[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 7016 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
"home": {
"welcomeNight": "Guet Nacht, {username}",
"welcomeMorning": "Guete Morgä, {username}",
"welcomeDay": "Hoi {username}",
"welcomeEvening": "Guete Abig, {username}",
"lastViewed": "Zletscht ahglueget",
"list": {
"newText": "Du chasch e Liste für dini neue Uufgabe erstelle:",
"new": "Neui Liste erstelle",
"importText": "Oder importier dini Liste und Uufgabe us anderne Dienst nach Vikunja:",
"import": "Dini Date in Vikunja importiere"
"404": {
"title": "Nid gfunde",
"text": "Dini gsuechti Siite giz nid."
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "Benutzernamä",
"usernameEmail": "Benutzernamä oder E-Mail Adrässe",
"usernamePlaceholder": "z.B. Hansruedi",
"email": "E-Mail Adrässe",
"emailPlaceholder": "z.B. hansruedi@vikunja.io",
"password": "Passwort",
"passwordRepeat": "Gib dis Passwort nomal iih",
"passwordPlaceholder": "z.B. •••••••••••",
"resetPassword": "Setz diis Passwort zrugg",
"resetPasswordAction": "Schick mir en Passwort zruggsetz Link",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "Prüfe deinen Posteingang! Du solltest eine E-Mail mit Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen deines Passworts erhalten haben.",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwörter stimmed nid überiih",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "Du hesch dini E-Mail erfolgriich bestätigt! Du chasch dich jetzt iihlogge.",
"totpTitle": "Zweifaktor Authentifizierigs Ziffere",
"totpPlaceholder": "z.B. 123456",
"login": "Iihlogge",
"register": "Registriere",
"loginWith": "Iihlogge mit {provider}",
"authenticating": "Authentifiziere…",
"openIdStateError": "Status stimmt nid überiih, ich verweigerä wiiter zmache!",
"openIdGeneralError": "Es ist ein Fehler bei der externen Authentisierung aufgetreten.",
"logout": "Uuslogge"
"settings": {
"title": "Iihstellige",
"newPasswordTitle": "Diis Passwort aktualisierä",
"newPassword": "Neus Passwort",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Neui Passwort Bestätigung",
"currentPassword": "Momentans Passwort",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Diis jetzige Passwort",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Dis neue Passwort und siini Bestätigung stimmed nid überiih.",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "Dis Passwort isch erfolgriich aktualisiert wordä.",
"updateEmailTitle": "Dini E-Mail Adrässä änderä",
"updateEmailNew": "Neui E-Mail Adrässä",
"updateEmailSuccess": "Dini E-Mail Adrässä isch erfolgriich gänderet worde. Mir hend dir en Link gschickt, um si zu bestätigä.",
"general": {
"title": "Allgemeini Iihstellige",
"name": "Namä",
"newName": "De neu Namä",
"savedSuccess": "Die Iihstellige sind erfolgriich aktualisiert wordä.",
"emailReminders": "Schick mir e Errinnerig für Uufgabe per E-Mail",
"overdueReminders": "Schick mir jede Morge Errinnerige für überfälligi Uufgabe per E-Mail",
"discoverableByName": "Anderi Lüüt chend mi findä, wenn si nach miim Name sueched",
"discoverableByEmail": "Anderi Benutzer chend mich finde, wenns mini voll E-Mail Adressä sueched",
"playSoundWhenDone": "Spil es Tönli ab, wenn en Task als fertig markiert wird",
"weekStart": "D'Wuche fangt ah am",
"weekStartSunday": "Sunntig",
"weekStartMonday": "Määntig",
"language": "Sproch",
"defaultList": "Standard Liste"
"totp": {
"title": "Zweifaktor Authentifizierig",
"enroll": "Aktiviere",
"finishSetupPart1": "Um dini Iihrichtig fertigzstelle, benutz das Gheimniss i dinere Authentifizierigs App (Google Authentifikator oder ähnliches):",
"finishSetupPart2": "Denoch, gib de Code vo dinere App une iih.",
"scanQR": "Alternativ chasch au de QR Code scanne:",
"passcode": "Code",
"passcodePlaceholder": "En vo dinere Authentifikator App generierte code",
"setupSuccess": "Du hesch erfolgriich dini Zweifaktor Authentifizierig aktiviert!",
"enterPassword": "Bitte gib diis Passwort iih",
"disable": "Zweifaktor Authentifizierig uusschalte",
"confirmSuccess": "Du hesch erfolgriich dini Zweifaktor Authentifizierig aktiviert und chasch se vo jetzt au benutze!",
"disableSuccess": "Zweifaktor Authentifizierig isch erfolgriich uusgschalte wore."
"caldav": {
"title": "Caldav",
"howTo": "Du chasch Vikunja zu Caldav Applikatione verbinde, um dini Uufgabe vo verschidene Gräät zgseh. Gib die Url i dim Client iih:",
"more": "Meh Informatione über Caldav in Vikunja"
"avatar": {
"title": "Herr Der Elemente",
"initials": "Initialä",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"upload": "Ufeladä",
"uploadAvatar": "Profiilbild ufeladä",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "Avatar Zuestand erfolgriich aktualisiert!",
"setSuccess": "Diis Profilbild isch erfolgriich gsetzt worde!"
"deletion": {
"title": "Lösche deinen Vikunja-Account",
"text1": "Das Löschen deines Accounts ist dauerhaft und unwiderruflich. Alle Namensräume, Listen und zugehörige Daten werden gelöscht.",
"text2": "Zum Fortfahren gib bitte dein Passwort ein. Du erhältst eine E-Mail mit weiteren Anweisungen.",
"confirm": "Meinen Account löschen",
"requestSuccess": "Die Anfrage war erfolgreich. Du erhältst eine E-Mail mit weiteren Anweisungen.",
"passwordRequired": "Bitte gib dein Passwort ein.",
"confirmSuccess": "Du hast erfolgreich die Löschung deines Accounts bestätigt. Wir werden deinen Account innerhalb von drei Tagen löschen.",
"scheduled": "Wir werden deinen Vikunja-Account am {date} ({dateSince}) löschen.",
"scheduledCancel": "Um die Löschung deines Accounts abzubrechen, klicke hier.",
"scheduledCancelText": "Um die Löschung deines Accounts abzubrechen, gib bitte dein Passwort unten ein:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "Löschung meines Accounts abbrechen",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "Wir werden deinen Account nicht löschen."
"export": {
"title": "Exportiere die Daten deines Vikunja-Accounts",
"description": "Du kannst eine Kopie deiner Daten bei Vikunja anfordern. Dazu gehören Namespaces, Listen, Aufgaben und alles, was damit zusammenhängt. Du kannst diese Daten dann in jeder Vikunja-Instanz über die Migrationsfunktion importieren.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "Bitte gib dein Passwort ein, um fortzufahren:",
"request": "Eine Kopie meiner Vikunja Daten anfordern",
"success": "Du hast deine Daten bei Vikunja erfolgreich angefordert! Wir schicken dir eine E-Mail, sobald sie zum Download bereitstehen."
"list": {
"archived": "Die Liste isch archiviert. Es isch nid möglich e neui Uufgab drin z'erstelle oder z'bearbeite.",
"title": "Liste Titl",
"color": "Farb",
"lists": "Listene",
"search": "Schriib, um nachere Liste z'sueche…",
"searchSelect": "Druck uf Enter um die Liste uuszwähle",
"shared": "Teilti Liste",
"create": {
"header": "Neui Liste erstelle",
"titlePlaceholder": "Listetitl da ahgeh…",
"addTitleRequired": "Bitte gib en Titl ah.",
"createdSuccess": "Liste erfolgriich erstellt.",
"addListRequired": "Bitte gib e Liste ah oder definier e standard Liste i de Iihstellige."
"archive": {
"title": "\"{list}\" archiviere",
"archive": "Die Liste archiviere",
"unarchive": "Die Liste nüm archiviere",
"unarchiveText": "Du chasch neui Uufgabe erstelle oder bearbeite.",
"archiveText": "Du chasch kei neui Uufgabe erstelle oder bearbeite bis du das nüm archiviert häsch.",
"success": "Die Liste isch erfolgriich archiviert worde."
"background": {
"title": "Listehintergrund setze",
"remove": "Listehintergrund entferne",
"upload": "Wähl en Hintergrund vo diim Pc uus",
"searchPlaceholder": "Suech nach emne Hintergrund…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Unterstützt vo Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Meh Fotis ladä",
"success": "De Hintergrund isch erfolgriich gsetzt worde!",
"removeSuccess": "De Hintergrund isch erfolgriich entfernt worde!"
"delete": {
"title": "\"{list}\" chüble",
"header": "Die Liste chüble",
"text1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du die Liste und all ihren Inhalt chüble wetsch?",
"text2": "Das beinhalltet alli Uufgabe und CHAN NID RÜCKGÄNGIG GMACHT WERDE!",
"success": "Die Liste isch erfolgriich g'chüblet wore."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Die Liste dubliziere",
"label": "Dubliziere",
"text": "Wähl en Namensruum uus, wo die dubliziert Liste hii set gah:",
"success": "D'Liste isch erfolgriich dubliziert wore."
"edit": {
"header": "Die Liste bearbeite",
"title": "\"{list}\" bearbeite",
"titlePlaceholder": "Listetitl da ahgeh…",
"identifierTooltip": "De Liste Identifikator chan benutzt werde, um Uufgabe differenzierbar über mehreri Liste z'erkenne. Du chasch das Feld leer lah, um die Funktion z'deaktiviere.",
"identifier": "Liste Identifikator",
"identifierPlaceholder": "Listeidentifikator da ahgeh…",
"description": "Beschriibig",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "D'Listebeschriibig chunt da hane…",
"color": "Farb",
"success": "D'Liste isch erfolgriich aktualisiert wore."
"share": {
"header": "Die Liste teile",
"title": "\"{list}\" teile",
"share": "Teilä",
"links": {
"title": "Link teile",
"what": "Was isch en teilte Link?",
"explanation": "En Teilte Link git dir d'möglichkeit, e Liste mit anderne Benutzer wo kein Vikunja account hend, z'teile.",
"create": "En neue teilte Link erstelle",
"name": "Namä (optional)",
"namePlaceholder": "z.B. Reto Häberli",
"nameExplanation": "Alli aktione, wo mit dem teilte Link gmacht werdet, werded mit dem Name hinterleit.",
"password": "Passwort (optional)",
"passwordExplanation": "De Benutzer wird um es Passwort bättet, wenn er dadruf zuegriift.",
"noName": "Kein Name g'setzt",
"remove": "Linkfreigab lösche",
"removeText": "Bisch du sicher, dass du die Freigab lösche wetsch? Es wird nüme möglich sii, die Liste mit dem Link z'erreiche. Das chann nid rückgängig gmacht werde!",
"createSuccess": "De Freigabelink isch erfolgriich erstellt wore.",
"deleteSuccess": "De g'teilti Link isch erfolgriich g'chüblet wore"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "Benutzer | Benutzer",
"typeTeam": "Team | Teams",
"shared": "Mit dene {type} teilt",
"you": "Du",
"notShared": "Nid mit {type} teilt.",
"removeHeader": "{type} vo dere {sharable} entferne",
"removeText": "Bisch du sicher du wersch de {sharable} vo dem {type} entferne? Das cha nid rückgängig gmacht werde!",
"removeSuccess": "De {sharable} isch erfolgriich vom {type} entfernt wore.",
"addedSuccess": "De {type} isch erfolgriich hinzuegfüegt wore.",
"updatedSuccess": "De {type} isch erfolgriich hinzuegfüegt wore."
"right": {
"title": "Rechts",
"read": "Nur Lese",
"readWrite": "Lese und Schriibe",
"admin": "Chef"
"attributes": {
"link": "Link",
"name": "Namä",
"sharedBy": "Teilt vo",
"right": "Rechts",
"delete": "Chüble"
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Hinzuefüege",
"addPlaceholder": "E neui Uufgab erstelle…",
"empty": "D'Liste isch momentan leer.",
"newTaskCta": "Neui Uufgab erstelle.",
"editTask": "Uufgab bearbeite"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Zeig Uufgabe, wo kei Date hend",
"size": "Grössi",
"default": "Standard",
"month": "Monet",
"day": "Taag",
"from": "Vo",
"to": "Bis",
"noDates": "Die Uufgab het no kei Datum gsetzt."
"table": {
"title": "Tabällä",
"columns": "Spaltä"
"kanban": {
"title": "Kanban",
"limit": "Limitä: {limit}",
"noLimit": "Nid gsetzt",
"doneBucket": "Fertig-Chübl",
"doneBucketHint": "Alli Uufgabe wo i de Chübl gworfe werded, sind automatisch als Färtig markiert.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "Alli Uufgabe wo i de Chübl gworfe werded, sind automatisch als Färtig markiert. Alli Uufgabe wo vo irgendwo anders als Färtig markiert worde sind, werded au dahii gschobe.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "De Färtig-Chübl isch erfolgriich gspeicheret worde.",
"deleteLast": "Du chasch de letscht Chübl nid entferne.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Neue Uufgabe Titl hinzuefüege…",
"addTask": "Uufgab hinzuefüegä",
"addAnotherTask": "Nomol e Uufgab hinzuefüege",
"addBucket": "Neue Chübl erstelle",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Gib en neue Chübl-Name iih…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "De Chübl chüblä",
"deleteBucketText1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de Chübl chüblä wetsch?",
"deleteBucketText2": "Das löscht kei Uufgabe, aber wirft si in Standard-Chübl.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "De Chübl isch erfolgriich g'chüblet worde.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "De Chübl Name isch erfolgriich gspeicheret worde.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "Das Chübl-Limit isch erfolgriich gspeicheret worde.",
"collapse": "De Chübl zemeklappe"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Favoriite"
"namespace": {
"title": "Namensrüüm und Listene",
"namespace": "Namensruum",
"showArchived": "Archivierti aahzeige",
"noneAvailable": "Du hesch momentan kein Namensruuim.",
"unarchive": "Ent-archiviere",
"archived": "Archiviert",
"noLists": "De Namensruum het kei Listene drin.",
"createList": "E neui Liste i dem Namensruum erstelle.",
"namespaces": "Namensrüüm",
"search": "Schriib, um nachemne Namensruum z'sueche…",
"create": {
"title": "Neue Namensruum erstelle",
"titleRequired": "Bitte gib en Titl ah.",
"explanation": "En Namensruum isch e Gruppe vo Liste, wo du chasch zur Organisation benutze. Tatsächlich sind alli Listene emne Namensruum zuegwise.",
"tooltip": "Was isch en Namensruum?",
"success": "Namensruum erstellt."
"archive": {
"titleArchive": "\"{namespace}\" archiviere",
"titleUnarchive": "\"{namespace}\" ent-archiviere",
"archiveText": "Du hesch kei möglichkeit meh de Namensruum z'bearbeite oder neui Listene drin z'erstelle, bis du si wider ent-archiviert hesch. Das archiviert au grad alli Liste im Namensruum.",
"unarchiveText": "Du chasch neui Liste erstelle oder bearbeite.",
"success": "De Namensruum isch erfolgriich archiviert worde.",
"description": "Wenn en Namensruum archiviert isch, chasch du kei neui Liste erstelle oder die bearbeite."
"delete": {
"title": "\"{namespace}\" chüble",
"text1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de Namensruum und all ihren Inhalt chüble wetsch?",
"text2": "Das beinhalltet alli Liste und Uufgabe und CHAN NID RÜCKGÄNGIG GMACHT WERDE!",
"success": "Namensruum g'chüblet."
"edit": {
"title": "\"{namespace}\" bearbeite",
"success": "Namensruum aktualisiert."
"share": {
"title": "\"{namespace}\" teile"
"attributes": {
"title": "Namensruumtitl",
"titlePlaceholder": "De Namensruumtitl chunt da ahne…",
"description": "Beschriibig",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "D'Namensruum Beschriibig chunt da ahne…",
"color": "Farb",
"archived": "Isch archiviert",
"isArchived": "De Namensruum isch archiviert"
"pseudo": {
"sharedLists": {
"title": "G'Teilti Liste"
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorite"
"savedFilters": {
"title": "Filter"
"filters": {
"title": "Filter",
"attributes": {
"title": "Titl",
"titlePlaceholder": "De Name für de g'speicheret Filter chunt da ahne…",
"description": "Beschriibig",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "D'Beschriibig chunt da hane…",
"includeNulls": "Uufgabe ohni Wert iihbezieh",
"requireAll": "Alli Filter mend wahr sii, demits die Uufgab ahzeigt",
"showDoneTasks": "Zeig die fertige Uufgabe",
"enablePriority": "Filter nach Priorität aktiviere",
"enablePercentDone": "Filter nach Prozent iihschalte",
"dueDateRange": "Fälligkeitsberiich",
"startDateRange": "Startdatumsbreiich",
"endDateRange": "Enddatumsberiich",
"reminderRange": "Errinnerigs Datumbereich"
"create": {
"title": "Neue gspeicherete Filter erstelle",
"description": "En gspeicherete Filter isch e virtuelli Liste, welche vomene Satz a Filter zemmegsetzt wird, sobald me uf sie zuegriift. Wenn sie mal erstellt worde isch, erhaltet si ihren eigene Namensruum.",
"action": "Neue gspeicherete Filter erstelle"
"delete": {
"header": "De g'speicheret Filter chüble",
"text": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de gspeicheret Filter chüble wetsch?",
"success": "De filter isch erfolgriich g'chüblet wore."
"edit": {
"title": "De g'speicheret Filter bearbeite",
"success": "De filter isch erfolgriich g'speichered wore."
"migrate": {
"title": "Vomene andere Dienst zu Vikunja migriere",
"titleService": "Dini Date vo {name} in Vikunja importiere",
"import": "Dini Date in Vikunja importiere",
"description": "Klick ufs Logo une vo eine vo de Drittabüüter um aahzfange.",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja importiert alli Liste, Uufgabe, Notize, Erinnerige und Dateie, wo du Zuegriff druff hesch.",
"authorize": "Gib Vikunja zuegriff uf din {name} Account, idem du une uf de Chnopf drucksch.",
"getStarted": "Loslah",
"inProgress": "Importierä…",
"alreadyMigrated1": "Gseht so us als hettisch du scho alles vo {name} am {datum} importiert.",
"alreadyMigrated2": "Es erneuts Importiere isch scho mögli, aber chenti Duplikaat erstelle. Bisch der sicher?",
"confirm": "Ich bin sicher, fang mit de Migration ah!",
"importUpload": "Um Daten von {name} in Vikunja zu importieren, klicke auf die Schaltfläche unten, um eine Datei auszuwählen.",
"upload": "Datei hochladen"
"label": {
"title": "Labels",
"manage": "Label migriere",
"description": "Klick uf es Label ums z'editiere. Du chasch alli Labels, wo du erstellt hesch editiere. Du chasch au uf alli Labels zuegriife, wo ufere Liste sind, i dere du Zuegriff hesch.",
"newCTA": "Du hesch momentan kei Labels.",
"search": "Schriib, um nachemne Label z'sueche…",
"create": {
"header": "Neus Label",
"title": "Neus Label erstelle",
"titleRequired": "Bitte gib en Titl ah.",
"success": "Da Label isch erfolgriich erstellt wore."
"edit": {
"header": "Label editiere",
"forbidden": "Du derfsch da Label nid aahpasse, weils dir nid ghöört.",
"success": "Da Label isch erfolgriich aktualisiert wore."
"deleteSuccess": "Da Label isch erfolgriich g'chüblet wore.",
"attributes": {
"title": "Titl",
"titlePlaceholder": "Labeltitel da ahgeh…",
"description": "Beschriibig",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Label Beschriibig",
"color": "Farb"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "Authentifiziere…",
"passwordRequired": "Die teilt Liste bruucht es Passwort. Bitte gibs une ah:",
"error": "Het en Fähler geh. :(",
"invalidPassword": "Da Passwort isch ungültig."
"navigation": {
"overview": "Übersicht",
"upcoming": "Ahstehänd",
"settings": "Iihstellige",
"imprint": "Immpressum",
"privacy": "Dateschutzerchlärig"
"misc": {
"loading": "Ladä…",
"save": "Speichere",
"delete": "Chüble",
"confirm": "Bestätige",
"cancel": "Abbreche",
"refresh": "Neu lade",
"disable": "Deaktiviere",
"copy": "I'd Zwüscheablaag kopiere",
"search": "Sueche",
"searchPlaceholder": "Schriib zum sueche…",
"previous": "Vorherige",
"next": "Wiiter",
"poweredBy": "Unterstützt vo Vikunja",
"info": "Informationä",
"create": "Erstellä",
"doit": "Machs!",
"saving": "Speichere…",
"saved": "Gspeicheret!",
"default": "Standard",
"close": "Schlüüse",
"download": "Herunterladen"
"input": {
"resetColor": "Farb zruggsetze",
"datepicker": {
"today": "Hütt",
"tomorrow": "Morn",
"nextMonday": "Negste Määntig",
"thisWeekend": "Das Wuchenend",
"laterThisWeek": "Spöter i dere Wuche",
"nextWeek": "Negst Wuchä",
"chooseDate": "Es Datum uuswähle"
"editor": {
"edit": "Bearbeitä",
"done": "Fertig",
"heading1": "Überschrift 1",
"heading2": "Überschrift 2",
"heading3": "Überschrift 3",
"headingSmaller": "Chliini Überschrift",
"headingBigger": "Grösseri Überschrift",
"bold": "Fett",
"italic": "Kursiiv",
"strikethrough": "Duregstriche",
"code": "Code",
"quote": "Zitaat",
"unorderedList": "Ungordnedi Listä",
"orderedList": "Gordneti Listä",
"cleanBlock": "Formatierig Lösche",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Bild",
"table": "Tabällä",
"horizontalRule": "Horizontalä Strich",
"sideBySide": "Nebedenand",
"guide": "Hilfsliniä"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Neu erstelle",
"selectPlaceholder": "Druck uf Enter zum uuswähle"
"task": {
"task": "Uufgab",
"new": "Neui Uufgab erstelle",
"delete": "Die Uufgab chüble",
"createSuccess": "Die Uufgab isch erfolgriich erstellt wordä.",
"addReminder": "Neui Errinnerig erstelle…",
"doneSuccess": "Die Uufgab isch erfolgriich als \"Fertig\" markiert wordä.",
"undoneSuccess": "Die Uufgaab isch nüme als fertig markiert.",
"openDetail": "Uufgab i de Detailaahsicht öffne",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "Momentani Uufgabe",
"titleDates": "Uufgabe vo {from} bis {to}",
"noDates": "Zeig Uufgabe ohni Datum",
"current": "Momentani Uufgabe",
"from": "Uufgabe vo",
"until": "bis",
"today": "Hütt",
"nextWeek": "Negst Wuchä",
"nextMonth": "Negste Monet",
"noTasks": "Git nix ztue! Heb e schös Tägli!"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "Druck da, um es Fälligkeitsdatum z'setze",
"chooseStartDate": "Druck dah, um es Startdatum z'setze",
"chooseEndDate": "Druck da, um es Enddatum z'setze",
"move": "Schieb die Uufgab in e anderi Liste",
"done": "Fertig!",
"undone": "Als unerledigt markierä",
"created": "Erstellt am {0} vo {1}",
"updated": "{0} g'updatet",
"doneAt": "{0} erledigt",
"updateSuccess": "Die Uufgab isch erfolgriich g'speichered wore.",
"deleteSuccess": "Die Uufgab isch erfolgriich g'chüblet wore.",
"belongsToList": "Die Uufgab ghlrt zu de \"{list}\" Liste",
"due": "Fällig bis {at}",
"delete": {
"header": "Die Uufgab chüble",
"text1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du die Uufgab chüblä wetsch?",
"text2": "Das wird au alli Ahhäng, Errinnerige und Beziehige wo mit dere Uufgab verchnüpft sind chüble und cha nid rückgängig gmacht werde!"
"actions": {
"assign": "Die Uufgab emne Benutzer zuewiise",
"label": "Label hinzuefüege",
"priority": "Priorität setzä",
"dueDate": "Fälligkeitsdatum setze",
"startDate": "Startdatum setze",
"endDate": "Enddatum setze",
"reminders": "Errinnerig iihstelle",
"repeatAfter": "En wiederholende Intervall setze",
"percentDone": "Prozentuelli Erledigung setze",
"attachments": "Aahang hinzuefüege",
"relatedTasks": "Uufgabsbeziehig hinzufüege",
"moveList": "Uufgab verschiebe",
"color": "Uufgab Farb setze",
"delete": "Uufgab chüble",
"favorite": "In Favoriten speichern",
"unfavorite": "Aus Favoriten entfernen"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "Zuegwiseni",
"color": "Farb",
"created": "Erstellt",
"createdBy": "Erstellt vo",
"description": "Beschriibig",
"done": "Fertig",
"dueDate": "Fälligkeitsdatum",
"endDate": "Enddatum",
"labels": "Labels",
"percentDone": "% fertig",
"priority": "Priorität",
"relatedTasks": "Verwandti Uufgabe",
"reminders": "Errinnerige",
"repeat": "Widerhole",
"startDate": "Aahfangs Datum",
"title": "Titl",
"updated": "Aktualisiert"
"subscription": {
"subscribedThroughParent": "Du chasch da nid deabonnierä, weil du zu dere {entity} durch {parent} dezue abonniert bisch.",
"subscribed": "Du bisch momentan zu dere {entity} abonniert und bechunsch Benachrichtigunge für Änderige.",
"notSubscribed": "Du bisch momentan nid zu dere {entity} abonniert und bechunsch kei Benachrichtigunge für Änderige.",
"subscribe": "Abooniere",
"unsubscribe": "Deabonniere",
"subscribeSuccess": "Du hesch die {entity} abonniert",
"unsubscribeSuccess": "Du hesch die {entity} deabonniert"
"attachment": {
"title": "Aahhäng",
"createdBy": "{0} vo {1} erstellt",
"downloadTooltip": "De Aahang abeladä",
"upload": "Aahang ufeladä",
"drop": "Zieh dini Datei da ahne, um si ufezladä",
"delete": "Aahhang lösche",
"deleteTooltip": "De Aahhang lösche",
"deleteText1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de Aahang {filename} lösche wetsch?",
"deleteText2": "Das chan nid rückgängig gmacht werde!",
"copyUrl": "URL Kopierä",
"copyUrlTooltip": "D'Url vo dem Aahang kopiere, um sie im Text zbruuche"
"comment": {
"title": "Kommentär",
"loading": "Kommentär werded gladä…",
"edited": "beartbeitet am {date}",
"creating": "Kommentar wird erstellt…",
"placeholder": "Din Kommentar wird hinzuegfüegt…",
"comment": "Kommentar",
"delete": "De Kommentar chüble",
"deleteText1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de Kommentar chüble wetsch?",
"deleteText2": "Das chan nid rückgängig gmacht werde!",
"addedSuccess": "Din Kommentar isch erfolgriich hinzuegfüegt worde."
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "Fälligkeitsdatum verschiebe",
"1day": "Ein Taag",
"3days": "Drüü Tääg",
"1week": "Ei Wuche"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Klicke do, um e Beschriibig iihzfüege…",
"empty": "Momentan hets kei Beschriibig."
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "Schriib, um en User zuezwiise…",
"selectPlaceholder": "Dem User zuewiise",
"assignSuccess": "De Benutzer isch erfolgriich zuegwise worde.",
"unassignSuccess": "D'Zuewiisig vom Benutzer isch erfolgriich entfernt worde."
"label": {
"placeholder": "Schriib, um es neues Label hinzuezfüege…",
"createPlaceholder": "Das als neues Label hinzuefüege",
"addSuccess": "Das Label isch erfolgriich hinzuegfüegt worde.",
"createSuccess": "Das Label isch erfolgriich erstellt worde.",
"removeSuccess": "Das Label isch erfolgriich glöscht."
"priority": {
"unset": "Nid iihgstellt",
"low": "Tüüf",
"medium": "Mittl",
"high": "Hööch",
"urgent": "Dringänd",
"doNow": "JETZT MACHÄ"
"relation": {
"add": "Neui Uufgabe Beziehig hinzuefüege",
"new": "Neui Uufgabe Beziehig",
"searchPlaceholder": "Schriib, um e neui Uufgab als Zueghörigkeit hinzuezfüege…",
"createPlaceholder": "Das als en neui Zueghörigkeit hinzuefüege",
"differentList": "Die Uufgab ghöört zu ere andere Liste.",
"noneYet": "S'git kei Uufgabe Beziehige.",
"delete": "Uufgabe Beziehig chüble",
"deleteText1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du die Zueghörigkeit chüblä wetsch?",
"deleteText2": "Das chan nid rückgängig gmacht werde!"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "Jedä Tag",
"everyWeek": "Jedi Wuche",
"everyMonth": "Jede Monet",
"mode": "Widerholigs Modus",
"monthly": "Monatlich",
"fromCurrentDate": "Vom Hüttige Datum",
"each": "Jedä",
"specifyAmount": "Gib e Ahzahl ah…",
"hours": "Stundä",
"days": "Tääg",
"weeks": "Wuchä",
"months": "Monet",
"years": "Jahr"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "Du chasch Quick Add Magic verwendä",
"what": "Was?",
"title": "Quick Add Magic",
"intro": "Bim erstelle vonere Uufgab, chasch du spezielli Schlüsselwörter verwende, umm Attribute direkt zu dere Uufgab hinzuezfüege. Das Erlaubts, um pblichi Attribute schneller zu Uufgabe hinzuezfüege.",
"multiple": "Du chasch da mehrmals mache.",
"label1": "Um es Label hinzuezfüege, schriib eifach es {prefix} vorne ane.",
"label2": "Vikunja prüeft z'ersch, obs da Label bereits git und machst neu, falls nööd.",
"label3": "Um Leerschläg zverwende, setz eifach zwei \" um de Labelname.",
"label4": "Zum Blaistift: {prefix}\"Label mit Leerschlag\".",
"priority1": "Um e Task Priorität z'setze: füeg e nummere zwüsched 1 und 5, mit em {prefix} als Prefix iih.",
"priority2": "Je höher d'nummere, desto höher d'Priorität.",
"assignees": "Um direkt e Uufgab emne Benutzer zuezwiise, setz es @ vor ihren Benutzername.",
"list1": "Um e Liste ahzgeh, wo de Task drin erschiine set, gib de name vo de liste mit emne {prefix} ah.",
"list2": "Das wird en Fehler werfe, wenn d'Liste nid existiert.",
"dateAndTime": "Datum und Ziit",
"date": "Jedes Datum wird als Abgabedatum für di neu Uufgab gnoh. Du chasch Date i de folgende Format verwende:",
"dateWeekday": "jede Wuchetaag wird nimmt s'negste Datum mit dem Datum",
"dateCurrentYear": "nimmt das laufende Jahr",
"dateNth": "nimmt de {day}ti vom jetzige Monet",
"dateTime": "Kombiniere irgendeis vo dene Datumsformat mit \"{time}\" (oder {timePM}) um e Ziit z'setze."
"team": {
"title": "Teams",
"noTeams": "Du hesch momentan kei Team Ahghörigkeit.",
"create": {
"title": "E neus Team erstelle",
"success": "Da Team isch erfolgriich erstellt wordä."
"edit": {
"title": "Team „{team}“ bearbeite",
"members": "Teammitglieder",
"search": "Schriib, um en User z'sueche…",
"addUser": "Zum Team hinzufüge",
"makeMember": "Benutzer erstelle",
"makeAdmin": "Chef mache",
"success": "Team aktualisiert.",
"userAddedSuccess": "Teammitglied hinzugefüegt.",
"madeMember": "Das Teammitglied ist ez es normals Mitglied.",
"madeAdmin": "Teammitglied isch ez en Chef.",
"delete": {
"header": "Das Team chüble",
"text1": "Bischder sicher, dasst wetsch da Team mit allne Mitglieder lösche?",
"text2": "Alli Teammitglider werded ihren Zuegang zu de Liste und Namensrüüm wo mit dem Team verbunde sind verlüüre. Das CHAN NID RÜCKGÄNIG gmacht werde!",
"success": "Da Team isch erfolgriich g'chüblet wore."
"deleteUser": {
"header": "Benutzer usem Team entferne",
"text1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de Benutzer usm Team werfe wetsch?",
"text2": "Er wird Zuegriff uf alli Liste und Namensrüüm verlüüre, wo da Team zuegriff druff het. Das CHAN NID RÜCKGÄNIG GMACHT WERDE!",
"success": "Benutzer erfolgriich usegworfe."
"attributes": {
"name": "Teamnamä",
"namePlaceholder": "Teamname da ahgeh…",
"nameRequired": "Bitte gib en Name an.",
"description": "Beschriibig",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "D'Team Beschriibig chunt da ahne…",
"admin": "Chef",
"member": "Mitglied"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "Tastatuurchürzl",
"allPages": "Die Chürzl funktioniered uf allne Siitene.",
"currentPageOnly": "Die Chürzl funktioniered nur uf de momentane Siite.",
"toggleMenu": "Menü umschalte",
"quickSearch": "Suechi und Schnellaktionsliste öffne",
"task": {
"title": "Uufgabesiite",
"done": "Uufgab als erledigt markiere",
"assign": "Die Uufgab emne Benutzer zuewiise",
"labels": "Labels ennere Uufgab hinzuefüege",
"dueDate": "S'Fälligkeitsdatum für die Uufgab ändere",
"attachment": "En Aahang dere Uufgab hinzuefüege",
"related": "Beziehige vo dere Uufgab bearbeite"
"update": {
"available": "Es het es Update für Vikiunja!",
"do": "Jetzt aktualisierä"
"menu": {
"edit": "Bearbeitä",
"archive": "Archiviere",
"duplicate": "Dublizierä",
"delete": "Chüble",
"unarchive": "Ent-archiviere",
"setBackground": "Hintergrund iihstelle",
"share": "Teilä",
"newList": "Neui Listä"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "Vikunja URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "z.B. https://localhost:3456",
"change": "ändere",
"signInOn": "Dich i diin Vikunja-Account Iihloge uf {0}",
"error": "Es het kei Vikunja Installation uf \"{domain}\".",
"success": "Benutze d'Vikunja Installation uf \"{domain}\"."
"loadingError": {
"failed": "Ladä isch fählgschlage, bitte {0}. Wenn de Fähler bestaht, denn {1}.",
"tryAgain": "nomal versueche",
"contact": "üs kontaktierä"
"notification": {
"title": "Benachrichtigunge",
"none": "Du hesch kei neui Benachrichtunge. Heb e schös Tägli!",
"explainer": "Benachrichtigunge landed do, wenn eppis bi de Namensrüüm, Liste oder Uufgabe passiert, welche du abonniert hesch."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "Befehl",
"placeholder": "Schriib en Befehl oder suech…",
"hint": "Du chasch en # benutze, um nur nach Uufgabe zsueche, * um nur nach Liste zsueche und @ um nur Teams z'sueche.",
"tasks": "Uufgabe",
"lists": "Listene",
"teams": "Teams",
"newList": "Gib en Titl für die neu Liste iih…",
"newTask": "Gib en Titl für die neu Uufgab iih…",
"newNamespace": "Gib en Titl für de neu Namensruum iih…",
"newTeam": "Gib en Name für da neui Team iih…",
"createTask": "Erstell e Uufgab i de momentane Listä ({title})",
"createList": "Erstell e Liste im momentane Namensruum ({title})",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "Neui Uufgab",
"newList": "Neui Liste",
"newNamespace": "Neue Namensruum",
"newTeam": "Neus Team"
"date": {
"locale": "ch",
"in": "in {date}",
"ago": "vor {date}",
"altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "Fähler",
"success": "Erfolg",
"0001": "Du komsch hier ned rein.",
"1001": "En Benutzer mit dem Benutzernamä existiert bereits.",
"1002": "En Benutzer mit derä E-Mail Adressä existiert bereits.",
"1004": "Kein Benutzername oder Passwort ahgeh.",
"1005": "De Benutzer gits nid.",
"1006": "Han die Id nid finde chöne.",
"1008": "Kei Password Zruggsetz-Token ahgäh.",
"1009": "Ungültiges Passwort Zruggsetz-Token.",
"1010": "Ungültiges E-Mail Bestätigungs-Token.",
"1011": "Falsche Benutzername oder Passwort.",
"1012": "Die E-Mail vo dem Benutzer isch nid bestätigt.",
"1013": "Neus Passwort isch läär.",
"1014": "Alts Passwort isch läär.",
"1015": "Totp isch für de Benutzer scho aktiv.",
"1016": "Totp isch für de Benutzer nid aktiv.",
"1017": "De Totp Code nid gültig.",
"1018": "Die Benutzer Profilbild Iihstellige sind nid gültig.",
"2001": "ID chann nid leer oder 0 sii.",
"2002": "Ebbis vo de Ahfragedate isch ungültig.",
"3001": "Die Liste giz nid.",
"3004": "Du hesch kei Läseberächtigung für die Liste um das durezfüehre.",
"3005": "De Titl cha nid leer sii.",
"3006": "Die Freigab giz nid.",
"3007": "E Liste mit dere Identifizierig giz scho.",
"3008": "Die Liste isch archiviert und chan desshalb nur glese werde. Das gliiche gilt für alli Uufgabe i dere Liste.",
"4001": "De Liste Uufgabe Titl cha nid leer sii.",
"4002": "Die Liste Uufgab giz nid.",
"4003": "Alli Massebearbeitige a Uufgabe müend i de selbe Liste passiere.",
"4004": "Es bruucht mindestens ei Uufgab, um e Masseänderig durezfüehre.",
"4005": "Du hesch kei Berechtigung, um die Uufgab ahzzeige.",
"4006": "Du chasch kei übergordneti Uufgab uf sich selbst refferenziere.",
"4007": "Du chasch kei Uufgab mit ere ungültige Beziehig erstelle.",
"4008": "Du chasch kei Beziehig erstelle, wos scho git.",
"4009": "Die Task Beziehig giz nid </3.",
"4010": "Du chasch e Uufgab nid mit sich selbst verchnüpfe.",
"4011": "De Aahang giz nid.",
"4012": "Din Aahang isch z'gross.",
"4013": "De Sortierigsparameter isch falsch.",
"4014": "Die Uufgabe Sortierigsreihefolg isch ungültig.",
"4015": "De Uufgabe Kommentar giz nid.",
"4016": "Ungültigs Uufgabefeld.",
"4017": "Ungültige Uufgabefilter vergliich.",
"4018": "Ungültige Uufgabefilter Zemmezug.",
"4019": "Ungültigi Uufgabe Filter Wert.",
"5001": "De Namensruum existiert nid.",
"5003": "Du hesch kei Zuegriff zu dem Namensruum.",
"5006": "De Namensruum Name cha nid leer sii.",
"5009": "Du bruuchsch Läsezuegriff uf de Namensruum, um das durezfüehre.",
"5010": "Da Team hett kei zuegriff uf de Namensruum.",
"5011": "De Benutzer hett bereits zuegriff uf de Namensruum.",
"5012": "De Namensruum isch momentan schriibgschützt weil er archiviert isch.",
"6001": "Der TeamName kann nicht leer sein.",
"6002": "Da Team giz nid.",
"6004": "Da Team het scho Zuegang zu dem Namensruum oder Liste.",
"6005": "De Benutzer isch scho bi dem Team.",
"6006": "Du chasch nid de letschti Benutzer vom Team lösche.",
"6007": "Da Team het kei Zuegriff uf die Liste, um das durezfüehre.",
"7002": "De Benutzer het scho Zuegriff uf die Liste.",
"7003": "Du hesch kei Zuegriff uf die Liste.",
"8001": "Da Label existiert scho für die Uufgab.",
"8002": "Das Label giz nid.",
"8003": "Du hesch kei Zuegriff uf da Label.",
"9001": "Die Berechtigung isch ungültig.",
"10001": "De Chübl gits nid.",
"10002": "De Chübl ghört nid i die Liste.",
"10003": "Du chasch de letscht Chübl nid vo de Liste neh.",
"10004": "Du chasch die Uufgab nid dem Chübl zue wiise, weil er d'Limite für Uufgabe erreicht het.",
"10005": "Es chan nur ein Fertig Chübl pro Liste geh.",
"11001": "De g'speicheret Filter giz nid.",
"11002": "G'speichereti Filter chend nid Teilt werde.",
"12001": "De Abonnement Entitätstyp isch ungültig.",
"12002": "Du bisch scho zu dere oder ere übergordnete Entität abonniert.",
"13001": "De teilti Link bruucht es Passwort, aber du hesch keis aahgeh.",
"13002": "Das Passwort wo du geh hesch isch ungültig."
"about": {
"title": "Über",
"frontendVersion": "Frontend Version: {version}",
"apiVersion": "API Version: {version}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
"home": {
"welcomeNight": "Gute Nacht, {username}",
"welcomeMorning": "Guten Morgen, {username}",
"welcomeDay": "Hallo, {username}",
"welcomeEvening": "Guten Abend, {username}",
"lastViewed": "Zuletzt angesehen",
"list": {
"newText": "Du kannst eine neue Liste für deine neuen Aufgaben erstellen:",
"new": "Eine neue Liste erstellen",
"importText": "Oder importiere deine Listen und Aufgaben aus anderen Diensten in Vikunja:",
"import": "Deine Daten in Vikunja importieren"
"404": {
"title": "Nicht gefunden",
"text": "Die angeforderte Seite existiert nicht."
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "Anmeldename",
"usernameEmail": "Anmeldename oder E-Mail-Adresse",
"usernamePlaceholder": "z.B. frederick",
"email": "E-Mail-Adresse",
"emailPlaceholder": "z.B. frederic@vikunja.io",
"password": "Passwort",
"passwordRepeat": "Gib dein Passwort erneut ein",
"passwordPlaceholder": "z.B. •••••••••••",
"resetPassword": "Setze dein Passwort zurück",
"resetPasswordAction": "Sende mir einen Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "Prüfe deinen Posteingang! Du solltest eine E-Mail mit Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen deines Passworts erhalten haben.",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "Du hast deine E-Mail-Adresse erfolgreich bestätigt! Du kannst dich jetzt einloggen.",
"totpTitle": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungscode",
"totpPlaceholder": "z.B. 123456",
"login": "Anmelden",
"register": "Registrieren",
"loginWith": "Mit {provider} anmelden",
"authenticating": "Authentifizierung…",
"openIdStateError": "Zustand stimmt nicht überein, fahre nicht fort!",
"openIdGeneralError": "Es ist ein Fehler bei der externen Authentisierung aufgetreten.",
"logout": "Abmelden"
"settings": {
"title": "Einstellungen",
"newPasswordTitle": "Aktualisiere dein Passwort",
"newPassword": "Neues Passwort",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Bestätigung des neuen Passworts",
"currentPassword": "Aktuelles Passwort",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Dein aktuelles Passwort",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Das neue Passwort und seine Bestätigung stimmen nicht überein.",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "Das Passwort wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"updateEmailTitle": "Aktualisiere deine E-Mail-Adresse",
"updateEmailNew": "Neue E-Mail-Adresse",
"updateEmailSuccess": "Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert. Wir haben dir einen Link zur Bestätigung geschickt.",
"general": {
"title": "Allgemeine Einstellungen",
"name": "Name",
"newName": "Neuer Name",
"savedSuccess": "Die Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"emailReminders": "Erinnerungen an Aufgaben per E-Mail senden",
"overdueReminders": "Erinnerungen für überfällige, unerledigte Aufgaben jeden Morgen per E-Mail senden",
"discoverableByName": "Andere können mich finden, wenn sie nach meinem Namen suchen",
"discoverableByEmail": "Andere können mich finden, wenn sie nach meiner kompletten E-Mail-Adresse suchen",
"playSoundWhenDone": "Einen Ton abspielen, wenn Aufgaben als erledigt markiert werden",
"weekStart": "Woche beginnt am",
"weekStartSunday": "Sonntag",
"weekStartMonday": "Montag",
"language": "Sprache",
"defaultList": "Standard-Liste"
"totp": {
"title": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung",
"enroll": "Aktivieren",
"finishSetupPart1": "Um die Aktivierung zu vollenden, benutze diesen Token in deiner TOTP App (sowie OTP oder ähnlich):",
"finishSetupPart2": "Gib anschließend unten einen Code aus deiner Anwendung ein.",
"scanQR": "Alternativ kannst du auch diesen QR-Code scannen:",
"passcode": "Code",
"passcodePlaceholder": "Ein von deiner TOTP-App generierter code",
"setupSuccess": "Du hast die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung erfolgreich eingerichtet!",
"enterPassword": "Bitte gib dein Passwort ein",
"disable": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung deaktivieren",
"confirmSuccess": "TOTP wurde verifiziert und ist nun verwendbar.",
"disableSuccess": "Die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert."
"caldav": {
"title": "CalDav",
"howTo": "Du kannst Vikunja mit CalDAV-Clients verbinden, um alle Aufgaben mit verschiedenen Clients anzuzeigen und zu verwalten. Gebe dazu diese Url in deine Client ein:",
"more": "Mehr Informationen über CalDAV in Vikunja"
"avatar": {
"title": "Avatar",
"initials": "Initialen",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"upload": "Hochladen",
"uploadAvatar": "Avatar hochladen",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "Avatar-Status wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"setSuccess": "Der Avatar wurde erfolgreich gesetzt!"
"deletion": {
"title": "Lösche deinen Vikunja-Account",
"text1": "Das Löschen deines Accounts ist dauerhaft und unwiderruflich. Alle Namensräume, Listen und zugehörige Daten werden gelöscht.",
"text2": "Zum Fortfahren gib bitte dein Passwort ein. Du erhältst eine E-Mail mit weiteren Anweisungen.",
"confirm": "Meinen Account löschen",
"requestSuccess": "Die Anfrage war erfolgreich. Du erhältst eine E-Mail mit weiteren Anweisungen.",
"passwordRequired": "Bitte gib dein Passwort ein.",
"confirmSuccess": "Du hast erfolgreich die Löschung deines Accounts bestätigt. Wir werden deinen Account innerhalb von drei Tagen löschen.",
"scheduled": "Wir werden deinen Vikunja-Account am {date} ({dateSince}) löschen.",
"scheduledCancel": "Um die Löschung deines Accounts abzubrechen, klicke hier.",
"scheduledCancelText": "Um die Löschung deines Accounts abzubrechen, gib bitte dein Passwort unten ein:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "Löschung meines Accounts abbrechen",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "Wir werden deinen Account nicht löschen."
"export": {
"title": "Exportiere die Daten deines Vikunja-Accounts",
"description": "Du kannst eine Kopie deiner Daten bei Vikunja anfordern. Dazu gehören Namespaces, Listen, Aufgaben und alles, was damit zusammenhängt. Du kannst diese Daten dann in jeder Vikunja-Instanz über die Migrationsfunktion importieren.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "Bitte gib dein Passwort ein, um fortzufahren:",
"request": "Eine Kopie meiner Vikunja Daten anfordern",
"success": "Du hast deine Daten bei Vikunja erfolgreich angefordert! Wir schicken dir eine E-Mail, sobald sie zum Download bereitstehen."
"list": {
"archived": "Diese Liste ist archiviert. Es ist nicht möglich, neue Aufgaben zu erstellen oder sie zu bearbeiten.",
"title": "Listentitel",
"color": "Farbe",
"lists": "Listen",
"search": "Tippe, um nach einer Liste zu suchen…",
"searchSelect": "Klicke auf oder drücke die Eingabetaste, um diese Liste auszuwählen",
"shared": "Geteilte Listen",
"create": {
"header": "Eine neue Liste erstellen",
"titlePlaceholder": "Der Titel der Liste steht hier…",
"addTitleRequired": "Bitte gebe einen Namen an.",
"createdSuccess": "Die Liste wurde erfolgreich erstellt.",
"addListRequired": "Bitte gebe eine Liste an oder lege eine Standardliste in den Einstellungen fest."
"archive": {
"title": "„{list}“ archivieren",
"archive": "Diese Liste archivieren",
"unarchive": "Archivierung dieser Liste aufheben",
"unarchiveText": "Du wirst neue Aufgaben erstellen oder sie bearbeiten können.",
"archiveText": "Du kannst diese Liste nicht bearbeiten oder neue Aufgaben erstellen, bis du die Archivierung aufhebst.",
"success": "Die Liste wurde erfolgreich archiviert."
"background": {
"title": "Listenhintergrund festlegen",
"remove": "Hintergrund entfernen",
"upload": "Wähle einen Hintergrund von deinem Computer",
"searchPlaceholder": "Nach einem Hintergrund suchen…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Powered by Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Weitere Bilder laden",
"success": "Der Hintergrund wurde erfolgreich eingestellt!",
"removeSuccess": "Der Hintergrund wurde erfolgreich entfernt!"
"delete": {
"title": "„{list}“ löschen",
"header": "Diese Liste löschen",
"text1": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Liste und alle ihre Inhalte löschen willst?",
"text2": "Dies umfasst alle Aufgaben und kann NICHT rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"success": "Die Liste wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Diese Liste duplizieren",
"label": "Duplizieren",
"text": "Wähle einen Namespace aus, der die duplizierte Liste enthalten soll:",
"success": "Die Liste wurde erfolgreich dupliziert."
"edit": {
"header": "Diese Liste bearbeiten",
"title": "„{list}“ bearbeiten",
"titlePlaceholder": "Listenname eingeben …",
"identifierTooltip": "Der Listenbezeichner kann zur eindeutigen Identifizierung einer Aufgabe über Listen hinweg verwendet werden. Du kannst ihn auf leer setzen, um ihn zu deaktivieren.",
"identifier": "Listenbezeichner",
"identifierPlaceholder": "Der Listenbezeichner kommt hierhin…",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Listenbeschreibung eingeben…",
"color": "Farbe",
"success": "Die Liste wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
"share": {
"header": "Diese Liste teilen",
"title": "„{list}“ teilen",
"share": "Teilen",
"links": {
"title": "Linkfreigaben",
"what": "Was ist eine Linkfreigabe?",
"explanation": "Mit Linkfreigaben kannst du Listen mit Benutzer:innen ohne Vikunja-Account teilen.",
"create": "Erstelle einen neue Linkfreigabe",
"name": "Name (optional)",
"namePlaceholder": "z.B. Max Muster",
"nameExplanation": "Alle Aktionen, die mit dieser Linkfreigabe durchgeführt werden, werden mit diesem Namen angezeigt.",
"password": "Passwort (optional)",
"passwordExplanation": "Bei der Authentifizierung wird der:die Benutzer:in aufgefordert, dieses Passwort einzugeben.",
"noName": "Kein Name angegeben",
"remove": "Eine Linkfreigabe löschen",
"removeText": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Linkfreigabe unwiderruflich löschen möchtest? Über die Linkfreigabe ist danach der Zugriff auf die Liste nicht mehr möglich!",
"createSuccess": "Die Linkfreigabe wurde erfolgreich erstellt.",
"deleteSuccess": "Die Linkfreigabe wurde erfolgreich gelöscht"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "Benutzer:in | Benutzer:innen",
"typeTeam": "Team | Teams",
"shared": "Geteilt mit diesen {type}",
"you": "Du",
"notShared": "Noch nicht mit einem {type} geteilt.",
"removeHeader": "Einen {type} von {sharable} entfernen",
"removeText": "Diesen {sharable} von {type} entfernen? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"removeSuccess": "{sharable} wurde erfolgreich von {type} entfernt.",
"addedSuccess": "{type} wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.",
"updatedSuccess": "{type} wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt."
"right": {
"title": "Berechtigungen",
"read": "Nur Leserechte",
"readWrite": "Lesen & Schreiben",
"admin": "Admin"
"attributes": {
"link": "Link",
"name": "Name",
"sharedBy": "Geteilt von",
"right": "Berechtigungen",
"delete": "Löschen"
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
"addPlaceholder": "Eine neue Aufgabe hinzufügen …",
"empty": "Diese Liste ist derzeit leer.",
"newTaskCta": "Eine neue Aufgabe erstellen.",
"editTask": "Aufgabe bearbeiten"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Aufgaben anzeigen, für die keine Daten festgelegt sind",
"size": "Größe",
"default": "Standard",
"month": "Monat",
"day": "Tag",
"from": "Von",
"to": "Bis",
"noDates": "Diese Aufgabe hat keine Daten definiert."
"table": {
"title": "Tabelle",
"columns": "Spalten"
"kanban": {
"title": "Kanban",
"limit": "Limit: {limit}",
"noLimit": "Nicht gesetzt",
"doneBucket": "Erledigt Spalte",
"doneBucketHint": "Alle Aufgaben, die in diese Spalte verschoben werden, werden automatisch als erledigt markiert.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "Alle Aufgaben, die in die Erledigt Spalte verschoben wurden, werden automatisch als erledigt markiert. Aufgaben, die in einer anderen Spalte als Erledigt markiert wurden, werden auch in diese Spalte verschoben.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "Erledigt Spalte gespeichert.",
"deleteLast": "Du kannst die letzte Spalte nicht entfernen.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Gebe einen Aufgabenamen ein …",
"addTask": "Eine Aufgabe hinzufügen",
"addAnotherTask": "Weitere Aufgabe hinzufügen",
"addBucket": "Eine neue Spalte erstellen",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Gebe einen Spalten-Titel ein…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "Spalte löschen",
"deleteBucketText1": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Spalte löschen möchtest?",
"deleteBucketText2": "Dies löscht keine Aufgaben, sondern verschiebt sie in die Standard Spalte.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "Die Spalte wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "Der Spaltenname wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "Das Spaltenlimit wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"collapse": "Spalte einklappen"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Favoriten"
"namespace": {
"title": "Namespaces & Listen",
"namespace": "Namespace",
"showArchived": "Archivierte anzeigen",
"noneAvailable": "Du hast momentan keine Namespaces.",
"unarchive": "Archivierung aufheben",
"archived": "Archiviert",
"noLists": "Dieser Namespace enthält keine Listen.",
"createList": "Erstelle eine neue Liste in diesem Namespace.",
"namespaces": "Namespaces",
"search": "Beginne zu schreiben, um einen Namespace zu suchen…",
"create": {
"title": "Einen neuen Namespace erstellen",
"titleRequired": "Bitte gebe einen Titel an.",
"explanation": "Ein Namespace ist eine Sammlung von Listen, die du teilen und zur Organisation verwenden kannst. Jede Liste zu einem Namespace.",
"tooltip": "Was ist ein Namespace?",
"success": "Der Namespace wurde erfolgreich erstellt."
"archive": {
"titleArchive": "„{namespace}“ archivieren",
"titleUnarchive": "Archivierung von \"{namespace}\" aufheben",
"archiveText": "Du kannst diesen Namespace nicht mehr bearbeiten oder neue Listen erstellen, bis du die Archivierung rückgängig machst. Das gilt auch für alle Listen in diesem Namespace.",
"unarchiveText": "Du kannst neue Aufgaben erstellen oder diese bearbeiten.",
"success": "Der Namespace wurde erfolgreich archiviert.",
"description": "In einem archivierten Namespace können Listen weder angelegt noch editiert werden."
"delete": {
"title": "„{namespace}“ löschen",
"text1": "Diesen Namespace mit sämtlichem Inhalt löschen?",
"text2": "Dies umfasst alle Listen und Aufgaben und kann NICHT rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"success": "Der Namespace wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."
"edit": {
"title": "„{namespace}“ bearbeiten",
"success": "Der Namespace wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
"share": {
"title": "„{namespace}“ teilen"
"attributes": {
"title": "Namespace Titel",
"titlePlaceholder": "Titel des Namespace angeben…",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Beschreibung für den Namespace eingeben…",
"color": "Farbe",
"archived": "Ist archiviert",
"isArchived": "Dieser Namespace ist archiviert"
"pseudo": {
"sharedLists": {
"title": "Geteilte Listen"
"favorites": {
"title": "Favoriten"
"savedFilters": {
"title": "Filter"
"filters": {
"title": "Filter",
"attributes": {
"title": "Titel",
"titlePlaceholder": "Einen gespeicherten Filternamen eingeben …",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Eine Beschreibung eingeben …",
"includeNulls": "Aufgaben ohne Werte einbeziehen",
"requireAll": "Alle Filterkriterien müssen erfüllt sein, damit eine Aufgabe angezeigt wird",
"showDoneTasks": "Erledigte Aufgaben anzeigen",
"enablePriority": "Filter nach Priorität aktivieren",
"enablePercentDone": "Filter nach % Erledigt aktivieren",
"dueDateRange": "Fälligkeitsbereich",
"startDateRange": "Startdatumsbereich",
"endDateRange": "Enddatumsbereich",
"reminderRange": "Erinnerungs-Datumsbereich"
"create": {
"title": "Einen gespeicherten Filter erstellen",
"description": "Ein gespeicherter Filter ist eine virtuelle Liste, die bei jedem Zugriff aus einem Satz von Filtern errechnet wird. Einmal erstellt, erscheint diese in einem speziellen Namespace.",
"action": "Neuen gespeicherten Filter erstellen"
"delete": {
"header": "Diesen gespeicherten Filter löschen",
"text": "Diesen gespeicherten Filter löschen?",
"success": "Der Filter wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."
"edit": {
"title": "Diesen gespeicherten Filter bearbeiten",
"success": "Filter gespeichert."
"migrate": {
"title": "Von einem anderen Dienst zu Vikunja migrieren",
"titleService": "Importiere deine Daten von {name} in Vikunja",
"import": "Importiere deine Daten in Vikunja",
"description": "Klicke auf das Logo eines der unten aufgeführten Drittanbieterdienste, um loszulegen.",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja importiert alle Listen, Aufgaben, Notizen, Erinnerungen und Dateien, auf die du Zugriff hast.",
"authorize": "Ermögliche Vikunja den Zugriff auf deinem Account bei {name}, indem du auf die Schaltfläche unten klickst.",
"getStarted": "Loslegen",
"inProgress": "Importiere…",
"alreadyMigrated1": "Es scheint, dass du schon von {name} am {date} importiert hast.",
"alreadyMigrated2": "Ein erneutes Importieren ist möglich, kann aber Duplikate erzeugen. Bist du sicher?",
"confirm": "Ich bin sicher, bitte starte mit der Migration!",
"importUpload": "Um Daten von {name} in Vikunja zu importieren, klicke auf die Schaltfläche unten, um eine Datei auszuwählen.",
"upload": "Datei hochladen"
"label": {
"title": "Labels",
"manage": "Label verwalten",
"description": "Klicke auf ein Label um es zu editieren. Du kannst alle Labels, welche du erstellt hast, editieren. Du kannst alle Labels, welche mit einer Aufgabe, auf die du Zugriff hast, benutzen.",
"newCTA": "Du hast momentan keine Labels.",
"search": "Beginne zu schreiben, um nach einem Label zu suchen…",
"create": {
"header": "Neues Label",
"title": "Erstelle ein neues Label",
"titleRequired": "Bitte gebe einen Titel an.",
"success": "Das Label wurde erfolgreich erstellt."
"edit": {
"header": "Label bearbeiten",
"forbidden": "Du kannst dieses Label nicht bearbeiten, da es nicht dir gehört.",
"success": "Das Label wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
"deleteSuccess": "Das Label wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.",
"attributes": {
"title": "Titel",
"titlePlaceholder": "Gebe einen Labelnamen an…",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Labelbeschreibung",
"color": "Farbe"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "Authentifizierung …",
"passwordRequired": "Diese geteilte Liste benötigt ein Passwort. Bitte gebe es unten ein:",
"error": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"invalidPassword": "Das Passwort ist ungültig."
"navigation": {
"overview": "Übersicht",
"upcoming": "Anstehend",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"imprint": "Impressum",
"privacy": "Datenschutzerklärung"
"misc": {
"loading": "Wird geladen…",
"save": "Speichern",
"delete": "Löschen",
"confirm": "Bestätigen",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"refresh": "Neu laden",
"disable": "Deaktivieren",
"copy": "In Zwischenablage kopieren",
"search": "Suchen",
"searchPlaceholder": "Beginne zu schreiben, um zu suchen…",
"previous": "Vorherige",
"next": "Weiter",
"poweredBy": "Powered by Vikunja",
"info": "Info",
"create": "Erstellen",
"doit": "Tu es!",
"saving": "Speichern…",
"saved": "Gespeichert!",
"default": "Standard",
"close": "Schließen",
"download": "Herunterladen"
"input": {
"resetColor": "Farbe zurücksetzen",
"datepicker": {
"today": "Heute",
"tomorrow": "Morgen",
"nextMonday": "Nächsten Montag",
"thisWeekend": "Dieses Wochenende",
"laterThisWeek": "Später in dieser Woche",
"nextWeek": "Nächste Woche",
"chooseDate": "Wähle ein Datum"
"editor": {
"edit": "Bearbeiten",
"done": "Fertig",
"heading1": "Überschrift 1",
"heading2": "Überschrift 2",
"heading3": "Überschrift 3",
"headingSmaller": "Kleinere Überschrift",
"headingBigger": "Grössere Überschrift",
"bold": "Fett",
"italic": "Kursiv",
"strikethrough": "Durchgestrichen",
"code": "Code",
"quote": "Zitat",
"unorderedList": "Ungeordnete Liste",
"orderedList": "Geordnete Liste",
"cleanBlock": "Formatierung löschen",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Bild",
"table": "Tabelle",
"horizontalRule": "Horizontaler Strich",
"sideBySide": "Nebeneinander",
"guide": "Hilfslinie"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Neu erstellen",
"selectPlaceholder": "Klicken oder Enter drücken zum Auswählen"
"task": {
"task": "Aufgabe",
"new": "Eine neue Aufgabe erstellen",
"delete": "Diese Aufgabe löschen",
"createSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich erstellt.",
"addReminder": "Eine Erinnerung hinzufügen…",
"doneSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich als erledigt markiert.",
"undoneSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich als nicht-erledigt markiert.",
"openDetail": "Aufgabe in der Detailansicht anzeigen",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "Aktuelle Aufgaben",
"titleDates": "Aufgaben von {from} bis {to}",
"noDates": "Aufgaben ohne Datum anzeigen",
"current": "Aktuelle Aufgaben",
"from": "Aufgaben von",
"until": "bis",
"today": "Heute",
"nextWeek": "Nächste Woche",
"nextMonth": "Nächster Monat",
"noTasks": "Nichts zu tun - Einen schönen Tag noch!"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "Klicke hier, um ein Fälligkeitsdatum zu setzen",
"chooseStartDate": "Klicke hier, um ein Startdatum zu setzen",
"chooseEndDate": "Klicke hier, um ein Enddatum zu setzen",
"move": "Aufgabe in eine andere Liste verschieben",
"done": "Fertig!",
"undone": "Als nicht erledigt markieren",
"created": "Erstellt {0} von {1}",
"updated": "Aktualisiert {0}",
"doneAt": "Erledigt {0}",
"updateSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"deleteSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.",
"belongsToList": "Diese Aufgabe gehört zur Liste „{list}“",
"due": "Fällig am {at}",
"delete": {
"header": "Diese Aufgabe löschen",
"text1": "Willst du diese Aufgabe wirklich löschen?",
"text2": "Dies wird auch alle Anhänge, Erinnerungen und Verknüpfungen, die zu dieser Aufgabe gehören löschen und kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!"
"actions": {
"assign": "Diese Aufgabe jemandem zuweisen",
"label": "Label hinzufügen",
"priority": "Priorität setzen",
"dueDate": "Fälligkeitsdatum setzen",
"startDate": "Startdatum setzen",
"endDate": "Enddatum setzen",
"reminders": "Erinnerungen setzen",
"repeatAfter": "Wiederholung setzen",
"percentDone": "Prozent erledigt setzen",
"attachments": "Anhänge hinzufügen",
"relatedTasks": "Aufgabenbeziehungen hinzufügen",
"moveList": "Aufgabe verschieben",
"color": "Taskfarbe setzen",
"delete": "Aufgabe löschen",
"favorite": "In Favoriten speichern",
"unfavorite": "Aus Favoriten entfernen"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "Zugewiesene",
"color": "Farbe",
"created": "Erstellt",
"createdBy": "Erstellt von",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"done": "Fertig",
"dueDate": "Fälligkeitsdatum",
"endDate": "Enddatum",
"labels": "Labels",
"percentDone": "% erledigt",
"priority": "Priorität",
"relatedTasks": "Verwandte Aufgaben",
"reminders": "Erinnerungen",
"repeat": "Wiederholen",
"startDate": "Anfangsdatum",
"title": "Titel",
"updated": "Aktualisiert"
"subscription": {
"subscribedThroughParent": "Du kannst hier nicht de-abonnieren, da du diese {entity} durch {parent} abonniert hast.",
"subscribed": "Du erhältst Benachrichtigungen zu dieser {entity}.",
"notSubscribed": "Du hast diese {entity} nicht abonniert und erhältst keine Benachrichtigungen über Änderungen.",
"subscribe": "Abonnieren",
"unsubscribe": "Abbestellen",
"subscribeSuccess": "Du hast jetzt diese {entity} abonniert",
"unsubscribeSuccess": "Du hast diese {entity} jetzt abbestellt"
"attachment": {
"title": "Anhänge",
"createdBy": "erstellt {0} von {1}",
"downloadTooltip": "Diesen Anhang herunterladen",
"upload": "Anhang hochladen",
"drop": "Ziehe Dateien hierher, um sie hochzuladen",
"delete": "Anhang löschen",
"deleteTooltip": "Diesen Anhang löschen",
"deleteText1": "Soll der Anhang {filename} gelöscht werden?",
"deleteText2": "Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"copyUrl": "URL kopieren",
"copyUrlTooltip": "Die URL dieses Anhangs zur Verwendung im Text kopieren"
"comment": {
"title": "Kommentare",
"loading": "Kommentare werden geladen …",
"edited": "bearbeitet {date}",
"creating": "Kommentar wird erstellt …",
"placeholder": "Füge deinen Kommentar hinzu …",
"comment": "Kommentar",
"delete": "Diesen Kommentar löschen",
"deleteText1": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Kommentar löschen willst?",
"deleteText2": "Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"addedSuccess": "Der Kommentar wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt."
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "Fälligkeitsdatum verschieben",
"1day": "1 Tag",
"3days": "3 Tage",
"1week": "1 Woche"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Klicke hier, um eine Beschreibung einzugeben …",
"empty": "Noch keine Beschreibung vorhanden."
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "Tippe, um eine:n Benutzer:in zuzuweisen …",
"selectPlaceholder": "Diese:n Benutzer:in zuweisen",
"assignSuccess": "Der:die Benutzer:in wurde erfolgreich zugewiesen.",
"unassignSuccess": "Benutzer:innenzuweisung aufgehoben."
"label": {
"placeholder": "Tippen, um ein neues Label hinzuzufügen…",
"createPlaceholder": "Dies als neues Label hinzufügen",
"addSuccess": "Das Label wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.",
"createSuccess": "Das Label wurde erfolgreich erstellt.",
"removeSuccess": "Das Label wurde erfolgreich entfernt."
"priority": {
"unset": "Nicht eingestellt",
"low": "Niedrig",
"medium": "Mittel",
"high": "hoch",
"urgent": "Dringend",
"doNow": "JETZT TUN"
"relation": {
"add": "Neue Aufgabenbeziehung hinzufügen",
"new": "Neue Aufgabenbeziehung",
"searchPlaceholder": "Beginne zu schreiben, um eine Aufgabe zu suchen, die als Beziehung hinzugefügt werden soll…",
"createPlaceholder": "Füge diese Aufgabe als neue Aufgabenbeziehung hinzu",
"differentList": "Diese Aufgabe gehört zu einer anderen Liste.",
"noneYet": "Keine Aufgabenbeziehung vorhanden.",
"delete": "Aufgabenbeziehung entfernen",
"deleteText1": "Willst du diese Aufgabenbeziehung wirklich entfernen?",
"deleteText2": "Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "Jeden Tag",
"everyWeek": "Jede Woche",
"everyMonth": "Jeden Monat",
"mode": "Wiederholungsmodus",
"monthly": "Monatlich",
"fromCurrentDate": "Ab dem aktuellen Datum",
"each": "Alle",
"specifyAmount": "Gib einen Anzahl an …",
"hours": "Stunden",
"days": "Tage",
"weeks": "Wochen",
"months": "Monate",
"years": "Jahre"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "Du kannst Quick Add Magic verwenden",
"what": "Was?",
"title": "Qucik Add Magic",
"intro": "Beim Erstellen einer Aufgabe kannst du spezielle Schlüsselwörter verwenden, um Attribute direkt zu der neu erstellten Aufgabe hinzuzufügen. Dadurch können häufig verwendete Attribute schneller zu Aufgaben hinzugefügt werden.",
"multiple": "Du kannst das mehrmals benutzen.",
"label1": "Um ein Label hinzuzufügen, gibt einfach den Name mit einem vorangestellten {prefix} ein.",
"label2": "Vikunja prüft zuerst, ob das Label bereits vorhanden ist und erstellt es, falls nicht.",
"label3": "Um Leerzeichen zu verwenden, füge einfach ein \" um den Namen des Labels hinzu.",
"label4": "Zum Beispiel: {prefix}\"Label mit Leerzeichen\".",
"priority1": "Um die Priorität einer Aufgabe zu setzen, gibt eine Zahl zwischen 1 und 5 mit einem vorangestellten {prefix} ein.",
"priority2": "Je höher die Zahl, desto höher die Priorität.",
"assignees": "Um die Aufgabe direkt jemandem zuzuweisen, füge vor dem Anmeldenamen der Person ein @ Zeichen ein.",
"list1": "Um eine Liste zu erstellen, in der die Aufgabe erscheinen soll, gib ihren Namen vorangestellt mit einem {prefix} ein.",
"list2": "Dies gibt einen Fehler zurück, wenn die Liste nicht existiert.",
"dateAndTime": "Datum und Uhrzeit",
"date": "Jedes Datum wird als Enddatum der neuen Aufgabe verwendet. Du kannst Daten in jedem dieser Formate verwenden:",
"dateWeekday": "jeder Wochentag, wird das nächste Datum mit diesem Tag verwenden",
"dateCurrentYear": "wird das laufende Jahr nutzen",
"dateNth": "wird den {day}. des aktuellen Monats verwenden",
"dateTime": "Kombiniere eines der Datumsformate mit \"{time}\" (oder {timePM}), um eine Zeit festzulegen."
"team": {
"title": "Teams",
"noTeams": "Du bist derzeit in keinem Team.",
"create": {
"title": "Erstelle ein neues Team",
"success": "Das Team wurde erfolgreich erstellt."
"edit": {
"title": "Team „{team}“ bearbeiten",
"members": "Teammitglieder",
"search": "Beginne zu schreiben, um einen Benutzer zu suchen…",
"addUser": "Zum Team hinzufügen",
"makeMember": "Zum Mitglied machen",
"makeAdmin": "Zum Admin machen",
"success": "Das Team wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"userAddedSuccess": "Das Teammitglied wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.",
"madeMember": "Das Teammitglied ist nun ein normales Mitglied.",
"madeAdmin": "Das Teammitglied ist nun ein Admin.",
"delete": {
"header": "Team löschen",
"text1": "Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Team und alle seine Mitglieder löschen willst?",
"text2": "Alle Teammitglieder verlieren den Zugriff auf Listen und Namespaces, die mit diesem Team geteilt sind. Dies KANN NICHT Rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"success": "Das Team wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."
"deleteUser": {
"header": "Benutzer:innen aus dem Team entfernen",
"text1": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese:n Benutzer:in aus dem Team entfernen willst?",
"text2": "Diese:r Benutzer:in verliert den Zugriff auf alle Listen und Namespaces auf die dieses Team Zugriff hat. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"success": "Der:die Benutzer:in wurde erfolgreich aus dem Team gelöscht."
"attributes": {
"name": "Teamname",
"namePlaceholder": "Teamname eingeben …",
"nameRequired": "Bitte gib einen Namen an.",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Die Beschreibung des Teams steht hier …",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Mitglied"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "Tastenkürzel",
"allPages": "Diese Tastenkürzel funktionieren auf allen Seiten.",
"currentPageOnly": "Diese Tastenkürzel funktionieren nur auf der aktuellen Seite.",
"toggleMenu": "Das Menü umschalten",
"quickSearch": "Such-/Schnellaktionsleiste öffnen",
"task": {
"title": "Aufgabenseite",
"done": "Eine Aufgabe als erledigt markieren",
"assign": "Diese Aufgabe jemandem zuweisen",
"labels": "Dieser Aufgabe ein Label hinzufügen",
"dueDate": "Ändere das Fälligkeitsdatum dieser Aufgabe",
"attachment": "Einen Anhang dieser Aufgabe hinzufügen",
"related": "Ändere die Abhängigen Aufgaben dieser Aufgabe"
"update": {
"available": "Es ist ein Aktualisierung für Vikunja verfügbar!",
"do": "Jetzt aktualisieren"
"menu": {
"edit": "Bearbeiten",
"archive": "Archivieren",
"duplicate": "Duplizieren",
"delete": "Löschen",
"unarchive": "Archivierung aufheben",
"setBackground": "Hintergrund einstellen",
"share": "Teilen",
"newList": "Neue Liste"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "Vikunja-URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "z.B. https://localhost:3456",
"change": "ändern",
"signInOn": "Melde dich bei deinem Vikunja-Account auf {0} an",
"error": "Konnte keine Vikunja-Installation unter „{domain}“ finden oder verwenden.",
"success": "Verwende die Vikunja-Installation unter „{domain}“."
"loadingError": {
"failed": "Laden fehlgeschlagen, bitte {0}. Wenn der Fehler weiterhin besteht, {1} bitte.",
"tryAgain": "erneut versuchen",
"contact": "wende dich an uns"
"notification": {
"title": "Benachrichtigungen",
"none": "Du hast keine Benachrichtigungen. Einen schönen Tag noch!",
"explainer": "Benachrichtigungen werden hier angezeigt, wenn Aktionen für Namespaces, Listen oder Aufgaben, die du abonniert hast, ausgeführt werden."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "Befehle",
"placeholder": "Gib einen Befehl oder eine Suche ein …",
"hint": "Du kannst # verwenden, um nur nach Aufgaben zu suchen, *, um nur nach Listen zu suchen und @, um nur nach Teams zu suchen.",
"tasks": "Aufgaben",
"lists": "Listen",
"teams": "Teams",
"newList": "Gib den Titel der neuen Liste ein …",
"newTask": "Gib den Titel der neuen Aufgabe ein …",
"newNamespace": "Gib den Titel des neuen Namespaces ein…",
"newTeam": "Gib den Namen des neuen Teams ein …",
"createTask": "Eine Aufgabe in der aktuellen Liste erstellen ({title})",
"createList": "Eine Liste im aktuellen Namespace erstellen ({title})",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "Neue Aufgabe",
"newList": "Neue Liste",
"newNamespace": "Neuer Namespace",
"newTeam": "Neues Team"
"date": {
"locale": "de",
"in": "in {date}",
"ago": "vor {date}",
"altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "Fehler",
"success": "Erfolgreich",
"0001": "Das darfst du nicht tun.",
"1001": "Es existiert bereits ein Account mit diesem Anmeldenamen.",
"1002": "Es existiert bereits ein:e Benutzer:in mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse.",
"1004": "Kein Anmeldename und Passwort angegeben.",
"1005": "Der:die Benutzer:in existiert nicht.",
"1006": "Die User-ID konnte nicht ermittelt werden.",
"1008": "Es wurde kein Token zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts angegeben.",
"1009": "Das Token zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts ist ungültig.",
"1010": "Das E-Mail-Bestätigungs-Token ist ungültig.",
"1011": "Falscher Anmeldename oder falsches Passwort.",
"1012": "Die E-Mail-Adresse der:s Benutzer:in ist nicht bestätigt.",
"1013": "Das neue Passwort ist leer.",
"1014": "Das alte Passwort ist leer.",
"1015": "Dieser Benutzer verwendet TOTP bereits.",
"1016": "Dieser Benutzer verwendet TOTP nicht.",
"1017": "Falscher TOTP Code.",
"1018": "Die Avatareinstellungen sind falsch.",
"2001": "Die ID kann nicht leer oder 0 sein.",
"2002": "Ein Teil der Anfragedaten ist ungültig.",
"3001": "Die Liste existiert nicht.",
"3004": "Du musst Leseberechtigungen für diese Liste haben, um diese Aktion ausführen zu können.",
"3005": "Der Listentitel darf nicht leer sein.",
"3006": "Diese Linkfreigabe existiert nicht.",
"3007": "Eine Liste mit diesem Bezeichner existiert bereits.",
"3008": "Diese Liste ist archiviert und kann deshalb nur gelesen werden. Dies gilt auch für alle Aufgaben, die mit dieser Liste verbunden sind.",
"4001": "Der Aufgabentitel kann nicht leer sein.",
"4002": "Diese Aufgabe existiert nicht.",
"4003": "Alle Massenbearbeitungen an Aufgaben müssen zu derselben Liste gehören.",
"4004": "Es benötigt mindestens einen Task, um eine Massenänderung durchzuführen.",
"4005": "Du hast keine Berechtigungen, um diese Aufgabe anzuzeigen.",
"4006": "Du kannst die übergeordnete Aufgabe nicht auf sich selbst referenzieren.",
"4007": "Du kannst keine Aufgabenbeziehung mit einem ungültigen Typ erstellen.",
"4008": "Du kannst keine Aufgabenbeziehung erstellen, die schon existiert.",
"4009": "Diese Aufgabenbeziehung existiert nicht.",
"4010": "Du kannst eine Aufgabe nicht mit sich selbst verknüpfen.",
"4011": "Der Anhang existiert nicht.",
"4012": "Der Anhang ist zu gross.",
"4013": "Ungültiger Aufgabensortierungsparameter.",
"4014": "Die Aufgabensortierungsreihenfolge ist ungültig.",
"4015": "Dieser Aufgabenkommentar existiert nicht.",
"4016": "Ungültiges Aufgabenfeld.",
"4017": "Ungültiger Aufgabenfilter (Vergleichskriterium).",
"4018": "Ungültiger Aufgabenfilter (Kombination).",
"4019": "Ungültiger Aufgabenfilter (Wert).",
"5001": "Dieser Namespace existiert nicht.",
"5003": "Du hast keinen Zugriff auf den Namespace.",
"5006": "Der Namespace Titel kann nicht leer sein.",
"5009": "Du benötigst Leserechte in diesem Namespace, um diese Aktion durchzuführen.",
"5010": "Dieses Team hat keinen Zugriff auf diesen Namespace.",
"5011": "Diese:r Benutzer:in hat bereits Zugriff auf diesen Namespace.",
"5012": "Dieser Namespace ist archiviert und kann deshalb nur gelesen werden.",
"6001": "Der Teamname kann nicht leer sein.",
"6002": "Das Team existiert nicht.",
"6004": "Das Team hat bereits Zugriff auf diesen Namespace oder diese Liste.",
"6005": "Diese:r Benutzer:in ist bereits dem Team beigetreten.",
"6006": "Du kannst den:die letzten Benutzer:in dieses Teams nicht löschen.",
"6007": "Das Team hat keine Berechtigungen auf dieser Liste, um das durchzuführen.",
"7002": "Der:die Benutzer:in hat bereits Zugriff auf diese Liste.",
"7003": "Du hast keinen Zugriff auf diese Liste.",
"8001": "Dieses Label existiert bereits auf dieser Aufgabe.",
"8002": "Das Label existiert nicht.",
"8003": "Du hast keinen Zugriff auf dieses Label.",
"9001": "Das Recht ist ungültig.",
"10001": "Diese Spalte existiert nicht.",
"10002": "Diese Spalte gehört nicht zu dieser Liste.",
"10003": "Du kannst die letze Spalte in einer Liste nicht entfernen.",
"10004": "Du kannst die Aufgabe nicht in diese Spalte legen, da sie schon die maximale Anzahl an Aufgaben enthält.",
"10005": "Es kann nur eine Erledigt-Spalte pro Liste geben.",
"11001": "Der gespeicherte Filter existiert nicht.",
"11002": "Gespeicherte Ansichten sind für Linkfreigaben nicht verfügbar.",
"12001": "Der Abonnement-Typ ist ungültig.",
"12002": "Du bist bereits zu dieser oder einer übergeordneten Entität abonniert.",
"13001": "Das Passwort für diese Linkfreigabe wurde nicht angegeben.",
"13002": "Das Passwort für diese Linkfreigabe war ungültig."
"about": {
"title": "Über",
"frontendVersion": "Frontend-Version: {version}",
"apiVersion": "API-Version: {version}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
"home": {
"welcomeNight": "Buenas noches {username}",
"welcomeMorning": "Buenos días {username}",
"welcomeDay": "Hola {username}",
"welcomeEvening": "Buenas tardes {username}",
"lastViewed": "Visto por última vez",
"list": {
"newText": "Puedes crear una nueva lista para las tareas nuevas:",
"new": "Crear una lista nueva",
"importText": "O importa tus listas y tareas de otros servicios a Vikunja:",
"import": "Importa tus datos a Vikunja"
"404": {
"title": "No encontrado",
"text": "La página solicitada no existe."
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "Nombre de usuario",
"usernameEmail": "Nombre de usuario o dirección de correo electrónico",
"usernamePlaceholder": "p/ej. Federico",
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"emailPlaceholder": "p/ej. frederic@vikunja.io",
"password": "Contraseña",
"passwordRepeat": "Reescribe tu contraseña",
"passwordPlaceholder": "p/ej. •••••••••••",
"resetPassword": "Restablecer tu contraseña",
"resetPasswordAction": "Envíame un enlace para restablecer la contraseña",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "¡Revisa tu bandeja de entrada! Debes tener un correo electrónico con instrucciones para restablecer tu contraseña.",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "Has confirmado correctamente tu correo electrónico. Ya puedes conectarte.",
"totpTitle": "Código de autenticación de dos factores",
"totpPlaceholder": "p/ej. 123456",
"login": "Ingresar",
"register": "Registrarse",
"loginWith": "Inicie sesión con {provider}",
"authenticating": "Autenticando…",
"openIdStateError": "¡El estado no coincide, negándome a continuar!",
"openIdGeneralError": "An error occured while authenticating against the third party.",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión"
"settings": {
"title": "Opciones",
"newPasswordTitle": "Actualiza tu contraseña",
"newPassword": "Nueva contraseña",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirmar contraseña",
"currentPassword": "Contraseña actual",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Tu contraseña actual",
"passwordsDontMatch": "La contraseña nueva y su confirmación no emparejan.",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "La contraseña se actualizó correctamente.",
"updateEmailTitle": "Actualiza tu dirección de correo electrónico",
"updateEmailNew": "Nueva dirección de correo electrónico",
"updateEmailSuccess": "Dirección de correo electrónico actualizada. Haga clic en el enlace del correo electrónico que se te ha enviado para confirmarlo.",
"general": {
"title": "Configuración General",
"name": "Nombre",
"newName": "El nombre nuevo",
"savedSuccess": "Configuración actualizada.",
"emailReminders": "Enviarme recordatorios para tareas por correo electrónico",
"overdueReminders": "Enviarme recordatorios de tareas pendientes atrasadas por correo cada mañana",
"discoverableByName": "Permitir que otros usuarios me encuentren cuando busquen mi nombre",
"discoverableByEmail": "Permitir que otros usuarios me encuentren cuando busquen mi correo electrónico completo",
"playSoundWhenDone": "Reproducir un sonido cuando marcas tareas como hechas",
"weekStart": "La semana empieza en",
"weekStartSunday": "domingo",
"weekStartMonday": "lunes",
"language": "Idioma",
"defaultList": "Lista predeterminada"
"totp": {
"title": "Autenticación de dos factores",
"enroll": "Inscribirse",
"finishSetupPart1": "Para finalizar tu configuración, utiliza este secreto en tu aplicación totp (Google Authenticator o similar):",
"finishSetupPart2": "Después, introduce un código de tu aplicación abajo.",
"scanQR": "Alternativamente, escanea este código QR:",
"passcode": "Código de acceso",
"passcodePlaceholder": "Un código generado por tu aplicación totp",
"setupSuccess": "¡Has configurado con éxito la autenticación de dos factores!",
"enterPassword": "Por favor, introduce tu contraseña",
"disable": "Desactivar la autenticación en dos pasos",
"confirmSuccess": "¡Has confirmado con éxito tu configuración totp y puedes usarla a partir de ahora!",
"disableSuccess": "La autenticación de dos factores se desactivó correctamente."
"caldav": {
"title": "Caldav",
"howTo": "Puedes conectar Vikunja a los clientes caldav para ver y gestionar todas las tareas desde diferentes clientes. Introduce esta url en tu cliente:",
"more": "Más información sobre caldav en Vikunja"
"avatar": {
"title": "Avatar",
"initials": "Iniciales",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"upload": "Subir",
"uploadAvatar": "Subir Avatar",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "¡El estado del avatar se ha actualizado correctamente!",
"setSuccess": "¡El avatar se ha establecido correctamente!"
"deletion": {
"title": "Delete your Vikunja Account",
"text1": "The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your namespaces, lists, tasks and everything associated with it.",
"text2": "To proceed, please enter your password. You will receive an email with further instructions.",
"confirm": "Delete my account",
"requestSuccess": "The request was successful. You'll receive an email with further instructions.",
"passwordRequired": "Please enter your password.",
"confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed the deletion of your account. We will delete your account in three days.",
"scheduled": "We will delete your Vikunja account at {date} ({dateSince}).",
"scheduledCancel": "To cancel the deletion of your account, click here.",
"scheduledCancelText": "To cancel the deletion of your account, please enter your password below:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "Cancel the deletion of my account",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "We will not delete your account."
"export": {
"title": "Export your Vikunja Data",
"description": "You can request a copy of all your Vikunja data. This include Namespaces, Lists, Tasks and everything associated to them. You can import this data in any Vikunja instance through the migration function.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "Please enter your password to proceed:",
"request": "Request a copy of my Vikunja Data",
"success": "You've successfully requested your Vikunja Data! We will send you an email once it's ready to download."
"list": {
"archived": "Esta lista está archivada. No es posible crear nuevas o editar tareas o ello.",
"title": "Título de Lista",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Listas",
"search": "Escribe para buscar una lista…",
"searchSelect": "Haga clic o presione enter para seleccionar esta lista",
"shared": "Listas compartidas",
"create": {
"header": "Crear una nueva lista",
"titlePlaceholder": "El título de la lista va aquí…",
"addTitleRequired": "Por favor, especifica un título.",
"createdSuccess": "La lista se ha creado correctamente.",
"addListRequired": "Por favor, especifique una lista o establezca una lista por defecto en la configuración."
"archive": {
"title": "Archivar \"{list}\"",
"archive": "Archivar esta lista",
"unarchive": "Desarchivar esta lista",
"unarchiveText": "Podrás crear tareas nuevas o editarlas.",
"archiveText": "No podrás editar esta lista ni crear nuevas tareas hasta que la des-archives.",
"success": "La lista fue archivada exitosamente."
"background": {
"title": "Establecer el fondo de la lista",
"remove": "Eliminar fondo",
"upload": "Elige un fondo de tu pc",
"searchPlaceholder": "Buscar un fondo…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Con tecnología de Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Cargar más fotos",
"success": "¡El fondo se ha establecido correctamente!",
"removeSuccess": "¡El fondo se ha eliminado exitosamente!"
"delete": {
"title": "Eliminar \"{list}\"",
"header": "Eliminar esta lista",
"text1": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta lista y todo su contenido?",
"text2": "¡Esto incluye todas las tareas y NO PUEDE SER DESHACIDO!",
"success": "La lista se ha eliminado correctamente."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Duplicar esta lista",
"label": "Duplicar",
"text": "Select a namespace which should hold the duplicated list:",
"success": "La lista se ha duplicado exitosamente."
"edit": {
"header": "Editar esta lista",
"title": "Editar \"{list}\"",
"titlePlaceholder": "El título de la lista va aquí…",
"identifierTooltip": "El identificador de lista se puede usar para identificar una tarea de forma única a través de las listas. Puedes establecerlo en blanco para desactivarlo.",
"identifier": "Identificador de la lista",
"identifierPlaceholder": "El identificador de la lista va aquí…",
"description": "Descripción",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "La descripción de la lista va aquí…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "La lista se ha actualizado correctamente."
"share": {
"header": "Compartir esta lista",
"title": "Compartir \"{list}\"",
"share": "Compartir",
"links": {
"title": "Compartir enlaces",
"what": "¿Qué es un enlace compartido?",
"explanation": "Enlaces compartidos te permiten compartir fácilmente una lista con otros usuarios que no tienen una cuenta de Vikunja.",
"create": "Crear un nuevo enlace compartido",
"name": "Nombre (opcional)",
"namePlaceholder": "e.g. Lorem Ipsum",
"nameExplanation": "All actions done by this link share will show up with the name.",
"password": "Contraseña (opcional)",
"passwordExplanation": "When authenticating, the user will be required to enter this password.",
"noName": "Sin nombre establecido",
"remove": "Eliminar un enlace compartido",
"removeText": "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este enlace compartido? Ya no será posible acceder a esta lista con este enlace compartido. ¡Esto no se puede deshacer!",
"createSuccess": "El enlace compartido se ha creado correctamente.",
"deleteSuccess": "El enlace compartido se ha eliminado correctamente"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "usuario | usuarios",
"typeTeam": "equipo | equipos",
"shared": "Compartido con estos {type}",
"you": "Tú",
"notShared": "Aún no se ha compartido con {type}.",
"removeHeader": "Eliminar un {type} de la {sharable}",
"removeText": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este {sharable} del {type}? ¡Esto no se puede deshacer!",
"removeSuccess": "El {sharable} fue eliminado correctamente de {type}.",
"addedSuccess": "El {type} se ha añadido correctamente.",
"updatedSuccess": "El {type} fue añadido correctamente."
"right": {
"title": "Correcto",
"read": "Solo lectura",
"readWrite": "Lectura y escritura",
"admin": "Admin"
"attributes": {
"link": "Enlace",
"name": "Nombre",
"sharedBy": "Compartido por",
"right": "Correcto",
"delete": "Eliminar"
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Añadir",
"addPlaceholder": "Añadir una nueva tarea…",
"empty": "Esta lista está vacía actualmente.",
"newTaskCta": "Crear una nueva tarea.",
"editTask": "Editar Tarea"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Mostrar tareas que no tienen fechas establecidas",
"size": "Tamaño",
"default": "Predeterminado",
"month": "Mes",
"day": "Día",
"from": "Desde",
"to": "Hasta",
"noDates": "Esta tarea no tiene fechas establecidas."
"table": {
"title": "Tabla",
"columns": "Columnas"
"kanban": {
"title": "Kanban",
"limit": "Límite: {limit}",
"noLimit": "No establecido",
"doneBucket": "Done bucket",
"doneBucketHint": "All tasks moved into this bucket will automatically marked as done.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "Todas las tareas que se trasladen al depósito de finalizadas se marcarán como realizadas automáticamente. Todas las tareas marcadas como realizadas desde otro lugar también se moverán.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "The done bucket has been saved successfully.",
"deleteLast": "You cannot remove the last bucket.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Introduce el nuevo título de la tarea…",
"addTask": "Añadir una tarea",
"addAnotherTask": "Añadir otra tarea",
"addBucket": "Create a new bucket",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Enter the new bucket title…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "Delete the bucket",
"deleteBucketText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this bucket?",
"deleteBucketText2": "This will not delete any tasks but move them into the default bucket.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "The bucket has been deleted successfully.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "The bucket title has been saved successfully.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "The bucket limit been saved successfully.",
"collapse": "Collapse this bucket"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Favoritos"
"namespace": {
"title": "Namespaces & Lists",
"namespace": "Namespace",
"showArchived": "Mostrar archivados",
"noneAvailable": "You don't have any namespaces right now.",
"unarchive": "Des-archivar",
"archived": "Archivado",
"noLists": "This namespace does not contain any lists.",
"createList": "Create a new list in this namespace.",
"namespaces": "Namespaces",
"search": "Type to search for a namespace…",
"create": {
"title": "Create a new namespace",
"titleRequired": "Por favor, especifica un título.",
"explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.",
"tooltip": "What's a namespace?",
"success": "The namespace was successfully created."
"archive": {
"titleArchive": "Archivar \"{namespace}\"",
"titleUnarchive": "Des-archivar \"{namespace}\"",
"archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this namespace or create new lists until you un-archive it. This will also archive all lists in this namespace.",
"unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new lists or edit it.",
"success": "The namespace was successfully archived.",
"description": "If a namespace is archived, you cannot create new lists or edit it."
"delete": {
"title": "Eliminar \"{namespace}\"",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this namespace and all of its contents?",
"text2": "This includes all lists and tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The namespace was successfully deleted."
"edit": {
"title": "Editar \"{namespace}\"",
"success": "The namespace was successfully updated."
"share": {
"title": "Compartir \"{namespace}\""
"attributes": {
"title": "Namespace Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The namespace title goes here…",
"description": "Descripción",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The namespaces description goes here…",
"color": "Color",
"archived": "Está archivado",
"isArchived": "This namespace is archived"
"pseudo": {
"sharedLists": {
"title": "Listas compartidas"
"favorites": {
"title": "Favoritos"
"savedFilters": {
"title": "Filtros"
"filters": {
"title": "Filtros",
"attributes": {
"title": "Título",
"titlePlaceholder": "El título del filtro guardado va acá…",
"description": "Descripción",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "La descripción va aquí…",
"includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set",
"requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up",
"showDoneTasks": "Mostrar tareas completadas",
"enablePriority": "Activar filtro por prioridad",
"enablePercentDone": "Activar filtro por porcentaje completado",
"dueDateRange": "Due Date Range",
"startDateRange": "Start Date Range",
"endDateRange": "End Date Range",
"reminderRange": "Reminder Date Range"
"create": {
"title": "Create A Saved Filter",
"description": "Un filtro guardado es una lista virtual que se calcula a partir de un conjunto de filtros cada vez que se accede a él. Una vez creado, aparecerá en un espacio de nombres especial.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"delete": {
"header": "Eliminar este filtro guardado",
"text": "Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter?",
"success": "The filter was deleted successfully."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit This Saved Filter",
"success": "The filter was saved successfully."
"migrate": {
"title": "Migrate from other services to Vikunja",
"titleService": "Import your data from {name} into Vikunja",
"import": "Import your data into Vikunja",
"description": "Click on the logo of one of the third-party services below to get started.",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja will import all lists, tasks, notes, reminders and files you have access to.",
"authorize": "To authorize Vikunja to access your {name} Account, click the button below.",
"getStarted": "Empecemos",
"inProgress": "Importando…",
"alreadyMigrated1": "It looks like you've already imported your stuff from {name} at {date}.",
"alreadyMigrated2": "Importing again is possible, but might create duplicates. Are you sure?",
"confirm": "¡Estoy seguro de que empiece a migrar ahora!",
"importUpload": "To import data from {name} into Vikunja, click the button below to select a file.",
"upload": "Upload file"
"label": {
"title": "Etiquetas",
"manage": "Administrar etiquetas",
"description": "Click on a label to edit it. You can edit all labels you created, you can use all labels which are associated with a task to whose list you have access.",
"newCTA": "You currently do not have any labels.",
"search": "Escribe para buscar una etiqueta…",
"create": {
"header": "Nueva etiqueta",
"title": "Crear una nueva etiqueta",
"titleRequired": "Por favor, especifica un título.",
"success": "La etiqueta se ha creado correctamente."
"edit": {
"header": "Editar etiqueta",
"forbidden": "You are not allowed to edit this label because you dont own it.",
"success": "La etiqueta se ha actualizado correctamente."
"deleteSuccess": "La etiqueta se ha eliminado correctamente.",
"attributes": {
"title": "Título",
"titlePlaceholder": "El título de la etiqueta va aquí…",
"description": "Descripción",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Descripción de la etiqueta",
"color": "Color"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "Authenticating…",
"passwordRequired": "This shared list requires a password. Please enter it below:",
"error": "An error occured.",
"invalidPassword": "The password is invalid."
"navigation": {
"overview": "Overview",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"settings": "Opciones",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"privacy": "Política de privacidad"
"misc": {
"loading": "Cargando…",
"save": "Guardar",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"refresh": "Recargar",
"disable": "Desactivar",
"copy": "Copiar al portapapeles",
"search": "Buscar",
"searchPlaceholder": "Type to search…",
"previous": "Anterior",
"next": "Siguiente",
"poweredBy": "Powered by Vikunja",
"info": "Información",
"create": "Crear",
"doit": "¡Hazlo!",
"saving": "Guardando…",
"saved": "¡Guardado!",
"default": "Predeterminado",
"close": "Cerrar",
"download": "Download"
"input": {
"resetColor": "Restablecer color",
"datepicker": {
"today": "Hoy",
"tomorrow": "Mañana",
"nextMonday": "El próximo lunes",
"thisWeekend": "Este fin de semana",
"laterThisWeek": "Más tarde esta semana",
"nextWeek": "La próxima semana",
"chooseDate": "Elige una fecha"
"editor": {
"edit": "Editar",
"done": "Hecho",
"heading1": "Heading 1",
"heading2": "Heading 2",
"heading3": "Heading 3",
"headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller",
"headingBigger": "Heading Bigger",
"bold": "Negrita",
"italic": "Cursiva",
"strikethrough": "Tachado",
"code": "Código",
"quote": "Cita",
"unorderedList": "Unordered List",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"cleanBlock": "Clean Block",
"link": "Enlace",
"image": "Imagen",
"table": "Tabla",
"horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule",
"sideBySide": "Side By Side",
"guide": "Guide"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Crear nuevo",
"selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select"
"task": {
"task": "Tarea",
"new": "Crear una nueva tarea",
"delete": "Eliminar esta tarea",
"createSuccess": "The task was successfully created.",
"addReminder": "Añadir un nuevo recordatorio…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "Current Tasks",
"titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}",
"noDates": "Show tasks without dates",
"current": "Current tasks",
"from": "Tasks from",
"until": "hasta",
"today": "Hoy",
"nextWeek": "La próxima semana",
"nextMonth": "El próximo mes",
"noTasks": "Nada que hacer - ¡Que tengas un buen día!"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "Click here to set a due date",
"chooseStartDate": "Click here to set a start date",
"chooseEndDate": "Click here to set an end date",
"move": "Move task to a different list",
"done": "¡Hecho!",
"undone": "Mark as undone",
"created": "Created {0} by {1}",
"updated": "Actualizado {0}",
"doneAt": "Hecho {0}",
"updateSuccess": "The task was saved successfully.",
"deleteSuccess": "The task has been deleted successfully.",
"belongsToList": "This task belongs to list '{list}'",
"due": "Due {at}",
"delete": {
"header": "Eliminar esta tarea",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this task?",
"text2": "This will also remove all attachments, reminders and relations associated with this task and cannot be undone!"
"actions": {
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"label": "Añadir etiquetas",
"priority": "Establecer prioridad",
"dueDate": "Set Due Date",
"startDate": "Set a Start Date",
"endDate": "Set an End Date",
"reminders": "Set Reminders",
"repeatAfter": "Set a repeating interval",
"percentDone": "Set Percent Done",
"attachments": "Add attachments",
"relatedTasks": "Add task relations",
"moveList": "Mover tarea",
"color": "Set task color",
"delete": "Delete task",
"favorite": "Save as favorite",
"unfavorite": "Remove from favorites"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "Assignees",
"color": "Color",
"created": "Created",
"createdBy": "Created By",
"description": "Description",
"done": "Done",
"dueDate": "Due Date",
"endDate": "End Date",
"labels": "Labels",
"percentDone": "% Done",
"priority": "Priority",
"relatedTasks": "Related Tasks",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"repeat": "Repeat",
"startDate": "Start Date",
"title": "Title",
"updated": "Updated"
"subscription": {
"subscribedThroughParent": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this {entity} through its {parent}.",
"subscribed": "You are currently subscribed to this {entity} and will receive notifications for changes.",
"notSubscribed": "You are not subscribed to this {entity} and won't receive notifications for changes.",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"subscribeSuccess": "You are now subscribed to this {entity}",
"unsubscribeSuccess": "You are now unsubscribed to this {entity}"
"attachment": {
"title": "Attachments",
"createdBy": "created {0} by {1}",
"downloadTooltip": "Download this attachment",
"upload": "Upload attachment",
"drop": "Drop files here to upload",
"delete": "Delete attachment",
"deleteTooltip": "Delete this attachment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment {filename}?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!",
"copyUrl": "Copy URL",
"copyUrlTooltip": "Copy the url of this attachment for usage in text"
"comment": {
"title": "Comments",
"loading": "Loading comments…",
"edited": "edited {date}",
"creating": "Creating comment…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment…",
"comment": "Comment",
"delete": "Delete this comment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!",
"addedSuccess": "The comment was added successfully."
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "Defer due date",
"1day": "1 day",
"3days": "3 days",
"1week": "1 week"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…",
"empty": "No description available yet."
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "Type to assign a user…",
"selectPlaceholder": "Assign this user",
"assignSuccess": "The user has been assigned successfully.",
"unassignSuccess": "The user has been unassigned successfully."
"label": {
"placeholder": "Type to add a new label…",
"createPlaceholder": "Add this as new label",
"addSuccess": "The label has been added successfully.",
"createSuccess": "The label has been created successfully.",
"removeSuccess": "The label has been removed successfully."
"priority": {
"unset": "Unset",
"low": "Low",
"medium": "Medium",
"high": "high",
"urgent": "Urgent",
"doNow": "DO NOW"
"relation": {
"add": "Add a New Task Relation",
"new": "New Task Relation",
"searchPlaceholder": "Type search for a new task to add as related…",
"createPlaceholder": "Add this as new related task",
"differentList": "This task belongs to a different list.",
"noneYet": "No task relations yet.",
"delete": "Delete Task Relation",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this task relation?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "Every Day",
"everyWeek": "Every Week",
"everyMonth": "Every Month",
"mode": "Repeat mode",
"monthly": "Monthly",
"fromCurrentDate": "From Current Date",
"each": "Each",
"specifyAmount": "Specify an amount…",
"hours": "Hours",
"days": "Days",
"weeks": "Weeks",
"months": "Months",
"years": "Years"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "You can use Quick Add Magic",
"what": "What?",
"title": "Quick Add Magic",
"intro": "When creating a task, you can use special keywords to directly add attributes to the newly created task. This allows to add commonly used attributes to tasks much faster.",
"multiple": "You can use this multiple times.",
"label1": "To add a label, simply prefix the name of the label with {prefix}.",
"label2": "Vikunja will first check if the label already exist and create it if not.",
"label3": "To use spaces, simply add a \" around the label name.",
"label4": "For example: {prefix}\"Label with spaces\".",
"priority1": "To set a task's priority, add a number 1-5, prefixed with a {prefix}.",
"priority2": "The higher the number, the higher the priority.",
"assignees": "To directly assign the task to a user, add their username prefixed with @ to the task.",
"list1": "To set a list for the task to appear in, enter its name prefixed with {prefix}.",
"list2": "This will return an error if the list does not exist.",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time",
"date": "Any date will be used as the due date of the new task. You can use dates in any of these formats:",
"dateWeekday": "any weekday, will use the next date with that date",
"dateCurrentYear": "will use the current year",
"dateNth": "will use the {day}th of the current month",
"dateTime": "Combine any of the date formats with \"{time}\" (or {timePM}) to set a time."
"team": {
"title": "Teams",
"noTeams": "You are currently not part of any teams.",
"create": {
"title": "Create a new team",
"success": "The team was successfully created."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit Team \"{team}\"",
"members": "Team Members",
"search": "Type to search a user…",
"addUser": "Add to team",
"makeMember": "Make Member",
"makeAdmin": "Make Admin",
"success": "The team was successfully updated.",
"userAddedSuccess": "The team member was successfully added.",
"madeMember": "The team member was successfully made member.",
"madeAdmin": "The team member was successfully made admin.",
"delete": {
"header": "Delete the team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?",
"text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The team was successfully deleted."
"deleteUser": {
"header": "Remove a user from the team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"attributes": {
"name": "Team Name",
"namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…",
"nameRequired": "Please specify a name.",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Member"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Mark a task as done",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"update": {
"available": "There is an update for Vikunja available!",
"do": "Update Now"
"menu": {
"edit": "Edit",
"archive": "Archive",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"delete": "Delete",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive",
"setBackground": "Set background",
"share": "Share",
"newList": "New list"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "Vikunja URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "eg. https://localhost:3456",
"change": "change",
"signInOn": "Sign in to your Vikunja account on {0}",
"error": "Could not find or use Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\".",
"success": "Using Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\"."
"loadingError": {
"failed": "Loading failed, please {0}. If the error persists, please {1}.",
"tryAgain": "try again",
"contact": "contact us"
"notification": {
"title": "Notifications",
"none": "You don't have any notifications. Have a nice day!",
"explainer": "Notifications will appear here when actions on namespaces, lists or tasks you subscribed to happen."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "Commands",
"placeholder": "Type a command or search…",
"hint": "You can use # to only seach for tasks, * to only search for lists and @ to only search for teams.",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"lists": "Lists",
"teams": "Teams",
"newList": "Enter the title of the new list…",
"newTask": "Enter the title of the new task…",
"newNamespace": "Enter the title of the new namespace…",
"newTeam": "Enter the name of the new team…",
"createTask": "Create a task in the current list ({title})",
"createList": "Create a list in the current namespace ({title})",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "New task",
"newList": "New list",
"newNamespace": "New namespace",
"newTeam": "New team"
"date": {
"locale": "en",
"in": "in {date}",
"ago": "{date} ago",
"altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "Error",
"success": "Success",
"0001": "You're not allowed to do that.",
"1001": "A user with this username already exists.",
"1002": "A user with this email address already exists.",
"1004": "No username and password specified.",
"1005": "The user does not exist.",
"1006": "Could not get the user id.",
"1008": "No password reset token provided.",
"1009": "Invalid password reset token.",
"1010": "Invalid email confirm token.",
"1011": "Wrong username or password.",
"1012": "Email address of the user not confirmed.",
"1013": "New password is empty.",
"1014": "Old password is empty.",
"1015": "Totp is already enabled for this user.",
"1016": "Totp is not enabled for this user.",
"1017": "The totp passcode is invalid.",
"1018": "The user avatar type setting is invalid.",
"2001": "ID cannot be empty or 0.",
"2002": "Some of the request data was invalid.",
"3001": "The list does not exist.",
"3004": "You need to have read permissions on that list to perform that action.",
"3005": "The list title cannot be empty.",
"3006": "The list share does not exist.",
"3007": "A list with this identifier already exists.",
"3008": "The list is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only. This is also true for all tasks associated with this list.",
"4001": "The list task text cannot be empty.",
"4002": "The list task does not exist.",
"4003": "All bulk editing tasks must belong to the same list.",
"4004": "Need at least one task when bulk editing tasks.",
"4005": "You do not have the right to see the task.",
"4006": "You can't set a parent task as the task itself.",
"4007": "You can't create a task relation with an invalid kind of relation.",
"4008": "You can't create a task relation which already exists.",
"4009": "The task relation does not exist.",
"4010": "Cannot relate a task with itself.",
"4011": "The task attachment does not exist.",
"4012": "The task attachment is too large.",
"4013": "The task sort param is invalid.",
"4014": "The task sort order is invalid.",
"4015": "The task comment does not exist.",
"4016": "Invalid task field.",
"4017": "Invalid task filter comparator.",
"4018": "Invalid task filter concatinator.",
"4019": "Invalid task filter value.",
"5001": "The namespace does not exist.",
"5003": "You do not have access to the specified namespace.",
"5006": "The namespace name cannot be empty.",
"5009": "You need to have namespace read access to perform that action.",
"5010": "This team does not have access to that namespace.",
"5011": "This user has already access to that namespace.",
"5012": "The namespace is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only.",
"6001": "The team name cannot be emtpy.",
"6002": "The team does not exist.",
"6004": "The team already has access to that namespace or list.",
"6005": "The user is already a member of that team.",
"6006": "Cannot delete the last team member.",
"6007": "The team does not have access to the list to perform that action.",
"7002": "The user already has access to that list.",
"7003": "You do not have access to that list.",
"8001": "This label already exists on that task.",
"8002": "The label does not exist.",
"8003": "You do not have access to this label.",
"9001": "The right is invalid.",
"10001": "The bucket does not exist.",
"10002": "The bucket does not belong to that list.",
"10003": "You cannot remove the last bucket on a list.",
"10004": "You cannot add the task to this bucket as it already exceeded the limit of tasks it can hold.",
"10005": "There can be only one done bucket per list.",
"11001": "The saved filter does not exist.",
"11002": "Saved filters are not available for link shares.",
"12001": "The subscription entity type is invalid.",
"12002": "You are already subscribed to the entity itself or a parent entity.",
"13001": "This link share requires a password for authentication, but none was provided.",
"13002": "The provided link share password was invalid."
"about": {
"title": "About",
"frontendVersion": "Frontend Version: {version}",
"apiVersion": "API Version: {version}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
"home": {
"welcomeNight": "Bonne nuit {username}",
"welcomeMorning": "Bonjour {username}",
"welcomeDay": "Salut {username}",
"welcomeEvening": "Bonsoir {username}",
"lastViewed": "Dernière consultation",
"list": {
"newText": "Tu peux créer une nouvelle liste pour tes nouvelles tâches :",
"new": "Créer une nouvelle liste",
"importText": "Ou importe tes listes et tâches d’autres services dans Vikunja :",
"import": "Importer tes données dans Vikunja"
"404": {
"title": "Non trouvé",
"text": "La page que tu as demandée n’existe pas."
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "Nom d’utilisateur·rice",
"usernameEmail": "Nom d’utilisateur·rice ou adresse courriel",
"usernamePlaceholder": "p. ex. frederick",
"email": "Adresse courriel",
"emailPlaceholder": "p. ex. frederic@vikunja.io",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"passwordRepeat": "Retape ton mot de passe",
"passwordPlaceholder": "p. ex. •••••••••••",
"resetPassword": "Réinitialiser ton mot de passe",
"resetPasswordAction": "M’envoyer un lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "Check your inbox! You should have an e-mail with instructions on how to reset your password.",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "Tu peux maintenant te connecter en utilisant votre adresse courriel.",
"totpTitle": "Code d’authentification à deux facteurs",
"totpPlaceholder": "p. ex. 123456",
"login": "Se connecter",
"register": "S’inscrire",
"loginWith": "Se connecter avec {provider}",
"authenticating": "Authentification…",
"openIdStateError": "L’état ne correspond pas, impossible de continuer !",
"openIdGeneralError": "An error occured while authenticating against the third party.",
"logout": "Se déconnecter"
"settings": {
"title": "Paramètres",
"newPasswordTitle": "Mets à jour ton mot de passe",
"newPassword": "Nouveau mot de passe",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Confirmation du nouveau mot de passe",
"currentPassword": "Mot de passe actuel",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Ton mot de passe actuel",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Le nouveau mot de passe et sa confirmation ne correspondent pas.",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "Mot de passe mis à jour.",
"updateEmailTitle": "Mets à jour ton adresse électronique",
"updateEmailNew": "Nouvelle adresse courriel",
"updateEmailSuccess": "Mise à jour de l’adresse électronique. Clique sur le lien dans le courriel qui t’a été envoyé pour le confirmer.",
"general": {
"title": "Paramètres généraux",
"name": "Nom",
"newName": "Le nouveau nom",
"savedSuccess": "Paramètres mis à jour.",
"emailReminders": "M’envoyer des rappels de tâches par courriel",
"overdueReminders": "M’envoyer des rappels pour les tâches en retard et non terminées par courriel chaque matin",
"discoverableByName": "Permettre aux autres de me trouver quand ils recherchent mon nom",
"discoverableByEmail": "Permettre aux autres de me trouver quand ils recherchent mon adresse courriel complète",
"playSoundWhenDone": "Jouer un son lors du marquage des tâches comme étant effectuées",
"weekStart": "La semaine commence le",
"weekStartSunday": "dimanche",
"weekStartMonday": "lundi",
"language": "Langue",
"defaultList": "Liste par défaut"
"totp": {
"title": "Authentification à deux facteurs",
"enroll": "S’inscrire",
"finishSetupPart1": "Pour terminer ta configuration, utilise ce secret dans ton appli de mot de passe à usage unique (andOTP ou similaire) :",
"finishSetupPart2": "Après cela, entre un code de ton application ci-dessous.",
"scanQR": "Tu peux également scanner ce code QR :",
"passcode": "Code",
"passcodePlaceholder": "Un code généré par ton appli de mot de passe à usage unique",
"setupSuccess": "Tu as maintenant configuré l’authentification à deux facteurs.",
"enterPassword": "Entre ton mot de passe",
"disable": "Désactiver l’authentification à deux facteurs",
"confirmSuccess": "Configuration du MDP à usage unique confirmée et utilisable.",
"disableSuccess": "Authentification à deux facteurs désactivée."
"caldav": {
"title": "CalDAV",
"howTo": "Tu peux connecter Vikunja à des clients CalDAV pour visualiser et gérer toutes les tâches de différents clients. Entre cette URL dans ton client :",
"more": "Plus d’informations sur CalDAV dans Vikunja"
"avatar": {
"title": "Avatar",
"initials": "Initiales",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"upload": "Téléverser",
"uploadAvatar": "Téléverser l’avatar",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "Statut de l’avatar mis à jour.",
"setSuccess": "Avatar défini."
"deletion": {
"title": "Delete your Vikunja Account",
"text1": "The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your namespaces, lists, tasks and everything associated with it.",
"text2": "To proceed, please enter your password. You will receive an email with further instructions.",
"confirm": "Delete my account",
"requestSuccess": "The request was successful. You'll receive an email with further instructions.",
"passwordRequired": "Please enter your password.",
"confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed the deletion of your account. We will delete your account in three days.",
"scheduled": "We will delete your Vikunja account at {date} ({dateSince}).",
"scheduledCancel": "To cancel the deletion of your account, click here.",
"scheduledCancelText": "To cancel the deletion of your account, please enter your password below:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "Cancel the deletion of my account",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "We will not delete your account."
"export": {
"title": "Export your Vikunja Data",
"description": "You can request a copy of all your Vikunja data. This include Namespaces, Lists, Tasks and everything associated to them. You can import this data in any Vikunja instance through the migration function.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "Please enter your password to proceed:",
"request": "Request a copy of my Vikunja Data",
"success": "You've successfully requested your Vikunja Data! We will send you an email once it's ready to download."
"list": {
"archived": "Cette liste est archivée. Il n’est pas possible d’y créer de nouvelles tâches ou de les modifier.",
"title": "Nom de la liste",
"color": "Couleur",
"lists": "Listes",
"search": "Écris pour rechercher une liste…",
"searchSelect": "Clique ou appuie sur la touche Entrée pour sélectionner cette liste",
"shared": "Listes partagées",
"create": {
"header": "Créer une nouvelle liste",
"titlePlaceholder": "Entre le nom de la liste…",
"addTitleRequired": "Indique un nom.",
"createdSuccess": "Liste créée.",
"addListRequired": "Indique une liste ou définis une liste par défaut dans les paramètres."
"archive": {
"title": "Archiver « {list} »",
"archive": "Archiver cette liste",
"unarchive": "Désarchiver cette liste",
"unarchiveText": "Tu pourras créer de nouvelles tâches ou les modifier.",
"archiveText": "Tu ne pourras pas modifier cette liste ni créer de nouvelles tâches tant que tu ne l’auras pas désarchivée.",
"success": "Liste archivée."
"background": {
"title": "Définir l’arrière-plan de la liste",
"remove": "Retirer l’arrière-plan",
"upload": "Choisis un arrière-plan depuis ton ordinateur",
"searchPlaceholder": "Rechercher un arrière-plan…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Propulsé par Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Charger plus de photos",
"success": "Arrière-plan défini.",
"removeSuccess": "Arrière-plan supprimé."
"delete": {
"title": "Supprimer « {list} »",
"header": "Supprimer cette liste",
"text1": "Supprimer cette liste et tout son contenu ?",
"text2": "Ceci inclut toutes les tâches et ne peut pas être annulé !",
"success": "Liste supprimée."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Dupliquer cette liste",
"label": "Dupliquer",
"text": "Sélectionne un espace de noms qui doit contenir la liste dupliquée :",
"success": "Liste dupliquée."
"edit": {
"header": "Modifier cette liste",
"title": "Modifier « {list} »",
"titlePlaceholder": "Entre le nom de la liste…",
"identifierTooltip": "L’identifiant de liste peut être utilisé pour identifier de manière unique une tâche dans toutes les listes. Tu peux le régler sur vide pour le désactiver.",
"identifier": "Identifiant de la liste",
"identifierPlaceholder": "L’identifiant de la liste va ici…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Entre la description de la liste…",
"color": "Couleur",
"success": "Liste mise à jour."
"share": {
"header": "Partager cette liste",
"title": "Partager « {list} »",
"share": "Partager",
"links": {
"title": "Liens de partage",
"what": "Qu’est-ce qu’un lien de partage ?",
"explanation": "Permet de partager une liste avec les personnes qui n’ont pas de compte sur Vikunja.",
"create": "Créer un nouveau lien de partage",
"name": "Nom (facultatif)",
"namePlaceholder": "p. ex. Lorem Ipsum",
"nameExplanation": "Toutes les actions effectuées par ce partage de lien apparaîtront avec le nom.",
"password": "Mot de passe (facultatif)",
"passwordExplanation": "L’utilisateur·rice doit saisir ce mot de passe pour se connecter.",
"noName": "Aucun nom défini",
"remove": "Retirer un lien de partage",
"removeText": "Retirer ce partage de lien ? Il ne sera plus possible d’accéder à cette liste avec ce partage de lien. Cette opération ne peut être annulée !",
"createSuccess": "Partage créé.",
"deleteSuccess": "Lien supprimé"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "utilisateur·rice | utilisateur·rice·s",
"typeTeam": "équipe | équipes",
"shared": "Partagé avec ces {type}",
"you": "Toi",
"notShared": "Pas encore partagé avec des {type}.",
"removeHeader": "Retirer un {type} de la liste {sharable}",
"removeText": "Retirer ce {sharable} du {type} ? Ceci ne peut pas être annulé !",
"removeSuccess": "{sharable} retiré de {type}.",
"addedSuccess": "{type} ajouté.",
"updatedSuccess": "{type} ajouté."
"right": {
"title": "Droit",
"read": "Lecture seule",
"readWrite": "Lecture et écriture",
"admin": "Admin"
"attributes": {
"link": "Lien",
"name": "Nom",
"sharedBy": "Partagé par",
"right": "Droit",
"delete": "Supprimer"
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Ajouter",
"addPlaceholder": "Ajouter une nouvelle tâche…",
"empty": "Cette liste est actuellement vide.",
"newTaskCta": "Créer une nouvelle tâche.",
"editTask": "Modifier la tâche"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Afficher les tâches pour lesquelles aucune date n’a été fixée",
"size": "Taille",
"default": "Par défaut",
"month": "Mois",
"day": "Jour",
"from": "De",
"to": "À",
"noDates": "Aucune date n’a été fixée pour cette tâche."
"table": {
"title": "Tableau",
"columns": "Colonnes"
"kanban": {
"title": "Kanban",
"limit": "Limite : {limit}",
"noLimit": "Non défini",
"doneBucket": "Seau des terminés",
"doneBucketHint": "Toutes les tâches déplacées dans ce seau seront automatiquement marquées comme faites.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "Toutes les tâches déplacées dans le seau des choses terminées seront marquées comme terminées automatiquement. Toutes les tâches marquées comme terminées ailleurs seront également déplacées.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "Seau des terminés enregistré.",
"deleteLast": "Tu ne peux pas supprimer le dernier seau.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Entre le nom de la tâche…",
"addTask": "Ajouter une tâche",
"addAnotherTask": "Ajouter une autre tâche",
"addBucket": "Créer un nouveau seau",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Entre le nouveau nom du seau…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "Supprimer le seau",
"deleteBucketText1": "Supprimer ce seau ?",
"deleteBucketText2": "Ceci ne supprimera pas les tâches mais les déplacera dans le seau par défaut.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "Seau supprimé.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "Nom du seau enregistré.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "Limite du seau enregistrée.",
"collapse": "Réduire ce seau"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Favoris"
"namespace": {
"title": "Espaces de noms et listes",
"namespace": "Espace de noms",
"showArchived": "Montrer les archivés",
"noneAvailable": "Tu n’as pas d’espace de noms pour le moment.",
"unarchive": "Désarchiver",
"archived": "Archivé",
"noLists": "Cet espace de noms ne contient pas de listes.",
"createList": "Créer une nouvelle liste dans cet espace de noms.",
"namespaces": "Espaces de noms",
"search": "Écris pour rechercher un espace de noms…",
"create": {
"title": "Créer un nouvel espace de noms",
"titleRequired": "Indique un nom.",
"explanation": "Des collections de listes pour partager et organiser vos listes. En fait, chaque liste appartient à un espace de noms.",
"tooltip": "Qu’est-ce qu’un espace de noms ?",
"success": "Espace de noms créé."
"archive": {
"titleArchive": "Archiver « {namespace} »",
"titleUnarchive": "Désarchiver « {namespace} »",
"archiveText": "Tu ne pourras pas modifier cet espace de noms ou créer de nouvelles listes tant que tu ne l’auras pas désarchivé. Ceci archivera également toutes les listes de cet espace de noms.",
"unarchiveText": "Tu pourras créer de nouvelles listes ou les modifier.",
"success": "Espace de noms archivé.",
"description": "L’archivage d’un espace de noms signifie qu’on ne peut pas créer de nouvelles listes dans cet espace, ni le modifier."
"delete": {
"title": "Supprimer « {namespace} »",
"text1": "Supprimer cet espace de noms et tout son contenu ?",
"text2": "Ceci inclut toutes les listes et les tâches et ne peut être annulé !",
"success": "Espace de noms supprimé."
"edit": {
"title": "Modifier « {namespace} »",
"success": "Espace de noms mis à jour."
"share": {
"title": "Partager « {namespace} »"
"attributes": {
"title": "Nom de l’espace de noms",
"titlePlaceholder": "Entre le nom de l’espace de noms…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Entre la description de l’espace de noms…",
"color": "Couleur",
"archived": "Est archivé",
"isArchived": "Cet espace de noms est archivé"
"pseudo": {
"sharedLists": {
"title": "Listes partagées"
"favorites": {
"title": "Favoris"
"savedFilters": {
"title": "Filtres"
"filters": {
"title": "Filtres",
"attributes": {
"title": "Nom",
"titlePlaceholder": "Entre un nom de filtre enregistré…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Écris une description…",
"includeNulls": "Inclure les tâches sans valeurs",
"requireAll": "Exiger tous les filtres pour qu’une tâche s’affiche",
"showDoneTasks": "Afficher les tâches terminées",
"enablePriority": "Activer le filtre par priorité",
"enablePercentDone": "Par % d’achèvement",
"dueDateRange": "Plage de dates d’échéance",
"startDateRange": "Plage de dates de début",
"endDateRange": "Plage de dates de fin",
"reminderRange": "Plage de dates de rappel"
"create": {
"title": "Créer un filtre enregistré",
"description": "Un filtre enregistré est une liste virtuelle qui est calculée à partir d’un ensemble de filtres à chaque fois qu’on y accède. Une fois créé, il apparaît dans un espace de noms spécial.",
"action": "Créer un nouveau filtre enregistré"
"delete": {
"header": "Supprimer ce filtre enregistré",
"text": "Supprimer ce filtre enregistré ?",
"success": "Filtre supprimé."
"edit": {
"title": "Modifier ce filtre enregistré",
"success": "Filtre enregistré."
"migrate": {
"title": "Migrer d’autres services vers Vikunja",
"titleService": "Importe tes données depuis {name} dans Vikunja",
"import": "Importer tes données dans Vikunja",
"description": "Clique sur le logo d’un des services tiers ci-dessous pour commencer.",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja importera toutes les listes, tâches, notes, rappels et fichiers auxquels tu as accès.",
"authorize": "Autorise Vikunja à accéder à ton compte {name} en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.",
"getStarted": "Commencer",
"inProgress": "Importation en cours…",
"alreadyMigrated1": "Il semble que tu aies déjà importé tes affaires de {name} le {date}.",
"alreadyMigrated2": "Importer à nouveau est possible mais peut créer des doublons. Es-tu sûr·e ?",
"confirm": "Je suis sûr·e, commencer à migrer maintenant !",
"importUpload": "To import data from {name} into Vikunja, click the button below to select a file.",
"upload": "Upload file"
"label": {
"title": "Étiquettes",
"manage": "Gérer les étiquettes",
"description": "Clique sur une étiquette pour la modifier. Tu peux modifier toutes les étiquettes que tu as créées, tu peux utiliser toutes les étiquettes qui sont associées à une tâche dont tu as accès à la liste.",
"newCTA": "Tu n’as actuellement aucune étiquette.",
"search": "Écris pour rechercher une étiquette…",
"create": {
"header": "Nouvelle étiquette",
"title": "Créer une nouvelle étiquette",
"titleRequired": "Indique un nom.",
"success": "Étiquette créée."
"edit": {
"header": "Modifier l’étiquette",
"forbidden": "Tu ne peux pas modifier cette étiquette car elle ne t’appartient pas.",
"success": "Étiquette mise à jour."
"deleteSuccess": "Étiquette supprimée.",
"attributes": {
"title": "Nom",
"titlePlaceholder": "Entre un nom d’étiquette…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Description de l’étiquette",
"color": "Couleur"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "Authentification…",
"passwordRequired": "Cette liste partagée nécessite un mot de passe. Entre-le ci-dessous :",
"error": "Une erreur s’est produite.",
"invalidPassword": "Le mot de passe est invalide."
"navigation": {
"overview": "Vue d’ensemble",
"upcoming": "À venir",
"settings": "Paramètres",
"imprint": "Informations légales",
"privacy": "Politique de confidentialité"
"misc": {
"loading": "Chargement…",
"save": "Enregistrer",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"refresh": "Actualiser",
"disable": "Désactiver",
"copy": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
"search": "Rechercher",
"searchPlaceholder": "Écris pour rechercher…",
"previous": "Précédent",
"next": "Suivant",
"poweredBy": "Propulsé par Vikunja",
"info": "Infos",
"create": "Créer",
"doit": "Faites-le !",
"saving": "Enregistrement en cours…",
"saved": "Enregistré !",
"default": "Par défaut",
"close": "Fermer",
"download": "Download"
"input": {
"resetColor": "Réinitialiser la couleur",
"datepicker": {
"today": "Aujourd’hui",
"tomorrow": "Demain",
"nextMonday": "Lundi prochain",
"thisWeekend": "Ce weekend",
"laterThisWeek": "Plus tard cette semaine",
"nextWeek": "La semaine prochaine",
"chooseDate": "Choisir une date"
"editor": {
"edit": "Modifier",
"done": "Terminé",
"heading1": "En-tête 1",
"heading2": "En-tête 2",
"heading3": "En-tête 3",
"headingSmaller": "En-tête plus petit",
"headingBigger": "En-tête plus grand",
"bold": "Gras",
"italic": "Italique",
"strikethrough": "Barré",
"code": "Code",
"quote": "Citation",
"unorderedList": "Liste non ordonnée",
"orderedList": "Liste ordonnée",
"cleanBlock": "Bloc propre",
"link": "Lien",
"image": "Image",
"table": "Tableau",
"horizontalRule": "Règle horizontale",
"sideBySide": "Côte à côte",
"guide": "Guide"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Créer un nouveau",
"selectPlaceholder": "Clique ou appuie sur la touche Entrée pour sélectionner"
"task": {
"task": "Tâche",
"new": "Créer une nouvelle tâche",
"delete": "Supprimer cette tâche",
"createSuccess": "Tâche créée.",
"addReminder": "Ajouter un nouveau rappel…",
"doneSuccess": "Tâche marquée comme terminée.",
"undoneSuccess": "Tâche marquée comme non terminée.",
"openDetail": "Ouvrir la vue détaillée de la tâche",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "Tâches actuelles",
"titleDates": "Tâches du {from} au {to}",
"noDates": "Afficher les tâches sans date",
"current": "Tâches actuelles",
"from": "Tâches du",
"until": "au",
"today": "Aujourd’hui",
"nextWeek": "La semaine prochaine",
"nextMonth": "Le mois prochain",
"noTasks": "Rien à faire. Passe une bonne journée !"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "Clique ici pour définir une date d’échéance",
"chooseStartDate": "Clique ici pour fixer une date de début",
"chooseEndDate": "Clique ici pour fixer une date de fin",
"move": "Déplacer une tâche vers une autre liste",
"done": "Terminé !",
"undone": "Marquer comme inachevé",
"created": "Créé {0} par {1}",
"updated": "Mis à jour {0}",
"doneAt": "Terminé {0}",
"updateSuccess": "Tâche enregistrée.",
"deleteSuccess": "Tâche supprimée.",
"belongsToList": "Cette tâche appartient à la liste « {list} »",
"due": "Échéance {at}",
"delete": {
"header": "Supprimer cette tâche",
"text1": "Retirer cette tâche ?",
"text2": "Ceci supprimera également toutes les pièces jointes, les rappels et les relations associés à cette tâche et ne pourra pas être annulé !"
"actions": {
"assign": "Assigner cette tâche à un·e utilisateur·rice",
"label": "Ajouter des étiquettes",
"priority": "Définir la priorité",
"dueDate": "Définir l’échéance",
"startDate": "Définir une date de début",
"endDate": "Fixer une date de fin",
"reminders": "Définir des rappels",
"repeatAfter": "Définir un intervalle de répétition",
"percentDone": "Définir le pourcentage d’achèvement",
"attachments": "Ajouter des pièces jointes",
"relatedTasks": "Ajouter des relations de tâches",
"moveList": "Déplacer la tâche",
"color": "Définir la couleur de la tâche",
"delete": "Supprimer la tâche",
"favorite": "Save as favorite",
"unfavorite": "Remove from favorites"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "Attributaires",
"color": "Couleur",
"created": "Créé",
"createdBy": "Créé par",
"description": "Description",
"done": "Terminé",
"dueDate": "Date d’échéance",
"endDate": "Date de fin",
"labels": "Étiquettes",
"percentDone": "% terminé",
"priority": "Priorité",
"relatedTasks": "Tâches connexes",
"reminders": "Rappels",
"repeat": "Répéter",
"startDate": "Date de début",
"title": "Nom",
"updated": "Mis à jour"
"subscription": {
"subscribedThroughParent": "Tu ne peux pas te désabonner ici car tu es abonné·e à cette {entity} par le biais de son {parent}.",
"subscribed": "Tu es actuellement abonné·e à cette {entity} et recevras des notifications pour les changements.",
"notSubscribed": "Tu n’es pas abonné·e à cette {entity} et ne recevras pas de notifications pour les changements.",
"subscribe": "S’abonner",
"unsubscribe": "Se désabonner",
"subscribeSuccess": "Tu es maintenant abonné·e à cette {entity}",
"unsubscribeSuccess": "Tu es maintenant désabonné·e de cette {entity}"
"attachment": {
"title": "Pièces jointes",
"createdBy": "créé {0} par {1}",
"downloadTooltip": "Télécharger cette pièce jointe",
"upload": "Téléverser la pièce jointe",
"drop": "Dépose les fichiers ici pour les téléverser",
"delete": "Supprimer la pièce jointe",
"deleteTooltip": "Supprimer cette pièce jointe",
"deleteText1": "Supprimer la pièce jointe {filename} ?",
"deleteText2": "Ceci ne peut être annulé !",
"copyUrl": "Copier l’URL",
"copyUrlTooltip": "Copier l’URL de cette pièce jointe pour l’utiliser dans le texte"
"comment": {
"title": "Commentaires",
"loading": "Chargement des commentaires…",
"edited": "modifié {date}",
"creating": "Création d’un commentaire…",
"placeholder": "Ajoute ton commentaire…",
"comment": "Commentaire",
"delete": "Supprimer ce commentaire",
"deleteText1": "Supprimer ce commentaire ?",
"deleteText2": "Ceci ne peut être annulé !",
"addedSuccess": "Commentaire ajouté."
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "Reporter la date d’échéance",
"1day": "1 jour",
"3days": "3 jours",
"1week": "1 semaine"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Clique ici pour entrer une description…",
"empty": "Aucune description n’est encore disponible."
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "Écris pour affecter un·e utilisateur·rice…",
"selectPlaceholder": "Affecter cet·te utilisateur·rice",
"assignSuccess": "Affectation réussie.",
"unassignSuccess": "Désaffectation réussie."
"label": {
"placeholder": "Écris pour ajouter une nouvelle étiquette…",
"createPlaceholder": "Ajouter ceci comme nouvelle étiquette",
"addSuccess": "Étiquette ajoutée.",
"createSuccess": "Étiquette créée.",
"removeSuccess": "Étiquette retirée."
"priority": {
"unset": "Non définie",
"low": "Faible",
"medium": "Moyenne",
"high": "Élevée",
"urgent": "Urgente",
"relation": {
"add": "Ajouter une nouvelle relation de tâche",
"new": "Nouvelle relation de tâche",
"searchPlaceholder": "Écris la recherche d’une nouvelle tâche à ajouter comme connexe…",
"createPlaceholder": "Ajouter cette tâche comme nouvelle tâche connexe",
"differentList": "Cette tâche appartient à une autre liste.",
"noneYet": "Pas encore de relations de tâches.",
"delete": "Supprimer la relation de tâche",
"deleteText1": "Supprimer cette relation de tâche ?",
"deleteText2": "Ceci ne peut pas être annulé !"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "Chaque jour",
"everyWeek": "Chaque semaine",
"everyMonth": "Chaque mois",
"mode": "Mode de répétition",
"monthly": "Mensuel",
"fromCurrentDate": "À partir de la date actuelle",
"each": "Tous/toutes les",
"specifyAmount": "Indique un nombre…",
"hours": "Heures",
"days": "Jours",
"weeks": "Semaines",
"months": "Mois",
"years": "Années"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "Tu peux utiliser Quick Add Magic",
"what": "Quoi ?",
"title": "Quick Add Magic",
"intro": "Lors de la création d’une tâche, vous pouvez utiliser des mots-clés spéciaux pour ajouter directement des attributs à la tâche nouvellement créée. Ceci permet d’ajouter des attributs couramment utilisés aux tâches beaucoup plus rapidement.",
"multiple": "Tu peux utiliser ceci plusieurs fois.",
"label1": "Pour ajouter une étiquette, il suffit de préfixer le nom de l’étiquette avec {prefix}.",
"label2": "Vikunja va d’abord vérifier si l’étiquette existe déjà et la créer si ce n’est pas le cas.",
"label3": "Pour utiliser des espaces, il suffit d’ajouter \" autour du nom de l’étiquette.",
"label4": "Par exemple : {prefix}\"Étiquette avec espaces\".",
"priority1": "Pour définir la priorité d’une tâche, ajoutez un chiffre de 1 à 5, précédé d’un {prefix}.",
"priority2": "Plus le numéro est élevé, plus la priorité est élevée.",
"assignees": "Pour attribuer directement la tâche à une personne, ajoutez son nom d’utilisateur préfixé par @ à la tâche.",
"list1": "Pour définir une liste dans laquelle la tâche doit apparaître, entrez son nom précédé de {prefix}.",
"list2": "Ceci renverra une erreur si la liste n’existe pas.",
"dateAndTime": "Date et heure",
"date": "Toute date sera utilisée comme date d’échéance de la nouvelle tâche. Vous pouvez utiliser des dates dans un des formats suivants :",
"dateWeekday": "n’importe quel jour de la semaine, utilisera la date suivante avec cette date",
"dateCurrentYear": "utilisera l’année en cours",
"dateNth": "utilisera le {day}e du mois en cours",
"dateTime": "Combinez n’importe lequel des formats de date avec « {time} » (ou {timePM}) pour définir une heure."
"team": {
"title": "Équipes",
"noTeams": "Tu ne fais actuellement partie d’aucune équipe.",
"create": {
"title": "Créer une nouvelle équipe",
"success": "Équipe créée."
"edit": {
"title": "Modifier l’équipe « {team} »",
"members": "Membres de l’équipe",
"search": "Écris pour rechercher un·e utilisateur·rice…",
"addUser": "Ajouter à l’équipe",
"makeMember": "Ajouter comme membre",
"makeAdmin": "Rendre admin",
"success": "Équipe mise à jour.",
"userAddedSuccess": "Membre de l’équipe ajouté.",
"madeMember": "Le membre de l’équipe est devenu membre.",
"madeAdmin": "Membre de l’équipe nommé admin.",
"delete": {
"header": "Supprimer l’équipe",
"text1": "Supprimer cette équipe et tous ses membres ?",
"text2": "Tous les membres de l’équipe perdront l’accès aux listes et aux espaces de noms partagés avec cette équipe. Ceci ne peut pas être annulé !",
"success": "Équipe supprimée."
"deleteUser": {
"header": "Retirer un·e utilisateur·rice de l’équipe",
"text1": "Retirer cette personne de l’équipe ?",
"text2": "La personne perdra accès à toutes les listes et espaces de noms auxquels cette équipe a accès. Ceci ne peut pas être annulé !",
"success": "Utilisateur·rice retiré·e de l’équipe."
"attributes": {
"name": "Nom de l’équipe",
"namePlaceholder": "Entre le nom de l’équipe…",
"nameRequired": "Indique un nom.",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "La description des équipes va ici…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Membre"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "Raccourcis clavier",
"allPages": "Fonctionne sur toutes les pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "Fonctionnent uniquement sur la page en cours.",
"toggleMenu": "Basculer le menu",
"quickSearch": "Ouvrir la barre de recherche/action rapide",
"task": {
"title": "Page de tâche",
"done": "Marquer une tâche comme terminée",
"assign": "Assigner cette tâche à un·e utilisateur·rice",
"labels": "Ajouter des étiquettes à cette tâche",
"dueDate": "Modifier la date d’échéance de cette tâche",
"attachment": "Ajouter une pièce jointe à cette tâche",
"related": "Modifier les tâches connexes de cette tâche"
"update": {
"available": "Il y a une mise à jour pour Vikunja disponible !",
"do": "Mettre à jour maintenant"
"menu": {
"edit": "Modifier",
"archive": "Archiver",
"duplicate": "Dupliquer",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"unarchive": "Désarchiver",
"setBackground": "Définir l’arrière-plan",
"share": "Partager",
"newList": "Nouvelle liste"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "URL Vikunja",
"urlPlaceholder": "Par exemple : https://localhost:3456",
"change": "changer",
"signInOn": "Se connecter à ton compte Vikunja sur {0}",
"error": "Impossible de trouver ou d’utiliser l’installation Vikunja à « {domain} ».",
"success": "Utilisation de l’installation Vikunja à « {domain} »."
"loadingError": {
"failed": "Le chargement a échoué, {0}. Si l’erreur persiste, {1}.",
"tryAgain": "réessaye",
"contact": "contacte-nous"
"notification": {
"title": "Notifications",
"none": "Tu n’as pas de notifications. Passe une bonne journée !",
"explainer": "Les notifications apparaissent ici lorsque des actions (pour les espaces de noms, les listes ou les tâches) auxquelles tu es abonné·e se produisent."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "Commandes",
"placeholder": "Écris une commande ou une recherche…",
"hint": "Tu peux utiliser # pour rechercher uniquement les tâches, * pour rechercher uniquement les listes et @ pour rechercher uniquement les équipes.",
"tasks": "Tâches",
"lists": "Listes",
"teams": "Équipes",
"newList": "Entre le nom de la liste…",
"newTask": "Entre le nom de la tâche…",
"newNamespace": "Entre le nom de l’espace de noms…",
"newTeam": "Entre le nom de la nouvelle équipe…",
"createTask": "Créer une tâche dans la liste actuelle ({title})",
"createList": "Créer une liste dans l’espace de noms actuel ({title})",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "Nouvelle tâche",
"newList": "Nouvelle liste",
"newNamespace": "Nouvel espace de noms",
"newTeam": "Nouvelle équipe"
"date": {
"locale": "fr",
"in": "en {date}",
"ago": "il y a {date}",
"altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "Erreur",
"success": "Succès",
"0001": "Tu n’as pas le droit de faire cela.",
"1001": "Un·e utilisateur·rice avec ce nom d’utilisateur·rice existe déjà.",
"1002": "Un·e utilisateur·rice avec cette adresse courriel existe déjà.",
"1004": "Aucun nom d’utilisateur·rice et mot de passe n’a été indiqué.",
"1005": "L’utilisateur·rice n’existe pas.",
"1006": "Impossible d’obtenir l’identifiant de l’utilisateur·rice.",
"1008": "Aucun jeton de réinitialisation du mot de passe n’est fourni.",
"1009": "Le jeton de réinitialisation du mot de passe est invalide.",
"1010": "Jeton de confirmation de courriel invalide.",
"1011": "Nom d’utilisateur·rice ou mot de passe erroné.",
"1012": "L’adresse courriel de l’utilisateur·rice n’est pas confirmée.",
"1013": "Le nouveau mot de passe est vide.",
"1014": "L’ancien mot de passe est vide.",
"1015": "Cette personne utilise déjà un MDP à usage unique.",
"1016": "Cette personne utilise un MDP à usage unique.",
"1017": "Code à usage unique invalide.",
"1018": "Le paramètre du type d’avatar de l’utilisateur·rice est invalide.",
"2001": "L’identifiant ne peut pas être vide ou égal à 0.",
"2002": "Certaines des données de la requête étaient invalides.",
"3001": "La liste n’existe pas.",
"3004": "Tu dois avoir des droits de lecture sur cette liste pour effectuer cette action.",
"3005": "Tu dois entrer un nom de liste.",
"3006": "Le partage de liste n’existe pas.",
"3007": "Une liste avec cet identifiant existe déjà.",
"3008": "La liste est archivée et ne peut donc être consultée qu’en lecture seule. Ceci est également vrai pour toutes les tâches associées à cette liste.",
"4001": "Le texte de la tâche de liste ne peut pas être vide.",
"4002": "La tâche de liste n’existe pas.",
"4003": "Toutes les tâches de modification en bloc doivent appartenir à la même liste.",
"4004": "Besoin d’au moins une tâche lors de la modification en bloc de tâches.",
"4005": "Tu n’as pas le droit de voir la tâche.",
"4006": "Tu ne peux pas définir une tâche parente comme tâche elle-même.",
"4007": "Tu ne peux pas créer une relation de tâche avec un type de relation invalide.",
"4008": "Tu ne peux pas créer une relation de tâche qui existe déjà.",
"4009": "La relation de tâche n’existe pas.",
"4010": "Impossible de relier une tâche avec elle-même.",
"4011": "La pièce jointe de la tâche n’existe pas.",
"4012": "La pièce jointe de la tâche est trop grande.",
"4013": "Paramètre de triage des tâches invalide.",
"4014": "L’ordre de tri des tâches est invalide.",
"4015": "Le commentaire de la tâche n’existe pas.",
"4016": "Champ de tâche invalide.",
"4017": "Comparateur de filtre de tâche invalide.",
"4018": "Concaténateur de filtre de tâche invalide.",
"4019": "Valeur de filtre de tâche invalide.",
"5001": "L’espace de noms n’existe pas.",
"5003": "Tu n’as pas accès à l’espace de noms indiqué.",
"5006": "Le nom de l’espace de noms ne peut pas être vide.",
"5009": "Accès en lecture à l’espace de noms nécessaire pour effectuer cette action.",
"5010": "Cette équipe n’a pas accès à cet espace de noms.",
"5011": "Cet·e utilisateur·rice a déjà accès à cet espace de noms.",
"5012": "L’espace de noms est archivé et ne peut donc être consulté qu’en lecture seule.",
"6001": "Le nom de l’équipe ne peut pas être vide.",
"6002": "L’équipe n’existe pas.",
"6004": "L’équipe a déjà accès à cet espace de noms ou à cette liste.",
"6005": "L’utilisateur·rice est déjà membre de cette équipe.",
"6006": "Impossible de supprimer le dernier membre de l’équipe.",
"6007": "L’équipe n’a pas accès à la liste pour effectuer cette action.",
"7002": "L’utilisateur·rice a déjà accès à cette liste.",
"7003": "Tu n’as pas accès à cette liste.",
"8001": "Cette étiquette existe déjà sur cette tâche.",
"8002": "L’étiquette n’existe pas.",
"8003": "Tu n’as pas accès à cette étiquette.",
"9001": "Le droit est invalide.",
"10001": "Le seau n’existe pas.",
"10002": "Le seau ne fait pas partie de cette liste.",
"10003": "Tu ne peux pas supprimer le dernier seau d’une liste.",
"10004": "Tu ne peux pas ajouter la tâche à ce seau car il a déjà dépassé la limite de tâches qu’il peut contenir.",
"10005": "Il peut y avoir seulement un seau des terminés par liste.",
"11001": "Le filtre enregistré n’existe pas.",
"11002": "Les filtres enregistrés ne sont pas disponibles pour les partages de liens.",
"12001": "Le type d’entité d’abonnement est invalide.",
"12002": "Tu es déjà abonné·e à l’entité elle-même ou à une entité parente.",
"13001": "Le mot de passe requis n’a pas été fourni pour ce partage de lien.",
"13002": "Mot de passe de partage de lien invalide."
"about": {
"title": "À propos",
"frontendVersion": "Version : {version}",
"apiVersion": "Version de l’API : {version}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
"home": {
"welcomeNight": "Good Night {username}",
"welcomeMorning": "Good Morning {username}",
"welcomeDay": "Hi {username}",
"welcomeEvening": "Good Evening {username}",
"lastViewed": "Last viewed",
"list": {
"newText": "You can create a new list for your new tasks:",
"new": "Create a new list",
"importText": "Or import your lists and tasks from other services into Vikunja:",
"import": "Import your data into Vikunja"
"404": {
"title": "Not found",
"text": "The page you requested does not exist."
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "Username",
"usernameEmail": "Username Or Email Address",
"usernamePlaceholder": "e.g. frederick",
"email": "E-mail address",
"emailPlaceholder": "e.g. frederic@vikunja.io",
"password": "Password",
"passwordRepeat": "Retype your password",
"passwordPlaceholder": "e.g. •••••••••••",
"resetPassword": "Reset your password",
"resetPasswordAction": "Send me a password reset link",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "Check your inbox! You should have an e-mail with instructions on how to reset your password.",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "You successfully confirmed your email! You can log in now.",
"totpTitle": "Two Factor Authentication Code",
"totpPlaceholder": "e.g. 123456",
"login": "Login",
"register": "Register",
"loginWith": "Log in with {provider}",
"authenticating": "Authenticating…",
"openIdStateError": "State does not match, refusing to continue!",
"openIdGeneralError": "An error occured while authenticating against the third party.",
"logout": "Logout"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"newPasswordTitle": "Update Your Password",
"newPassword": "New Password",
"newPasswordConfirm": "New Password Confirmation",
"currentPassword": "Current Password",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Your current password",
"passwordsDontMatch": "The new password and its confirmation don't match.",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "The password was successfully updated.",
"updateEmailTitle": "Update Your E-Mail Address",
"updateEmailNew": "New Email Address",
"updateEmailSuccess": "Your email address was successfully updated. We've sent you a link to confirm it.",
"general": {
"title": "General Settings",
"name": "Name",
"newName": "The new Name",
"savedSuccess": "The settings were successfully updated.",
"emailReminders": "Send me reminders for tasks via Email",
"overdueReminders": "Send me reminders for overdue undone tasks via email each morning",
"discoverableByName": "Let other users find me when they search for my name",
"discoverableByEmail": "Let other users find me when they search for my full email",
"playSoundWhenDone": "Play a sound when marking tasks as done",
"weekStart": "Week starts on",
"weekStartSunday": "Sunday",
"weekStartMonday": "Monday",
"language": "Language",
"defaultList": "Default List"
"totp": {
"title": "Two Factor Authentication",
"enroll": "Enroll",
"finishSetupPart1": "To finish your setup, use this secret in your totp app (Google Authenticator or similar):",
"finishSetupPart2": "After that, enter a code from your app below.",
"scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:",
"passcode": "Passcode",
"passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application",
"setupSuccess": "You've sucessfully set up two factor authentication!",
"enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password",
"disable": "Disable two factor authentication",
"confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!",
"disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was sucessfully disabled."
"caldav": {
"title": "Caldav",
"howTo": "You can connect Vikunja to caldav clients to view and manage all tasks from different clients. Enter this url into your client:",
"more": "More information about caldav in Vikunja"
"avatar": {
"title": "Avatar",
"initials": "Initials",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"upload": "Upload",
"uploadAvatar": "Upload Avatar",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "Avatar status was updated successfully!",
"setSuccess": "The avatar has been set successfully!"
"deletion": {
"title": "Delete your Vikunja Account",
"text1": "The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your namespaces, lists, tasks and everything associated with it.",
"text2": "To proceed, please enter your password. You will receive an email with further instructions.",
"confirm": "Delete my account",
"requestSuccess": "The request was successful. You'll receive an email with further instructions.",
"passwordRequired": "Please enter your password.",
"confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed the deletion of your account. We will delete your account in three days.",
"scheduled": "We will delete your Vikunja account at {date} ({dateSince}).",
"scheduledCancel": "To cancel the deletion of your account, click here.",
"scheduledCancelText": "To cancel the deletion of your account, please enter your password below:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "Cancel the deletion of my account",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "We will not delete your account."
"export": {
"title": "Export your Vikunja Data",
"description": "You can request a copy of all your Vikunja data. This include Namespaces, Lists, Tasks and everything associated to them. You can import this data in any Vikunja instance through the migration function.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "Please enter your password to proceed:",
"request": "Request a copy of my Vikunja Data",
"success": "You've successfully requested your Vikunja Data! We will send you an email once it's ready to download."
"list": {
"archived": "This list is archived. It is not possible to create new or edit tasks or it.",
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
"create": {
"header": "Create a new list",
"titlePlaceholder": "The list's title goes here…",
"addTitleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"createdSuccess": "The list was successfully created.",
"addListRequired": "Please specify a list or set a default list in the settings."
"archive": {
"title": "Archive \"{list}\"",
"archive": "Archive this list",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive this list",
"unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new tasks or edit it.",
"archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this list or create new tasks until you un-archive it.",
"success": "The list was successfully archived."
"background": {
"title": "Set list background",
"remove": "Remove Background",
"upload": "Choose a background from your pc",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search for a background…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Powered by Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Load more photos",
"success": "The background has been set successfully!",
"removeSuccess": "The background has been removed successfully!"
"delete": {
"title": "Delete \"{list}\"",
"header": "Delete this list",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this list and all of its contents?",
"text2": "This includes all tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The list was successfully deleted."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Duplicate this list",
"label": "Duplicate",
"text": "Select a namespace which should hold the duplicated list:",
"success": "The list was successfully duplicated."
"edit": {
"header": "Edit This List",
"title": "Edit \"{list}\"",
"titlePlaceholder": "The list title goes here…",
"identifierTooltip": "The list identifier can be used to uniquely identify a task across lists. You can set it to empty to disable it.",
"identifier": "List Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The list identifier goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The lists description goes here…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "The list was successfully updated."
"share": {
"header": "Share this list",
"title": "Share \"{list}\"",
"share": "Share",
"links": {
"title": "Share Links",
"what": "What is a share link?",
"explanation": "Share Links allow you to easily share a list with other users who don't have an account on Vikunja.",
"create": "Create a new link share",
"name": "Name (optional)",
"namePlaceholder": "e.g. Lorem Ipsum",
"nameExplanation": "All actions done by this link share will show up with the name.",
"password": "Password (optional)",
"passwordExplanation": "When authenticating, the user will be required to enter this password.",
"noName": "No name set",
"remove": "Remove a link share",
"removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this link share? It will no longer be possible to access this list with this link share. This cannot be undone!",
"createSuccess": "The link share was successfully created.",
"deleteSuccess": "The link share was successfully deleted"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "user | users",
"typeTeam": "team | teams",
"shared": "Shared with these {type}",
"you": "You",
"notShared": "Not shared with any {type} yet.",
"removeHeader": "Remove a {type} from the {sharable}",
"removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this {sharable} from the {type}? This cannot be undone!",
"removeSuccess": "The {sharable} was successfully removed from the {type}.",
"addedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added.",
"updatedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added."
"right": {
"title": "Right",
"read": "Read only",
"readWrite": "Read & write",
"admin": "Admin"
"attributes": {
"link": "Link",
"name": "Name",
"sharedBy": "Shared by",
"right": "Right",
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
"size": "Size",
"default": "Default",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"noDates": "This task has no dates set."
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"columns": "Columns"
"kanban": {
"title": "Kanban",
"limit": "Limit: {limit}",
"noLimit": "Not Set",
"doneBucket": "Done bucket",
"doneBucketHint": "All tasks moved into this bucket will automatically marked as done.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "All tasks moved into the done bucket will be marked as done automatically. All tasks marked as done from elsewhere will be moved as well.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "The done bucket has been saved successfully.",
"deleteLast": "You cannot remove the last bucket.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Enter the new task title…",
"addTask": "Add a task",
"addAnotherTask": "Add another task",
"addBucket": "Create a new bucket",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Enter the new bucket title…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "Delete the bucket",
"deleteBucketText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this bucket?",
"deleteBucketText2": "This will not delete any tasks but move them into the default bucket.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "The bucket has been deleted successfully.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "The bucket title has been saved successfully.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "The bucket limit been saved successfully.",
"collapse": "Collapse this bucket"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorites"
"namespace": {
"title": "Namespaces & Lists",
"namespace": "Namespace",
"showArchived": "Show Archived",
"noneAvailable": "You don't have any namespaces right now.",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive",
"archived": "Archived",
"noLists": "This namespace does not contain any lists.",
"createList": "Create a new list in this namespace.",
"namespaces": "Namespaces",
"search": "Type to search for a namespace…",
"create": {
"title": "Create a new namespace",
"titleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.",
"tooltip": "What's a namespace?",
"success": "The namespace was successfully created."
"archive": {
"titleArchive": "Archive \"{namespace}\"",
"titleUnarchive": "Un-Archive \"{namespace}\"",
"archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this namespace or create new lists until you un-archive it. This will also archive all lists in this namespace.",
"unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new lists or edit it.",
"success": "The namespace was successfully archived.",
"description": "If a namespace is archived, you cannot create new lists or edit it."
"delete": {
"title": "Delete \"{namespace}\"",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this namespace and all of its contents?",
"text2": "This includes all lists and tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The namespace was successfully deleted."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit \"{namespace}\"",
"success": "The namespace was successfully updated."
"share": {
"title": "Share \"{namespace}\""
"attributes": {
"title": "Namespace Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The namespace title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The namespaces description goes here…",
"color": "Color",
"archived": "Is Archived",
"isArchived": "This namespace is archived"
"pseudo": {
"sharedLists": {
"title": "Shared Lists"
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorites"
"savedFilters": {
"title": "Filters"
"filters": {
"title": "Filters",
"attributes": {
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…",
"includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set",
"requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up",
"showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks",
"enablePriority": "Enable Filter By Priority",
"enablePercentDone": "Enable Filter By Percent Done",
"dueDateRange": "Due Date Range",
"startDateRange": "Start Date Range",
"endDateRange": "End Date Range",
"reminderRange": "Reminder Date Range"
"create": {
"title": "Create A Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",
"text": "Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter?",
"success": "The filter was deleted successfully."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit This Saved Filter",
"success": "The filter was saved successfully."
"migrate": {
"title": "Migrate from other services to Vikunja",
"titleService": "Import your data from {name} into Vikunja",
"import": "Import your data into Vikunja",
"description": "Click on the logo of one of the third-party services below to get started.",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja will import all lists, tasks, notes, reminders and files you have access to.",
"authorize": "To authorize Vikunja to access your {name} Account, click the button below.",
"getStarted": "Get Started",
"inProgress": "Importing in progress…",
"alreadyMigrated1": "It looks like you've already imported your stuff from {name} at {date}.",
"alreadyMigrated2": "Importing again is possible, but might create duplicates. Are you sure?",
"confirm": "I am sure, please start migrating now!",
"importUpload": "To import data from {name} into Vikunja, click the button below to select a file.",
"upload": "Upload file"
"label": {
"title": "Labels",
"manage": "Manage labels",
"description": "Click on a label to edit it. You can edit all labels you created, you can use all labels which are associated with a task to whose list you have access.",
"newCTA": "You currently do not have any labels.",
"search": "Type to search for a label…",
"create": {
"header": "New label",
"title": "Create a new label",
"titleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"success": "The label was successfully created."
"edit": {
"header": "Edit Label",
"forbidden": "You are not allowed to edit this label because you dont own it.",
"success": "The label was successfully updated."
"deleteSuccess": "The label was successfully deleted.",
"attributes": {
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The label title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Label description",
"color": "Color"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "Authenticating…",
"passwordRequired": "This shared list requires a password. Please enter it below:",
"error": "An error occured.",
"invalidPassword": "The password is invalid."
"navigation": {
"overview": "Overview",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"settings": "Settings",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"misc": {
"loading": "Loading…",
"save": "Save",
"delete": "Delete",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"disable": "Disable",
"copy": "Copy to clipboard",
"search": "Search",
"searchPlaceholder": "Type to search…",
"previous": "Previous",
"next": "Next",
"poweredBy": "Powered by Vikunja",
"info": "Info",
"create": "Create",
"doit": "Do it!",
"saving": "Saving…",
"saved": "Saved!",
"default": "Default",
"close": "Close",
"download": "Download"
"input": {
"resetColor": "Reset Color",
"datepicker": {
"today": "Today",
"tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"nextMonday": "Next Monday",
"thisWeekend": "This Weekend",
"laterThisWeek": "Later This Week",
"nextWeek": "Next Week",
"chooseDate": "Choose a date"
"editor": {
"edit": "Edit",
"done": "Done",
"heading1": "Heading 1",
"heading2": "Heading 2",
"heading3": "Heading 3",
"headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller",
"headingBigger": "Heading Bigger",
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"code": "Code",
"quote": "Quote",
"unorderedList": "Unordered List",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"cleanBlock": "Clean Block",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Image",
"table": "Table",
"horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule",
"sideBySide": "Side By Side",
"guide": "Guide"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Create new",
"selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select"
"task": {
"task": "Task",
"new": "Create a new task",
"delete": "Delete this task",
"createSuccess": "The task was successfully created.",
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "Current Tasks",
"titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}",
"noDates": "Show tasks without dates",
"current": "Current tasks",
"from": "Tasks from",
"until": "until",
"today": "Today",
"nextWeek": "Next Week",
"nextMonth": "Next Month",
"noTasks": "Nothing to do - Have a nice day!"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "Click here to set a due date",
"chooseStartDate": "Click here to set a start date",
"chooseEndDate": "Click here to set an end date",
"move": "Move task to a different list",
"done": "Done!",
"undone": "Mark as undone",
"created": "Created {0} by {1}",
"updated": "Updated {0}",
"doneAt": "Done {0}",
"updateSuccess": "The task was saved successfully.",
"deleteSuccess": "The task has been deleted successfully.",
"belongsToList": "This task belongs to list '{list}'",
"due": "Due {at}",
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this task",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this task?",
"text2": "This will also remove all attachments, reminders and relations associated with this task and cannot be undone!"
"actions": {
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"label": "Add labels",
"priority": "Set Priority",
"dueDate": "Set Due Date",
"startDate": "Set a Start Date",
"endDate": "Set an End Date",
"reminders": "Set Reminders",
"repeatAfter": "Set a repeating interval",
"percentDone": "Set Percent Done",
"attachments": "Add attachments",
"relatedTasks": "Add task relations",
"moveList": "Move task",
"color": "Set task color",
"delete": "Delete task",
"favorite": "Save as favorite",
"unfavorite": "Remove from favorites"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "Assignees",
"color": "Color",
"created": "Created",
"createdBy": "Created By",
"description": "Description",
"done": "Done",
"dueDate": "Due Date",
"endDate": "End Date",
"labels": "Labels",
"percentDone": "% Done",
"priority": "Priority",
"relatedTasks": "Related Tasks",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"repeat": "Repeat",
"startDate": "Start Date",
"title": "Title",
"updated": "Updated"
"subscription": {
"subscribedThroughParent": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this {entity} through its {parent}.",
"subscribed": "You are currently subscribed to this {entity} and will receive notifications for changes.",
"notSubscribed": "You are not subscribed to this {entity} and won't receive notifications for changes.",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"subscribeSuccess": "You are now subscribed to this {entity}",
"unsubscribeSuccess": "You are now unsubscribed to this {entity}"
"attachment": {
"title": "Attachments",
"createdBy": "created {0} by {1}",
"downloadTooltip": "Download this attachment",
"upload": "Upload attachment",
"drop": "Drop files here to upload",
"delete": "Delete attachment",
"deleteTooltip": "Delete this attachment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment {filename}?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!",
"copyUrl": "Copy URL",
"copyUrlTooltip": "Copy the url of this attachment for usage in text"
"comment": {
"title": "Comments",
"loading": "Loading comments…",
"edited": "edited {date}",
"creating": "Creating comment…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment…",
"comment": "Comment",
"delete": "Delete this comment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!",
"addedSuccess": "The comment was added successfully."
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "Defer due date",
"1day": "1 day",
"3days": "3 days",
"1week": "1 week"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…",
"empty": "No description available yet."
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "Type to assign a user…",
"selectPlaceholder": "Assign this user",
"assignSuccess": "The user has been assigned successfully.",
"unassignSuccess": "The user has been unassigned successfully."
"label": {
"placeholder": "Type to add a new label…",
"createPlaceholder": "Add this as new label",
"addSuccess": "The label has been added successfully.",
"createSuccess": "The label has been created successfully.",
"removeSuccess": "The label has been removed successfully."
"priority": {
"unset": "Unset",
"low": "Low",
"medium": "Medium",
"high": "high",
"urgent": "Urgent",
"doNow": "DO NOW"
"relation": {
"add": "Add a New Task Relation",
"new": "New Task Relation",
"searchPlaceholder": "Type search for a new task to add as related…",
"createPlaceholder": "Add this as new related task",
"differentList": "This task belongs to a different list.",
"noneYet": "No task relations yet.",
"delete": "Delete Task Relation",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this task relation?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "Every Day",
"everyWeek": "Every Week",
"everyMonth": "Every Month",
"mode": "Repeat mode",
"monthly": "Monthly",
"fromCurrentDate": "From Current Date",
"each": "Each",
"specifyAmount": "Specify an amount…",
"hours": "Hours",
"days": "Days",
"weeks": "Weeks",
"months": "Months",
"years": "Years"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "You can use Quick Add Magic",
"what": "What?",
"title": "Quick Add Magic",
"intro": "When creating a task, you can use special keywords to directly add attributes to the newly created task. This allows to add commonly used attributes to tasks much faster.",
"multiple": "You can use this multiple times.",
"label1": "To add a label, simply prefix the name of the label with {prefix}.",
"label2": "Vikunja will first check if the label already exist and create it if not.",
"label3": "To use spaces, simply add a \" around the label name.",
"label4": "For example: {prefix}\"Label with spaces\".",
"priority1": "To set a task's priority, add a number 1-5, prefixed with a {prefix}.",
"priority2": "The higher the number, the higher the priority.",
"assignees": "To directly assign the task to a user, add their username prefixed with @ to the task.",
"list1": "To set a list for the task to appear in, enter its name prefixed with {prefix}.",
"list2": "This will return an error if the list does not exist.",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time",
"date": "Any date will be used as the due date of the new task. You can use dates in any of these formats:",
"dateWeekday": "any weekday, will use the next date with that date",
"dateCurrentYear": "will use the current year",
"dateNth": "will use the {day}th of the current month",
"dateTime": "Combine any of the date formats with \"{time}\" (or {timePM}) to set a time."
"team": {
"title": "Teams",
"noTeams": "You are currently not part of any teams.",
"create": {
"title": "Create a new team",
"success": "The team was successfully created."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit Team \"{team}\"",
"members": "Team Members",
"search": "Type to search a user…",
"addUser": "Add to team",
"makeMember": "Make Member",
"makeAdmin": "Make Admin",
"success": "The team was successfully updated.",
"userAddedSuccess": "The team member was successfully added.",
"madeMember": "The team member was successfully made member.",
"madeAdmin": "The team member was successfully made admin.",
"delete": {
"header": "Delete the team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?",
"text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The team was successfully deleted."
"deleteUser": {
"header": "Remove a user from the team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"attributes": {
"name": "Team Name",
"namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…",
"nameRequired": "Please specify a name.",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Member"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Mark a task as done",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"update": {
"available": "There is an update for Vikunja available!",
"do": "Update Now"
"menu": {
"edit": "Edit",
"archive": "Archive",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"delete": "Delete",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive",
"setBackground": "Set background",
"share": "Share",
"newList": "New list"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "Vikunja URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "eg. https://localhost:3456",
"change": "change",
"signInOn": "Sign in to your Vikunja account on {0}",
"error": "Could not find or use Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\".",
"success": "Using Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\"."
"loadingError": {
"failed": "Loading failed, please {0}. If the error persists, please {1}.",
"tryAgain": "try again",
"contact": "contact us"
"notification": {
"title": "Notifications",
"none": "You don't have any notifications. Have a nice day!",
"explainer": "Notifications will appear here when actions on namespaces, lists or tasks you subscribed to happen."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "Commands",
"placeholder": "Type a command or search…",
"hint": "You can use # to only seach for tasks, * to only search for lists and @ to only search for teams.",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"lists": "Lists",
"teams": "Teams",
"newList": "Enter the title of the new list…",
"newTask": "Enter the title of the new task…",
"newNamespace": "Enter the title of the new namespace…",
"newTeam": "Enter the name of the new team…",
"createTask": "Create a task in the current list ({title})",
"createList": "Create a list in the current namespace ({title})",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "New task",
"newList": "New list",
"newNamespace": "New namespace",
"newTeam": "New team"
"date": {
"locale": "en",
"in": "in {date}",
"ago": "{date} ago",
"altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "Error",
"success": "Success",
"0001": "You're not allowed to do that.",
"1001": "A user with this username already exists.",
"1002": "A user with this email address already exists.",
"1004": "No username and password specified.",
"1005": "The user does not exist.",
"1006": "Could not get the user id.",
"1008": "No password reset token provided.",
"1009": "Invalid password reset token.",
"1010": "Invalid email confirm token.",
"1011": "Wrong username or password.",
"1012": "Email address of the user not confirmed.",
"1013": "New password is empty.",
"1014": "Old password is empty.",
"1015": "Totp is already enabled for this user.",
"1016": "Totp is not enabled for this user.",
"1017": "The totp passcode is invalid.",
"1018": "The user avatar type setting is invalid.",
"2001": "ID cannot be empty or 0.",
"2002": "Some of the request data was invalid.",
"3001": "The list does not exist.",
"3004": "You need to have read permissions on that list to perform that action.",
"3005": "The list title cannot be empty.",
"3006": "The list share does not exist.",
"3007": "A list with this identifier already exists.",
"3008": "The list is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only. This is also true for all tasks associated with this list.",
"4001": "The list task text cannot be empty.",
"4002": "The list task does not exist.",
"4003": "All bulk editing tasks must belong to the same list.",
"4004": "Need at least one task when bulk editing tasks.",
"4005": "You do not have the right to see the task.",
"4006": "You can't set a parent task as the task itself.",
"4007": "You can't create a task relation with an invalid kind of relation.",
"4008": "You can't create a task relation which already exists.",
"4009": "The task relation does not exist.",
"4010": "Cannot relate a task with itself.",
"4011": "The task attachment does not exist.",
"4012": "The task attachment is too large.",
"4013": "The task sort param is invalid.",
"4014": "The task sort order is invalid.",
"4015": "The task comment does not exist.",
"4016": "Invalid task field.",
"4017": "Invalid task filter comparator.",
"4018": "Invalid task filter concatinator.",
"4019": "Invalid task filter value.",
"5001": "The namespace does not exist.",
"5003": "You do not have access to the specified namespace.",
"5006": "The namespace name cannot be empty.",
"5009": "You need to have namespace read access to perform that action.",
"5010": "This team does not have access to that namespace.",
"5011": "This user has already access to that namespace.",
"5012": "The namespace is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only.",
"6001": "The team name cannot be emtpy.",
"6002": "The team does not exist.",
"6004": "The team already has access to that namespace or list.",
"6005": "The user is already a member of that team.",
"6006": "Cannot delete the last team member.",
"6007": "The team does not have access to the list to perform that action.",
"7002": "The user already has access to that list.",
"7003": "You do not have access to that list.",
"8001": "This label already exists on that task.",
"8002": "The label does not exist.",
"8003": "You do not have access to this label.",
"9001": "The right is invalid.",
"10001": "The bucket does not exist.",
"10002": "The bucket does not belong to that list.",
"10003": "You cannot remove the last bucket on a list.",
"10004": "You cannot add the task to this bucket as it already exceeded the limit of tasks it can hold.",
"10005": "There can be only one done bucket per list.",
"11001": "The saved filter does not exist.",
"11002": "Saved filters are not available for link shares.",
"12001": "The subscription entity type is invalid.",
"12002": "You are already subscribed to the entity itself or a parent entity.",
"13001": "This link share requires a password for authentication, but none was provided.",
"13002": "The provided link share password was invalid."
"about": {
"title": "About",
"frontendVersion": "Frontend Version: {version}",
"apiVersion": "API Version: {version}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
"home": {
"welcomeNight": "Boa noite {username}",
"welcomeMorning": "Bom dia {username}",
"welcomeDay": "Olá {username}",
"welcomeEvening": "Boa tarde {username}",
"lastViewed": "Recentes",
"list": {
"newText": "Você pode criar uma nova lista para suas novas tarefas:",
"new": "Criar uma nova lista",
"importText": "Ou importe suas listas e tarefas de outros serviços no Vikunja:",
"import": "Importe seus dados para o Vikunja"
"404": {
"title": "Não encontrado",
"text": "A página solicitada não existe."
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "Usuário",
"usernameEmail": "Usuário ou Email",
"usernamePlaceholder": "ex: lucas",
"email": "Endereço de e-mail",
"emailPlaceholder": "ex: lucas@vikunja.io",
"password": "Senha",
"passwordRepeat": "Digite novamente sua senha",
"passwordPlaceholder": "ex.: •••••••••••••",
"resetPassword": "Redefinir sua senha",
"resetPasswordAction": "Envie-me um link para redefinição de senha",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "Verifique sua caixa de entrada! Você deve ter um e-mail com instruções sobre como redefinir sua senha.",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "You successfully confirmed your email! You can log in now.",
"totpTitle": "Two Factor Authentication Code",
"totpPlaceholder": "e.g. 123456",
"login": "Login",
"register": "Register",
"loginWith": "Log in with {provider}",
"authenticating": "Authenticating…",
"openIdStateError": "State does not match, refusing to continue!",
"openIdGeneralError": "An error occured while authenticating against the third party.",
"logout": "Logout"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"newPasswordTitle": "Update Your Password",
"newPassword": "New Password",
"newPasswordConfirm": "New Password Confirmation",
"currentPassword": "Current Password",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Your current password",
"passwordsDontMatch": "The new password and its confirmation don't match.",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "The password was successfully updated.",
"updateEmailTitle": "Update Your E-Mail Address",
"updateEmailNew": "New Email Address",
"updateEmailSuccess": "Your email address was successfully updated. We've sent you a link to confirm it.",
"general": {
"title": "General Settings",
"name": "Name",
"newName": "The new Name",
"savedSuccess": "The settings were successfully updated.",
"emailReminders": "Send me reminders for tasks via Email",
"overdueReminders": "Send me reminders for overdue undone tasks via email each morning",
"discoverableByName": "Let other users find me when they search for my name",
"discoverableByEmail": "Let other users find me when they search for my full email",
"playSoundWhenDone": "Play a sound when marking tasks as done",
"weekStart": "Week starts on",
"weekStartSunday": "Sunday",
"weekStartMonday": "Monday",
"language": "Language",
"defaultList": "Default List"
"totp": {
"title": "Two Factor Authentication",
"enroll": "Enroll",
"finishSetupPart1": "To finish your setup, use this secret in your totp app (Google Authenticator or similar):",
"finishSetupPart2": "After that, enter a code from your app below.",
"scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:",
"passcode": "Passcode",
"passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application",
"setupSuccess": "You've sucessfully set up two factor authentication!",
"enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password",
"disable": "Disable two factor authentication",
"confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!",
"disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was sucessfully disabled."
"caldav": {
"title": "Caldav",
"howTo": "You can connect Vikunja to caldav clients to view and manage all tasks from different clients. Enter this url into your client:",
"more": "More information about caldav in Vikunja"
"avatar": {
"title": "Avatar",
"initials": "Initials",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"upload": "Upload",
"uploadAvatar": "Upload Avatar",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "Avatar status was updated successfully!",
"setSuccess": "The avatar has been set successfully!"
"deletion": {
"title": "Delete your Vikunja Account",
"text1": "The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your namespaces, lists, tasks and everything associated with it.",
"text2": "To proceed, please enter your password. You will receive an email with further instructions.",
"confirm": "Delete my account",
"requestSuccess": "The request was successful. You'll receive an email with further instructions.",
"passwordRequired": "Please enter your password.",
"confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed the deletion of your account. We will delete your account in three days.",
"scheduled": "We will delete your Vikunja account at {date} ({dateSince}).",
"scheduledCancel": "To cancel the deletion of your account, click here.",
"scheduledCancelText": "To cancel the deletion of your account, please enter your password below:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "Cancel the deletion of my account",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "We will not delete your account."
"export": {
"title": "Export your Vikunja Data",
"description": "You can request a copy of all your Vikunja data. This include Namespaces, Lists, Tasks and everything associated to them. You can import this data in any Vikunja instance through the migration function.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "Please enter your password to proceed:",
"request": "Request a copy of my Vikunja Data",
"success": "You've successfully requested your Vikunja Data! We will send you an email once it's ready to download."
"list": {
"archived": "This list is archived. It is not possible to create new or edit tasks or it.",
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
"create": {
"header": "Create a new list",
"titlePlaceholder": "The list's title goes here…",
"addTitleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"createdSuccess": "The list was successfully created.",
"addListRequired": "Please specify a list or set a default list in the settings."
"archive": {
"title": "Archive \"{list}\"",
"archive": "Archive this list",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive this list",
"unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new tasks or edit it.",
"archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this list or create new tasks until you un-archive it.",
"success": "The list was successfully archived."
"background": {
"title": "Set list background",
"remove": "Remove Background",
"upload": "Choose a background from your pc",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search for a background…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Powered by Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Load more photos",
"success": "The background has been set successfully!",
"removeSuccess": "The background has been removed successfully!"
"delete": {
"title": "Delete \"{list}\"",
"header": "Delete this list",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this list and all of its contents?",
"text2": "This includes all tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The list was successfully deleted."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Duplicate this list",
"label": "Duplicate",
"text": "Select a namespace which should hold the duplicated list:",
"success": "The list was successfully duplicated."
"edit": {
"header": "Edit This List",
"title": "Edit \"{list}\"",
"titlePlaceholder": "The list title goes here…",
"identifierTooltip": "The list identifier can be used to uniquely identify a task across lists. You can set it to empty to disable it.",
"identifier": "List Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The list identifier goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The lists description goes here…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "The list was successfully updated."
"share": {
"header": "Share this list",
"title": "Share \"{list}\"",
"share": "Share",
"links": {
"title": "Share Links",
"what": "What is a share link?",
"explanation": "Share Links allow you to easily share a list with other users who don't have an account on Vikunja.",
"create": "Create a new link share",
"name": "Name (optional)",
"namePlaceholder": "e.g. Lorem Ipsum",
"nameExplanation": "All actions done by this link share will show up with the name.",
"password": "Password (optional)",
"passwordExplanation": "When authenticating, the user will be required to enter this password.",
"noName": "No name set",
"remove": "Remove a link share",
"removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this link share? It will no longer be possible to access this list with this link share. This cannot be undone!",
"createSuccess": "The link share was successfully created.",
"deleteSuccess": "The link share was successfully deleted"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "user | users",
"typeTeam": "team | teams",
"shared": "Shared with these {type}",
"you": "You",
"notShared": "Not shared with any {type} yet.",
"removeHeader": "Remove a {type} from the {sharable}",
"removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this {sharable} from the {type}? This cannot be undone!",
"removeSuccess": "The {sharable} was successfully removed from the {type}.",
"addedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added.",
"updatedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added."
"right": {
"title": "Right",
"read": "Read only",
"readWrite": "Read & write",
"admin": "Admin"
"attributes": {
"link": "Link",
"name": "Name",
"sharedBy": "Shared by",
"right": "Right",
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
"size": "Size",
"default": "Default",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"noDates": "This task has no dates set."
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"columns": "Columns"
"kanban": {
"title": "Kanban",
"limit": "Limit: {limit}",
"noLimit": "Not Set",
"doneBucket": "Done bucket",
"doneBucketHint": "All tasks moved into this bucket will automatically marked as done.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "All tasks moved into the done bucket will be marked as done automatically. All tasks marked as done from elsewhere will be moved as well.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "The done bucket has been saved successfully.",
"deleteLast": "You cannot remove the last bucket.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Enter the new task title…",
"addTask": "Add a task",
"addAnotherTask": "Add another task",
"addBucket": "Create a new bucket",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Enter the new bucket title…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "Delete the bucket",
"deleteBucketText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this bucket?",
"deleteBucketText2": "This will not delete any tasks but move them into the default bucket.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "The bucket has been deleted successfully.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "The bucket title has been saved successfully.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "The bucket limit been saved successfully.",
"collapse": "Collapse this bucket"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorites"
"namespace": {
"title": "Namespaces & Lists",
"namespace": "Namespace",
"showArchived": "Show Archived",
"noneAvailable": "You don't have any namespaces right now.",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive",
"archived": "Archived",
"noLists": "This namespace does not contain any lists.",
"createList": "Create a new list in this namespace.",
"namespaces": "Namespaces",
"search": "Type to search for a namespace…",
"create": {
"title": "Create a new namespace",
"titleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.",
"tooltip": "What's a namespace?",
"success": "The namespace was successfully created."
"archive": {
"titleArchive": "Archive \"{namespace}\"",
"titleUnarchive": "Un-Archive \"{namespace}\"",
"archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this namespace or create new lists until you un-archive it. This will also archive all lists in this namespace.",
"unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new lists or edit it.",
"success": "The namespace was successfully archived.",
"description": "If a namespace is archived, you cannot create new lists or edit it."
"delete": {
"title": "Delete \"{namespace}\"",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this namespace and all of its contents?",
"text2": "This includes all lists and tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The namespace was successfully deleted."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit \"{namespace}\"",
"success": "The namespace was successfully updated."
"share": {
"title": "Share \"{namespace}\""
"attributes": {
"title": "Namespace Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The namespace title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The namespaces description goes here…",
"color": "Color",
"archived": "Is Archived",
"isArchived": "This namespace is archived"
"pseudo": {
"sharedLists": {
"title": "Shared Lists"
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorites"
"savedFilters": {
"title": "Filters"
"filters": {
"title": "Filters",
"attributes": {
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…",
"includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set",
"requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up",
"showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks",
"enablePriority": "Enable Filter By Priority",
"enablePercentDone": "Enable Filter By Percent Done",
"dueDateRange": "Due Date Range",
"startDateRange": "Start Date Range",
"endDateRange": "End Date Range",
"reminderRange": "Reminder Date Range"
"create": {
"title": "Create A Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",
"text": "Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter?",
"success": "The filter was deleted successfully."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit This Saved Filter",
"success": "The filter was saved successfully."
"migrate": {
"title": "Migrate from other services to Vikunja",
"titleService": "Import your data from {name} into Vikunja",
"import": "Import your data into Vikunja",
"description": "Click on the logo of one of the third-party services below to get started.",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja will import all lists, tasks, notes, reminders and files you have access to.",
"authorize": "To authorize Vikunja to access your {name} Account, click the button below.",
"getStarted": "Get Started",
"inProgress": "Importing in progress…",
"alreadyMigrated1": "It looks like you've already imported your stuff from {name} at {date}.",
"alreadyMigrated2": "Importing again is possible, but might create duplicates. Are you sure?",
"confirm": "I am sure, please start migrating now!",
"importUpload": "To import data from {name} into Vikunja, click the button below to select a file.",
"upload": "Upload file"
"label": {
"title": "Labels",
"manage": "Manage labels",
"description": "Click on a label to edit it. You can edit all labels you created, you can use all labels which are associated with a task to whose list you have access.",
"newCTA": "You currently do not have any labels.",
"search": "Type to search for a label…",
"create": {
"header": "New label",
"title": "Create a new label",
"titleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"success": "The label was successfully created."
"edit": {
"header": "Edit Label",
"forbidden": "You are not allowed to edit this label because you dont own it.",
"success": "The label was successfully updated."
"deleteSuccess": "The label was successfully deleted.",
"attributes": {
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The label title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Label description",
"color": "Color"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "Authenticating…",
"passwordRequired": "This shared list requires a password. Please enter it below:",
"error": "An error occured.",
"invalidPassword": "The password is invalid."
"navigation": {
"overview": "Overview",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"settings": "Settings",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"misc": {
"loading": "Loading…",
"save": "Save",
"delete": "Delete",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"disable": "Disable",
"copy": "Copy to clipboard",
"search": "Search",
"searchPlaceholder": "Type to search…",
"previous": "Previous",
"next": "Next",
"poweredBy": "Powered by Vikunja",
"info": "Info",
"create": "Create",
"doit": "Do it!",
"saving": "Saving…",
"saved": "Saved!",
"default": "Default",
"close": "Close",
"download": "Download"
"input": {
"resetColor": "Reset Color",
"datepicker": {
"today": "Today",
"tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"nextMonday": "Next Monday",
"thisWeekend": "This Weekend",
"laterThisWeek": "Later This Week",
"nextWeek": "Next Week",
"chooseDate": "Choose a date"
"editor": {
"edit": "Edit",
"done": "Done",
"heading1": "Heading 1",
"heading2": "Heading 2",
"heading3": "Heading 3",
"headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller",
"headingBigger": "Heading Bigger",
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"code": "Code",
"quote": "Quote",
"unorderedList": "Unordered List",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"cleanBlock": "Clean Block",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Image",
"table": "Table",
"horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule",
"sideBySide": "Side By Side",
"guide": "Guide"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Create new",
"selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select"
"task": {
"task": "Task",
"new": "Create a new task",
"delete": "Delete this task",
"createSuccess": "The task was successfully created.",
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "Current Tasks",
"titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}",
"noDates": "Show tasks without dates",
"current": "Current tasks",
"from": "Tasks from",
"until": "until",
"today": "Today",
"nextWeek": "Next Week",
"nextMonth": "Next Month",
"noTasks": "Nothing to do - Have a nice day!"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "Click here to set a due date",
"chooseStartDate": "Click here to set a start date",
"chooseEndDate": "Click here to set an end date",
"move": "Move task to a different list",
"done": "Done!",
"undone": "Mark as undone",
"created": "Created {0} by {1}",
"updated": "Updated {0}",
"doneAt": "Done {0}",
"updateSuccess": "The task was saved successfully.",
"deleteSuccess": "The task has been deleted successfully.",
"belongsToList": "This task belongs to list '{list}'",
"due": "Due {at}",
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this task",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this task?",
"text2": "This will also remove all attachments, reminders and relations associated with this task and cannot be undone!"
"actions": {
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"label": "Add labels",
"priority": "Set Priority",
"dueDate": "Set Due Date",
"startDate": "Set a Start Date",
"endDate": "Set an End Date",
"reminders": "Set Reminders",
"repeatAfter": "Set a repeating interval",
"percentDone": "Set Percent Done",
"attachments": "Add attachments",
"relatedTasks": "Add task relations",
"moveList": "Move task",
"color": "Set task color",
"delete": "Delete task",
"favorite": "Save as favorite",
"unfavorite": "Remove from favorites"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "Assignees",
"color": "Color",
"created": "Created",
"createdBy": "Created By",
"description": "Description",
"done": "Done",
"dueDate": "Due Date",
"endDate": "End Date",
"labels": "Labels",
"percentDone": "% Done",
"priority": "Priority",
"relatedTasks": "Related Tasks",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"repeat": "Repeat",
"startDate": "Start Date",
"title": "Title",
"updated": "Updated"
"subscription": {
"subscribedThroughParent": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this {entity} through its {parent}.",
"subscribed": "You are currently subscribed to this {entity} and will receive notifications for changes.",
"notSubscribed": "You are not subscribed to this {entity} and won't receive notifications for changes.",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"subscribeSuccess": "You are now subscribed to this {entity}",
"unsubscribeSuccess": "You are now unsubscribed to this {entity}"
"attachment": {
"title": "Attachments",
"createdBy": "created {0} by {1}",
"downloadTooltip": "Download this attachment",
"upload": "Upload attachment",
"drop": "Drop files here to upload",
"delete": "Delete attachment",
"deleteTooltip": "Delete this attachment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment {filename}?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!",
"copyUrl": "Copy URL",
"copyUrlTooltip": "Copy the url of this attachment for usage in text"
"comment": {
"title": "Comments",
"loading": "Loading comments…",
"edited": "edited {date}",
"creating": "Creating comment…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment…",
"comment": "Comment",
"delete": "Delete this comment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!",
"addedSuccess": "The comment was added successfully."
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "Defer due date",
"1day": "1 day",
"3days": "3 days",
"1week": "1 week"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…",
"empty": "No description available yet."
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "Type to assign a user…",
"selectPlaceholder": "Assign this user",
"assignSuccess": "The user has been assigned successfully.",
"unassignSuccess": "The user has been unassigned successfully."
"label": {
"placeholder": "Type to add a new label…",
"createPlaceholder": "Add this as new label",
"addSuccess": "The label has been added successfully.",
"createSuccess": "The label has been created successfully.",
"removeSuccess": "The label has been removed successfully."
"priority": {
"unset": "Unset",
"low": "Low",
"medium": "Medium",
"high": "high",
"urgent": "Urgent",
"doNow": "DO NOW"
"relation": {
"add": "Add a New Task Relation",
"new": "New Task Relation",
"searchPlaceholder": "Type search for a new task to add as related…",
"createPlaceholder": "Add this as new related task",
"differentList": "This task belongs to a different list.",
"noneYet": "No task relations yet.",
"delete": "Delete Task Relation",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this task relation?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "Every Day",
"everyWeek": "Every Week",
"everyMonth": "Every Month",
"mode": "Repeat mode",
"monthly": "Monthly",
"fromCurrentDate": "From Current Date",
"each": "Each",
"specifyAmount": "Specify an amount…",
"hours": "Hours",
"days": "Days",
"weeks": "Weeks",
"months": "Months",
"years": "Years"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "You can use Quick Add Magic",
"what": "What?",
"title": "Quick Add Magic",
"intro": "When creating a task, you can use special keywords to directly add attributes to the newly created task. This allows to add commonly used attributes to tasks much faster.",
"multiple": "You can use this multiple times.",
"label1": "To add a label, simply prefix the name of the label with {prefix}.",
"label2": "Vikunja will first check if the label already exist and create it if not.",
"label3": "To use spaces, simply add a \" around the label name.",
"label4": "For example: {prefix}\"Label with spaces\".",
"priority1": "To set a task's priority, add a number 1-5, prefixed with a {prefix}.",
"priority2": "The higher the number, the higher the priority.",
"assignees": "To directly assign the task to a user, add their username prefixed with @ to the task.",
"list1": "To set a list for the task to appear in, enter its name prefixed with {prefix}.",
"list2": "This will return an error if the list does not exist.",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time",
"date": "Any date will be used as the due date of the new task. You can use dates in any of these formats:",
"dateWeekday": "any weekday, will use the next date with that date",
"dateCurrentYear": "will use the current year",
"dateNth": "will use the {day}th of the current month",
"dateTime": "Combine any of the date formats with \"{time}\" (or {timePM}) to set a time."
"team": {
"title": "Teams",
"noTeams": "You are currently not part of any teams.",
"create": {
"title": "Create a new team",
"success": "The team was successfully created."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit Team \"{team}\"",
"members": "Team Members",
"search": "Type to search a user…",
"addUser": "Add to team",
"makeMember": "Make Member",
"makeAdmin": "Make Admin",
"success": "The team was successfully updated.",
"userAddedSuccess": "The team member was successfully added.",
"madeMember": "The team member was successfully made member.",
"madeAdmin": "The team member was successfully made admin.",
"delete": {
"header": "Delete the team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?",
"text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The team was successfully deleted."
"deleteUser": {
"header": "Remove a user from the team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"attributes": {
"name": "Team Name",
"namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…",
"nameRequired": "Please specify a name.",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Member"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Mark a task as done",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"update": {
"available": "There is an update for Vikunja available!",
"do": "Update Now"
"menu": {
"edit": "Edit",
"archive": "Archive",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"delete": "Delete",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive",
"setBackground": "Set background",
"share": "Share",
"newList": "New list"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "Vikunja URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "eg. https://localhost:3456",
"change": "change",
"signInOn": "Sign in to your Vikunja account on {0}",
"error": "Could not find or use Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\".",
"success": "Using Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\"."
"loadingError": {
"failed": "Loading failed, please {0}. If the error persists, please {1}.",
"tryAgain": "try again",
"contact": "contact us"
"notification": {
"title": "Notifications",
"none": "You don't have any notifications. Have a nice day!",
"explainer": "Notifications will appear here when actions on namespaces, lists or tasks you subscribed to happen."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "Commands",
"placeholder": "Type a command or search…",
"hint": "You can use # to only seach for tasks, * to only search for lists and @ to only search for teams.",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"lists": "Lists",
"teams": "Teams",
"newList": "Enter the title of the new list…",
"newTask": "Enter the title of the new task…",
"newNamespace": "Enter the title of the new namespace…",
"newTeam": "Enter the name of the new team…",
"createTask": "Create a task in the current list ({title})",
"createList": "Create a list in the current namespace ({title})",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "New task",
"newList": "New list",
"newNamespace": "New namespace",
"newTeam": "New team"
"date": {
"locale": "en",
"in": "in {date}",
"ago": "{date} ago",
"altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "Error",
"success": "Success",
"0001": "You're not allowed to do that.",
"1001": "A user with this username already exists.",
"1002": "A user with this email address already exists.",
"1004": "No username and password specified.",
"1005": "The user does not exist.",
"1006": "Could not get the user id.",
"1008": "No password reset token provided.",
"1009": "Invalid password reset token.",
"1010": "Invalid email confirm token.",
"1011": "Wrong username or password.",
"1012": "Email address of the user not confirmed.",
"1013": "New password is empty.",
"1014": "Old password is empty.",
"1015": "Totp is already enabled for this user.",
"1016": "Totp is not enabled for this user.",
"1017": "The totp passcode is invalid.",
"1018": "The user avatar type setting is invalid.",
"2001": "ID cannot be empty or 0.",
"2002": "Some of the request data was invalid.",
"3001": "The list does not exist.",
"3004": "You need to have read permissions on that list to perform that action.",
"3005": "The list title cannot be empty.",
"3006": "The list share does not exist.",
"3007": "A list with this identifier already exists.",
"3008": "The list is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only. This is also true for all tasks associated with this list.",
"4001": "The list task text cannot be empty.",
"4002": "The list task does not exist.",
"4003": "All bulk editing tasks must belong to the same list.",
"4004": "Need at least one task when bulk editing tasks.",
"4005": "You do not have the right to see the task.",
"4006": "You can't set a parent task as the task itself.",
"4007": "You can't create a task relation with an invalid kind of relation.",
"4008": "You can't create a task relation which already exists.",
"4009": "The task relation does not exist.",
"4010": "Cannot relate a task with itself.",
"4011": "The task attachment does not exist.",
"4012": "The task attachment is too large.",
"4013": "The task sort param is invalid.",
"4014": "The task sort order is invalid.",
"4015": "The task comment does not exist.",
"4016": "Invalid task field.",
"4017": "Invalid task filter comparator.",
"4018": "Invalid task filter concatinator.",
"4019": "Invalid task filter value.",
"5001": "The namespace does not exist.",
"5003": "You do not have access to the specified namespace.",
"5006": "The namespace name cannot be empty.",
"5009": "You need to have namespace read access to perform that action.",
"5010": "This team does not have access to that namespace.",
"5011": "This user has already access to that namespace.",
"5012": "The namespace is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only.",
"6001": "The team name cannot be emtpy.",
"6002": "The team does not exist.",
"6004": "The team already has access to that namespace or list.",
"6005": "The user is already a member of that team.",
"6006": "Cannot delete the last team member.",
"6007": "The team does not have access to the list to perform that action.",
"7002": "The user already has access to that list.",
"7003": "You do not have access to that list.",
"8001": "This label already exists on that task.",
"8002": "The label does not exist.",
"8003": "You do not have access to this label.",
"9001": "The right is invalid.",
"10001": "The bucket does not exist.",
"10002": "The bucket does not belong to that list.",
"10003": "You cannot remove the last bucket on a list.",
"10004": "You cannot add the task to this bucket as it already exceeded the limit of tasks it can hold.",
"10005": "There can be only one done bucket per list.",
"11001": "The saved filter does not exist.",
"11002": "Saved filters are not available for link shares.",
"12001": "The subscription entity type is invalid.",
"12002": "You are already subscribed to the entity itself or a parent entity.",
"13001": "This link share requires a password for authentication, but none was provided.",
"13002": "The provided link share password was invalid."
"about": {
"title": "About",
"frontendVersion": "Frontend Version: {version}",
"apiVersion": "API Version: {version}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
"home": {
"welcomeNight": "Good Night {username}",
"welcomeMorning": "Good Morning {username}",
"welcomeDay": "Hi {username}",
"welcomeEvening": "Good Evening {username}",
"lastViewed": "Last viewed",
"list": {
"newText": "You can create a new list for your new tasks:",
"new": "Create a new list",
"importText": "Or import your lists and tasks from other services into Vikunja:",
"import": "Import your data into Vikunja"
"404": {
"title": "Not found",
"text": "The page you requested does not exist."
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "Username",
"usernameEmail": "Username Or Email Address",
"usernamePlaceholder": "e.g. frederick",
"email": "E-mail address",
"emailPlaceholder": "e.g. frederic@vikunja.io",
"password": "Password",
"passwordRepeat": "Retype your password",
"passwordPlaceholder": "e.g. •••••••••••",
"resetPassword": "Reset your password",
"resetPasswordAction": "Send me a password reset link",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "Check your inbox! You should have an e-mail with instructions on how to reset your password.",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "You successfully confirmed your email! You can log in now.",
"totpTitle": "Two Factor Authentication Code",
"totpPlaceholder": "e.g. 123456",
"login": "Login",
"register": "Register",
"loginWith": "Log in with {provider}",
"authenticating": "Authenticating…",
"openIdStateError": "State does not match, refusing to continue!",
"openIdGeneralError": "An error occured while authenticating against the third party.",
"logout": "Logout"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"newPasswordTitle": "Update Your Password",
"newPassword": "New Password",
"newPasswordConfirm": "New Password Confirmation",
"currentPassword": "Current Password",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Your current password",
"passwordsDontMatch": "The new password and its confirmation don't match.",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "The password was successfully updated.",
"updateEmailTitle": "Update Your E-Mail Address",
"updateEmailNew": "New Email Address",
"updateEmailSuccess": "Your email address was successfully updated. We've sent you a link to confirm it.",
"general": {
"title": "General Settings",
"name": "Name",
"newName": "The new Name",
"savedSuccess": "The settings were successfully updated.",
"emailReminders": "Send me reminders for tasks via Email",
"overdueReminders": "Send me reminders for overdue undone tasks via email each morning",
"discoverableByName": "Let other users find me when they search for my name",
"discoverableByEmail": "Let other users find me when they search for my full email",
"playSoundWhenDone": "Play a sound when marking tasks as done",
"weekStart": "Week starts on",
"weekStartSunday": "Sunday",
"weekStartMonday": "Monday",
"language": "Language",
"defaultList": "Default List"
"totp": {
"title": "Two Factor Authentication",
"enroll": "Enroll",
"finishSetupPart1": "To finish your setup, use this secret in your totp app (Google Authenticator or similar):",
"finishSetupPart2": "After that, enter a code from your app below.",
"scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:",
"passcode": "Passcode",
"passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application",
"setupSuccess": "You've sucessfully set up two factor authentication!",
"enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password",
"disable": "Disable two factor authentication",
"confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!",
"disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was sucessfully disabled."
"caldav": {
"title": "Caldav",
"howTo": "You can connect Vikunja to caldav clients to view and manage all tasks from different clients. Enter this url into your client:",
"more": "More information about caldav in Vikunja"
"avatar": {
"title": "Avatar",
"initials": "Initials",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"upload": "Upload",
"uploadAvatar": "Upload Avatar",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "Avatar status was updated successfully!",
"setSuccess": "The avatar has been set successfully!"
"deletion": {
"title": "Delete your Vikunja Account",
"text1": "The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your namespaces, lists, tasks and everything associated with it.",
"text2": "To proceed, please enter your password. You will receive an email with further instructions.",
"confirm": "Delete my account",
"requestSuccess": "The request was successful. You'll receive an email with further instructions.",
"passwordRequired": "Please enter your password.",
"confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed the deletion of your account. We will delete your account in three days.",
"scheduled": "We will delete your Vikunja account at {date} ({dateSince}).",
"scheduledCancel": "To cancel the deletion of your account, click here.",
"scheduledCancelText": "To cancel the deletion of your account, please enter your password below:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "Cancel the deletion of my account",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "We will not delete your account."
"export": {
"title": "Export your Vikunja Data",
"description": "You can request a copy of all your Vikunja data. This include Namespaces, Lists, Tasks and everything associated to them. You can import this data in any Vikunja instance through the migration function.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "Please enter your password to proceed:",
"request": "Request a copy of my Vikunja Data",
"success": "You've successfully requested your Vikunja Data! We will send you an email once it's ready to download."
"list": {
"archived": "This list is archived. It is not possible to create new or edit tasks or it.",
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
"create": {
"header": "Create a new list",
"titlePlaceholder": "The list's title goes here…",
"addTitleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"createdSuccess": "The list was successfully created.",
"addListRequired": "Please specify a list or set a default list in the settings."
"archive": {
"title": "Archive \"{list}\"",
"archive": "Archive this list",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive this list",
"unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new tasks or edit it.",
"archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this list or create new tasks until you un-archive it.",
"success": "The list was successfully archived."
"background": {
"title": "Set list background",
"remove": "Remove Background",
"upload": "Choose a background from your pc",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search for a background…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Powered by Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Load more photos",
"success": "The background has been set successfully!",
"removeSuccess": "The background has been removed successfully!"
"delete": {
"title": "Delete \"{list}\"",
"header": "Delete this list",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this list and all of its contents?",
"text2": "This includes all tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The list was successfully deleted."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Duplicate this list",
"label": "Duplicate",
"text": "Select a namespace which should hold the duplicated list:",
"success": "The list was successfully duplicated."
"edit": {
"header": "Edit This List",
"title": "Edit \"{list}\"",
"titlePlaceholder": "The list title goes here…",
"identifierTooltip": "The list identifier can be used to uniquely identify a task across lists. You can set it to empty to disable it.",
"identifier": "List Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The list identifier goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The lists description goes here…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "The list was successfully updated."
"share": {
"header": "Share this list",
"title": "Share \"{list}\"",
"share": "Share",
"links": {
"title": "Share Links",
"what": "What is a share link?",
"explanation": "Share Links allow you to easily share a list with other users who don't have an account on Vikunja.",
"create": "Create a new link share",
"name": "Name (optional)",
"namePlaceholder": "e.g. Lorem Ipsum",
"nameExplanation": "All actions done by this link share will show up with the name.",
"password": "Password (optional)",
"passwordExplanation": "When authenticating, the user will be required to enter this password.",
"noName": "No name set",
"remove": "Remove a link share",
"removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this link share? It will no longer be possible to access this list with this link share. This cannot be undone!",
"createSuccess": "The link share was successfully created.",
"deleteSuccess": "The link share was successfully deleted"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "user | users",
"typeTeam": "team | teams",
"shared": "Shared with these {type}",
"you": "You",
"notShared": "Not shared with any {type} yet.",
"removeHeader": "Remove a {type} from the {sharable}",
"removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this {sharable} from the {type}? This cannot be undone!",
"removeSuccess": "The {sharable} was successfully removed from the {type}.",
"addedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added.",
"updatedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added."
"right": {
"title": "Right",
"read": "Read only",
"readWrite": "Read & write",
"admin": "Admin"
"attributes": {
"link": "Link",
"name": "Name",
"sharedBy": "Shared by",
"right": "Right",
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
"size": "Size",
"default": "Default",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"noDates": "This task has no dates set."
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"columns": "Columns"
"kanban": {
"title": "Kanban",
"limit": "Limit: {limit}",
"noLimit": "Not Set",
"doneBucket": "Done bucket",
"doneBucketHint": "All tasks moved into this bucket will automatically marked as done.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "All tasks moved into the done bucket will be marked as done automatically. All tasks marked as done from elsewhere will be moved as well.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "The done bucket has been saved successfully.",
"deleteLast": "You cannot remove the last bucket.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Enter the new task title…",
"addTask": "Add a task",
"addAnotherTask": "Add another task",
"addBucket": "Create a new bucket",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Enter the new bucket title…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "Delete the bucket",
"deleteBucketText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this bucket?",
"deleteBucketText2": "This will not delete any tasks but move them into the default bucket.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "The bucket has been deleted successfully.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "The bucket title has been saved successfully.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "The bucket limit been saved successfully.",
"collapse": "Collapse this bucket"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorites"
"namespace": {
"title": "Namespaces & Lists",
"namespace": "Namespace",
"showArchived": "Show Archived",
"noneAvailable": "You don't have any namespaces right now.",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive",
"archived": "Archived",
"noLists": "This namespace does not contain any lists.",
"createList": "Create a new list in this namespace.",
"namespaces": "Namespaces",
"search": "Type to search for a namespace…",
"create": {
"title": "Create a new namespace",
"titleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namepace.",
"tooltip": "What's a namespace?",
"success": "The namespace was successfully created."
"archive": {
"titleArchive": "Archive \"{namespace}\"",
"titleUnarchive": "Un-Archive \"{namespace}\"",
"archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this namespace or create new lists until you un-archive it. This will also archive all lists in this namespace.",
"unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new lists or edit it.",
"success": "The namespace was successfully archived.",
"description": "If a namespace is archived, you cannot create new lists or edit it."
"delete": {
"title": "Delete \"{namespace}\"",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this namespace and all of its contents?",
"text2": "This includes all lists and tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The namespace was successfully deleted."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit \"{namespace}\"",
"success": "The namespace was successfully updated."
"share": {
"title": "Share \"{namespace}\""
"attributes": {
"title": "Namespace Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The namespace title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The namespaces description goes here…",
"color": "Color",
"archived": "Is Archived",
"isArchived": "This namespace is archived"
"pseudo": {
"sharedLists": {
"title": "Shared Lists"
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorites"
"savedFilters": {
"title": "Filters"
"filters": {
"title": "Filters",
"attributes": {
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…",
"includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set",
"requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up",
"showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks",
"enablePriority": "Enable Filter By Priority",
"enablePercentDone": "Enable Filter By Percent Done",
"dueDateRange": "Due Date Range",
"startDateRange": "Start Date Range",
"endDateRange": "End Date Range",
"reminderRange": "Reminder Date Range"
"create": {
"title": "Create A Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",
"text": "Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter?",
"success": "The filter was deleted successfully."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit This Saved Filter",
"success": "The filter was saved successfully."
"migrate": {
"title": "Migrate from other services to Vikunja",
"titleService": "Import your data from {name} into Vikunja",
"import": "Import your data into Vikunja",
"description": "Click on the logo of one of the third-party services below to get started.",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja will import all lists, tasks, notes, reminders and files you have access to.",
"authorize": "To authorize Vikunja to access your {name} Account, click the button below.",
"getStarted": "Get Started",
"inProgress": "Importing in progress…",
"alreadyMigrated1": "It looks like you've already imported your stuff from {name} at {date}.",
"alreadyMigrated2": "Importing again is possible, but might create duplicates. Are you sure?",
"confirm": "I am sure, please start migrating now!",
"importUpload": "To import data from {name} into Vikunja, click the button below to select a file.",
"upload": "Upload file"
"label": {
"title": "Labels",
"manage": "Manage labels",
"description": "Click on a label to edit it. You can edit all labels you created, you can use all labels which are associated with a task to whose list you have access.",
"newCTA": "You currently do not have any labels.",
"search": "Type to search for a label…",
"create": {
"header": "New label",
"title": "Create a new label",
"titleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"success": "The label was successfully created."
"edit": {
"header": "Edit Label",
"forbidden": "You are not allowed to edit this label because you dont own it.",
"success": "The label was successfully updated."
"deleteSuccess": "The label was successfully deleted.",
"attributes": {
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The label title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Label description",
"color": "Color"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "Authenticating…",
"passwordRequired": "This shared list requires a password. Please enter it below:",
"error": "An error occured.",
"invalidPassword": "The password is invalid."
"navigation": {
"overview": "Overview",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"settings": "Settings",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"misc": {
"loading": "Loading…",
"save": "Save",
"delete": "Delete",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"disable": "Disable",
"copy": "Copy to clipboard",
"search": "Search",
"searchPlaceholder": "Type to search…",
"previous": "Previous",
"next": "Next",
"poweredBy": "Powered by Vikunja",
"info": "Info",
"create": "Create",
"doit": "Do it!",
"saving": "Saving…",
"saved": "Saved!",
"default": "Default",
"close": "Close",
"download": "Download"
"input": {
"resetColor": "Reset Color",
"datepicker": {
"today": "Today",
"tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"nextMonday": "Next Monday",
"thisWeekend": "This Weekend",
"laterThisWeek": "Later This Week",
"nextWeek": "Next Week",
"chooseDate": "Choose a date"
"editor": {
"edit": "Edit",
"done": "Done",
"heading1": "Heading 1",
"heading2": "Heading 2",
"heading3": "Heading 3",
"headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller",
"headingBigger": "Heading Bigger",
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"code": "Code",
"quote": "Quote",
"unorderedList": "Unordered List",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"cleanBlock": "Clean Block",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Image",
"table": "Table",
"horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule",
"sideBySide": "Side By Side",
"guide": "Guide"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Create new",
"selectPlaceholder": "Click or press enter to select"
"task": {
"task": "Task",
"new": "Create a new task",
"delete": "Delete this task",
"createSuccess": "The task was successfully created.",
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "Current Tasks",
"titleDates": "Tasks from {from} until {to}",
"noDates": "Show tasks without dates",
"current": "Current tasks",
"from": "Tasks from",
"until": "until",
"today": "Today",
"nextWeek": "Next Week",
"nextMonth": "Next Month",
"noTasks": "Nothing to do - Have a nice day!"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "Click here to set a due date",
"chooseStartDate": "Click here to set a start date",
"chooseEndDate": "Click here to set an end date",
"move": "Move task to a different list",
"done": "Done!",
"undone": "Mark as undone",
"created": "Created {0} by {1}",
"updated": "Updated {0}",
"doneAt": "Done {0}",
"updateSuccess": "The task was saved successfully.",
"deleteSuccess": "The task has been deleted successfully.",
"belongsToList": "This task belongs to list '{list}'",
"due": "Due {at}",
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this task",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this task?",
"text2": "This will also remove all attachments, reminders and relations associated with this task and cannot be undone!"
"actions": {
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"label": "Add labels",
"priority": "Set Priority",
"dueDate": "Set Due Date",
"startDate": "Set a Start Date",
"endDate": "Set an End Date",
"reminders": "Set Reminders",
"repeatAfter": "Set a repeating interval",
"percentDone": "Set Percent Done",
"attachments": "Add attachments",
"relatedTasks": "Add task relations",
"moveList": "Move task",
"color": "Set task color",
"delete": "Delete task",
"favorite": "Save as favorite",
"unfavorite": "Remove from favorites"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "Assignees",
"color": "Color",
"created": "Created",
"createdBy": "Created By",
"description": "Description",
"done": "Done",
"dueDate": "Due Date",
"endDate": "End Date",
"labels": "Labels",
"percentDone": "% Done",
"priority": "Priority",
"relatedTasks": "Related Tasks",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"repeat": "Repeat",
"startDate": "Start Date",
"title": "Title",
"updated": "Updated"
"subscription": {
"subscribedThroughParent": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this {entity} through its {parent}.",
"subscribed": "You are currently subscribed to this {entity} and will receive notifications for changes.",
"notSubscribed": "You are not subscribed to this {entity} and won't receive notifications for changes.",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"subscribeSuccess": "You are now subscribed to this {entity}",
"unsubscribeSuccess": "You are now unsubscribed to this {entity}"
"attachment": {
"title": "Attachments",
"createdBy": "created {0} by {1}",
"downloadTooltip": "Download this attachment",
"upload": "Upload attachment",
"drop": "Drop files here to upload",
"delete": "Delete attachment",
"deleteTooltip": "Delete this attachment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment {filename}?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!",
"copyUrl": "Copy URL",
"copyUrlTooltip": "Copy the url of this attachment for usage in text"
"comment": {
"title": "Comments",
"loading": "Loading comments…",
"edited": "edited {date}",
"creating": "Creating comment…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment…",
"comment": "Comment",
"delete": "Delete this comment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!",
"addedSuccess": "The comment was added successfully."
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "Defer due date",
"1day": "1 day",
"3days": "3 days",
"1week": "1 week"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…",
"empty": "No description available yet."
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "Type to assign a user…",
"selectPlaceholder": "Assign this user",
"assignSuccess": "The user has been assigned successfully.",
"unassignSuccess": "The user has been unassigned successfully."
"label": {
"placeholder": "Type to add a new label…",
"createPlaceholder": "Add this as new label",
"addSuccess": "The label has been added successfully.",
"createSuccess": "The label has been created successfully.",
"removeSuccess": "The label has been removed successfully."
"priority": {
"unset": "Unset",
"low": "Low",
"medium": "Medium",
"high": "high",
"urgent": "Urgent",
"doNow": "DO NOW"
"relation": {
"add": "Add a New Task Relation",
"new": "New Task Relation",
"searchPlaceholder": "Type search for a new task to add as related…",
"createPlaceholder": "Add this as new related task",
"differentList": "This task belongs to a different list.",
"noneYet": "No task relations yet.",
"delete": "Delete Task Relation",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this task relation?",
"deleteText2": "This cannot be undone!"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "Every Day",
"everyWeek": "Every Week",
"everyMonth": "Every Month",
"mode": "Repeat mode",
"monthly": "Monthly",
"fromCurrentDate": "From Current Date",
"each": "Each",
"specifyAmount": "Specify an amount…",
"hours": "Hours",
"days": "Days",
"weeks": "Weeks",
"months": "Months",
"years": "Years"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "You can use Quick Add Magic",
"what": "What?",
"title": "Quick Add Magic",
"intro": "When creating a task, you can use special keywords to directly add attributes to the newly created task. This allows to add commonly used attributes to tasks much faster.",
"multiple": "You can use this multiple times.",
"label1": "To add a label, simply prefix the name of the label with {prefix}.",
"label2": "Vikunja will first check if the label already exist and create it if not.",
"label3": "To use spaces, simply add a \" around the label name.",
"label4": "For example: {prefix}\"Label with spaces\".",
"priority1": "To set a task's priority, add a number 1-5, prefixed with a {prefix}.",
"priority2": "The higher the number, the higher the priority.",
"assignees": "To directly assign the task to a user, add their username prefixed with @ to the task.",
"list1": "To set a list for the task to appear in, enter its name prefixed with {prefix}.",
"list2": "This will return an error if the list does not exist.",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time",
"date": "Any date will be used as the due date of the new task. You can use dates in any of these formats:",
"dateWeekday": "any weekday, will use the next date with that date",
"dateCurrentYear": "will use the current year",
"dateNth": "will use the {day}th of the current month",
"dateTime": "Combine any of the date formats with \"{time}\" (or {timePM}) to set a time."
"team": {
"title": "Teams",
"noTeams": "You are currently not part of any teams.",
"create": {
"title": "Create a new team",
"success": "The team was successfully created."
"edit": {
"title": "Edit Team \"{team}\"",
"members": "Team Members",
"search": "Type to search a user…",
"addUser": "Add to team",
"makeMember": "Make Member",
"makeAdmin": "Make Admin",
"success": "The team was successfully updated.",
"userAddedSuccess": "The team member was successfully added.",
"madeMember": "The team member was successfully made member.",
"madeAdmin": "The team member was successfully made admin.",
"delete": {
"header": "Delete the team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?",
"text2": "All team members will loose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The team was successfully deleted."
"deleteUser": {
"header": "Remove a user from the team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"attributes": {
"name": "Team Name",
"namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…",
"nameRequired": "Please specify a name.",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Member"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Mark a task as done",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"update": {
"available": "There is an update for Vikunja available!",
"do": "Update Now"
"menu": {
"edit": "Edit",
"archive": "Archive",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"delete": "Delete",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive",
"setBackground": "Set background",
"share": "Share",
"newList": "New list"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "Vikunja URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "eg. https://localhost:3456",
"change": "change",
"signInOn": "Sign in to your Vikunja account on {0}",
"error": "Could not find or use Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\".",
"success": "Using Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\"."
"loadingError": {
"failed": "Loading failed, please {0}. If the error persists, please {1}.",
"tryAgain": "try again",
"contact": "contact us"
"notification": {
"title": "Notifications",
"none": "You don't have any notifications. Have a nice day!",
"explainer": "Notifications will appear here when actions on namespaces, lists or tasks you subscribed to happen."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "Commands",
"placeholder": "Type a command or search…",
"hint": "You can use # to only seach for tasks, * to only search for lists and @ to only search for teams.",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"lists": "Lists",
"teams": "Teams",
"newList": "Enter the title of the new list…",
"newTask": "Enter the title of the new task…",
"newNamespace": "Enter the title of the new namespace…",
"newTeam": "Enter the name of the new team…",
"createTask": "Create a task in the current list ({title})",
"createList": "Create a list in the current namespace ({title})",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "New task",
"newList": "New list",
"newNamespace": "New namespace",
"newTeam": "New team"
"date": {
"locale": "en",
"in": "in {date}",
"ago": "{date} ago",
"altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "Error",
"success": "Success",
"0001": "You're not allowed to do that.",
"1001": "A user with this username already exists.",
"1002": "A user with this email address already exists.",
"1004": "No username and password specified.",
"1005": "The user does not exist.",
"1006": "Could not get the user id.",
"1008": "No password reset token provided.",
"1009": "Invalid password reset token.",
"1010": "Invalid email confirm token.",
"1011": "Wrong username or password.",
"1012": "Email address of the user not confirmed.",
"1013": "New password is empty.",
"1014": "Old password is empty.",
"1015": "Totp is already enabled for this user.",
"1016": "Totp is not enabled for this user.",
"1017": "The totp passcode is invalid.",
"1018": "The user avatar type setting is invalid.",
"2001": "ID cannot be empty or 0.",
"2002": "Some of the request data was invalid.",
"3001": "The list does not exist.",
"3004": "You need to have read permissions on that list to perform that action.",
"3005": "The list title cannot be empty.",
"3006": "The list share does not exist.",
"3007": "A list with this identifier already exists.",
"3008": "The list is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only. This is also true for all tasks associated with this list.",
"4001": "The list task text cannot be empty.",
"4002": "The list task does not exist.",
"4003": "All bulk editing tasks must belong to the same list.",
"4004": "Need at least one task when bulk editing tasks.",
"4005": "You do not have the right to see the task.",
"4006": "You can't set a parent task as the task itself.",
"4007": "You can't create a task relation with an invalid kind of relation.",
"4008": "You can't create a task relation which already exists.",
"4009": "The task relation does not exist.",
"4010": "Cannot relate a task with itself.",
"4011": "The task attachment does not exist.",
"4012": "The task attachment is too large.",
"4013": "The task sort param is invalid.",
"4014": "The task sort order is invalid.",
"4015": "The task comment does not exist.",
"4016": "Invalid task field.",
"4017": "Invalid task filter comparator.",
"4018": "Invalid task filter concatinator.",
"4019": "Invalid task filter value.",
"5001": "The namespace does not exist.",
"5003": "You do not have access to the specified namespace.",
"5006": "The namespace name cannot be empty.",
"5009": "You need to have namespace read access to perform that action.",
"5010": "This team does not have access to that namespace.",
"5011": "This user has already access to that namespace.",
"5012": "The namespace is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only.",
"6001": "The team name cannot be emtpy.",
"6002": "The team does not exist.",
"6004": "The team already has access to that namespace or list.",
"6005": "The user is already a member of that team.",
"6006": "Cannot delete the last team member.",
"6007": "The team does not have access to the list to perform that action.",
"7002": "The user already has access to that list.",
"7003": "You do not have access to that list.",
"8001": "This label already exists on that task.",
"8002": "The label does not exist.",
"8003": "You do not have access to this label.",
"9001": "The right is invalid.",
"10001": "The bucket does not exist.",
"10002": "The bucket does not belong to that list.",
"10003": "You cannot remove the last bucket on a list.",
"10004": "You cannot add the task to this bucket as it already exceeded the limit of tasks it can hold.",
"10005": "There can be only one done bucket per list.",
"11001": "The saved filter does not exist.",
"11002": "Saved filters are not available for link shares.",
"12001": "The subscription entity type is invalid.",
"12002": "You are already subscribed to the entity itself or a parent entity.",
"13001": "This link share requires a password for authentication, but none was provided.",
"13002": "The provided link share password was invalid."
"about": {
"title": "About",
"frontendVersion": "Frontend Version: {version}",
"apiVersion": "API Version: {version}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
"home": {
"welcomeNight": "Доброй ночи, {username}",
"welcomeMorning": "Доброе утро, {username}",
"welcomeDay": "Привет, {username}",
"welcomeEvening": "Добрый вечер, {username}",
"lastViewed": "Последние просмотренные",
"list": {
"newText": "Ты можешь создать новый список для своих задач:",
"new": "Создать новый список",
"importText": "Или импортировать списки и задачи из других сервисов в Vikunja:",
"import": "Импорт данных в Vikunja"
"404": {
"title": "Не найдено",
"text": "Запрашиваемая страница не существует."
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "Имя пользователя",
"usernameEmail": "Имя пользователя или Email",
"usernamePlaceholder": "напр. frederick",
"email": "E-mail адрес",
"emailPlaceholder": "напр. frederic@vikunja.io",
"password": "Пароль",
"passwordRepeat": "Пароль ещё раз",
"passwordPlaceholder": "напр. •••••••••••",
"resetPassword": "Сбросить пароль",
"resetPasswordAction": "Отправить ссылку на сброс пароля",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "Проверь свою почту! Там должно быть письмо с инструкциями, как сбросить пароль.",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Пароли не совпадают",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "Теперь ты можешь войти, используя свой e-mail.",
"totpTitle": "Код двухфакторной аутентификации",
"totpPlaceholder": "напр. 123456",
"login": "Войти",
"register": "Зарегистрироваться",
"loginWith": "Войти через {provider}",
"authenticating": "Аутентификация…",
"openIdStateError": "State does not match, refusing to continue!",
"openIdGeneralError": "An error occured while authenticating against the third party.",
"logout": "Выйти"
"settings": {
"title": "Настройки",
"newPasswordTitle": "Изменить пароль",
"newPassword": "Новый пароль",
"newPasswordConfirm": "Новый пароль ещё раз",
"currentPassword": "Текущий пароль",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Твой текущий пароль",
"passwordsDontMatch": "Новые пароли не совпадают.",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "Пароль изменён.",
"updateEmailTitle": "Изменить E-mail",
"updateEmailNew": "Новый Email адрес",
"updateEmailSuccess": "E-mail успешно изменён. Для подтверждения нажми на ссылку в письме, которое мы тебе отправили.",
"general": {
"title": "Основные настройки",
"name": "Имя",
"newName": "Новое имя",
"savedSuccess": "Настройки обновлены.",
"emailReminders": "Присылать мне напоминания о задачах на e-mail",
"overdueReminders": "Присылать мне напоминания о просроченных невыполненных задачах на e-mail каждое утро",
"discoverableByName": "Разрешить другим находить меня по имени",
"discoverableByEmail": "Разрешить другим пользователям находить меня по полному e-mail",
"playSoundWhenDone": "Проигрывать звук, когда задача помечается завершённой",
"weekStart": "Первый день недели",
"weekStartSunday": "Воскресенье",
"weekStartMonday": "Понедельник",
"language": "Язык",
"defaultList": "Список по умолчанию"
"totp": {
"title": "Двухфакторная аутентификация",
"enroll": "Подключить",
"finishSetupPart1": "Для завершения подключения используй этот секрет в своём приложении TOTP (andOTP и подобные):",
"finishSetupPart2": "Потом введи сюда код из приложения.",
"scanQR": "Или ты можешь отсканировать этот QR-код:",
"passcode": "Код",
"passcodePlaceholder": "Код, который сгенерировал твой приложение TOTP",
"setupSuccess": "У тебя подключена двухфакторная аутентификация.",
"enterPassword": "Введи свой пароль",
"disable": "Отключить двухфакторную аутентификацию",
"confirmSuccess": "TOTP настроен и готов к использованию.",
"disableSuccess": "Двухфакторная аутентификация отключена."
"caldav": {
"title": "CalDAV",
"howTo": "Ты можешь подключить Vikunja к клиентам CalDAV, чтобы просматривать и управлять всеми задачами из разных клиентов. Введи этот URL в свой клиент:",
"more": "Подробнее о caldav в Vikunja"
"avatar": {
"title": "Аватар",
"initials": "Инициалы",
"gravatar": "Gravatar",
"upload": "Загрузить файл",
"uploadAvatar": "Загрузить аватар",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "Статус аватара обновлён.",
"setSuccess": "Аватар установлен."
"deletion": {
"title": "Удалить свой аккаунт VIkunja",
"text1": "Удаление аккаунта необратимо. Мы удалим все твои пространства имён, списки, задачи и всё связанное с ними.",
"text2": "Для продолжения введи свой пароль. Ты получишь письмо на почту с дальнейшими инструкциями.",
"confirm": "Удалить мой аккаунт",
"requestSuccess": "Запрос успешно выполнен. Ты полчишь письмо на почту с дальнейшими инструкциями.",
"passwordRequired": "Введи свой пароль.",
"confirmSuccess": "Удаление аккаунта успешно подтверждён. Мы удалим его через три дня.",
"scheduled": "Мы удалим твой аккаунт Vikunja {date} ({dateSince}).",
"scheduledCancel": "Что отменить удаление аккаунта, нажми сюда.",
"scheduledCancelText": "Чтобы отменить удаление аккаунта, введи свой пароль ниже:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "Отменить удаление моего аккаунта",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "Мы не будем удалять твой аккаунт."
"export": {
"title": "Экспорт данных Vikunja",
"description": "Ты можешь запросить копию всех своих данных Vikunja. Это включает в себя пространства имён, списки, задачи и всё связанное с ними. Эти данные можно будет импортировать на любом экземпляре Vikunja через функцию миграции.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "Для продолжения введи свой пароль:",
"request": "Запросить копию моих данных Vikunja",
"success": "Данные Vikunja успешно запрошены! Мы отправим тебе письмо, когда они будут готовы для скачивания."
"list": {
"archived": "Этот список архивирован. В нём нелья создавать или изменять задачи.",
"title": "Название списка",
"color": "Цвет",
"lists": "Списки",
"search": "Введи запрос для поиска списка…",
"searchSelect": "Кликни или нажми Enter для выбора этого списка",
"shared": "Общие списки",
"create": {
"header": "Создать новый список",
"titlePlaceholder": "Введи имя списка…",
"addTitleRequired": "Укажи название.",
"createdSuccess": "Список создан.",
"addListRequired": "Укажи список или выбери список по умолчанию в настройках."
"archive": {
"title": "Заархивировать «{list}»",
"archive": "Архивировать этот список",
"unarchive": "Вернуть список из архива",
"unarchiveText": "Ты сможешь создавать новые задачи или изменять его.",
"archiveText": "Ты не сможешь изменять этот список или создавать новые задачи, пока ты не вернёшь его из архива.",
"success": "Список архивирован."
"background": {
"title": "Установить фон списка",
"remove": "Удалить фон",
"upload": "Выбрать фон со своего ПК",
"searchPlaceholder": "Введи запрос для поиска фона…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Изображения с Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Загрузить больше фотографий",
"success": "Фон установлен.",
"removeSuccess": "Фон удалён."
"delete": {
"title": "Удалить «{list}»",
"header": "Удалить этот список",
"text1": "Удалить этот список вместе со всем содержимым?",
"text2": "Это включает в себя все задачи, и отменить это будет нельзя!",
"success": "Список удалён."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Создать копию списка",
"label": "Создать копию",
"text": "Выбери пространство имён, в которое поместить копию списка:",
"success": "Копия списка создана."
"edit": {
"header": "Изменить этот список",
"title": "Изменить «{list}»",
"titlePlaceholder": "Введи название списка…",
"identifierTooltip": "Идентификатор списка используется для однозначной идентификации задачи среди разных списков. Можно оставить пустым для отключения этого.",
"identifier": "Идентификатор списка",
"identifierPlaceholder": "Идентификатор списка здесь…",
"description": "Описание",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Введи описание списка…",
"color": "Цвет",
"success": "Список обновлён."
"share": {
"header": "Поделиться этим списком",
"title": "Поделиться списком «{list}»",
"share": "Поделиться",
"links": {
"title": "Ссылки для обмена",
"what": "Что такое ссылка для обмена?",
"explanation": "Позволит тебе поделиться списком с теми, у кого нет аккаунта в Vikunja.",
"create": "Создать новую ссылку для обмена",
"name": "Имя (необязательно)",
"namePlaceholder": "напр. Lorem Ipsum",
"nameExplanation": "Все действия, проведённые через эту ссылку, будут подписаны этим именем.",
"password": "Пароль (необязательно)",
"passwordExplanation": "Пользователь будет должен ввести пароль для входа.",
"noName": "Без имени",
"remove": "Удалить ссылку для обмена",
"removeText": "Удалить эту ссылку для обмена? Больше не удастся получить доступ к списку через эту ссылку. Это действие отменить нельзя!",
"createSuccess": "Ссылка создана.",
"deleteSuccess": "Ссылка удалена"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "пользователь | пользователи",
"typeTeam": "группа | группы",
"shared": "Поделился с {type}",
"you": "Ты",
"notShared": "Не поделился ни с одной из {type}.",
"removeHeader": "Удалить {type} из {sharable}",
"removeText": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить {sharable} из {type}? Это действие необратимо!",
"removeSuccess": "{sharable} успешно удален из {type}.",
"addedSuccess": "{type} успешно добавлен.",
"updatedSuccess": "{type} успешно добавлен."
"right": {
"title": "Права",
"read": "Только чтение",
"readWrite": "Чтение и запись",
"admin": "Админ"
"attributes": {
"link": "Ссылка",
"name": "Имя",
"sharedBy": "Создатель",
"right": "Права",
"delete": "Удалить"
"list": {
"title": "Список",
"add": "Добавить",
"addPlaceholder": "Добавить новую задачу…",
"empty": "Список сейчас пуст.",
"newTaskCta": "Создать новую задачу.",
"editTask": "Изменить задачу"
"gantt": {
"title": "Гант",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Показать задачи без установленной даты",
"size": "Размер",
"default": "По умолчанию",
"month": "Месяц",
"day": "День",
"from": "С",
"to": "По",
"noDates": "В этой задаче нет установленной даты."
"table": {
"title": "Таблица",
"columns": "Столбцы"
"kanban": {
"title": "Канбан",
"limit": "Лимит: {limit}",
"noLimit": "не установлен",
"doneBucket": "Список завершен",
"doneBucketHint": "Все задачи, помещённые в эту колонку, автоматически помечаются завершёнными.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "Все задачи, перенесенные в завершенный список будут помечены как завершенные. Все задачи помеченные как завершенные будут перемещены в этот список.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "Завершенный список был успешно сохранен.",
"deleteLast": "Нельзя удалить последнюю колонку.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Введи название задачи…",
"addTask": "Добавить задачу",
"addAnotherTask": "Добавить ещё одну задачу",
"addBucket": "Создать новую колонку",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Введи название новой колонки…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "Удалить колонку",
"deleteBucketText1": "Удалить эту колонку?",
"deleteBucketText2": "Это не удалит задачи, а переместит их в колонку по умолчанию.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "Колонка удалена.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "Название колонки сохранено.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "Ограничение колонки сохранено.",
"collapse": "Свернуть эту колонку"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Избранное"
"namespace": {
"title": "Пространства имён и списки",
"namespace": "Пространство имён",
"showArchived": "Показать архив",
"noneAvailable": "Пространств имён сейчас нет.",
"unarchive": "Вернуть из архива",
"archived": "Архивировано",
"noLists": "В этом пространстве имён нет ни одного списка.",
"createList": "Создать новый список в этом пространстве имён.",
"namespaces": "Пространства имён",
"search": "Введи запрос для поиска пространства имён…",
"create": {
"title": "Создать новое пространство имён",
"titleRequired": "Укажи название.",
"explanation": "Коллекции списков для совместного использования и организации ваших списков. Фактически, каждый список принадлежит какому-нибудь пространству имён.",
"tooltip": "Что такое пространство имён?",
"success": "Пространство имён создано."
"archive": {
"titleArchive": "Архивировать «{namespace}»",
"titleUnarchive": "Вернуть «{namespace}» из архива",
"archiveText": "Ты не сможешь изменять это пространство имён, пока не вернёшь его из архива. Это также касается всех списков в этом пространстве имён.",
"unarchiveText": "Ты сможешь создавать новые списки или изменять их.",
"success": "Пространство имён архивировано.",
"description": "Архивирование пространства имён означает, что ты не сможешь создавать в нём новые списки или изменять их."
"delete": {
"title": "Удалить «{namespace}»",
"text1": "Удалить это пространство имён вместе со всем содержимым?",
"text2": "Это включает в себя все списки и задачи, и отменить это будет нельзя!",
"success": "Пространство имён удалено."
"edit": {
"title": "Изменить «{namespace}»",
"success": "Пространство имён обновлено."
"share": {
"title": "Поделиться пространством имён «{namespace}»"
"attributes": {
"title": "Название пространства имён",
"titlePlaceholder": "Введи название пространства имён…",
"description": "Описание",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Введи описание пространства имён…",
"color": "Цвет",
"archived": "Архивировано",
"isArchived": "Это пространство имён архивировано"
"pseudo": {
"sharedLists": {
"title": "Общие списки"
"favorites": {
"title": "Избранное"
"savedFilters": {
"title": "Фильтры"
"filters": {
"title": "Фильтры",
"attributes": {
"title": "Название",
"titlePlaceholder": "Введи название сохранённого фильтра…",
"description": "Описание",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Введи описание…",
"includeNulls": "Включать задачи, у которых не установлено значение",
"requireAll": "Для отображения задачи требовать истинность всех фильтров",
"showDoneTasks": "Показывать завершённые задачи",
"enablePriority": "Вкл. фильтр по приоритету",
"enablePercentDone": "По % завершения",
"dueDateRange": "Диапазон срока",
"startDateRange": "Диапазон даты начала",
"endDateRange": "Диапазон даты завершения",
"reminderRange": "Диапазон даты напоминания"
"create": {
"title": "Создать сохранённый фильтр",
"description": "Сохраненный фильтр это виртуальный список, построенный из набора фильтров. При создании отображается в специальном пространстве имен.",
"action": "Создать новый сохранённый фильтр"
"delete": {
"header": "Удалить этот сохранённый фильтр",
"text": "Удалить этот сохранённый фильтр?",
"success": "Фильтр удалён."
"edit": {
"title": "Изменить этот сохранённый фильтр",
"success": "Фильтр сохранён."
"migrate": {
"title": "Миграция из других сервисов в Vikunja",
"titleService": "Импорт твоих данных из {name} в Vikunja",
"import": "Импорт данных в Vikunja",
"description": "Нажмите на логотип одного из сторонних сервисов, чтобы начать.",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja импортирует все списки, задачи, заметки, напоминания и файлы, к которым у тебя есть доступ.",
"authorize": "Позволь VIkunja получить доступ к твоему аккаунту {name}, нажав кнопку ниже.",
"getStarted": "Начать",
"inProgress": "Импортируем…",
"alreadyMigrated1": "Кажется, ты уже импортировал данные из {name} {date}.",
"alreadyMigrated2": "Повторный импорт возможен, но могут возникнуть дубликаты. Продолжить?",
"confirm": "Я уверен, давай начнём миграцию!",
"importUpload": "Чтобы импортировать данные из {name} в Vikunja, нажми кнопку ниже для выбора файла.",
"upload": "Загрузить файл"
"label": {
"title": "Метки",
"manage": "Управление метками",
"description": "Нажми на метку, чтобы изменить её. Ты можешь редактировать все созданные тобой метки, ты можешь использовать все метки, связанные с задачей, к списку которой у тебя есть доступ.",
"newCTA": "Меток сейчас нет.",
"search": "Введи запрос для поиска метки…",
"create": {
"header": "Новая метка",
"title": "Создать новую метку",
"titleRequired": "Укажи название.",
"success": "Метка успешно создана."
"edit": {
"header": "Изменить метку",
"forbidden": "Ты не можешь изменять эту метку, потому что не являешься её владельцем.",
"success": "Метка изменена."
"deleteSuccess": "Метка удалена.",
"attributes": {
"title": "Название",
"titlePlaceholder": "Введи название метки…",
"description": "Описание",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Описание метки",
"color": "Цвет"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "Аутентификация…",
"passwordRequired": "Для этого общего списка нужен пароль. Введи его сюда:",
"error": "Случилась ошибка.",
"invalidPassword": "Неверный пароль."
"navigation": {
"overview": "Обзор",
"upcoming": "Предстоящие задачи",
"settings": "Настройки",
"imprint": "Отпечаток",
"privacy": "Политика конфиденциальности"
"misc": {
"loading": "Загрузка…",
"save": "Сохранить",
"delete": "Удалить",
"confirm": "Подтвердить",
"cancel": "Отмена",
"refresh": "Обновить",
"disable": "Отключить",
"copy": "Скопировать в буфер обмена",
"search": "Поиск",
"searchPlaceholder": "Введи запрос для поиска…",
"previous": "Назад",
"next": "Вперёд",
"poweredBy": "Powered by Vikunja",
"info": "Информация",
"create": "Создать",
"doit": "Сделать это!",
"saving": "Сохранение…",
"saved": "Сохранено!",
"default": "По умолчанию",
"close": "Закрыть",
"download": "Скачать"
"input": {
"resetColor": "Сбросить цвет",
"datepicker": {
"today": "Сегодня",
"tomorrow": "Завтра",
"nextMonday": "Следующий понедельник",
"thisWeekend": "Конец этой недели",
"laterThisWeek": "Позже на этой неделе",
"nextWeek": "Через неделю",
"chooseDate": "Выбрать дату"
"editor": {
"edit": "Изменить",
"done": "Готово",
"heading1": "Заголовок 1",
"heading2": "Заголовок 2",
"heading3": "Заголовок 3",
"headingSmaller": "Заголовок меньше",
"headingBigger": "Заголовок больше",
"bold": "Жирный",
"italic": "Курсив",
"strikethrough": "Зачёркнутый",
"code": "Код",
"quote": "Цитата",
"unorderedList": "Маркированный список",
"orderedList": "Нумерованный список",
"cleanBlock": "Очистить блок",
"link": "Ссылка",
"image": "Изображение",
"table": "Таблица",
"horizontalRule": "Разделитель",
"sideBySide": "Side By Side",
"guide": "Руководство"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Создать",
"selectPlaceholder": "Кликните или нажмите Enter для выбора"
"task": {
"task": "Задача",
"new": "Создать задачу",
"delete": "Удалить задачу",
"createSuccess": "Задача удалена.",
"addReminder": "Добавить напоминание…",
"doneSuccess": "Задача отмечена как завершённая.",
"undoneSuccess": "Задача отмечена как незавершённая.",
"openDetail": "Открыть подробный просмотр задачи",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "Текущие задачи",
"titleDates": "Задачи с {from} по {to}",
"noDates": "Показать задачи без даты",
"current": "Текущие задачи",
"from": "Задачи с",
"until": "по",
"today": "Сегодня",
"nextWeek": "Неделя",
"nextMonth": "Месяц",
"noTasks": "Делать нечего. Хорошего дня!"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "Нажми для выбора срока",
"chooseStartDate": "Нажми для выбора даты начала",
"chooseEndDate": "Нажми для выбора даты завершения",
"move": "Переместить задачу в другой список",
"done": "Завершено!",
"undone": "Не завершено",
"created": "Создана {0} пользователем {1}",
"updated": "Обновлено {0}",
"doneAt": "Завершено {0}",
"updateSuccess": "Задача сохранена.",
"deleteSuccess": "Задача удалена.",
"belongsToList": "Задача принадлежит списку «{list}»",
"due": "Истекает {at}",
"delete": {
"header": "Удалить задачу",
"text1": "Удалить эту задачу?",
"text2": "Будут удалены все вложения, напоминания и отношения, связанные с этой задачей, и отменить это будет нельзя!"
"actions": {
"assign": "Назначить пользователю",
"label": "Добавить метки",
"priority": "Установить приоритет",
"dueDate": "Установить срок",
"startDate": "Установить дату начала",
"endDate": "Установить дату завершения",
"reminders": "Установить напоминания",
"repeatAfter": "Установить интервал повтора",
"percentDone": "Установить процент завершения",
"attachments": "Добавить вложения",
"relatedTasks": "Добавить связанные задачи",
"moveList": "Переместить задачу",
"color": "Установить цвет задачи",
"delete": "Удалить задачу",
"favorite": "Сохранить как ибзранное",
"unfavorite": "Убрать из избранного"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "Пользователи, которым назначена задача",
"color": "Цвет",
"created": "Дата создания",
"createdBy": "Создатель",
"description": "Описание",
"done": "Завершено",
"dueDate": "Срок",
"endDate": "Дата завершения",
"labels": "Метки",
"percentDone": "% Завершено",
"priority": "Приоритет",
"relatedTasks": "Связанные задачи",
"reminders": "Напоминания",
"repeat": "Повтор",
"startDate": "Дата начала",
"title": "Название",
"updated": "Дата изменения"
"subscription": {
"subscribedThroughParent": "Ты не можешь отписаться здесь, потому что ты подписан на {entity} через {parent}.",
"subscribed": "Ты подписан на {entity} и будешь получать уведомления об изменениях.",
"notSubscribed": "Ты не подписан на {entity} и не будешь получать уведомления об изменениях.",
"subscribe": "Подписаться",
"unsubscribe": "Отписаться",
"subscribeSuccess": "Ты подписался на {entity}",
"unsubscribeSuccess": "Ты отписался от {entity}"
"attachment": {
"title": "Вложения",
"createdBy": "создано {0} пользователем {1}",
"downloadTooltip": "Скачать это вложение",
"upload": "Загрузить вложение",
"drop": "Перетащи файлы сюда для загрузки",
"delete": "Удалить вложение",
"deleteTooltip": "Удалить это вложение",
"deleteText1": "Удалить вложение {filename}?",
"deleteText2": "Это действие отменить нельзя!",
"copyUrl": "Скопировать URL",
"copyUrlTooltip": "Скопировать ссылку на это вложение для использования в тексте"
"comment": {
"title": "Комментарии",
"loading": "Загрузка комментариев…",
"edited": "изменено {date}",
"creating": "Комментируем…",
"placeholder": "Добавить комментарий…",
"comment": "Комментировать",
"delete": "Удалить комментарий",
"deleteText1": "Удалить этот комментарий?",
"deleteText2": "Это действие отменить нельзя!",
"addedSuccess": "Комментарий добавлен."
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "Отложить срок",
"1day": "1 день",
"3days": "3 дня",
"1week": "1 неделя"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Нажми сюда для ввода описания…",
"empty": "Описания ещё нет."
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "Введи пользователя для назначения…",
"selectPlaceholder": "Назначить этому пользователю",
"assignSuccess": "Пользователь назначен.",
"unassignSuccess": "Пользователь убран."
"label": {
"placeholder": "Введи новую метку…",
"createPlaceholder": "Добавить как новую метку",
"addSuccess": "Метка добавлена.",
"createSuccess": "Метка создана.",
"removeSuccess": "Метка удалена."
"priority": {
"unset": "Не указан",
"low": "Низкий",
"medium": "Средний",
"high": "Высокий",
"urgent": "Срочный",
"relation": {
"add": "Добавить новую связанную задачу",
"new": "Новая связанная задача",
"searchPlaceholder": "Введи запрос для поиска задачи, чтобы добавить связь…",
"createPlaceholder": "Добавить как связанную задачу",
"differentList": "Эта задача принадлежит другому списку.",
"noneYet": "Ещё нет связанных задач.",
"delete": "Удалить связь",
"deleteText1": "Удалить эту связь с задачей?",
"deleteText2": "Это действие отменить нельзя!"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "Каждый день",
"everyWeek": "Каждую неделю",
"everyMonth": "Каждый месяц",
"mode": "Режим повтора",
"monthly": "Ежемесячно",
"fromCurrentDate": "От сегодняшей даты",
"each": "Каждые",
"specifyAmount": "Укажи количество…",
"hours": "Часов",
"days": "Дней",
"weeks": "Недель",
"months": "Месяцев",
"years": "Лет"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "Вы можете использовать Волшебное Быстрое Добавление",
"what": "Что это?",
"title": "Волшебное Быстрое Добавление",
"intro": "При создании задачи ты можешь использовать специальные ключевые слова для непосредственного добавления атрибутов к создаваемой задаче. Это позволяет добавлять часто используемые атрибуты гораздо быстрее.",
"multiple": "Ты можешь использовать это несколько раз.",
"label1": "Чтобы добавить метку, просто добавь к названию метки префикс {prefix}.",
"label2": "Vikunja проверит, существует ли такая метка, и создаст её, если ещё нет.",
"label3": "Чтобы использовать пробелы, оберни метку в \"кавычки\".",
"label4": "Например: {prefix}\"Метка с пробелами\".",
"priority1": "Чтобы установить задаче приоритет, добавь число 1-5 с префиксом {prefix}.",
"priority2": "Чем больше число, тем выше приоритет.",
"assignees": "Чтобы назначить задачу пользователю, добавь к задаче его имя с префиксом {prefix}.",
"list1": "Чтобы выбрать список, в который будет помещена создаваемая задача, введи его имя с префиксом {prefix}.",
"list2": "Если списка не существует, будет возвращена ошибка.",
"dateAndTime": "Дата и время",
"date": "Любая дата будет использоваться как срок выполнения новой задачи. Ты можешь использовать даты в любом из этих форматов:",
"dateWeekday": "любой день недели, будет использовать следующую дату",
"dateCurrentYear": "текущий год",
"dateNth": "будет использовать {day}е текущего месяца",
"dateTime": "Комбинируй любой из этих форматов даты с «{time}» (или {timePM}), чтобы установить время."
"team": {
"title": "Команды",
"noTeams": "Ты сейчас не являешься участником ни одной команды.",
"create": {
"title": "Создать команду",
"success": "Команда создана."
"edit": {
"title": "Изменить команду «{team}»",
"members": "Участники команды",
"search": "Введи запрос для поиска пользователя…",
"addUser": "Добавить в команду",
"makeMember": "Сделать участником",
"makeAdmin": "Сделать администратором",
"success": "Команда обновлена.",
"userAddedSuccess": "Участник добавлен.",
"madeMember": "Участник команды теперь участник.",
"madeAdmin": "Участник команды теперь администратор.",
"delete": {
"header": "Удалить команду",
"text1": "Удалить эту команду вместе с участниками?",
"text2": "Все участники команды потеряют доступ к спискам и пространствам имён, которыми поделились с этой командой. Это действие отменить НЕЛЬЗЯ!",
"success": "Команда удалена."
"deleteUser": {
"header": "Удалить пользователя из команды",
"text1": "Удалить этого пользователя из команды?",
"text2": "Пользователь потеряет доступ ко всем спискам и пространствам имён, к котором есть доступ у команды. Это действие отменить нельзя!",
"success": "Пользователь удалён из команды."
"attributes": {
"name": "Имя команды",
"namePlaceholder": "Имя команды здесь…",
"nameRequired": "Укажи имя.",
"description": "Описание",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Описание команды здесь…",
"admin": "Администратор",
"member": "Участник"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "Сочетания клавиш",
"allPages": "Работают на всех страницах.",
"currentPageOnly": "Работают только на текущей странице.",
"toggleMenu": "Переключить меню",
"quickSearch": "Открыть панель поиска/быстрых действий",
"task": {
"title": "Страница задачи",
"done": "Пометить задачу завершённой",
"assign": "Назначить задачу пользователю",
"labels": "Добавить метки этой задаче",
"dueDate": "Изменить срок этой задачи",
"attachment": "Добавить вложение к задаче",
"related": "Изменить связанные задачи"
"update": {
"available": "Доступно обновление Vikunja!",
"do": "Обновить сейчас"
"menu": {
"edit": "Изменить",
"archive": "Архивировать",
"duplicate": "Создать копию",
"delete": "Удалить",
"unarchive": "Вернуть из архива",
"setBackground": "Задать фон",
"share": "Поделиться",
"newList": "Новый список"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "Vikunja URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "напр. https://localhost:3456",
"change": "изменить",
"signInOn": "Войди в свой аккаунт Vikunja на {0}",
"error": "Не удалось найти или использовать Vikunja на \"{domain}\".",
"success": "Используется Vikunja на \"{domain}\"."
"loadingError": {
"failed": "Не удалось загрузить, пожалуйста, {0}. Если ошибка повторится, {1}.",
"tryAgain": "попробуй ещё раз",
"contact": "связаться с нами"
"notification": {
"title": "Уведомления",
"none": "Уведомлений нет. Хорошего дня!",
"explainer": "Здесь появятся уведомления, когда произойдут действия над пространствами имен, списками или задачами, на которые вы подписаны."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "Команды",
"placeholder": "Введи команду или поисковый запрос…",
"hint": "Используй # для поиска только задач, * для поиска только списков и @ для поиска только команд.",
"tasks": "Задачи",
"lists": "Списки",
"teams": "Команды",
"newList": "Введи название списка…",
"newTask": "Введи название задачи…",
"newNamespace": "Введи название пространства имён…",
"newTeam": "Введи название новой команды…",
"createTask": "Создать задачу в текущем списке ({title})",
"createList": "Создать список в текущем пространстве имён ({title})",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "Новая задача",
"newList": "Новый список",
"newNamespace": "Новое пространство имён",
"newTeam": "Новая команда"
"date": {
"locale": "en",
"in": "в {date}",
"ago": "{date} назад",
"altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "Ошибка",
"success": "Успех",
"0001": "Тебе нельзя делать это.",
"1001": "Пользователь с таким именем уже существует.",
"1002": "Пользователь с таким e-mail уже существует.",
"1004": "Не указаны имя пользователя и пароль.",
"1005": "Пользователь не существует.",
"1006": "Не удалось получить ID пользователя.",
"1008": "Токен сброса пароля не предоставлен.",
"1009": "Неверный токен сброса пароля.",
"1010": "Неверный токен подтверждения e-mail.",
"1011": "Неверное имя пользователя или пароль.",
"1012": "E-mail пользователя не подтверждён.",
"1013": "Новый пароль пустой.",
"1014": "Старый пароль пустой.",
"1015": "Этот пользователь уже использует TOTP.",
"1016": "Этот пользователь использует TOTP.",
"1017": "Неверный TOTP-код.",
"1018": "Тип аватара пользователя неверный.",
"2001": "ID не может быть пустой или 0.",
"2002": "Некоторые данные запроса неверны.",
"3001": "Список не существует.",
"3004": "У тебя должны быть права на чтение этого списка, чтобы выполнить это действие.",
"3005": "Ты должен ввести название списка.",
"3006": "The list share does not exist.",
"3007": "Список с таким идентификатором уже существует.",
"3008": "Этот список архивирован и поэтому доступен только для чтения. Это также касается всех задач в этом списке.",
"4001": "Текст списка задач не может быть пустым.",
"4002": "Список задач не существует.",
"4003": "Все массовые задачи должны принадлежать одному списку.",
"4004": "Необходима хотя бы одна задача для массового редактирования.",
"4005": "У вас нет прав для просмотра задачи.",
"4006": "Вы не можете установить родительскую задачу этой же задачей.",
"4007": "You can't create a task relation with an invalid kind of relation.",
"4008": "Нельзя создать связь, которая уже существует.",
"4009": "Эта связь с задачей не существует.",
"4010": "Нельзя связать задачу с собой.",
"4011": "Вложение не существует.",
"4012": "Вложение слишком большое.",
"4013": "Неверный параметр сортировки.",
"4014": "Неверный порядок сортировки.",
"4015": "Комментарий не существует.",
"4016": "Неверное поле задачи.",
"4017": "Неверный сравнитель фильтров задач.",
"4018": "Неверный соединитель фильтров задач.",
"4019": "Неверное значение фильтра задач.",
"5001": "Пространство имён не существует.",
"5003": "Нет доступа к указанному пространству имён.",
"5006": "Название пространства имён не может быть пустым.",
"5009": "Для этого действия необходим доступ на чтение пространства имён.",
"5010": "У этой команды нет доступа к этому пространству имён.",
"5011": "Этот пользователь уже имеет доступ к этому пространству имён.",
"5012": "Это пространство имён архивировано и поэтому доступно только для чтения.",
"6001": "Имя команды не может быть пустым.",
"6002": "Команда не существует.",
"6004": "Эта команда уже имеет доступ к этому пространству имён или списку.",
"6005": "Пользователь уже является участником этой команды.",
"6006": "Нельзя удалить последнего участника команды.",
"6007": "У команды нет доступа к списку, чтобы выполнить это действие.",
"7002": "У пользователя уже есть доступ к этому списку.",
"7003": "У тебя нет доступа к этому списку.",
"8001": "Эта метка уже существует в этой задаче.",
"8002": "Эта метка не существует.",
"8003": "У тебя нет доступа к этой метке.",
"9001": "Некорректные права.",
"10001": "Эта колонка не существует.",
"10002": "Эта колонка не принадлежит этому списку.",
"10003": "Ты не можешь удалить последнюю колонку списка.",
"10004": "Ты не можешь добавить задачу в эту колонку, так как достигнут лимит на число задач в ней.",
"10005": "В одном списке может быть только одна колонка \"Готово\".",
"11001": "Сохранённый фильтр не существует.",
"11002": "Saved filters are not available for link shares.",
"12001": "Некорректный тип подписки.",
"12002": "Вы уже подписаны на сам объект или родительский объект.",
"13001": "Эта ссылка требует пароля, но он не был предоставлен.",
"13002": "Неверный пароль ссылки для обмена."
"about": {
"title": "О Vikunja",
"frontendVersion": "Версия фронтенда: {version}",
"apiVersion": "Версия API: {version}"
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