[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 127 additions and 19 deletions
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Opravdu chcete odebrat tohoto uživatele z týmu?",
"text2": "Ztratí přístup ke všem seznamům a prostorům, k nimž má tento tým přístup. To NEMŮŽE BÝT VZATO ZPĚT!",
"success": "Uživatel byl úspěšně odstraněn z týmu."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese:n Benutzer:in aus dem Team entfernen willst?",
"text2": "Diese:r Benutzer:in verliert den Zugriff auf alle Listen und Namespaces auf die dieses Team Zugriff hat. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"success": "Der:die Benutzer:in wurde erfolgreich aus dem Team gelöscht."
"leave": {
"title": "Team verlassen",
"text1": "Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Team verlassen willst?",
"text2": "Du wirst Zugriff auf alle Listen und Namespaces verlieren, auf die dieses Team Zugriff hat. Wenn du deine Meinung änderst, musst du durch einen Team-Admin wieder hinzugefügt werden.",
"success": "Du hast das Team erfolgreich verlassen."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de Benutzer usm Team werfe wetsch?",
"text2": "Diese:r Benutzer:in verliert den Zugriff auf alle Listen und Namespaces auf die dieses Team Zugriff hat. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!",
"success": "Benutzer erfolgriich usegworfe."
"leave": {
"title": "Team verlassen",
"text1": "Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Team verlassen willst?",
"text2": "Du wirst Zugriff auf alle Listen und Namespaces verlieren, auf die dieses Team Zugriff hat. Wenn du deine Meinung änderst, musst du durch einen Team-Admin wieder hinzugefügt werden.",
"success": "Du hast das Team erfolgreich verlassen."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Retirer cette personne de l’équipe ?",
"text2": "Ils perdront l'accès à toutes les listes et espaces de noms auxquels cette équipe a accès. Ceci NE PEUT PAS ÊTRE ANNULÉ !",
"success": "Utilisateur·rice retiré·e de l’équipe."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Confermi di voler rimuovere questo utente dal gruppo?",
"text2": "Perderanno l'accesso a tutte le liste e i namespace a cui questo gruppo ha accesso. NON PUÒ ESSERE RIPRISTINATO!",
"success": "Utente rimosso dal gruppo."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Weet je zeker dat je deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen uit het team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika z zespołu?",
"text2": "Utraci on dostęp do wszystkich list i sekcji, do których ma dostęp ten zespół. Tego NIE DA SIĘ COFNĄĆ!",
"success": "Użytkownik został pomyślnie usunięty z zespołu."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -672,23 +672,23 @@
"updated": "Atualizado"
"subscription": {
"subscribedListThroughParentNamespace": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this list through its namespace.",
"subscribedTaskThroughParentNamespace": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this task through its namespace.",
"subscribedTaskThroughParentList": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this task through its list.",
"subscribedNamespace": "You are currently subscribed to this namespace and will receive notifications for changes.",
"notSubscribedNamespace": "You are not subscribed to this namespace and won't receive notifications for changes.",
"subscribedList": "You are currently subscribed to this list and will receive notifications for changes.",
"notSubscribedList": "You are not subscribed to this list and won't receive notifications for changes.",
"subscribedTask": "You are currently subscribed to this task and will receive notifications for changes.",
"notSubscribedTask": "You are not subscribed to this task and won't receive notifications for changes.",
"subscribedListThroughParentNamespace": "Não podes cancelar a tua subscrição aqui porque estás subscrito nesta lista através do seu espaço.",
"subscribedTaskThroughParentNamespace": "Não podes cancelar a tua subscrição aqui porque estás subscrito nesta tarefa através do seu espaço.",
"subscribedTaskThroughParentList": "Não podes cancelar a tua subscrição aqui porque estás subscrito nesta tarefa através da sua lista.",
"subscribedNamespace": "Estás atualmente subscrito a este espaço e serás notificado de alterações.",
"notSubscribedNamespace": "Não estás subscrito a este espaço e não serás notificado de alterações.",
"subscribedList": "Estás atualmente subscrito a esta lista e serás notificado de alterações.",
"notSubscribedList": "Não estás subscrito a esta lista e não serás notificado de alterações.",
"subscribedTask": "Estás atualmente subscrito a esta tarefa e serás notificado de alterações.",
"notSubscribedTask": "Não estás subscrito a esta tarefa e não serás notificado de alterações.",
"subscribe": "Subscrever",
"unsubscribe": "Remover Subscrição",
"subscribeSuccessNamespace": "You are now subscribed to this namespace",
"unsubscribeSuccessNamespace": "You are now unsubscribed to this namespace",
"subscribeSuccessList": "You are now subscribed to this list",
"unsubscribeSuccessList": "You are now unsubscribed to this list",
"subscribeSuccessTask": "You are now subscribed to this task",
"unsubscribeSuccessTask": "You are now unsubscribed to this task"
"subscribeSuccessNamespace": "Estás agora subscrito a este espaço",
"unsubscribeSuccessNamespace": "Não estás mais subcrito a este espaço",
"subscribeSuccessList": "Estás agora subscrito a esta lista",
"unsubscribeSuccessList": "Não estás mais subcrito a esta lista",
"subscribeSuccessTask": "Estás agora subscrito a esta tarefa",
"unsubscribeSuccessTask": "Não estás mais subcrito a esta tarefa"
"attachment": {
"title": "Anexos",
@ -701,10 +701,10 @@
"deleteText1": "Tens a certeza que pretendes eliminar o anexo {filename}?",
"copyUrl": "Copiar URL",
"copyUrlTooltip": "Copia o url deste anexo para o utilizar no texto",
"setAsCover": "Make cover",
"unsetAsCover": "Remove cover",
"successfullyChangedCoverImage": "The cover image was successfully changed.",
"usedAsCover": "Cover image"
"setAsCover": "Criar capa",
"unsetAsCover": "Remover capa",
"successfullyChangedCoverImage": "A imagem de capa foi alterada com sucesso.",
"usedAsCover": "Imagem de capa"
"comment": {
"title": "Comentários",
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Tens a certeza que pretendes remover este utilizador da equipa?",
"text2": "Eles perderão o acesso a todas as listas e espaços a que esta equipa tem acesso. Isto NÃO PODER SER REVERTIDO!",
"success": "O utilizador foi removido da equipa com sucesso."
"leave": {
"title": "Sair da equipa",
"text1": "Tens a certeza de que queres sair desta equipa?",
"text2": "Vais perder acesso a todas as listas e espaços a que esta equipa tem acesso. Se mudares de ideias, vais necessitar que um administrador da equipa te adicione novamente.",
"success": "Saíste da equipa com sucesso."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Удалить этого пользователя из команды?",
"text2": "Пользователь потеряет доступ ко всем спискам и пространствам имён, к котором есть доступ у команды. Это действие отменить нельзя!",
"success": "Пользователь удалён из команды."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Bạn có chắc muốn đưa thành viên này ra khỏi Team không?",
"text2": "Họ sẽ mất quyền truy cập vào tất cả danh sách và góc làm việc mà Team này có quyền truy cập. Điều đó KHÔNG THỂ HOÀN TÁC!",
"success": "Thành viên đã rời khỏi Team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
@ -853,6 +853,12 @@
"text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The user was successfully deleted from the team."
"leave": {
"title": "Leave team",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?",
"text2": "You will loose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "You have successfully left the team."
"attributes": {
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