0.15.0 release preparations
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 155 additions and 1 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,160 @@ All releases can be found on https://code.vikunja.io/frontend/releases.
The releases aim at the api versions which is why there are missing versions.
## [0.15.0 - 2020-10-19]
### Added
* Add app shortcuts when using vikunja as pwa
* Add build hash as meta tag to index.html to ensure always loading the new index file
* Add checkbox to show only tasks which have a due date
* Add creating labels when creating a task (#192)
* Add debug logs for loading list + kanban buckets
* Add deferring task's due dates directly from the overview (#199)
* Add easymde & markdown preview for editing descriptions and comments (#183)
* Add github sponsor link
* Add limits for kanban boards (#234)
* Add loading spinner when duplicating a list
* Add more debugging when loading lists or buckets
* Add more prefetching of components
* Add notice to a list if it has no tasks
* Add options to show tasks in range on the overview pages
* Add Page Titles Everywhere (#177)
* Allow setting api url from the login screen (#264)
* Favorite lists (#237)
* Favorite tasks (#236)
* Keyboard Shortcuts (#193)
* Saved filters (#239)
* Show caldav url in settings if it's enabled server side
* Show legal links from api if configured
### Fixed
* Fix archived lists still showing up in the side menu
* Fix Assignees being deleted when adding a due date (#254)
* Fix bottom padding on kanban
* Fix bottom white margin
* Fix checking for existing migration from other services
* Fix comparing the currently loaded list with the current list to make sure to only load the list if needed
* Fix create new bucket button having no margin to the right
* Fix due date changes not saved on mobile
* Fix editor spacing
* Fix long text overflowing in task comments
* Fix pagination button hover color
* Fix pwa icon for iOS
* Fix related tasks list spacing
* Fix sort order when marking a task as done from the overview
* Fix task in list style for tasks with assignees
* Fix task layout in kanban
* Fix task list if it has tasks with a long unbreakable title
* Fix task title input taking up almost no space if empty
* Fix update available breaking the navbar position
* Make sure to always load the home route when starting the app
* Make sure to make the list id from the route an int to not fail the comparison
* More avatar providers (#200)
* Only show the list at the end of the task if it was not specially required to show the list
* Only trigger desktop rebuilds on pushes to master
* Pin dependencies (#184)
* Pin dependency vue-advanced-cropper to 0.16.10 (#201)
* Pin dependency vue-shortkey to 3.1.7 (#194)
* Pin telegram notify in drone
* Prevent loading the list + kanban board again when closing the task popup
* Prevent rendering html in tooltips
* Release preparations
* Remove html from tooltip
* Replace renovate tokens with env
### Changed
* Always focus inputs on kanban when adding a new task or bucket
* Automatically scroll to the bottom of a bucket after adding a new task to it
* Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1
* Cleanup code & make sure it has a common code style
* Disabele spellcheck on bucket titles
* Don't cache everything in the service worker, only explicitly assets
* Don't create a label through quick add if the title is empty
* Don't show a confusing message if no options are available
* Hide the user menu if clicked outside of it
* Hide UI elements if the user does not have the right to use them (#211)
* Include fonts css in the main css bundle
* Make task list, teams and settings pages max width of $desktop and centered
* Make the task view full width for shares if the list has a background
* Mark tasks as done from the kanban board with ctrl+click
* Open unsplash author links in a new window
* Put the editor container higher up for task description
* Redirect to current list view on click on list in menu again
* Switch release bucket to scaleway s3
* Trigger a rebuild of the desktop app on builds to master for the frontend
* Trigger @change when pasting content into editor
* Update dependency axios to v0.20.0 (#216)
* Update dependency bulma to v0.9.1 (#252)
* Update dependency date-fns to v2.15.0 (#190)
* Update dependency date-fns to v2.16.0 (#220)
* Update dependency date-fns to v2.16.1 (#223)
* Update dependency dompurify to v2.0.14 (#221)
* Update dependency dompurify to v2.0.15 (#229)
* Update dependency dompurify to v2.0.17 (#241)
* Update dependency dompurify to v2.1.0 (#245)
* Update dependency dompurify to v2.1.1 (#248)
* Update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v7.0.1 (#257)
* Update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v7.1.0 (#271)
* Update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v7 (#255)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.10.0 (#250)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.11.0 (#263)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.4.0 (#175)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.5.0 (#191)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.6.0 (#198)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.7.0 (#213)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.8.0 (#225)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.8.1 (#228)
* Update dependency eslint to v7.9.0 (#242)
* Update dependency @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome to v2 (#226)
* Update dependency http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1
* Update dependency lodash to v4.17.16 (#178)
* Update dependency lodash to v4.17.17 (#179)
* Update dependency lodash to v4.17.18 (#180)
* Update dependency lodash to v4.17.19 (#181)
* Update dependency lodash to v4.17.20 (#212)
* Update dependency marked to v1.1.1 (#185)
* Update dependency marked to v1.2.0 (#251)
* Update dependency sass-loader to v10.0.1 (#219)
* Update dependency sass-loader to v10.0.2 (#230)
* Update dependency sass-loader to v10.0.3 (#262)
* Update dependency sass-loader to v10 (#217)
* Update dependency sass-loader to v9.0.1 (#174)
* Update dependency sass-loader to v9.0.2 (#176)
* Update dependency sass-loader to v9.0.3 (#203)
* Update dependency sass-loader to v9 (#173)
* Update dependency vue-advanced-cropper to v0.17.0 (#231)
* Update dependency vue-advanced-cropper to v0.17.1 (#232)
* Update dependency vue-advanced-cropper to v0.17.2 (#238)
* Update dependency vue-advanced-cropper to v0.17.3 (#243)
* Update dependency vue-drag-resize to v1.4.1 (#182)
* Update dependency vue-drag-resize to v1.4.2 (#197)
* Update dependency vue-easymde to v1.2.2 (#187)
* Update dependency vue-easymde to v1.3.0 (#256)
* Update dependency vue-flatpickr-component to v8.1.6 (#222)
* Update dependency vue-router to v3.4.0 (#202)
* Update dependency vue-router to v3.4.1 (#204)
* Update dependency vue-router to v3.4.2 (#205)
* Update dependency vue-router to v3.4.3 (#210)
* Update dependency vue-router to v3.4.4 (#247)
* Update dependency vue-router to v3.4.5 (#249)
* Update dependency vue-router to v3.4.6 (#260)
* Update dependency vue-router to v3.4.7 (#269)
* Update Font Awesome (#188)
* Update Font Awesome (#253)
* Update Font Awesome (#258)
* Update renovate token
* Update vue monorepo to v2.6.12 (#215)
* Update vue monorepo to v4.5.2 (#208)
* Update vue monorepo to v4.5.3 (#209)
* Update vue monorepo to v4.5.4 (#214)
* Update vue monorepo to v4.5.6 (#244)
* Update vue monorepo to v4.5.7 (#259)
* Update vue monorepo to v4.5.8 (#272)
* Use team update route to update a team member's admin status
## [0.14.1 - 2020-08-06]
### Fixed
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
This is the web frontend for Vikunja, written in Vue.js.
Add table
Reference in a new issue