[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 40 additions and 40 deletions
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"ready": {
"loading": "Vikunja se načítá…",
"errorOccured": "Došlo k chybě:",
"errorOccured": "An error occurred:",
"checkApiUrl": "Zkontrolujte, zda je adresa URL API správná.",
"noApiUrlConfigured": "Nebyla nakonfigurována žádná adresa API. Prosím nastavte jednu níže:"
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
"scanQR": "Případně můžete naskenovat tento QR kód:",
"passcode": "Přístupový kód",
"passcodePlaceholder": "Kód vygenerovaný vaší aplikací",
"setupSuccess": "Úspěšně jste nastavili dvoufaktorové ověření!",
"setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!",
"enterPassword": "Zadejte prosím heslo",
"disable": "Zakázat dvoufaktorové ověření",
"confirmSuccess": "Úspěšně jste potvrdili nastavení a od nynějška jej můžete používat!",
"disableSuccess": "Dvoufaktorové ověřování bylo úspěšně zakázáno."
"disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled."
"caldav": {
"title": "CalDAV",
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nový prostor",
"titleRequired": "Uveďte prosím název.",
"explanation": "Prostor je kolekce seznamů, které můžete sdílet a používat k organizaci seznamů. Každý seznam patří do nějakého prostoru.",
"explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.",
"tooltip": "Co je prostor?",
"success": "Prostor byl úspěšně vytvořen."
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
"canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.",
"learnhow": "Check out how it works",
"title": "Date Math",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.",
"similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.",
"add1Day": "Add one day",
@ -869,9 +869,9 @@
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"overview": "Navigate to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
"create": {
"title": "Neuer Namespace",
"titleRequired": "Bitte gebe einen Titel an.",
"explanation": "Ein Namespace ist eine Sammlung von Listen, die du teilen und zur Organisation verwenden kannst. Jede Liste zu einem Namespace.",
"explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.",
"tooltip": "Was ist ein Namespace?",
"success": "Der Namespace wurde erfolgreich erstellt."
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
"canuse": "Du kannst Datumsberechnung verwenden, um nach relativen Daten zu filtern.",
"learnhow": "Sieh dir an, wie es funktioniert",
"title": "Datumsberechnung",
"intro": "Die Datumsberechnung erlaubt es, relative Daten anzugeben, die bei der Anwendung des Filters von Vikunja aufgelöst werden.",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"expression": "Jeder Ausdruck der Datumsberechnung beginnt mit einem Datumswert, welcher entweder {0} sein kann oder mit {1} endet. Auf diesen Datumswert kann optional ein oder mehrere mathematische Ausdrücke folgen.",
"similar": "Diese Ausdrücke ähneln denen von {0} und {1}.",
"add1Day": "Einen Tag hinzufügen",
@ -869,9 +869,9 @@
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Die Startseite aufrufen",
"upcoming": "Anstehende Aufgaben aufrufen",
"namespaces": "Namespaces & Listen aufrufen",
"overview": "Navigate to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists",
"labels": "Labels aufrufen",
"teams": "Teams aufrufen"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"ready": {
"loading": "Chargement de Vikunja en cours…",
"errorOccured": "Une erreur s'est produite :",
"errorOccured": "An error occurred:",
"checkApiUrl": "Veuillez vérifier que l'URL de l'API est valide.",
"noApiUrlConfigured": "Aucune URL API n'a été configurée. Veuillez en définir une ci-dessous :"
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
"scanQR": "Tu peux également scanner ce code QR :",
"passcode": "Code",
"passcodePlaceholder": "Un code généré par ton appli de mot de passe à usage unique",
"setupSuccess": "Tu as maintenant configuré l’authentification à deux facteurs.",
"setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!",
"enterPassword": "Entre ton mot de passe",
"disable": "Désactiver l’authentification à deux facteurs",
"confirmSuccess": "Configuration du MDP à usage unique confirmée et utilisable.",
"disableSuccess": "Authentification à deux facteurs désactivée."
"disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled."
"caldav": {
"title": "CalDAV",
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nouvel espace de noms",
"titleRequired": "Indique un nom.",
"explanation": "Des collections de listes pour partager et organiser vos listes. En fait, chaque liste appartient à un espace de noms.",
"explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.",
"tooltip": "Qu’est-ce qu’un espace de noms ?",
"success": "Espace de noms créé."
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
"canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.",
"learnhow": "Check out how it works",
"title": "Date Math",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.",
"similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.",
"add1Day": "Add one day",
@ -869,9 +869,9 @@
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Accéder à la vue d'ensemble",
"upcoming": "Accéder aux prochaines tâches",
"namespaces": "Accéder aux espaces de noms et listes",
"overview": "Navigate to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists",
"labels": "Accéder aux étiquettes",
"teams": "Accéder aux équipes"
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
"canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.",
"learnhow": "Check out how it works",
"title": "Date Math",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.",
"similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.",
"add1Day": "Add one day",
@ -869,9 +869,9 @@
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"overview": "Navigate to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"ready": {
"loading": "Vikunja is aan het laden…",
"errorOccured": "Er is een fout opgetreden:",
"errorOccured": "An error occurred:",
"checkApiUrl": "Controleer of de API URL juist is.",
"noApiUrlConfigured": "Er is geen API URL geconfigureerd. Stel er hieronder een in:"
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
"scanQR": "Als alternatief kan je ook deze QR code scannen:",
"passcode": "Je toegangscode",
"passcodePlaceholder": "Een code gegenereerd door uw TOTP app",
"setupSuccess": "Je hebt met succes tweestapsverificatie ingesteld!",
"setupSuccess": "You've successfully set up two factor authentication!",
"enterPassword": "Voer alsjeblieft je wachtwoord in",
"disable": "Tweestapsverificatie uitschakelen",
"confirmSuccess": "Je hebt met succes je TOTP setup bevestigd en kan het van nu af aan gebruiken!",
"disableSuccess": "Authenticatie in twee stappen is succesvol uitgeschakeld."
"disableSuccess": "Two factor authentication was successfully disabled."
"caldav": {
"title": "CalDAV",
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nieuwe namespace",
"titleRequired": "Voer een titel in.",
"explanation": "Een Namespace is een verzameling lijsten die je kunt delen en gebruiken om je lijsten mee te organiseren. Iedere lijst hoort bij een Namespace.",
"explanation": "A namespace is a collection of lists you can share and use to organize your lists with. In fact, every list belongs to a namespace.",
"tooltip": "Wat is een namespace?",
"success": "De Namespace is succesvol gemaakt."
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
"canuse": "You can use date math to filter for relative dates.",
"learnhow": "Check out how it works",
"title": "Date Math",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specifiy relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.",
"similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.",
"add1Day": "Add one day",
@ -869,9 +869,9 @@
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"overview": "Navigate to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
"canuse": "Możesz użyć kalkulacji dat do względnego filtrowania dat.",
"learnhow": "Sprawdź jak to działa",
"title": "Kalkulacja daty",
"intro": "Kalkulacja daty pozwala względnie określić daty, które są przetwarzane przez Vikunję w locie, w czasie stosowania filtra.",
"intro": "Date Math allows you to specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"expression": "Każde wyrażenie kalkulacji daty rozpoczyna się datą zakotwiczenia, którą może być {0} lub wyrażeniem daty zakończonym {1}. Po tej dacie zakotwiczenia opcjonalnie może następować jedno lub więcej wyrażeń matematycznych.",
"similar": "Te wyrażenia są podobne do tych dostarczonych przez {0} i {1}.",
"add1Day": "Dodaj jeden dzień",
@ -869,9 +869,9 @@
"navigation": {
"title": "Nawigacja",
"overview": "Przejdź do przeglądu",
"upcoming": "Przejdź do nadchodzących zadań",
"namespaces": "Przejdź do sekcji i list",
"overview": "Navigate to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists",
"labels": "Przejdź do etykiet",
"teams": "Przejdź do zespołów"
@ -869,9 +869,9 @@
"navigation": {
"title": "Navegação",
"overview": "Navegar para a vista geral",
"upcoming": "Navegar para próximas tarefas",
"namespaces": "Navegar para espaços e listas",
"overview": "Navigate to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists",
"labels": "Navegar para etiquetas",
"teams": "Navegar para equipas"
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