Make backgrounds list responsive Show initial collection of backgrounds Remove test data Fix "backgroundInformation is null" when navigating Fix kanban height Remove debug log Move list title to top header Add styling for title in top header Set the current list (and background) when loading settings Only load the background if it changed Make task detail view look good again Fix bottom spacing Make list and table view look good again Make pages with background at least 100vh Fix kanban height Make extra buttons look good again Move list title and view-switcher in one row Add styling for backgrounds Set background globally Add getting list background and putting it in vuex Add setting list background Move list background setting to seperate list Add search timeout to not search on every keypress Add getting thumbnails through api Add basic search for unsplash backgrounds Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on:
529 lines
16 KiB
529 lines
16 KiB
<div class="loader-container task-view-container" :class="{ 'is-loading': taskService.loading}">
<div class="task-view">
<div class="heading">
<h1 class="title task-id" v-if="task.identifier === ''">
#{{ task.index }}
<h1 class="title task-id" v-else>
{{ task.identifier }}
<div class="is-done" v-if="task.done">Done</div>
<h1 class="title input" contenteditable="true" @focusout="saveTaskOnChange()" ref="taskTitle"
@keyup.ctrl.enter="saveTaskOnChange()">{{ task.title }}</h1>
<h6 class="subtitle" v-if="parent && parent.namespace && parent.list">
{{ parent.namespace.title }} >
<router-link :to="{ name: 'list.list', params: { listId: } }">
{{ parent.list.title }}
<!-- Content and buttons -->
<div class="columns">
<!-- Content -->
<div class="column">
<div class="columns details">
<div class="column assignees" v-if="activeFields.assignees">
<!-- Assignees -->
<div class="detail-title">
<icon icon="users"/>
<div class="column" v-if="activeFields.priority">
<!-- Priority -->
<div class="detail-title">
<icon :icon="['far', 'star']"/>
<priority-select v-model="task.priority" @change="saveTask" ref="priority"/>
<div class="column" v-if="activeFields.dueDate">
<!-- Due Date -->
<div class="detail-title">
<icon icon="calendar"/>
Due Date
<div class="date-input">
:class="{ 'disabled': taskService.loading}"
placeholder="Click here to set a due date"
<a v-if="dueDate" @click="() => {dueDate = task.dueDate = null;saveTask()}">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="times"></icon>
<div class="column" v-if="activeFields.percentDone">
<!-- Percent Done -->
<div class="detail-title">
<icon icon="percent"/>
Percent Done
<percent-done-select v-model="task.percentDone" @change="saveTask" ref="percentDone"/>
<div class="column" v-if="activeFields.startDate">
<!-- Start Date -->
<div class="detail-title">
<icon icon="calendar-week"/>
Start Date
<div class="date-input">
:class="{ 'disabled': taskService.loading}"
placeholder="Click here to set a start date"
<a v-if="task.startDate" @click="() => {task.startDate = null;saveTask()}">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="times"></icon>
<div class="column" v-if="activeFields.endDate">
<!-- End Date -->
<div class="detail-title">
<icon icon="calendar-week"/>
End Date
<div class="date-input">
:class="{ 'disabled': taskService.loading}"
placeholder="Click here to set an end date"
<a v-if="task.endDate" @click="() => {task.endDate = null;saveTask()}">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="times"></icon>
<div class="column" v-if="activeFields.reminders">
<!-- Reminders -->
<div class="detail-title">
<icon icon="history"/>
<reminders v-model="task.reminderDates" @change="saveTask" ref="reminders"/>
<div class="column" v-if="activeFields.repeatAfter">
<!-- Repeat after -->
<div class="detail-title">
<icon :icon="['far', 'clock']"/>
<repeat-after v-model="task.repeatAfter" @change="saveTask" ref="repeatAfter"/>
<!-- Labels -->
<div class="labels-list details" v-if="activeFields.labels">
<div class="detail-title">
<span class="icon is-grey">
<icon icon="tags"/>
<edit-labels :task-id="taskId" v-model="task.labels" ref="labels"/>
<!-- Description -->
<div class="details content" :class="{ 'has-top-border': activeFields.labels }">
<span class="icon is-grey">
<icon icon="align-left"/>
<!-- We're using a normal textarea until the problem with the icons is resolved in easymde -->
<!-- <easymde v-model="task.description" @change="saveTask"/>-->
placeholder="Click here to enter a description..."
<!-- Attachments -->
<div class="content attachments has-top-border" v-if="activeFields.attachments">
<!-- Related Tasks -->
<div class="content details has-top-border" v-if="activeFields.relatedTasks">
<span class="icon is-grey">
<icon icon="tasks"/>
Related Tasks
<!-- Move Task -->
<div class="content details has-top-border" v-if="activeFields.moveList">
<span class="icon is-grey">
<icon icon="list"/>
Move task to a different list
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="control is-expanded">
<list-search @selected="changeList"/>
<!-- Comments -->
<comments :task-id="taskId"/>
<div class="column is-one-third action-buttons">
class="button is-outlined noshadow has-no-border"
:class="{'is-success': !task.done}"
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="check-double"/></span>
<template v-if="task.done">
Mark as undone
<template v-else>
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('assignees')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="users"/></span>
Assign this task to a user
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('labels')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="tags"/></span>
Add labels
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('reminders')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="history"/></span>
Set Reminders
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('dueDate')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="calendar"/></span>
Set Due Date
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('startDate')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="calendar-week"/></span>
Set a Start Date
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('endDate')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="calendar-week"/></span>
Set an End Date
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('repeatAfter')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon :icon="['far', 'clock']"/></span>
Set a repeating interval
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('priority')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon :icon="['far', 'star']"/></span>
Set Priority
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('percentDone')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="percent"/></span>
Set Percent Done
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('attachments')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="paperclip"/></span>
Add attachments
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('relatedTasks')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="tasks"/></span>
Add task relations
<a class="button" @click="setFieldActive('moveList')">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="list"/></span>
Move task
<a class="button is-danger is-outlined noshadow has-no-border" @click="showDeleteModal = true">
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="trash-alt"/></span>
Delete task
<!-- Created / Updated [by] -->
@close="showDeleteModal = false"
<span slot="header">Delete this task</span>
<p slot="text">
Are you sure you want to remove this task? <br/>
This will also remove all attachments, reminders and relations associated with this task and
<b>cannot be undone!</b>
import TaskService from '../../services/task'
import TaskModel from '../../models/task'
import relationKinds from '../../models/relationKinds'
import priorites from '../../models/priorities'
import flatPickr from 'vue-flatpickr-component'
import 'flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.css'
import PrioritySelect from './reusable/prioritySelect'
import PercentDoneSelect from './reusable/percentDoneSelect'
import EditLabels from './reusable/editLabels'
import EditAssignees from './reusable/editAssignees'
import Attachments from './reusable/attachments'
import RelatedTasks from './reusable/relatedTasks'
import RepeatAfter from './reusable/repeatAfter'
import Reminders from './reusable/reminders'
import Comments from './reusable/comments'
import router from '../../router'
import ListSearch from './reusable/listSearch'
export default {
name: 'TaskDetailView',
components: {
data() {
return {
taskId: Number(this.$,
taskService: TaskService,
task: TaskModel,
relationKinds: relationKinds,
// The due date is a seperate property in the task to prevent flatpickr from modifying the task model
// in store right after updating it from the api resulting in the wrong due date format being saved in the task.
dueDate: null,
showDeleteModal: false,
taskTitle: '',
descriptionChanged: false,
priorities: priorites,
flatPickerConfig: {
altFormat: 'j M Y H:i',
altInput: true,
dateFormat: 'Y-m-d H:i',
enableTime: true,
time_24hr: true,
activeFields: {
assignees: false,
priority: false,
dueDate: false,
percentDone: false,
startDate: false,
endDate: false,
reminders: false,
repeatAfter: false,
labels: false,
attachments: false,
relatedTasks: false,
moveList: false,
watch: {
'$route': 'loadTask'
created() {
this.taskService = new TaskService()
this.task = new TaskModel()
mounted() {
computed: {
parent() {
if(!this.task.listId) {
return {
namespace: null,
list: null,
if(!this.$store.getters["namespaces/getListAndNamespaceById"]) {
return null
return this.$store.getters["namespaces/getListAndNamespaceById"](this.task.listId)
methods: {
loadTask() {
this.taskId = Number(this.$
this.taskService.get({id: this.taskId})
.then(r => {
this.$set(this, 'task', r)
this.taskTitle = this.task.title
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
setActiveFields() {
this.dueDate = +new Date(this.task.dueDate) === 0 ? null : this.task.dueDate
this.task.startDate = +new Date(this.task.startDate) === 0 ? null : this.task.startDate
this.task.endDate = +new Date(this.task.endDate) === 0 ? null : this.task.endDate
// Set all active fields based on values in the model
this.activeFields.assignees = this.task.assignees.length > 0
this.activeFields.priority = this.task.priority !== priorites.UNSET
this.activeFields.dueDate = this.task.dueDate !== null
this.activeFields.percentDone = this.task.percentDone > 0
this.activeFields.startDate = this.task.startDate !== null
this.activeFields.endDate = this.task.endDate !== null
// On chrome, reminderDates.length holds the actual number of reminders that are not null.
// Unlike on desktop where it holds all reminders, including the ones which are null.
// This causes the reminders to dissapear entierly when only one is set and the user is on mobile.
this.activeFields.reminders = this.task.reminderDates.length > 1 || (window.innerWidth < 769 && this.task.reminderDates.length > 0)
this.activeFields.repeatAfter = this.task.repeatAfter.amount > 0
this.activeFields.labels = this.task.labels.length > 0
this.activeFields.attachments = this.task.attachments.length > 0
this.activeFields.relatedTasks = Object.keys(this.task.relatedTasks).length > 0
saveTaskOnChange() {
this.$refs.taskTitle.spellcheck = false
// Pull the task title from the contenteditable
let taskTitle = this.$refs.taskTitle.textContent
this.task.title = taskTitle
// We only want to save if the title was actually change.
// Because the contenteditable does not have a change event,
// we're building it ourselves and only calling saveTask()
// if the task title changed.
if (this.task.title !== this.taskTitle) {
this.taskTitle = taskTitle
saveTask(undoCallback = null) {
this.task.dueDate = this.dueDate
// If no end date is being set, but a start date and due date,
// use the due date as the end date
if (this.task.endDate === null && this.task.startDate !== null && this.task.dueDate !== null) {
this.task.endDate = this.task.dueDate
this.$store.dispatch('tasks/update', this.task)
.then(r => {
this.$set(this, 'task', r)
let actions = []
if (undoCallback !== null) {
actions = [{
title: 'Undo',
callback: undoCallback,
this.dueDate = this.task.dueDate
this.success({message: 'The task was saved successfully.'}, this, actions)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
setFieldActive(fieldName) {
this.activeFields[fieldName] = true
this.$nextTick(() => this.$refs[fieldName].$el.focus())
deleteTask() {
this.$store.dispatch('tasks/delete', this.task)
.then(() => {
this.success({message: 'The task been deleted successfully.'}, this)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
toggleTaskDone() {
this.task.done = !this.task.done
this.saveTask(() => this.toggleTaskDone())
setDescriptionChanged(e) {
if (e.key === 'Enter' || e.key === 'Control') {
this.descriptionChanged = true
saveTaskIfDescriptionChanged() {
// We want to only save the description if it was changed.
// Since we can either trigger this with ctrl+enter or @change, it would be possible to save a task first
// with ctrl+enter and then with @change although nothing changed since the last save when @change gets fired.
// To only save one time we added this method.
if (this.descriptionChanged) {
this.descriptionChanged = false
changeList(list) {
this.task.listId =