vuex'
import {computed, ref, watchEffect} from 'vue'
2018-12-25 22:41:55 +00:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue'
2021-12-28 23:50:04 +01:00
import {LOADING, LOADING_MODULE} from '@/store/mutation-types'
2020-07-22 12:29:03 +02:00
2021-11-13 14:16:14 +00:00
import LlamaCool from '@/assets/llama-cool.svg?component'
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
import DatepickerWithRange from '@/components/date/datepickerWithRange.vue'
import TaskModel from '@/models/task'
import {useRoute, useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {formatDate} from '@/helpers/time/formatDate'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import {setTitle} from './helpers/setTitle'
2021-10-03 18:48:02 +00:00
2022-02-05 21:12:35 +01:00
function getNextWeekDate() {
return new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
const store = useStore()
const route = useRoute()
const router = useRouter()
const {t} = useI18n()
const tasks = ref<TaskModel[]>([])
const showNothingToDo = ref<boolean>(false)
setTimeout(() => showNothingToDo.value = true, 100)
const props = defineProps({
showAll: Boolean,
const dateFrom = computed<Date | string>(() => parseDateOrString(route.query.from as string, new Date()))
const dateTo = computed<Date | string>(() => parseDateOrString(route.query.to as string, getNextWeekDate()))
const showNulls = computed(() => route.query.showNulls === 'true')
const showOverdue = computed(() => route.query.showOverdue === 'true')
const pageTitle = computed(() => {
let title = ''
// We need to define "key" because it is the first parameter in the array and we need the second
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const predefinedRange = Object.entries(dateRanges).find(([key, value]) => dateFrom.value === value[0] && dateTo.value === value[1])
if (typeof predefinedRange !== 'undefined') {
title = t(`input.datepickerRange.ranges.${predefinedRange[0]}`)
} else {
title = props.showAll
? t('task.show.titleCurrent')
: t('task.show.fromuntil', {
from: formatDate(dateFrom.value, 'PPP'),
until: formatDate(dateTo.value, 'PPP'),
2021-12-29 18:12:43 +01:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
return title
const tasksSorted = computed(() => {
// Sort all tasks to put those with a due date before the ones without a due date, the
// soonest before the later ones.
// We can't use the api sorting here because that sorts tasks with a due date after
// ones without a due date.
const tasksWithDueDate = [...tasks.value]
.filter(t => t.dueDate !== null)
.sort((a, b) => {
const sortByDueDate = a.dueDate - b.dueDate
return sortByDueDate === 0
? b.id - a.id
: sortByDueDate
const tasksWithoutDueDate = [...tasks.value]
.filter(t => t.dueDate === null)
return [
const hasTasks = computed(() => tasks && tasks.value.length > 0)
const userAuthenticated = computed(() => store.state.auth.authenticated)
const loading = computed(() => store.state[LOADING] && store.state[LOADING_MODULE] === 'tasks')
interface dateStrings {
from: string,
to: string,
2020-07-22 12:29:03 +02:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
function setDate({from, to}: dateStrings) {
name: route.name as string,
query: {
from: from ?? dateFrom,
to: to ?? dateTo,
showOverdue: showOverdue.value ? 'true' : 'false',
showNulls: showNulls.value ? 'true' : 'false',
2021-12-29 17:24:56 +01:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
function setShowOverdue(show: boolean) {
name: route.name as string,
query: {
showOverdue: show ? 'true' : 'false',
2022-01-09 13:02:16 +01:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
function setShowNulls(show: boolean) {
name: route.name as string,
query: {
showNulls: show ? 'true' : 'false',
2020-09-05 22:35:52 +02:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
async function loadPendingTasks(from:string, to:string) {
// Since this route is authentication only, users would get an error message if they access the page unauthenticated.
// Since this component is mounted as the home page before unauthenticated users get redirected
// to the login page, they will almost always see the error message.
if (!userAuthenticated) {
const params = {
sort_by: ['due_date', 'id'],
order_by: ['desc', 'desc'],
filter_by: ['done'],
filter_value: ['false'],
filter_comparator: ['equals'],
filter_concat: 'and',
filter_include_nulls: showNulls.value,
if (!props.showAll) {
// NOTE: Ideally we could also show tasks with a start or end date in the specified range, but the api
// is not capable (yet) of combining multiple filters with 'and' and 'or'.
if (!showOverdue.value) {
2020-09-05 22:35:52 +02:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
tasks.value = await store.dispatch('tasks/loadTasks', params)
2021-10-11 19:37:20 +02:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
// FIXME: this modification should happen in the store
function updateTasks(updatedTask) {
for (const t in tasks.value) {
if (tasks.value[t].id === updatedTask.id) {
tasks.value[t] = updatedTask
// Move the task to the end of the done tasks if it is now done
if (updatedTask.done) {
tasks.value.splice(t, 1)
2020-09-05 22:35:52 +02:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
2020-09-05 22:35:52 +02:00
2022-02-06 16:04:49 +01:00
watchEffect(() => loadPendingTasks(dateFrom.value as string, dateTo.value as string))
// loadPendingTasks()
watchEffect(() => setTitle(pageTitle))
2018-12-25 22:41:55 +00:00
2021-10-18 14:22:47 +02:00
<style lang="scss" scoped>
2021-12-29 20:36:53 +01:00
.show-tasks-options {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
2021-11-13 14:16:14 +00:00
2022-01-09 16:47:21 +01:00
.llama-cool {
margin: 3rem auto 0;
display: block;
2021-10-18 14:22:47 +02:00