[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 210 additions and 45 deletions
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "Obecné",
"allPages": "Tyto zkratky fungují na všech stránkách.",
"currentPageOnly": "Tyto zkratky fungují pouze na aktuální stránce.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Přepnout nabídku",
"quickSearch": "Otevřít vyhledávání / panel rychlých akcí",
"then": "potom",
"task": {
"title": "Stránka úkolů",
"done": "Hotovo",
"assign": "Přiřadit uživateli",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Přidat štítky k tomuto úkolu",
"dueDate": "Změnit termín tohoto úkolu",
"attachment": "Přidat přílohu k tomuto úkolu",
"related": "Upravit související úkoly tohoto úkolu"
"related": "Upravit související úkoly tohoto úkolu",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "Zobrazení seznamů",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Přepnout na zobrazení gantt",
"switchToKanbanView": "Přepnout na zobrazení kanbanu",
"switchToTableView": "Přepnout na zobrazení tabulky"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "Allgemein",
"allPages": "Diese Tastenkürzel funktionieren auf allen Seiten.",
"currentPageOnly": "Diese Tastenkürzel funktionieren nur auf der aktuellen Seite.",
"somePagesOnly": "Funktioniert nur auf manchen Seiten.",
"toggleMenu": "Das Menü umschalten",
"quickSearch": "Such-/Schnellaktionsleiste öffnen",
"then": "dann",
"task": {
"title": "Aufgabenseite",
"done": "Fertig",
"assign": "Benutzer:in zuweisen",
"done": "Aufgabe als erledigt / unerledigt markieren",
"assign": "Diese Aufgabe jemandem zuweisen",
"labels": "Dieser Aufgabe ein Label hinzufügen",
"dueDate": "Ändere das Fälligkeitsdatum dieser Aufgabe",
"attachment": "Einen Anhang dieser Aufgabe hinzufügen",
"related": "Ändere die Abhängigen Aufgaben dieser Aufgabe"
"related": "Ändere die Abhängigen Aufgaben dieser Aufgabe",
"color": "Die Farbe dieser Aufgabe ändern",
"move": "Diese Aufgabe in eine andere Liste verschieben"
"list": {
"title": "Listenansicht",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Zur Ganttansicht wechseln",
"switchToKanbanView": "Zur Kanbanansicht wechseln",
"switchToTableView": "Zur Tabellenansicht wechseln"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Die Startseite aufrufen",
"upcoming": "Anstehende Aufgaben aufrufen",
"namespaces": "Namespaces & Listen aufrufen",
"labels": "Labels aufrufen",
"teams": "Teams aufrufen"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "Allgemein",
"allPages": "Die Chürzl funktioniered uf allne Siitene.",
"currentPageOnly": "Die Chürzl funktioniered nur uf de momentane Siite.",
"somePagesOnly": "Funktioniert nur auf manchen Seiten.",
"toggleMenu": "Menü umschalte",
"quickSearch": "Suechi und Schnellaktionsliste öffne",
"then": "dann",
"task": {
"title": "Uufgabesiite",
"done": "Fertig",
"assign": "Benutzer:in zuweisen",
"done": "Aufgabe als erledigt / unerledigt markieren",
"assign": "Diese Aufgabe jemandem zuweisen",
"labels": "Labels ennere Uufgab hinzuefüege",
"dueDate": "S'Fälligkeitsdatum für die Uufgab ändere",
"attachment": "En Aahang dere Uufgab hinzuefüege",
"related": "Beziehige vo dere Uufgab bearbeite"
"related": "Beziehige vo dere Uufgab bearbeite",
"color": "Die Farbe dieser Aufgabe ändern",
"move": "Diese Aufgabe in eine andere Liste verschieben"
"list": {
"title": "Listenansicht",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Zur Ganttansicht wechseln",
"switchToKanbanView": "Zur Kanbanansicht wechseln",
"switchToTableView": "Zur Tabellenansicht wechseln"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Die Startseite aufrufen",
"upcoming": "Anstehende Aufgaben aufrufen",
"namespaces": "Namespaces & Listen aufrufen",
"labels": "Labels aufrufen",
"teams": "Teams aufrufen"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "General",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"then": "then",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Done",
"assign": "Assign to a user",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "List Views",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view",
"switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view",
"switchToTableView": "Switch to table view"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "Général",
"allPages": "Fonctionne sur toutes les pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "Fonctionnent uniquement sur la page en cours.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Basculer le menu",
"quickSearch": "Ouvrir la barre de recherche/action rapide",
"then": "puis",
"task": {
"title": "Page de tâche",
"done": "Terminé",
"assign": "Attribuer à un utilisateur",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Ajouter des étiquettes à cette tâche",
"dueDate": "Modifier la date d’échéance de cette tâche",
"attachment": "Ajouter une pièce jointe à cette tâche",
"related": "Modifier les tâches connexes de cette tâche"
"related": "Modifier les tâches connexes de cette tâche",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "Vues en liste",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Passer en vue Gantt",
"switchToKanbanView": "Passer en vue kanban",
"switchToTableView": "Passer en vue tableau"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "Generali",
"allPages": "Queste scorciatoie funzionano in tutte le pagine.",
"currentPageOnly": "Queste scorciatoie funzionano solo nella pagina attuale.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Attiva/Disattiva Menu",
"quickSearch": "Apri la barra di ricerca/azione rapida",
"then": "e dopo",
"task": {
"title": "Pagina Attività",
"done": "Fatto",
"assign": "Assegna a un utente",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Aggiungi etichette a questa attività",
"dueDate": "Modifica la data di scadenza di questa attività",
"attachment": "Aggiungi un allegato a questa attività",
"related": "Modifica le attività collegate a questa"
"related": "Modifica le attività collegate a questa",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "Viste Liste",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Passa alla vista Gantt",
"switchToKanbanView": "Passa alla vista Kanban",
"switchToTableView": "Passa alla vista Tabella"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "General",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"then": "then",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Done",
"assign": "Assign to a user",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "List Views",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view",
"switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view",
"switchToTableView": "Switch to table view"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "Ogólne",
"allPages": "Te skróty działają na wszystkich stronach.",
"currentPageOnly": "Te skróty działają tylko na bieżącej stronie.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Przełącz menu",
"quickSearch": "Otwórz pasek wyszukiwania/szybkiej akcji",
"then": "następnie",
"task": {
"title": "Widok zadań",
"done": "Ukończone",
"assign": "Przypisz do użytkownika",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Dodaj etykiety do tego zadania",
"dueDate": "Zmień termin wykonania tego zadania",
"attachment": "Dodaj załącznik do tego zadania",
"related": "Zmodyfikuj zadania powiązane z tym zadaniem"
"related": "Zmodyfikuj zadania powiązane z tym zadaniem",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "Widoki listy",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Przełącz na widok Gantta",
"switchToKanbanView": "Przełącz na widok Kanban",
"switchToTableView": "Przełącz na widok tabeli"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "General",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"then": "then",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Done",
"assign": "Assign to a user",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "List Views",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view",
"switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view",
"switchToTableView": "Switch to table view"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "Geral",
"allPages": "Estes atalhos funcionam em todas as páginas.",
"currentPageOnly": "Estes atalhos funcionamente apenas na página atual.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Alternar o Menu",
"quickSearch": "Abrir a pesquisa/barra de ação rápida",
"then": "então",
"task": {
"title": "Página de Tarefa",
"done": "Concluído",
"assign": "Atribuir a um utilizador",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Adicionar etiquetas a esta tarefa",
"dueDate": "Alterar a data de vencimento desta tarefa",
"attachment": "Adicionar um anexo a esta tarefa",
"related": "Modificar as tarefas relacionadas desta tarefa"
"related": "Modificar as tarefas relacionadas desta tarefa",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "Visualização em Lista",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Alternar para visualização em gráfico de Gantt",
"switchToKanbanView": "Alternar para visualização em método de Kanban",
"switchToTableView": "Alternar para visualização em tabela"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "General",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"then": "then",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Done",
"assign": "Assign to a user",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "List Views",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view",
"switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view",
"switchToTableView": "Switch to table view"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "General",
"allPages": "Работают на всех страницах.",
"currentPageOnly": "Работают только на текущей странице.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Переключить меню",
"quickSearch": "Открыть панель поиска/быстрых действий",
"then": "then",
"task": {
"title": "Страница задачи",
"done": "Done",
"assign": "Assign to a user",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Добавить метки этой задаче",
"dueDate": "Изменить срок этой задачи",
"attachment": "Добавить вложение к задаче",
"related": "Изменить связанные задачи"
"related": "Изменить связанные задачи",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "List Views",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view",
"switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view",
"switchToTableView": "Switch to table view"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "General",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"then": "then",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Done",
"assign": "Assign to a user",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "List Views",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view",
"switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view",
"switchToTableView": "Switch to table view"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "General",
"allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.",
"currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu",
"quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar",
"then": "then",
"task": {
"title": "Task Page",
"done": "Done",
"assign": "Assign to a user",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Add labels to this task",
"dueDate": "Change the due date of this task",
"attachment": "Add an attachment to this task",
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task"
"related": "Modify related tasks of this task",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "List Views",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view",
"switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view",
"switchToTableView": "Switch to table view"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
@ -785,17 +785,20 @@
"general": "Tổng quan",
"allPages": "Các phím tắt này hoạt động ở mọi nơi.",
"currentPageOnly": "Các phím tắt này chỉ hoạt động ở trang hiện tại.",
"somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.",
"toggleMenu": "Bật/tắt Menu",
"quickSearch": "Mở thanh tìm kiếm/thao tác nhanh",
"then": "sau đó",
"task": {
"title": "Trang công việc",
"done": "Done",
"assign": "Chỉ định một người",
"done": "Mark task done / undone",
"assign": "Assign this task to a user",
"labels": "Thêm nhãn cho công việc này",
"dueDate": "Thay đổi ngày hết hạn của công việc này",
"attachment": "Thêm tệp đính kèm cho công việc này",
"related": "Sửa đổi các công việc liên kết"
"related": "Sửa đổi các công việc liên kết",
"color": "Change the color of this task",
"move": "Move this task to another list"
"list": {
"title": "Xem danh sách",
@ -803,6 +806,14 @@
"switchToGanttView": "Chuyển sang biểu đồ Gantt",
"switchToKanbanView": "Chuyển sang Kanban",
"switchToTableView": "Chuyển qua xem Bảng"
"navigation": {
"title": "Navigation",
"overview": "Navigato to overview",
"upcoming": "Navigato to upcoming taks",
"namespaces": "Navigate to namepaces & lists",
"labels": "Navigate to labels",
"teams": "Navigate to teams"
"update": {
Add table
Reference in a new issue