"text1":"The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your namespaces, lists, tasks and everything associated with it.",
"text2":"To proceed, please enter your password. You will receive an email with further instructions.",
"confirm":"Delete my account",
"requestSuccess":"The request was successful. You'll receive an email with further instructions.",
"passwordRequired":"Please enter your password.",
"confirmSuccess":"You've successfully confirmed the deletion of your account. We will delete your account in three days.",
"scheduled":"We will delete your Vikunja account at {date} ({dateSince}).",
"scheduledCancel":"To cancel the deletion of your account, click here.",
"scheduledCancelText":"To cancel the deletion of your account, please enter your password below:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm":"Cancel the deletion of my account",
"scheduledCancelSuccess":"We will not delete your account."
"title":"Export your Vikunja data",
"description":"You can request a copy of all your Vikunja data. This include Namespaces, Lists, Tasks and everything associated to them. You can import this data in any Vikunja instance through the migration function.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired":"Please enter your password to proceed:",
"request":"Request a copy of my Vikunja Data",
"success":"You've successfully requested your Vikunja Data! We will send you an email once it's ready to download.",
"downloadTitle":"Download your exported Vikunja data"
"archived":"This list is archived. It is not possible to create new or edit tasks for it.",
"title":"List Title",
"search":"Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect":"Click or press enter to select this list",
"explanation":"Share Links allow you to easily share a list with other users who don't have an account on Vikunja.",
"create":"Create a new link share",
"name":"Name (optional)",
"namePlaceholder":"e.g. Lorem Ipsum",
"nameExplanation":"All actions done by this link share will show up with the name.",
"password":"Password (optional)",
"passwordExplanation":"When authenticating, the user will be required to enter this password.",
"noName":"No name set",
"remove":"Remove a link share",
"removeText":"Are you sure you want to remove this link share? It will no longer be possible to access this list with this link share. This cannot be undone!",
"createSuccess":"The link share was successfully created.",
"deleteSuccess":"The link share was successfully deleted"
"typeUser":"user | users",
"typeTeam":"team | teams",
"shared":"Shared with these {type}",
"notShared":"Not shared with any {type} yet.",
"removeHeader":"Remove a {type} from the {sharable}",
"removeText":"Are you sure you want to remove this {sharable} from the {type}? This cannot be undone!",
"removeSuccess":"The {sharable} was successfully removed from the {type}.",
"addedSuccess":"The {type} was successfully added.",
"updatedSuccess":"The {type} was successfully added."
"read":"Read only",
"readWrite":"Read & write",
"sharedBy":"Shared by",
"addPlaceholder":"Add a new task…",
"empty":"This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta":"Create a new task.",
"editTask":"Edit Task"
"showTasksWithoutDates":"Show tasks which don't have dates set",
"noDates":"This task has no dates set."
"limit":"Limit: {limit}",
"noLimit":"Not Set",
"doneBucket":"Done bucket",
"doneBucketHint":"All tasks moved into this bucket will automatically marked as done.",
"doneBucketHintExtended":"All tasks moved into the done bucket will be marked as done automatically. All tasks marked as done from elsewhere will be moved as well.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess":"The done bucket has been saved successfully.",
"deleteLast":"You cannot remove the last bucket.",
"addTaskPlaceholder":"Enter the new task title…",
"addTask":"Add a task",
"addAnotherTask":"Add another task",
"addBucket":"Create a new bucket",
"addBucketPlaceholder":"Enter the new bucket title…",
"deleteHeaderBucket":"Delete the bucket",
"deleteBucketText1":"Are you sure you want to delete this bucket?",
"deleteBucketText2":"This will not delete any tasks but move them into the default bucket.",
"deleteBucketSuccess":"The bucket has been deleted successfully.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess":"The bucket title has been saved successfully.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess":"The bucket limit been saved successfully.",
"collapse":"Collapse this bucket"
"title":"Namespaces & Lists",
"showArchived":"Show Archived",
"noneAvailable":"You don't have any namespaces right now.",
"noLists":"This namespace does not contain any lists.",
"createList":"Create a new list in this namespace.",
"success":"The namespace was successfully created."
"titleArchive":"Archive \"{namespace}\"",
"titleUnarchive":"Un-Archive \"{namespace}\"",
"archiveText":"You won't be able to edit this namespace or create new lists until you un-archive it. This will also archive all lists in this namespace.",
"unarchiveText":"You will be able to create new lists or edit it.",
"success":"The namespace was successfully archived.",
"description":"A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action":"Create new saved filter"
"header":"Delete this saved filter",
"text":"Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter?",
"success":"The filter was deleted successfully."
"title":"Edit This Saved Filter",
"success":"The filter was saved successfully."
"title":"Migrate from other services to Vikunja",
"titleService":"Import your data from {name} into Vikunja",
"import":"Import your data into Vikunja",
"description":"Click on the logo of one of the third-party services below to get started.",
"descriptionDo":"Vikunja will import all lists, tasks, notes, reminders and files you have access to.",
"authorize":"To authorize Vikunja to access your {name} Account, click the button below.",
"getStarted":"Get Started",
"inProgress":"Importing in progress…",
"alreadyMigrated1":"It looks like you've already imported your stuff from {name} at {date}.",
"alreadyMigrated2":"Importing again is possible, but might create duplicates. Are you sure?",
"confirm":"I am sure, please start migrating now!",
"importUpload":"To import data from {name} into Vikunja, click the button below to select a file.",
"upload":"Upload file"
"manage":"Manage labels",
"description":"Click on a label to edit it. You can edit all labels you created, you can use all labels which are associated with a task to whose list you have access.",
"newCTA":"You currently do not have any labels.",
"search":"Type to search for a label…",
"header":"New label",
"title":"Create a new label",
"titleRequired":"Please specify a title.",
"success":"The label was successfully created."
"header":"Edit Label",
"forbidden":"You are not allowed to edit this label because you dont own it.",
"success":"The label was successfully updated."
"deleteSuccess":"The label was successfully deleted.",
"titlePlaceholder":"The label title goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder":"Label description",
"passwordRequired":"This shared list requires a password. Please enter it below:",
"expression":"Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.",
"similar":"These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.",
"add1Day":"Add one day",
"minus1Day":"Subtract one day",
"roundDay":"Round down to the nearest day",
"supportedUnits":"Supported time units are:",
"someExamples":"Some examples of time expressions:",
"now":"Right now",
"in24h":"In 24h",
"today":"Today at 00:00",
"beginningOfThisWeek":"The beginning of this week at 00:00",
"endOfThisWeek":"The end of this week",
"in30Days":"In 30 days",
"datePlusMonth":"{0} plus one month at 00:00 of that day"
"intro":"When creating a task, you can use special keywords to directly add attributes to the newly created task. This allows to add commonly used attributes to tasks much faster.",
"multiple":"You can use this multiple times.",
"label1":"To add a label, simply prefix the name of the label with {prefix}.",
"label2":"Vikunja will first check if the label already exist and create it if not.",
"label3":"To use spaces, simply add a \" around the label name.",
"label4":"For example: {prefix}\"Label with spaces\".",
"priority1":"To set a task's priority, add a number 1-5, prefixed with a {prefix}.",
"priority2":"The higher the number, the higher the priority.",
"assignees":"To directly assign the task to a user, add their username prefixed with {prefix} to the task.",
"list1":"To set a list for the task to appear in, enter its name prefixed with {prefix}.",
"list2":"This will return an error if the list does not exist.",
"dateAndTime":"Date and time",
"date":"Any date will be used as the due date of the new task. You can use dates in any of these formats:",
"dateWeekday":"any weekday, will use the next date with that date",
"dateCurrentYear":"will use the current year",
"dateNth":"will use the {day}th of the current month",
"dateTime":"Combine any of the date formats with \"{time}\" (or {timePM}) to set a time.",
"repeats":"Repeating tasks",
"repeatsDescription":"To set a task as repeating in an interval, simply add '{suffix}' to the task text. The amount needs to be a number and can be omitted to use just the type (see examples)."
"hint":"You can use {list} to limit the search to a list. Combine {list} or {label} (labels) with a search query to search for a task with these labels or on that list. Use {assignee} to only search for teams.",